Time for a new system

"...we would lose any more than Boston, New York City,..."

I live in NYC!!!
(My area...South Brooklyn...voted for Trump)

Well, you could always move....

"Meanwhile the rest of us would be free of the threat of Marxist take over."
Actually....it would do exactly the opposite.
Take a look at the Obama-Marxist era....open borders, exactly what Bill's wife promised.

No, we would have them investigated free of neoMarxist obstruction and the have them executed for treason. They ones that go to the bush would be hunted down and hung by their necks and left to rot as a warning to the rest of the shit4brains.

You think there would be any stopping the march to Bolshevism?
Do you imagine that they'd hesitate at armed revolution???

Lol, they can bring it, but this isnt Nicaragua.

"No, we would have them investigated free of neoMarxist obstruction..."

Almost 65 million voted for the neoMarxist in 2012.
But only 59 million this time around.

How about this....before we destroy this nation, we try re-education.

First step.....no federal funds of any sort...that means student loans at those institutions that show a bias in hiring and advancing academicians based on political perspective.

Sadly....neither of our plans has any moment.....
"We fixed the Primaries.
We financed violence against the GOP.
We protected Hillary from prosecution...
And we still LOST!


Time for entirely new system that will ensure we win from now on."


The beast is not dead.....they're just catching their breath.

"ABC’s Stephanopoulos Wants Trump Impeached
That didn’t take long. ABC’s George Stephanopoulos raised the prospect of the impeaching Donald Trump during the Thursday edition of “Good Morning America.”

According to the Media Research Center’s News Busters, during a discussion about the multiple civil lawsuits pending against Trump, Stephanopoulos stated, “if he takes the risk of going to trial and he’s convicted, that could be seen as an impeachable offense.”
ABC's Stephanopoulos Wants Trump Impeached | RedState

I won't believe that we've won until they put "Red State" and "Blue State" back to recognize the communism of the Left.
Time for a new system

If we're talking electoral vs popular vote, it's a joke. Because if the dems win the electoral college next time, they'll be all happy about it.

What dems should do is simply scrape off the LGBT barnacles that lost them this election, & focus their platforms away from a deviant sex cult. Because if they don't, they're going to keep losing as the normalcy is restored to this nation. Essentially, because of what we know the GOP will do with the High Court appointments, they have no choice but to come back to sanity and tell their weird sex-cult friends "get help, boys are not girls, men are not women, two men or two women do not make an adequate mom and dad for kids". Either that or face extinction.

And it's going to be interesting to watch because they are in bed so deep with patent insanity that it's going to take some VERY non-PC conversations with their base to clean off their logo..

This is why the dems leaders are in such a state of panic....THEY KNOW EXACTLY WHY THEY LOST, and it means facing that pernicious and insidious tantrum-throwing bloc of their base and telling it like it is. If it were me, I'd form another party called "the new democrats" and tell anyone else to go pound sand. Obviously that old rainbow bloc cannot vote for another Trump in the future; because of what will happen to their pipe dreams if they do. And once they see that A JOHNSON VOTE IS WHAT STOLE THE ELECTION FOR HILLARY IN EACH AND EVERY KEY BATTLEGROUND STATE SHE LOST....maybe just maybe they'll come back around to sanity. But it's going to take a couple of generations to undo the LGBT brainwash to the millennials and others.
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"No, we would have them investigated free of neoMarxist obstruction..."

Almost 65 million voted for the neoMarxist in 2012.
But only 59 million this time around.

How about this....before we destroy this nation, we try re-education.

Nice idea but the Marxists love softies like you.

How about we declare martial law in areas that these cretins hide in, and start shooting them one at a time in front of their comrades until they all start to squeal on each other?

I am seriously sick of their Bolshevik bullshit.
Okay, simple fact, the last Republican presidential candidate to win an election not as the incumbent was way back in 1988. Yeah, go figure.

However that's not the main reason I want proportional representation. I've been talking about it for a while.

Proportional Representation is real democracy. It's the will of the people.

