Tillerson: The New Cheney.

Halliburton makes oil field equipment and provides services to oil companies. KBR is the military contractor.
KBR was a Halliburton division.

Your buddy dick had Halliburton working in Iran helping Iran produce more oil that thy sold & used the money to make IED's that slaughtered our troops. And you think that is just good business?

Halliburton makes oil field equipment and provides services to oil companies. KBR is the military contractor.
KBR was a Halliburton division.

Your buddy dick had Halliburton working in Iran helping Iran produce more oil that thy sold & used the money to make IED's that slaughtered our troops. And you think that is just good business?

Cheney did not run Halliburton after July 25th, 2000. Get your facts straight.
He held stock options & received compensation well after that date.

I bet you believe your buddy Trump when he said he will have nothing to do with his companies.

He had a deferred compensation plan that was not based on the company making any more or any less money. The liberal Dems tried this idiotic line of reasoning for years now and failed miserably.

Why do you want to go down in flames also? Are you a masochist?
Stock options.

This line of reasoning that Cheney gave Halliburton no favors works for the people who were duped enough to vote for Trump.

I have asked before and you always renege. Where are your links to verify your grand delusions?
...for his past relationship with them. Which YOU posted but didn't understand. You want to argue the Bush/Cheney years ...still? The best part of it was libs lost their minds and many never made it back. I missed those years but thank God I get to see the foamings renewed over Trump. Can't wait for the pepper spray!
And those like you that were duped to elect Bush Cheney who nearly killed America would strill be as stupid to elect a Trump.

I love it how proud you are to be so uninformed & duped.
Nearly killed America? LOL, we have suffered 1% gdp growth for many years now and are 20 trillion in debt. You prove that liberalism is a mental disorder.

What Obama year did we have less than 1% growth in the GDP? How many quarters?

Bush started with low unemployment, good growth, a balanced budget & left with an economy SHRINKING at a rate of over 6%, the worst recession in 80 years, two quagmire wars, doubling the debt, a trillion plus deficit, And stood before America & told us we had to bail out Wall Street or risk a total meltdown of our financial system/. Yes, I say that is nearly killing America,
Less than 1%? When did I say that? Bush years only had one and libtards love to try to blame everything on him. It's dishonest to pretend his policies caused the housing market crash and all the fallout. You can't twist the fact that obama has had a full 8 years now with his policies and we have shit for growth and 20 trillion in debt.
When you aid we suffered 1% for years,. Prove it, asshole. What year was the GDP growth 1%?

But hey, keep being the dumbass you are & blame Obama for the effects of the Bush recession.

:Lets see how your orange cheeto does maintaining the string of months with job growth.
Trump will do better than part time burger flipper jobs. We all know the economy sucks, unless you have a government job or are living off government confiscated monies.
And those like you that were duped to elect Bush Cheney who nearly killed America would strill be as stupid to elect a Trump.

I love it how proud you are to be so uninformed & duped.
Nearly killed America? LOL, we have suffered 1% gdp growth for many years now and are 20 trillion in debt. You prove that liberalism is a mental disorder.

What Obama year did we have less than 1% growth in the GDP? How many quarters?

Bush started with low unemployment, good growth, a balanced budget & left with an economy SHRINKING at a rate of over 6%, the worst recession in 80 years, two quagmire wars, doubling the debt, a trillion plus deficit, And stood before America & told us we had to bail out Wall Street or risk a total meltdown of our financial system/. Yes, I say that is nearly killing America,
Less than 1%? When did I say that? Bush years only had one and libtards love to try to blame everything on him. It's dishonest to pretend his policies caused the housing market crash and all the fallout. You can't twist the fact that obama has had a full 8 years now with his policies and we have shit for growth and 20 trillion in debt.
When you aid we suffered 1% for years,. Prove it, asshole. What year was the GDP growth 1%?

But hey, keep being the dumbass you are & blame Obama for the effects of the Bush recession.

