Time for a new system

"We fixed the Primaries.
We financed violence against the GOP.
We protected Hillary from prosecution...
And we still LOST!


Time for entirely new system that will ensure we win from now on."


The beast is not dead.....they're just catching their breath.

"ABC’s Stephanopoulos Wants Trump Impeached
That didn’t take long. ABC’s George Stephanopoulos raised the prospect of the impeaching Donald Trump during the Thursday edition of “Good Morning America.”

According to the Media Research Center’s News Busters, during a discussion about the multiple civil lawsuits pending against Trump, Stephanopoulos stated, “if he takes the risk of going to trial and he’s convicted, that could be seen as an impeachable offense.”
ABC's Stephanopoulos Wants Trump Impeached | RedState

I won't believe that we've won until they put "Red State" and "Blue State" back to recognize the communism of the Left.
I cannot believe that Georgie has lived this long being this stupid. Trump cannot be convicted of anything. He has not been charged with a crime. These are civil suits. There is a republican majority in the house and senate, therefore no one to impeach.

Can he really be this stupid?
Would you like some cheese too? What a sniveling little twerp you are. If an election doesn't come out like you want, you try again, hopefully with a better candidate, lest the same thing happen again.

You seem angry on every post you make, have a Fresca there gramps.

The discussions among many people in California are already well under way to let the red states go their own way. And it may make you feel good to think it is anger or whatever it is that makes you feel good, it is just acceptance of reality. Honestly it is more a relief of 'ok, these people in the south have a problem with every human that isn't like them. Fair enough. Better for you to go be happy on your own. Many red states have already offered a desire to secede, well we're on board now. A real referendum is being prepared for the California ballot in 2018 or 2019. This is joined by other states doing the same.

Don't be mad, you have a chance to have your own country and pass any laws you like. Be happy. We'd rather you go off on your own and be happy than try to continually nurse conservatives along as the world changes. No anger, no sadness, just an acceptance that America had a good run but now it's time to end it and move on to something better. Red states can make abortion illegal and keep evolution from being taught in school. Require every child at age 5 to own a gun. Do whatever you want to, you'll have a whole country to do whatever you like.

We've grown tired of hearing about cakes and red cups. You can make cups any color you want.

Absolute nonsense. It is unconstitutional to secede. The last time somebody tried that, 620,000 people died. There is no legal path to secession.

Grow up.
A State can petition Congress to leave the Union. Congress has the power to let a State go.

Well the whole thing will be whether enough states decide it is time to end the union. Many red states have said they want to secede in the past, now the blue states are on board. It's time to get it done. Why wouldn't we? It would stop the gigantic waste of resources of moving forward and backwards every 4-8 years. Conservatives could create a Theocracy in the southern states like they have wanted for the last 100 years and the blue states can get on with their own lives without listening to the evil of red cups.

It's time, America had a great run and it will be sad to see it go but at some point it's just time to say it's over.

It's over.
There are no blue states. There are only blue counties. Look at the map.

There are only blueberries.
"We fixed the Primaries.
We financed violence against the GOP.
We protected Hillary from prosecution...
And we still LOST!


Time for entirely new system that will ensure we win from now on."


The beast is not dead.....they're just catching their breath.

"ABC’s Stephanopoulos Wants Trump Impeached
That didn’t take long. ABC’s George Stephanopoulos raised the prospect of the impeaching Donald Trump during the Thursday edition of “Good Morning America.”

According to the Media Research Center’s News Busters, during a discussion about the multiple civil lawsuits pending against Trump, Stephanopoulos stated, “if he takes the risk of going to trial and he’s convicted, that could be seen as an impeachable offense.”
ABC's Stephanopoulos Wants Trump Impeached | RedState

I won't believe that we've won until they put "Red State" and "Blue State" back to recognize the communism of the Left.
I cannot believe that Georgie has lived this long being this stupid. Trump cannot be convicted of anything. He has not been charged with a crime. These are civil suits. There is a republican majority in the house and senate, therefore no one to impeach.

Can he really be this stupid?

"We fixed the Primaries.
We financed violence against the GOP.
We protected Hillary from prosecution...
And we still LOST!