What happened on Tuesday was not the will of the people. Most people seems to hate Hillary AND Trump and voted for one or the other because they didn't want the other to get in. That's a pretty shitty system. It's clearly the people who control everything pushing you into a decision you don't want.

PR allows you to vote for whoever you want and if that party reaches the threshold (like in Germany it's 5%) then they get a member of parliament.

The Presidential vote should get rid of the electoral college, it's so outdated it's ridiculous. Have a "whoever gets the most votes wins" and a run off election, so people can vote whoever they like in round one, and then the top two get to go in a run off (or potentially any candidate who gets more than 33% goes into the next round).

This is the only way for people to have a say.

People wanted change with Trump, there is no change. In 8 years time it'll be back to the same old, same old.
The salt is real! You should package that shit & sell it
"No, we would have them investigated free of neoMarxist obstruction..."

Almost 65 million voted for the neoMarxist in 2012.
But only 59 million this time around.

How about this....before we destroy this nation, we try re-education.

Nice idea but the Marxists love softies like you.

How about we declare martial law in areas that these cretins hide in, and start shooting them one at a time in front of their comrades until they all start to squeal on each other?

I am seriously sick of their Bolshevik bullshit.

I certainly sympathize with the sentiment....
...but can't be on board any plan that doesn't utilize the Constitution as the template.
After all....that's their plan, from Roosevelt on: centralize power, and dictate.

C'mon...you don't want to shoot people for a different view....
Okay, simple fact, the last Republican presidential candidate to win an election not as the incumbent was way back in 1988. Yeah, go figure.

However that's not the main reason I want proportional representation. I've been talking about it for a while.

Proportional Representation is real democracy. It's the will of the people.

What happened on Tuesday was not the will of the people. Most people seems to hate Hillary AND Trump and voted for one or the other because they didn't want the other to get in. That's a pretty shitty system. It's clearly the people who control everything pushing you into a decision you don't want.

PR allows you to vote for whoever you want and if that party reaches the threshold (like in Germany it's 5%) then they get a member of parliament.

The Presidential vote should get rid of the electoral college, it's so outdated it's ridiculous. Have a "whoever gets the most votes wins" and a run off election, so people can vote whoever they like in round one, and then the top two get to go in a run off (or potentially any candidate who gets more than 33% goes into the next round).

This is the only way for people to have a say.

People wanted change with Trump, there is no change. In 8 years time it'll be back to the same old, same old.

Translation: I didn't get my way, so let's form a MOB.
It's time to break the country apart. Let the south go back to being the Confederacy and they'll feel like they won the war after all, yay.

The hillbillies are just too much of a pain in the ass for the rest of us. California will be voting on seceding in the next couple years as will other states. This is one of those things that once it catches on it gets a momentum all it's own and it soon becomes feasible and then it happens.

I'd like to see the red state people go have a country they can be happy in on their own. No need to worry about getting along with anyone you don't like, just ban them from the country.

The blue states are the wealthy states and a transition to a new country would be fairly easy. I mean honestly it's time, this never-ending nonsense of moving forward then moving backward then moving forward ad nauseum is a huge waste of resources. Let's just call it a day, we had a great run but it's time to break it up. Civil war is on the horizon if we don't do something so splitting into 2-4 new countries will allow the various factions their own space and their own identity and laws. Everything ends at some point, it's time to let this go.

Would you like some cheese too? What a sniveling little twerp you are. If an election doesn't come out like you want, you try again, hopefully with a better candidate, lest the same thing happen again.

You seem angry on every post you make, have a Fresca there gramps.

The discussions among many people in California are already well under way to let the red states go their own way. And it may make you feel good to think it is anger or whatever it is that makes you feel good, it is just acceptance of reality. Honestly it is more a relief of 'ok, these people in the south have a problem with every human that isn't like them. Fair enough. Better for you to go be happy on your own. Many red states have already offered a desire to secede, well we're on board now. A real referendum is being prepared for the California ballot in 2018 or 2019. This is joined by other states doing the same.