:Lets see how your orange cheeto does maintaining the string of months with job growth.
Trump will do better than part time burger flipper jobs. We all know the economy sucks, unless you have a government job or are living off government confiscated monies.

Your "part time" lie debunked.

The Spectacular Myth of Obama's Part-Time America—in 5 Graphs

You want to see a sucky economy, see Bush's. We lost one of of three manufacturing jobs under Bush.
KBR was a Halliburton division.

Your buddy dick had Halliburton working in Iran helping Iran produce more oil that thy sold & used the money to make IED's that slaughtered our troops. And you think that is just good business?

KBR was a Halliburton division.

Your buddy dick had Halliburton working in Iran helping Iran produce more oil that thy sold & used the money to make IED's that slaughtered our troops. And you think that is just good business?

Cheney did not run Halliburton after July 25th, 2000. Get your facts straight.
He held stock options & received compensation well after that date.

I bet you believe your buddy Trump when he said he will have nothing to do with his companies.

He had a deferred compensation plan that was not based on the company making any more or any less money. The liberal Dems tried this idiotic line of reasoning for years now and failed miserably.

Why do you want to go down in flames also? Are you a masochist?
Stock options.

This line of reasoning that Cheney gave Halliburton no favors works for the people who were duped enough to vote for Trump.

I have asked before and you always renege. Where are your links to verify your grand delusions?

I posted a link previously where they discussed Cheney's stock options.
Mr Exxon said yesterday that we should not blame Russia for the hacking & interference. It was Obama's fault for being weak. When asked what he would have done different, he said threaten with military action.

Just like Cheney funneled billions to Halliburton, watch Exxon Mobile get billions when Tillerson/Trump remove the sanctions on Russia.

Cheney & Tillerson love war - just think of their profits they can make when oil prices soar during war.

Nearly killed America? LOL, we have suffered 1% gdp growth for many years now and are 20 trillion in debt. You prove that liberalism is a mental disorder.

What Obama year did we have less than 1% growth in the GDP? How many quarters?

Bush started with low unemployment, good growth, a balanced budget & left with an economy SHRINKING at a rate of over 6%, the worst recession in 80 years, two quagmire wars, doubling the debt, a trillion plus deficit, And stood before America & told us we had to bail out Wall Street or risk a total meltdown of our financial system/. Yes, I say that is nearly killing America,
Less than 1%? When did I say that? Bush years only had one and libtards love to try to blame everything on him. It's dishonest to pretend his policies caused the housing market crash and all the fallout. You can't twist the fact that obama has had a full 8 years now with his policies and we have shit for growth and 20 trillion in debt.
When you aid we suffered 1% for years,. Prove it, asshole. What year was the GDP growth 1%?

But hey, keep being the dumbass you are & blame Obama for the effects of the Bush recession.

:Lets see how your orange cheeto does maintaining the string of months with job growth.
Trump will do better than part time burger flipper jobs. We all know the economy sucks, unless you have a government job or are living off government confiscated monies.

Your "part time" lie debunked.

The Spectacular Myth of Obama's Part-Time America—in 5 Graphs

You want to see a sucky economy, see Bush's. We lost one of of three manufacturing jobs under Bush.
LOL, you shot yourself in the foot. Again.

"The entire increase in part-time employment happened before Obamacare became a law."

The economy was doing pretty good during the Bush years considering Katrina, 9/11, then the housing market crashed taking a whole bunch with it. Explain how it was Bush's fault.
Mr Exxon said yesterday that we should not blame Russia for the hacking & interference. It was Obama's fault for being weak. When asked what he would have done different, he said threaten with military action.

Just like Cheney funneled billions to Halliburton, watch Exxon Mobile get billions when Tillerson/Trump remove the sanctions on Russia.

Cheney & Tillerson love war - just think of their profits they can make when oil prices soar during war.

Nah, Tillerson has never put a load of birdshot in a pal's face for the hell of it. :lol: But will Dirty Dick give Tillerson his hurricane-machine for a Sandy-do-over to punish New Jersey and New York for trying to put Hillary in the White House?