Time for entirely new system that will ensure we win from now on."


The beast is not dead.....they're just catching their breath.

"ABC’s Stephanopoulos Wants Trump Impeached
That didn’t take long. ABC’s George Stephanopoulos raised the prospect of the impeaching Donald Trump during the Thursday edition of “Good Morning America.”

According to the Media Research Center’s News Busters, during a discussion about the multiple civil lawsuits pending against Trump, Stephanopoulos stated, “if he takes the risk of going to trial and he’s convicted, that could be seen as an impeachable offense.”
ABC's Stephanopoulos Wants Trump Impeached | RedState

I won't believe that we've won until they put "Red State" and "Blue State" back to recognize the communism of the Left.
I cannot believe that Georgie has lived this long being this stupid. Trump cannot be convicted of anything. He has not been charged with a crime. These are civil suits. There is a republican majority in the house and senate, therefore no one to impeach.

Can he really be this stupid?

Not stupid.....Leftist.
They've tipped their hand, and we should all know what they have planned.

But....the establishment Republicans....better keep them closer.

Francis Bacon said it best:
"A false friend is more dangerous than an open enemy."
Okay, simple fact, the last Republican presidential candidate to win an election not as the incumbent was way back in 1988. Yeah, go figure.

However that's not the main reason I want proportional representation. I've been talking about it for a while.

Proportional Representation is real democracy. It's the will of the people.

What happened on Tuesday was not the will of the people. Most people seems to hate Hillary AND Trump and voted for one or the other because they didn't want the other to get in. That's a pretty shitty system. It's clearly the people who control everything pushing you into a decision you don't want.

PR allows you to vote for whoever you want and if that party reaches the threshold (like in Germany it's 5%) then they get a member of parliament.

The Presidential vote should get rid of the electoral college, it's so outdated it's ridiculous. Have a "whoever gets the most votes wins" and a run off election, so people can vote whoever they like in round one, and then the top two get to go in a run off (or potentially any candidate who gets more than 33% goes into the next round).

This is the only way for people to have a say.

People wanted change with Trump, there is no change. In 8 years time it'll be back to the same old, same old.

Translation: I didn't get my way, so let's form a MOB.

Translation: I'm not going to debate properly, I'll just play the gloating winner.
Okay, simple fact, the last Republican presidential candidate to win an election not as the incumbent was way back in 1988. Yeah, go figure.

However that's not the main reason I want proportional representation. I've been talking about it for a while.

Proportional Representation is real democracy. It's the will of the people.

What happened on Tuesday was not the will of the people. Most people seems to hate Hillary AND Trump and voted for one or the other because they didn't want the other to get in. That's a pretty shitty system. It's clearly the people who control everything pushing you into a decision you don't want.

PR allows you to vote for whoever you want and if that party reaches the threshold (like in Germany it's 5%) then they get a member of parliament.

The Presidential vote should get rid of the electoral college, it's so outdated it's ridiculous. Have a "whoever gets the most votes wins" and a run off election, so people can vote whoever they like in round one, and then the top two get to go in a run off (or potentially any candidate who gets more than 33% goes into the next round).

This is the only way for people to have a say.

People wanted change with Trump, there is no change. In 8 years time it'll be back to the same old, same old.

Or you butthurt types could just move to another country with "proportional representation" since you think it's so much better.

Wow, insults.
Okay, simple fact, the last Republican presidential candidate to win an election not as the incumbent was way back in 1988. Yeah, go figure.

However that's not the main reason I want proportional representation. I've been talking about it for a while.

Proportional Representation is real democracy. It's the will of the people.

What happened on Tuesday was not the will of the people. Most people seems to hate Hillary AND Trump and voted for one or the other because they didn't want the other to get in. That's a pretty shitty system. It's clearly the people who control everything pushing you into a decision you don't want.

PR allows you to vote for whoever you want and if that party reaches the threshold (like in Germany it's 5%) then they get a member of parliament.

The Presidential vote should get rid of the electoral college, it's so outdated it's ridiculous. Have a "whoever gets the most votes wins" and a run off election, so people can vote whoever they like in round one, and then the top two get to go in a run off (or potentially any candidate who gets more than 33% goes into the next round).