Don't be mad, you have a chance to have your own country and pass any laws you like. Be happy. We'd rather you go off on your own and be happy than try to continually nurse conservatives along as the world changes. No anger, no sadness, just an acceptance that America had a good run but now it's time to end it and move on to something better. Red states can make abortion illegal and keep evolution from being taught in school. Require every child at age 5 to own a gun. Do whatever you want to, you'll have a whole country to do whatever you like.

We've grown tired of hearing about cakes and red cups. You can make cups any color you want.

Absolute nonsense. It is unconstitutional to secede. The last time somebody tried that, 620,000 people died. There is no legal path to secession.

Grow up.
It's time to break the country apart. Let the south go back to being the Confederacy and they'll feel like they won the war after all, yay.

The hillbillies are just too much of a pain in the ass for the rest of us. California will be voting on seceding in the next couple years as will other states. This is one of those things that once it catches on it gets a momentum all it's own and it soon becomes feasible and then it happens.

I'd like to see the red state people go have a country they can be happy in on their own. No need to worry about getting along with anyone you don't like, just ban them from the country.

The blue states are the wealthy states and a transition to a new country would be fairly easy. I mean honestly it's time, this never-ending nonsense of moving forward then moving backward then moving forward ad nauseum is a huge waste of resources. Let's just call it a day, we had a great run but it's time to break it up. Civil war is on the horizon if we don't do something so splitting into 2-4 new countries will allow the various factions their own space and their own identity and laws. Everything ends at some point, it's time to let this go.

Would you like some cheese too? What a sniveling little twerp you are. If an election doesn't come out like you want, you try again, hopefully with a better candidate, lest the same thing happen again.

You seem angry on every post you make, have a Fresca there gramps.

The discussions among many people in California are already well under way to let the red states go their own way. And it may make you feel good to think it is anger or whatever it is that makes you feel good, it is just acceptance of reality. Honestly it is more a relief of 'ok, these people in the south have a problem with every human that isn't like them. Fair enough. Better for you to go be happy on your own. Many red states have already offered a desire to secede, well we're on board now. A real referendum is being prepared for the California ballot in 2018 or 2019. This is joined by other states doing the same.

Don't be mad, you have a chance to have your own country and pass any laws you like. Be happy. We'd rather you go off on your own and be happy than try to continually nurse conservatives along as the world changes. No anger, no sadness, just an acceptance that America had a good run but now it's time to end it and move on to something better. Red states can make abortion illegal and keep evolution from being taught in school. Require every child at age 5 to own a gun. Do whatever you want to, you'll have a whole country to do whatever you like.

We've grown tired of hearing about cakes and red cups. You can make cups any color you want.

Absolute nonsense. It is unconstitutional to secede. The last time somebody tried that, 620,000 people died. There is no legal path to secession.

Grow up.
A State can petition Congress to leave the Union. Congress has the power to let a State go.
Okay, simple fact, the last Republican presidential candidate to win an election not as the incumbent was way back in 1988. Yeah, go figure.

However that's not the main reason I want proportional representation. I've been talking about it for a while.

Proportional Representation is real democracy. It's the will of the people.

What happened on Tuesday was not the will of the people. Most people seems to hate Hillary AND Trump and voted for one or the other because they didn't want the other to get in. That's a pretty shitty system. It's clearly the people who control everything pushing you into a decision you don't want.

PR allows you to vote for whoever you want and if that party reaches the threshold (like in Germany it's 5%) then they get a member of parliament.

The Presidential vote should get rid of the electoral college, it's so outdated it's ridiculous. Have a "whoever gets the most votes wins" and a run off election, so people can vote whoever they like in round one, and then the top two get to go in a run off (or potentially any candidate who gets more than 33% goes into the next round).

This is the only way for people to have a say.

People wanted change with Trump, there is no change. In 8 years time it'll be back to the same old, same old.

"Okay, simple fact, the last Republican presidential candidate to win an election not as the incumbent was way back in 1988. Yeah, go figure"

Uhhh, seriously?
Or are you just discounting 2000?
It's time to break the country apart. Let the south go back to being the Confederacy and they'll feel like they won the war after all, yay.

