Tim Allen: Being conservative in Hollywood is like 1930s Germany

This perpetually unfunny twat is always whining about this. Oh, poor poor Tim Allen, life's so hard being an unfunny conservative in Hollywood. Waaaaahh Waaaaahhhh! Don't like it? Then get the fuck out of there and move to the south where you belong, stupid redneck idiot.
Tim Allen On ‘Last Man Standing’ Cancellation: “Nothing More Dangerous Than A Likable Conservative”

Tim Allens say he still has no idea why ABC “did what they did” in canceling his popular
Last Man Standing sitcom, but suggests “There’s nothing more dangerous right now than a likable conservative.”

Allen, speaking to Norm Macdonald on the latter’s podcast yesterday, said the cancelation of his show last May “was handled very badly.”

“I have no idea why they did what they did,” he said. And, he adds, his show would have made a good lead-in for the upcoming Roseanne revival...
NOthing but making excuses for the abuse of power by the partisan lefties in Hollywood.

If the situation was reversed, you assholes would be burning down movie theaters.

Abuse of power? LOL It isn't government Cubby, it's an industry. Conservatives whine about 'the free market' until the free market rejects them outright. And that is all that is happening here. When you own a television network then you can decide which shows are on air and which aren't. I generally like Tim Allen but he is a whiner. He takes millions of dollars from an industry and they make a business decision he doesn't like and he likens the entire industry to Germany. Get out then Tim, go back to touring or do something else. Or get your con pals together and start your own studio and network.

But he won't and conservatives won't ever do that. They aren't creative enough and no one would watch what the put out.

Economics 101, if no one is buying your product you need to find a new business. Whining about 'oh the real world is too hard' won't get you anywhere and I would guess very few people would want to hire him now that he has badmouthed an entire industry.

No one "owns" a network, they have investors or stockholders that they have a professional and ethical responsibility to to maximize return.

Making decisions based on personal political beliefs is a betray of that trust and an abuse of power.

Your rationalizations for the way the liberals discriminate against people that are different from them, is just you being a bigot.

Riiiight. Nobody makes decisions, they send out an email on everything and find out what 'shareholders' want to do.

You know very little about business or you are intentionally obtuse. Either way you have no argument but you are trying your best with popsicle sticks to build one.

I said nothing that called for you to say, "nobody makes decision, they send out an email".

That was you inventing a strawman because you could not refute my point(s).

That is a tacit admission that you know I am right.

You don't follow a conversation, you simply use poorly placed and incorrect terms that you don't understand. Have another Popsicle.

Says the man that made no effort to clarify his comment(s) that he claims I could not follow.

Looks more like a dodge from someone who got stone cold busted.

My initial point stands, untouched and unaddressed by your pap.

No one "owns" a network, they have investors or stockholders that they have a professional and ethical responsibility to to maximize return.

Making decisions based on personal political beliefs is a betray of that trust and an abuse of power.

Your rationalizations for the way the liberals discriminate against people that are different from them, is just you being a bigot.
I agree. Nazis are marching in the street. The country is divided with white supremacist in the WH. The leader of this country calls Nazis "good people." The country's leader want to wall off the country to preserve its "whiteness."

Yup, sounds like 1930's Germany.
NOthing but making excuses for the abuse of power by the partisan lefties in Hollywood.

If the situation was reversed, you assholes would be burning down movie theaters.

Abuse of power? LOL It isn't government Cubby, it's an industry. Conservatives whine about 'the free market' until the free market rejects them outright. And that is all that is happening here. When you own a television network then you can decide which shows are on air and which aren't. I generally like Tim Allen but he is a whiner. He takes millions of dollars from an industry and they make a business decision he doesn't like and he likens the entire industry to Germany. Get out then Tim, go back to touring or do something else. Or get your con pals together and start your own studio and network.

But he won't and conservatives won't ever do that. They aren't creative enough and no one would watch what the put out.

Economics 101, if no one is buying your product you need to find a new business. Whining about 'oh the real world is too hard' won't get you anywhere and I would guess very few people would want to hire him now that he has badmouthed an entire industry.