This is the only way for people to have a say.

People wanted change with Trump, there is no change. In 8 years time it'll be back to the same old, same old.

Or you butthurt types could just move to another country with "proportional representation" since you think it's so much better.

Wow, insults.
You lost grow the fuck up.
I voted for Trump and called the election weeks ago - and still want a re-structuring of the government, with a parliamentary democracy replacing the current two-party oligopoly that represents the 5% fringe at each margin, and takes the vast middle for granted.

In such a system, the political parties that form MUST actually represent the people's desires or they get voted out quickly, sometimes out of existence. A desperately needed replacement for a system that is currently not functioning, especially with the existence of a cancerous tumor like the national democratic party operating as it has for the last 50 years.
I voted for Trump and called the election weeks ago - and still want a re-structuring of the government, with a parliamentary democracy replacing the current two-party oligopoly that represents the 5% fringe at each margin, and takes the vast middle for granted.

In such a system, the political parties that form MUST actually represent the people's desires or they get voted out quickly, sometimes out of existence. A desperately needed replacement for a system that is currently not functioning, especially with the existence of a cancerous tumor like the national democratic party operating as it has for the last 50 years.
You want!

You are not getting it.
Okay, simple fact, the last Republican presidential candidate to win an election not as the incumbent was way back in 1988. Yeah, go figure.

However that's not the main reason I want proportional representation. I've been talking about it for a while.

Proportional Representation is real democracy. It's the will of the people.

What happened on Tuesday was not the will of the people. Most people seems to hate Hillary AND Trump and voted for one or the other because they didn't want the other to get in. That's a pretty shitty system. It's clearly the people who control everything pushing you into a decision you don't want.

PR allows you to vote for whoever you want and if that party reaches the threshold (like in Germany it's 5%) then they get a member of parliament.

The Presidential vote should get rid of the electoral college, it's so outdated it's ridiculous. Have a "whoever gets the most votes wins" and a run off election, so people can vote whoever they like in round one, and then the top two get to go in a run off (or potentially any candidate who gets more than 33% goes into the next round).

This is the only way for people to have a say.

People wanted change with Trump, there is no change. In 8 years time it'll be back to the same old, same old.
Getting rid of the Electoral College would require an actual change to the Constitution which would require a two-thirds majority in favor vote in the legislature, PLUS, the agreement of all the states. It isn't going to happen.
Trump won on the "issues," not because he was a nice guy. Evangelicals, Catholics, Hindus and Sikhs held their noses and voted for him because they are aware of "world history," something most of the younger generation paid no attention to in school, or had a poor history teacher, teaching them. This isn't about "whites," it's about keeping a secular free border controlled nation, with the right to speak your mind, even if it isn't "politically-correct" and the huge influx of a people who want this nation to live under a theocracy which doesn't believe in free-speech or the right to not go to church and the right of women to choose their own path in life, not be oppressed and made into second-class citizens who are only worthwhile if spitting out babies.
Okay, simple fact, the last Republican presidential candidate to win an election not as the incumbent was way back in 1988. Yeah, go figure.

However that's not the main reason I want proportional representation. I've been talking about it for a while.

Proportional Representation is real democracy. It's the will of the people.

What happened on Tuesday was not the will of the people. Most people seems to hate Hillary AND Trump and voted for one or the other because they didn't want the other to get in. That's a pretty shitty system. It's clearly the people who control everything pushing you into a decision you don't want.

PR allows you to vote for whoever you want and if that party reaches the threshold (like in Germany it's 5%) then they get a member of parliament.

The Presidential vote should get rid of the electoral college, it's so outdated it's ridiculous. Have a "whoever gets the most votes wins" and a run off election, so people can vote whoever they like in round one, and then the top two get to go in a run off (or potentially any candidate who gets more than 33% goes into the next round).

This is the only way for people to have a say.