The hillbillies are just too much of a pain in the ass for the rest of us. California will be voting on seceding in the next couple years as will other states. This is one of those things that once it catches on it gets a momentum all it's own and it soon becomes feasible and then it happens.

I'd like to see the red state people go have a country they can be happy in on their own. No need to worry about getting along with anyone you don't like, just ban them from the country.

The blue states are the wealthy states and a transition to a new country would be fairly easy. I mean honestly it's time, this never-ending nonsense of moving forward then moving backward then moving forward ad nauseum is a huge waste of resources. Let's just call it a day, we had a great run but it's time to break it up. Civil war is on the horizon if we don't do something so splitting into 2-4 new countries will allow the various factions their own space and their own identity and laws. Everything ends at some point, it's time to let this go.

Would you like some cheese too? What a sniveling little twerp you are. If an election doesn't come out like you want, you try again, hopefully with a better candidate, lest the same thing happen again.

You seem angry on every post you make, have a Fresca there gramps.

The discussions among many people in California are already well under way to let the red states go their own way. And it may make you feel good to think it is anger or whatever it is that makes you feel good, it is just acceptance of reality. Honestly it is more a relief of 'ok, these people in the south have a problem with every human that isn't like them. Fair enough. Better for you to go be happy on your own. Many red states have already offered a desire to secede, well we're on board now. A real referendum is being prepared for the California ballot in 2018 or 2019. This is joined by other states doing the same.

Don't be mad, you have a chance to have your own country and pass any laws you like. Be happy. We'd rather you go off on your own and be happy than try to continually nurse conservatives along as the world changes. No anger, no sadness, just an acceptance that America had a good run but now it's time to end it and move on to something better. Red states can make abortion illegal and keep evolution from being taught in school. Require every child at age 5 to own a gun. Do whatever you want to, you'll have a whole country to do whatever you like.

We've grown tired of hearing about cakes and red cups. You can make cups any color you want.

Absolute nonsense. It is unconstitutional to secede. The last time somebody tried that, 620,000 people died. There is no legal path to secession.

Grow up.
A State can petition Congress to leave the Union. Congress has the power to let a State go.

Well the whole thing will be whether enough states decide it is time to end the union. Many red states have said they want to secede in the past, now the blue states are on board. It's time to get it done. Why wouldn't we? It would stop the gigantic waste of resources of moving forward and backwards every 4-8 years. Conservatives could create a Theocracy in the southern states like they have wanted for the last 100 years and the blue states can get on with their own lives without listening to the evil of red cups.

It's time, America had a great run and it will be sad to see it go but at some point it's just time to say it's over.

It's over.
It's time to break the country apart. Let the south go back to being the Confederacy and they'll feel like they won the war after all, yay.

The hillbillies are just too much of a pain in the ass for the rest of us. California will be voting on seceding in the next couple years as will other states. This is one of those things that once it catches on it gets a momentum all it's own and it soon becomes feasible and then it happens.

I'd like to see the red state people go have a country they can be happy in on their own. No need to worry about getting along with anyone you don't like, just ban them from the country.

The blue states are the wealthy states and a transition to a new country would be fairly easy. I mean honestly it's time, this never-ending nonsense of moving forward then moving backward then moving forward ad nauseum is a huge waste of resources. Let's just call it a day, we had a great run but it's time to break it up. Civil war is on the horizon if we don't do something so splitting into 2-4 new countries will allow the various factions their own space and their own identity and laws. Everything ends at some point, it's time to let this go.

Would you like some cheese too? What a sniveling little twerp you are. If an election doesn't come out like you want, you try again, hopefully with a better candidate, lest the same thing happen again.

You seem angry on every post you make, have a Fresca there gramps.

The discussions among many people in California are already well under way to let the red states go their own way. And it may make you feel good to think it is anger or whatever it is that makes you feel good, it is just acceptance of reality. Honestly it is more a relief of 'ok, these people in the south have a problem with every human that isn't like them. Fair enough. Better for you to go be happy on your own. Many red states have already offered a desire to secede, well we're on board now. A real referendum is being prepared for the California ballot in 2018 or 2019. This is joined by other states doing the same.