So, dick Cheney pushed for war & only Halliburton is set up to help. And you believe that happened by accident.

So, Obama pushed for more wars, and only Halliburton is set up to help.
How is it any different? Cheney had no connection to Halliburton when he was VP.
What wars did Obama push for? He had enough dealing with the mess your hero Cheney created in the Middle East.
All that was debunked many years ago. You are stuck on stupid.
Never debunked at all. Cheney got a 34 million dollar payout when he named himself VP.

He did no such thing. Cheney presented his recommendations for VP but Bush chose him. Stop making shit up. Also, the voters selected Bush and him over Algore and "Baby Daddy" Edwards.

Sure, Cheney Never hinted at it. Nooooooooooo. wink wink.

Edwards cheated on his wife & got expensive haircuts. You a=have a fit & then elect Trump who cheated on his pregnant wife & his mistress at that time.

Hypocrite much?
What Obama year did we have less than 1% growth in the GDP? How many quarters?

Bush started with low unemployment, good growth, a balanced budget & left with an economy SHRINKING at a rate of over 6%, the worst recession in 80 years, two quagmire wars, doubling the debt, a trillion plus deficit, And stood before America & told us we had to bail out Wall Street or risk a total meltdown of our financial system/. Yes, I say that is nearly killing America,
Less than 1%? When did I say that? Bush years only had one and libtards love to try to blame everything on him. It's dishonest to pretend his policies caused the housing market crash and all the fallout. You can't twist the fact that obama has had a full 8 years now with his policies and we have shit for growth and 20 trillion in debt.
When you aid we suffered 1% for years,. Prove it, asshole. What year was the GDP growth 1%?

But hey, keep being the dumbass you are & blame Obama for the effects of the Bush recession.

:Lets see how your orange cheeto does maintaining the string of months with job growth.
Trump will do better than part time burger flipper jobs. We all know the economy sucks, unless you have a government job or are living off government confiscated monies.

Your "part time" lie debunked.

The Spectacular Myth of Obama's Part-Time America—in 5 Graphs

You want to see a sucky economy, see Bush's. We lost one of of three manufacturing jobs under Bush.
LOL, you shot yourself in the foot. Again.

"The entire increase in part-time employment happened before Obamacare became a law."

The economy was doing pretty good during the Bush years considering Katrina, 9/11, then the housing market crashed taking a whole bunch with it. Explain how it was Bush's fault.

You lied about part time jobs.

Since you give no space for Obama for taking office under all that I had posted, you don't get to produce excuses for your buddy Bush.

Here is a list:

Two unfunded quagmire wars
unfunded tax cuts
unfunded expansion to Medicare
Unfunded earmarks
No regulation of wall street
encouraged the housing spurt
Iraq War based on lies
Cheney did not run Halliburton after July 25th, 2000. Get your facts straight.
He held stock options & received compensation well after that date.

I bet you believe your buddy Trump when he said he will have nothing to do with his companies.

He had a deferred compensation plan that was not based on the company making any more or any less money. The liberal Dems tried this idiotic line of reasoning for years now and failed miserably.

Why do you want to go down in flames also? Are you a masochist?
Stock options.

This line of reasoning that Cheney gave Halliburton no favors works for the people who were duped enough to vote for Trump.

I have asked before and you always renege. Where are your links to verify your grand delusions?

I posted a link previously where they discussed Cheney's stock options.

So? It should be easier for you to find than me.
So, Obama pushed for more wars, and only Halliburton is set up to help.
How is it any different? Cheney had no connection to Halliburton when he was VP.
What wars did Obama push for? He had enough dealing with the mess your hero Cheney created in the Middle East.
All that was debunked many years ago. You are stuck on stupid.
Never debunked at all. Cheney got a 34 million dollar payout when he named himself VP.

He did no such thing. Cheney presented his recommendations for VP but Bush chose him. Stop making shit up. Also, the voters selected Bush and him over Algore and "Baby Daddy" Edwards.

Sure, Cheney Never hinted at it. Nooooooooooo. wink wink.