People wanted change with Trump, there is no change. In 8 years time it'll be back to the same old, same old.
Getting rid of the Electoral College would require an actual change to the Constitution which would require a two-thirds majority in favor vote in the legislature, PLUS, the agreement of all the states. It isn't going to happen.
Trump won on the "issues," not because he was a nice guy. Evangelicals, Catholics, Hindus and Sikhs held their noses and voted for him because they are aware of "world history," something most of the younger generation paid no attention to in school, or had a poor history teacher, teaching them. This isn't about "whites," it's about keeping a secular free border controlled nation, with the right to speak your mind, even if it isn't "politically-correct" and the huge influx of a people who want this nation to live under a theocracy which doesn't believe in free-speech or the right to not go to church and the right of women to choose their own path in life, not be oppressed and made into second-class citizens who are only worthwhile if spitting out babies.

No, maybe it won't happen. Just as in the US govt nothing really does happen much, does it. The country is falling down and no one is able to stop it happening, except the rich, and they don't see it in their best interests to do so.
Okay, simple fact, the last Republican presidential candidate to win an election not as the incumbent was way back in 1988. Yeah, go figure.

However that's not the main reason I want proportional representation. I've been talking about it for a while.

Proportional Representation is real democracy. It's the will of the people.

What happened on Tuesday was not the will of the people. Most people seems to hate Hillary AND Trump and voted for one or the other because they didn't want the other to get in. That's a pretty shitty system. It's clearly the people who control everything pushing you into a decision you don't want.

PR allows you to vote for whoever you want and if that party reaches the threshold (like in Germany it's 5%) then they get a member of parliament.

The Presidential vote should get rid of the electoral college, it's so outdated it's ridiculous. Have a "whoever gets the most votes wins" and a run off election, so people can vote whoever they like in round one, and then the top two get to go in a run off (or potentially any candidate who gets more than 33% goes into the next round).

This is the only way for people to have a say.

People wanted change with Trump, there is no change. In 8 years time it'll be back to the same old, same old.

Or you butthurt types could just move to another country with "proportional representation" since you think it's so much better.

Wow, insults.
You lost grow the fuck up.

That's exactly the attitude that A) makes me want to change the system, and B) makes me see why the US is on the way down.

I was going to lose no matter the result of the election, and you lost too. Get over it. There are two parties, they're controlling everything, they stop democracy, they treat you like shit, and you pretend you just won the Superbowl. Sorry, you lost too.
Okay, simple fact, the last Republican presidential candidate to win an election not as the incumbent was way back in 1988. Yeah, go figure.

However that's not the main reason I want proportional representation. I've been talking about it for a while.

Proportional Representation is real democracy. It's the will of the people.

What happened on Tuesday was not the will of the people. Most people seems to hate Hillary AND Trump and voted for one or the other because they didn't want the other to get in. That's a pretty shitty system. It's clearly the people who control everything pushing you into a decision you don't want.

PR allows you to vote for whoever you want and if that party reaches the threshold (like in Germany it's 5%) then they get a member of parliament.

The Presidential vote should get rid of the electoral college, it's so outdated it's ridiculous. Have a "whoever gets the most votes wins" and a run off election, so people can vote whoever they like in round one, and then the top two get to go in a run off (or potentially any candidate who gets more than 33% goes into the next round).

This is the only way for people to have a say.

People wanted change with Trump, there is no change. In 8 years time it'll be back to the same old, same old.
Getting rid of the Electoral College would require an actual change to the Constitution which would require a two-thirds majority in favor vote in the legislature, PLUS, the agreement of all the states. It isn't going to happen.
Trump won on the "issues," not because he was a nice guy. Evangelicals, Catholics, Hindus and Sikhs held their noses and voted for him because they are aware of "world history," something most of the younger generation paid no attention to in school, or had a poor history teacher, teaching them. This isn't about "whites," it's about keeping a secular free border controlled nation, with the right to speak your mind, even if it isn't "politically-correct" and the huge influx of a people who want this nation to live under a theocracy which doesn't believe in free-speech or the right to not go to church and the right of women to choose their own path in life, not be oppressed and made into second-class citizens who are only worthwhile if spitting out babies.

No, maybe it won't happen. Just as in the US govt nothing really does happen much, does it. The country is falling down and no one is able to stop it happening, except the rich, and they don't see it in their best interests to do so.
The reason things don't happen a lot is because we have a government of checks and balances, set up to ensure that we don't end up with a dictatorship, monarchy or other totalitarian regime.
Okay, simple fact, the last Republican presidential candidate to win an election not as the incumbent was way back in 1988. Yeah, go figure.