Don't be mad, you have a chance to have your own country and pass any laws you like. Be happy. We'd rather you go off on your own and be happy than try to continually nurse conservatives along as the world changes. No anger, no sadness, just an acceptance that America had a good run but now it's time to end it and move on to something better. Red states can make abortion illegal and keep evolution from being taught in school. Require every child at age 5 to own a gun. Do whatever you want to, you'll have a whole country to do whatever you like.

We've grown tired of hearing about cakes and red cups. You can make cups any color you want.

Absolute nonsense. It is unconstitutional to secede. The last time somebody tried that, 620,000 people died. There is no legal path to secession.

Grow up.
A State can petition Congress to leave the Union. Congress has the power to let a State go.

Yes, but they do not have the right to secession on their own.
It's time to break the country apart. Let the south go back to being the Confederacy and they'll feel like they won the war after all, yay.

The hillbillies are just too much of a pain in the ass for the rest of us. California will be voting on seceding in the next couple years as will other states. This is one of those things that once it catches on it gets a momentum all it's own and it soon becomes feasible and then it happens.

I'd like to see the red state people go have a country they can be happy in on their own. No need to worry about getting along with anyone you don't like, just ban them from the country.

The blue states are the wealthy states and a transition to a new country would be fairly easy. I mean honestly it's time, this never-ending nonsense of moving forward then moving backward then moving forward ad nauseum is a huge waste of resources. Let's just call it a day, we had a great run but it's time to break it up. Civil war is on the horizon if we don't do something so splitting into 2-4 new countries will allow the various factions their own space and their own identity and laws. Everything ends at some point, it's time to let this go.

Would you like some cheese too? What a sniveling little twerp you are. If an election doesn't come out like you want, you try again, hopefully with a better candidate, lest the same thing happen again.

You seem angry on every post you make, have a Fresca there gramps.

The discussions among many people in California are already well under way to let the red states go their own way. And it may make you feel good to think it is anger or whatever it is that makes you feel good, it is just acceptance of reality. Honestly it is more a relief of 'ok, these people in the south have a problem with every human that isn't like them. Fair enough. Better for you to go be happy on your own. Many red states have already offered a desire to secede, well we're on board now. A real referendum is being prepared for the California ballot in 2018 or 2019. This is joined by other states doing the same.

Don't be mad, you have a chance to have your own country and pass any laws you like. Be happy. We'd rather you go off on your own and be happy than try to continually nurse conservatives along as the world changes. No anger, no sadness, just an acceptance that America had a good run but now it's time to end it and move on to something better. Red states can make abortion illegal and keep evolution from being taught in school. Require every child at age 5 to own a gun. Do whatever you want to, you'll have a whole country to do whatever you like.

We've grown tired of hearing about cakes and red cups. You can make cups any color you want.

Absolute nonsense. It is unconstitutional to secede. The last time somebody tried that, 620,000 people died. There is no legal path to secession.

Grow up.
A State can petition Congress to leave the Union. Congress has the power to let a State go.

Well the whole thing will be whether enough states decide it is time to end the union. Many red states have said they want to secede in the past, now the blue states are on board. It's time to get it done. Why wouldn't we? It would stop the gigantic waste of resources of moving forward and backwards every 4-8 years. Conservatives could create a Theocracy in the southern states like they have wanted for the last 100 years and the blue states can get on with their own lives without listening to the evil of red cups.

It's time, America had a great run and it will be sad to see it go but at some point it's just time to say it's over.

It's over.

What a stupid comment.
It's time to break the country apart. Let the south go back to being the Confederacy and they'll feel like they won the war after all, yay.

The hillbillies are just too much of a pain in the ass for the rest of us. California will be voting on seceding in the next couple years as will other states. This is one of those things that once it catches on it gets a momentum all it's own and it soon becomes feasible and then it happens.