Edwards cheated on his wife & got expensive haircuts. You a=have a fit & then elect Trump who cheated on his pregnant wife & his mistress at that time.

Hypocrite much?

Edwards fathered a child with his mistress while his wife was dying of cancer!
Less than 1%? When did I say that? Bush years only had one and libtards love to try to blame everything on him. It's dishonest to pretend his policies caused the housing market crash and all the fallout. You can't twist the fact that obama has had a full 8 years now with his policies and we have shit for growth and 20 trillion in debt.
When you aid we suffered 1% for years,. Prove it, asshole. What year was the GDP growth 1%?

But hey, keep being the dumbass you are & blame Obama for the effects of the Bush recession.

:Lets see how your orange cheeto does maintaining the string of months with job growth.
Trump will do better than part time burger flipper jobs. We all know the economy sucks, unless you have a government job or are living off government confiscated monies.

Your "part time" lie debunked.

The Spectacular Myth of Obama's Part-Time America—in 5 Graphs

You want to see a sucky economy, see Bush's. We lost one of of three manufacturing jobs under Bush.
LOL, you shot yourself in the foot. Again.

"The entire increase in part-time employment happened before Obamacare became a law."

The economy was doing pretty good during the Bush years considering Katrina, 9/11, then the housing market crashed taking a whole bunch with it. Explain how it was Bush's fault.

You lied about part time jobs.

Since you give no space for Obama for taking office under all that I had posted, you don't get to produce excuses for your buddy Bush.

Here is a list:

Two unfunded quagmire wars
unfunded tax cuts
unfunded expansion to Medicare
Unfunded earmarks
No regulation of wall street
encouraged the housing spurt
Iraq War based on lies
Unfunded tax cuts? LOL!!!!!!!!!

That says it all right there! You think it was the government's money in the first place. Case closed, you're an idiot. Also congress voted for and funded the war, you're full of shit. No regulation of Wall Street? That's bullshit and the president doesn't have the authority. The lies are all yours:

Obama’s Part-time Nation

A recent Gallup survey, for instance, shows 56 percent of Americans saying the economy is getting worse while 39 percent said the economy is improving.

In his July 13 article, “Full-Time Scandal of Part-Time America,” U.S. News & World Report editor in chief Mortimer Zuckerman provided a more realistic portrayal than Biden and Obama of the actual state of the U.S. economy.

“There has been a distinctive odor of hype lately about the national jobs report for June,” asserted Zuckerman, regarding the official economic reports for June 2014.

Here, for instance, was the optimistic reporting from the Wall Street Journal: “U.S. employers added jobs at a robust clip in June and the unemployment rate fell, signs of labor-market strength as the economic recovery heads into its sixth year. Nonfarm employment advanced at a seasonally adjusted 288,000 last month.”

Zuckerman added a note of caution: “Most people will have the impression that the 288,000 jobs created last month were full-time” because much of the reporting “didn’t distinguish between new part-time jobs and full-time jobs.”

In fact, the number of full-time jobs in June dropped by 523,000, reported the Bureau of Labor Statistics, while part-time jobs increased by 799,000.

Placing the news about the 523,000 decline in full-time employment in June in a non-headline position, the “288,000 jobs created” headlines produced a false picture of a strong and continuing economic recovery.

In contrast, news reports headlining “523,000 full-time jobs lost in June” would have been more accurate and less rose-tinted.
ve that kind of control.
Mr Exxon said yesterday that we should not blame Russia for the hacking & interference. It was Obama's fault for being weak. When asked what he would have done different, he said threaten with military action.

Just like Cheney funneled billions to Halliburton, watch Exxon Mobile get billions when Tillerson/Trump remove the sanctions on Russia.

Cheney & Tillerson love war - just think of their profits they can make when oil prices soar during war.
I respect Dick Cheney. Brilliant man and family. If Tillersen is anything like him, then we are in good hands.

Life is beautiful. Free at last, free at last. Thank God Almighty, we are free of Obama at last!

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