However that's not the main reason I want proportional representation. I've been talking about it for a while.

Proportional Representation is real democracy. It's the will of the people.

What happened on Tuesday was not the will of the people. Most people seems to hate Hillary AND Trump and voted for one or the other because they didn't want the other to get in. That's a pretty shitty system. It's clearly the people who control everything pushing you into a decision you don't want.

PR allows you to vote for whoever you want and if that party reaches the threshold (like in Germany it's 5%) then they get a member of parliament.

The Presidential vote should get rid of the electoral college, it's so outdated it's ridiculous. Have a "whoever gets the most votes wins" and a run off election, so people can vote whoever they like in round one, and then the top two get to go in a run off (or potentially any candidate who gets more than 33% goes into the next round).

This is the only way for people to have a say.

People wanted change with Trump, there is no change. In 8 years time it'll be back to the same old, same old.

Or you butthurt types could just move to another country with "proportional representation" since you think it's so much better.

Wow, insults.
You lost grow the fuck up.

That's exactly the attitude that A) makes me want to change the system, and B) makes me see why the US is on the way down.

I was going to lose no matter the result of the election, and you lost too. Get over it. There are two parties, they're controlling everything, they stop democracy, they treat you like shit, and you pretend you just won the Superbowl. Sorry, you lost too.
So, what system would you replace it with?
1. Communism: North Korea is an example of communism in its purest form. If you try to leave, you're shot. If you say you don't like the system, you're shot. If you say you want to field your own candidate, you're shot.
2. Communism moderate: China. The proletariat presents your candidates to you and you must choose from those they provide you. If you voice your dislike of the offered candidates, you disappear. If you speak out against the government and one of the "neighborhood watch" participants hears, you disappear.
3. Socialist: While you may not believe it, the NAZI party was a socialist party. Hey, as long as you're loyal, you've got nothing to worry about, say you're disgruntled with it and you would likely find the equivalent of the Gestapo at your door and you would....disappear.
4. Democratic Socialism: As long as you don't have a large influx of uneducated migrants flowing into your borders, your system would be okay, however, if the opposite were true, the socialist benefits would not only be strained, but also, at some point, collapse. Sweden was great....now, well...not so much. It's the rape capitol of the world, there isn't enough housing for people, original Swedes are actually being tossed out of their residences to make room for migrants. Then there are the ever growing "no-go" zones where even law enforcement doesn't dare go in. There's also the 65% taxes on its citizens. They have had cradle to grave care, jobs and places to live. You do have to make sure that you show up for work and laziness won't be tolerated. If you don't show up for work, they will check you out to see what the matter is, a call in is insufficient. If you say you're sick, a doctor better back you up.
5. Military Junta: Well, we all know how that goes. If you back the military leaders and their war on disgruntled citizens (people disappearing, mass graves), you are okay. Disagree with the military and you end up in one of those mass graves.
6. Theocracy: As long as you are a devout worshipper and clearly persecute the non-believers, you're okay. You suddenly start disagreeing with their ideology.....well, again.....gone you will be.
7. Democracy/Republic: You have multiple political parties, can create one of your own. You have a voice. It's a messy system with checks and balances, but if you disagree with it, you won't disappear, end up in a shallow grave, or a gulag. The candidate you support might not get elected and the one that does may be an offensive oaf, but a few years from then, you have another opportunity to get a different candidate in. But, to stand a better chance of winning this next time, select someone with: A. Name recognition. B. Popular. C. A grasp of what is happening in the world. D. A belief in national borders and border control. D. A firm belief that your nation must remain secular and free. E. Have a good grasp on the world of business.
Okay, simple fact, the last Republican presidential candidate to win an election not as the incumbent was way back in 1988. Yeah, go figure.

However that's not the main reason I want proportional representation. I've been talking about it for a while.

Proportional Representation is real democracy. It's the will of the people.

What happened on Tuesday was not the will of the people. Most people seems to hate Hillary AND Trump and voted for one or the other because they didn't want the other to get in. That's a pretty shitty system. It's clearly the people who control everything pushing you into a decision you don't want.