I'd like to see the red state people go have a country they can be happy in on their own. No need to worry about getting along with anyone you don't like, just ban them from the country.

The blue states are the wealthy states and a transition to a new country would be fairly easy. I mean honestly it's time, this never-ending nonsense of moving forward then moving backward then moving forward ad nauseum is a huge waste of resources. Let's just call it a day, we had a great run but it's time to break it up. Civil war is on the horizon if we don't do something so splitting into 2-4 new countries will allow the various factions their own space and their own identity and laws. Everything ends at some point, it's time to let this go.

Would you like some cheese too? What a sniveling little twerp you are. If an election doesn't come out like you want, you try again, hopefully with a better candidate, lest the same thing happen again.

You seem angry on every post you make, have a Fresca there gramps.

The discussions among many people in California are already well under way to let the red states go their own way. And it may make you feel good to think it is anger or whatever it is that makes you feel good, it is just acceptance of reality. Honestly it is more a relief of 'ok, these people in the south have a problem with every human that isn't like them. Fair enough. Better for you to go be happy on your own. Many red states have already offered a desire to secede, well we're on board now. A real referendum is being prepared for the California ballot in 2018 or 2019. This is joined by other states doing the same.

Don't be mad, you have a chance to have your own country and pass any laws you like. Be happy. We'd rather you go off on your own and be happy than try to continually nurse conservatives along as the world changes. No anger, no sadness, just an acceptance that America had a good run but now it's time to end it and move on to something better. Red states can make abortion illegal and keep evolution from being taught in school. Require every child at age 5 to own a gun. Do whatever you want to, you'll have a whole country to do whatever you like.

We've grown tired of hearing about cakes and red cups. You can make cups any color you want.

Absolute nonsense. It is unconstitutional to secede. The last time somebody tried that, 620,000 people died. There is no legal path to secession.

Grow up.
A State can petition Congress to leave the Union. Congress has the power to let a State go.

Yes, but they do not have the right to secession on their own.
Right no State can unilaterally leave.
Okay, simple fact, the last Republican presidential candidate to win an election not as the incumbent was way back in 1988. Yeah, go figure.

However that's not the main reason I want proportional representation. I've been talking about it for a while.

Proportional Representation is real democracy. It's the will of the people.

What happened on Tuesday was not the will of the people. Most people seems to hate Hillary AND Trump and voted for one or the other because they didn't want the other to get in. That's a pretty shitty system. It's clearly the people who control everything pushing you into a decision you don't want.

PR allows you to vote for whoever you want and if that party reaches the threshold (like in Germany it's 5%) then they get a member of parliament.

The Presidential vote should get rid of the electoral college, it's so outdated it's ridiculous. Have a "whoever gets the most votes wins" and a run off election, so people can vote whoever they like in round one, and then the top two get to go in a run off (or potentially any candidate who gets more than 33% goes into the next round).

This is the only way for people to have a say.

People wanted change with Trump, there is no change. In 8 years time it'll be back to the same old, same old.
Unfortunately, we are a CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC. And the majority already spoke.

We reject your nonsense. Move to Canada, loser.
Okay, simple fact, the last Republican presidential candidate to win an election not as the incumbent was way back in 1988. Yeah, go figure.

However that's not the main reason I want proportional representation. I've been talking about it for a while.

Proportional Representation is real democracy. It's the will of the people.

What happened on Tuesday was not the will of the people. Most people seems to hate Hillary AND Trump and voted for one or the other because they didn't want the other to get in. That's a pretty shitty system. It's clearly the people who control everything pushing you into a decision you don't want.

PR allows you to vote for whoever you want and if that party reaches the threshold (like in Germany it's 5%) then they get a member of parliament.

The Presidential vote should get rid of the electoral college, it's so outdated it's ridiculous. Have a "whoever gets the most votes wins" and a run off election, so people can vote whoever they like in round one, and then the top two get to go in a run off (or potentially any candidate who gets more than 33% goes into the next round).

This is the only way for people to have a say.

People wanted change with Trump, there is no change. In 8 years time it'll be back to the same old, same old.
Unfortunately, we are a CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC. And the majority already spoke.