No one "owns" a network, they have investors or stockholders that they have a professional and ethical responsibility to to maximize return.

Making decisions based on personal political beliefs is a betray of that trust and an abuse of power.

Your rationalizations for the way the liberals discriminate against people that are different from them, is just you being a bigot.

So do we have to watch a show about dick head Republicans? All we did was exercise our freedom to not watch that bullshit.

Everything I heard was that it has quite high ratings and was cancelled anyways.
They moved family guy to 12:30 and put this crap on at 11. I now go to bed at 11.

When us liberals hear a con cracking on us we don't think it's funny and there aren't enough of you.

If mama on mamas family talked politics she'd probably have been cancelled too

I never watched the show, but I doubt that it was all about making fun of you libs.

And as I said, my understanding is that the ratings were quite good.
This perpetually unfunny twat is always whining about this. Oh, poor poor Tim Allen, life's so hard being an unfunny conservative in Hollywood. Waaaaahh Waaaaahhhh! Don't like it? Then get the fuck out of there and move to the south where you belong, stupid redneck idiot.

Your bigotry, racism and bile is noted and held against you.

All of that aside, you seem to be supporting the idea tha conservatives are discriminated against in Hollywood.

That's pretty shitty of you. How do you justify that position?
Abuse of power? LOL It isn't government Cubby, it's an industry. Conservatives whine about 'the free market' until the free market rejects them outright. And that is all that is happening here. When you own a television network then you can decide which shows are on air and which aren't. I generally like Tim Allen but he is a whiner. He takes millions of dollars from an industry and they make a business decision he doesn't like and he likens the entire industry to Germany. Get out then Tim, go back to touring or do something else. Or get your con pals together and start your own studio and network.

But he won't and conservatives won't ever do that. They aren't creative enough and no one would watch what the put out.

Economics 101, if no one is buying your product you need to find a new business. Whining about 'oh the real world is too hard' won't get you anywhere and I would guess very few people would want to hire him now that he has badmouthed an entire industry.

No one "owns" a network, they have investors or stockholders that they have a professional and ethical responsibility to to maximize return.

Making decisions based on personal political beliefs is a betray of that trust and an abuse of power.

Your rationalizations for the way the liberals discriminate against people that are different from them, is just you being a bigot.

So do we have to watch a show about dick head Republicans? All we did was exercise our freedom to not watch that bullshit.

Everything I heard was that it has quite high ratings and was cancelled anyways.
They moved family guy to 12:30 and put this crap on at 11. I now go to bed at 11.

When us liberals hear a con cracking on us we don't think it's funny and there aren't enough of you.

If mama on mamas family talked politics she'd probably have been cancelled too

I never watched the show, but I doubt that it was all about making fun of you libs.

And as I said, my understanding is that the ratings were quite good.
I couldn't understand how tool time lasted so long.

Let's see if the new will and grace do better. The real O'Neals was bad. Too much about the flamboyant gay boy
No one "owns" a network, they have investors or stockholders that they have a professional and ethical responsibility to to maximize return.

Making decisions based on personal political beliefs is a betray of that trust and an abuse of power.

Your rationalizations for the way the liberals discriminate against people that are different from them, is just you being a bigot.

So do we have to watch a show about dick head Republicans? All we did was exercise our freedom to not watch that bullshit.

Everything I heard was that it has quite high ratings and was cancelled anyways.
They moved family guy to 12:30 and put this crap on at 11. I now go to bed at 11.

When us liberals hear a con cracking on us we don't think it's funny and there aren't enough of you.

If mama on mamas family talked politics she'd probably have been cancelled too

I never watched the show, but I doubt that it was all about making fun of you libs.

And as I said, my understanding is that the ratings were quite good.
I couldn't understand how tool time lasted so long.

Let's see if the new will and grace do better. The real O'Neals was bad. Too much about the flamboyant gay boy

I only watched ONE Will and Grace show. I found it incredibly bigoted against gays. Unless that one show was a fluke, imo, Will and Grace will be looked at in the future as an embarrassment.

My point remains about Tim Allen.

I never watched the show, but I doubt that it was all about making fun of you libs.

And as I said, my understanding is that the ratings were quite good.

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