PR allows you to vote for whoever you want and if that party reaches the threshold (like in Germany it's 5%) then they get a member of parliament.

The Presidential vote should get rid of the electoral college, it's so outdated it's ridiculous. Have a "whoever gets the most votes wins" and a run off election, so people can vote whoever they like in round one, and then the top two get to go in a run off (or potentially any candidate who gets more than 33% goes into the next round).

This is the only way for people to have a say.

People wanted change with Trump, there is no change. In 8 years time it'll be back to the same old, same old.

Translation: I didn't get my way, so let's form a MOB.

Translation: I'm not going to debate properly, I'll just play the gloating winner.
No, No just pointed out you're a sore loser.
Okay, simple fact, the last Republican presidential candidate to win an election not as the incumbent was way back in 1988. Yeah, go figure.

However that's not the main reason I want proportional representation. I've been talking about it for a while.

Proportional Representation is real democracy. It's the will of the people.

What happened on Tuesday was not the will of the people. Most people seems to hate Hillary AND Trump and voted for one or the other because they didn't want the other to get in. That's a pretty shitty system. It's clearly the people who control everything pushing you into a decision you don't want.

PR allows you to vote for whoever you want and if that party reaches the threshold (like in Germany it's 5%) then they get a member of parliament.

The Presidential vote should get rid of the electoral college, it's so outdated it's ridiculous. Have a "whoever gets the most votes wins" and a run off election, so people can vote whoever they like in round one, and then the top two get to go in a run off (or potentially any candidate who gets more than 33% goes into the next round).

This is the only way for people to have a say.

People wanted change with Trump, there is no change. In 8 years time it'll be back to the same old, same old.
Getting rid of the Electoral College would require an actual change to the Constitution which would require a two-thirds majority in favor vote in the legislature, PLUS, the agreement of all the states. It isn't going to happen.
Trump won on the "issues," not because he was a nice guy. Evangelicals, Catholics, Hindus and Sikhs held their noses and voted for him because they are aware of "world history," something most of the younger generation paid no attention to in school, or had a poor history teacher, teaching them. This isn't about "whites," it's about keeping a secular free border controlled nation, with the right to speak your mind, even if it isn't "politically-correct" and the huge influx of a people who want this nation to live under a theocracy which doesn't believe in free-speech or the right to not go to church and the right of women to choose their own path in life, not be oppressed and made into second-class citizens who are only worthwhile if spitting out babies.

No, maybe it won't happen. Just as in the US govt nothing really does happen much, does it. The country is falling down and no one is able to stop it happening, except the rich, and they don't see it in their best interests to do so.
The reason things don't happen a lot is because we have a government of checks and balances, set up to ensure that we don't end up with a dictatorship, monarchy or other totalitarian regime.
Didn't work so well under Despot Obama as he by-passed Congress frequently.
Okay, simple fact, the last Republican presidential candidate to win an election not as the incumbent was way back in 1988. Yeah, go figure.

However that's not the main reason I want proportional representation. I've been talking about it for a while.

Proportional Representation is real democracy. It's the will of the people.

What happened on Tuesday was not the will of the people. Most people seems to hate Hillary AND Trump and voted for one or the other because they didn't want the other to get in. That's a pretty shitty system. It's clearly the people who control everything pushing you into a decision you don't want.

PR allows you to vote for whoever you want and if that party reaches the threshold (like in Germany it's 5%) then they get a member of parliament.

The Presidential vote should get rid of the electoral college, it's so outdated it's ridiculous. Have a "whoever gets the most votes wins" and a run off election, so people can vote whoever they like in round one, and then the top two get to go in a run off (or potentially any candidate who gets more than 33% goes into the next round).

This is the only way for people to have a say.