We reject your nonsense. Move to Canada, loser.

Actually, we are FORTUNATE that we live in a constitutional republic. Very fortunate.
Okay, simple fact, the last Republican presidential candidate to win an election not as the incumbent was way back in 1988. Yeah, go figure.

However that's not the main reason I want proportional representation. I've been talking about it for a while.

Proportional Representation is real democracy. It's the will of the people.

What happened on Tuesday was not the will of the people. Most people seems to hate Hillary AND Trump and voted for one or the other because they didn't want the other to get in. That's a pretty shitty system. It's clearly the people who control everything pushing you into a decision you don't want.

PR allows you to vote for whoever you want and if that party reaches the threshold (like in Germany it's 5%) then they get a member of parliament.

The Presidential vote should get rid of the electoral college, it's so outdated it's ridiculous. Have a "whoever gets the most votes wins" and a run off election, so people can vote whoever they like in round one, and then the top two get to go in a run off (or potentially any candidate who gets more than 33% goes into the next round).

This is the only way for people to have a say.

People wanted change with Trump, there is no change. In 8 years time it'll be back to the same old, same old.

Or you butthurt types could just move to another country with "proportional representation" since you think it's so much better.
It's time to break the country apart. Let the south go back to being the Confederacy and they'll feel like they won the war after all, yay.

The hillbillies are just too much of a pain in the ass for the rest of us. California will be voting on seceding in the next couple years as will other states. This is one of those things that once it catches on it gets a momentum all it's own and it soon becomes feasible and then it happens.

I'd like to see the red state people go have a country they can be happy in on their own. No need to worry about getting along with anyone you don't like, just ban them from the country.

The blue states are the wealthy states and a transition to a new country would be fairly easy. I mean honestly it's time, this never-ending nonsense of moving forward then moving backward then moving forward ad nauseum is a huge waste of resources. Let's just call it a day, we had a great run but it's time to break it up. Civil war is on the horizon if we don't do something so splitting into 2-4 new countries will allow the various factions their own space and their own identity and laws. Everything ends at some point, it's time to let this go.

Would you like some cheese too? What a sniveling little twerp you are. If an election doesn't come out like you want, you try again, hopefully with a better candidate, lest the same thing happen again.

You seem angry on every post you make, have a Fresca there gramps.

The discussions among many people in California are already well under way to let the red states go their own way. And it may make you feel good to think it is anger or whatever it is that makes you feel good, it is just acceptance of reality. Honestly it is more a relief of 'ok, these people in the south have a problem with every human that isn't like them. Fair enough. Better for you to go be happy on your own. Many red states have already offered a desire to secede, well we're on board now. A real referendum is being prepared for the California ballot in 2018 or 2019. This is joined by other states doing the same.

Don't be mad, you have a chance to have your own country and pass any laws you like. Be happy. We'd rather you go off on your own and be happy than try to continually nurse conservatives along as the world changes. No anger, no sadness, just an acceptance that America had a good run but now it's time to end it and move on to something better. Red states can make abortion illegal and keep evolution from being taught in school. Require every child at age 5 to own a gun. Do whatever you want to, you'll have a whole country to do whatever you like.

We've grown tired of hearing about cakes and red cups. You can make cups any color you want.

Absolute nonsense. It is unconstitutional to secede. The last time somebody tried that, 620,000 people died. There is no legal path to secession.

Grow up.
A State can petition Congress to leave the Union. Congress has the power to let a State go.

Well the whole thing will be whether enough states decide it is time to end the union. Many red states have said they want to secede in the past, now the blue states are on board. It's time to get it done. Why wouldn't we? It would stop the gigantic waste of resources of moving forward and backwards every 4-8 years. Conservatives could create a Theocracy in the southern states like they have wanted for the last 100 years and the blue states can get on with their own lives without listening to the evil of red cups.

It's time, America had a great run and it will be sad to see it go but at some point it's just time to say it's over.

It's over.
There are no blue states. There are only blue counties. Look at the map.

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