People wanted change with Trump, there is no change. In 8 years time it'll be back to the same old, same old.
Getting rid of the Electoral College would require an actual change to the Constitution which would require a two-thirds majority in favor vote in the legislature, PLUS, the agreement of all the states. It isn't going to happen.
Trump won on the "issues," not because he was a nice guy. Evangelicals, Catholics, Hindus and Sikhs held their noses and voted for him because they are aware of "world history," something most of the younger generation paid no attention to in school, or had a poor history teacher, teaching them. This isn't about "whites," it's about keeping a secular free border controlled nation, with the right to speak your mind, even if it isn't "politically-correct" and the huge influx of a people who want this nation to live under a theocracy which doesn't believe in free-speech or the right to not go to church and the right of women to choose their own path in life, not be oppressed and made into second-class citizens who are only worthwhile if spitting out babies.

No, maybe it won't happen. Just as in the US govt nothing really does happen much, does it. The country is falling down and no one is able to stop it happening, except the rich, and they don't see it in their best interests to do so.
The reason things don't happen a lot is because we have a government of checks and balances, set up to ensure that we don't end up with a dictatorship, monarchy or other totalitarian regime.
Didn't work so well under Despot Obama as he by-passed Congress frequently.

Why do you think this is the case? Congress won't do anything.
Okay, simple fact, the last Republican presidential candidate to win an election not as the incumbent was way back in 1988. Yeah, go figure.

However that's not the main reason I want proportional representation. I've been talking about it for a while.

Proportional Representation is real democracy. It's the will of the people.

What happened on Tuesday was not the will of the people. Most people seems to hate Hillary AND Trump and voted for one or the other because they didn't want the other to get in. That's a pretty shitty system. It's clearly the people who control everything pushing you into a decision you don't want.

PR allows you to vote for whoever you want and if that party reaches the threshold (like in Germany it's 5%) then they get a member of parliament.

The Presidential vote should get rid of the electoral college, it's so outdated it's ridiculous. Have a "whoever gets the most votes wins" and a run off election, so people can vote whoever they like in round one, and then the top two get to go in a run off (or potentially any candidate who gets more than 33% goes into the next round).

This is the only way for people to have a say.

People wanted change with Trump, there is no change. In 8 years time it'll be back to the same old, same old.

Translation: I didn't get my way, so let's form a MOB.

Translation: I'm not going to debate properly, I'll just play the gloating winner.
No, No just pointed out you're a sore loser.

How is it I'm a sore loser?

You don't know anything about me. You don't even know who I supported at the election on Tuesday. You just play the idiotic game of partisan politics, you're either red or blue, there's no in between.
Okay, simple fact, the last Republican presidential candidate to win an election not as the incumbent was way back in 1988. Yeah, go figure.

However that's not the main reason I want proportional representation. I've been talking about it for a while.

Proportional Representation is real democracy. It's the will of the people.

What happened on Tuesday was not the will of the people. Most people seems to hate Hillary AND Trump and voted for one or the other because they didn't want the other to get in. That's a pretty shitty system. It's clearly the people who control everything pushing you into a decision you don't want.

PR allows you to vote for whoever you want and if that party reaches the threshold (like in Germany it's 5%) then they get a member of parliament.

The Presidential vote should get rid of the electoral college, it's so outdated it's ridiculous. Have a "whoever gets the most votes wins" and a run off election, so people can vote whoever they like in round one, and then the top two get to go in a run off (or potentially any candidate who gets more than 33% goes into the next round).

This is the only way for people to have a say.

People wanted change with Trump, there is no change. In 8 years time it'll be back to the same old, same old.

Translation: I didn't get my way, so let's form a MOB.

Translation: I'm not going to debate properly, I'll just play the gloating winner.
No, No just pointed out you're a sore loser.

How is it I'm a sore loser?

You don't know anything about me. You don't even know who I supported at the election on Tuesday. You just play the idiotic game of partisan politics, you're either red or blue, there's no in between.
You pathetic liberal anarchist losers demanded the GOP accept the outcome of the election, and now you're whining, bitching, declaring Trump 'is not my President', burning flags, calling for the overthrow of the govt, calling for the racist murders of whites, and calling for the assassination of the new President.

Sore loser Hillary is out declaring it is other people's fault she lost and her campaign / she is paying for all this seditious violence / treason.

Your party even now is proving it is a criminal, racist, sexist, homophobic, anti-Semitic, seditious, treasonous, political terrorist organization. Anyone defending them right now is just like them - enemies of the state.

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