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Time For A Purge

Definitions are inconvenient things, and historians are often fucked in the head with their own political quibblings. PURGE - an abrupt or violent removal of a group of people from an organization or place.POGROM - an organized massacre for the destruction or annihilation of any body or class
I don't care how YOU personally define them. Look up two words; "purges" and "Stalin" on your favorite search engine. Your opinions are not how history records them nor is taught. Deal with it.
That it is not the job of an executive branch employee to blindly follow the orders of the POTUS.

No one said "blindly". If you disagree with the boss, quit. The boss isn't going anywhere, and if you undermine his agenda, you'll get the boot.

This is true of any organization, business or otherwise.

That would be going against the oath, you do not support the Constitution by walking away from bogus orders. The duties of the office to not change with whom is sitting in the White House unless the regulations relating to your job are changed.

Excuse me, but the oath obligates the employee to obey within the scope of their job those with constitutional authority over their department. It does not grant the employee the authority to determine what is or is not Constitutional.

That is ridiculous. Given this view if a member or the FBI is ordered to shoot an unarmed, detained prisons then he would have to follow the order since it was not his job to determine if it was lawful/constitutional or not.

Nonsense. He could be fired, or quit, and challenge his fate in court.

You are in what year high school?

Ah..you are so witty! Well done!

When I was in Marine Corps Boot Camp we learned not to follow unlawful orders before we even learned how to shot our service rifles. Quit and run away was not one or the options we were taught.
No one said "blindly". If you disagree with the boss, quit. The boss isn't going anywhere, and if you undermine his agenda, you'll get the boot.

This is true of any organization, business or otherwise.

That would be going against the oath, you do not support the Constitution by walking away from bogus orders. The duties of the office to not change with whom is sitting in the White House unless the regulations relating to your job are changed.

Excuse me, but the oath obligates the employee to obey within the scope of their job those with constitutional authority over their department. It does not grant the employee the authority to determine what is or is not Constitutional.

That is ridiculous. Given this view if a member or the FBI is ordered to shoot an unarmed, detained prisons then he would have to follow the order since it was not his job to determine if it was lawful/constitutional or not.

Nonsense. He could be fired, or quit, and challenge his fate in court.

You are in what year high school?

Ah..you are so witty! Well done!

When I was in Marine Corps Boot Camp we learned not to follow unlawful orders before we even learned how to shot our service rifles. Quit and run away was not one or the options we were taught.

We are not discussing unlawful orders, but constitutional authority.
Executive branch employees work solely at the pleasure of the President. Period.
Appointees, YES; Civil Service, NO.

Thank you, concise and correct. A civil service employee of the Executive branch has a job that is defined by the current regulations and that does not change jsut because someone new is sitting in the White House.
Unless it is illegal, yes it is.
Any Executive branch employee found to be undermining Trump's agenda needs a boot in the ass out the door.

Washington Bureaucrats Are Chipping Away at Trump’s Agenda

Employees of the Executive Branch take an oath of office to support and defend the Constitution. Not to blindly follow the orders of the POTUS.

Executive branch employees work solely at the pleasure of the President. Period.

Here is the Oath of Office for a Fed Employee. Nothing in there about blind obedience to the POTUS

I, [name], do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God

What's your point?

That it is not the job of an executive branch employee to blindly follow the orders of the POTUS.
Executive branch employees work solely at the pleasure of the President. Period.
Appointees, YES; Civil Service, NO.

Thank you, concise and correct. A civil service employee of the Executive branch has a job that is defined by the current regulations and that does not change jsut because someone new is sitting in the White House.

A person with a Civil Service title is supposed to be an apolitical executor of the policies of the elected officials and their political appointees.

When you have Civil Service people DECIDING policy instead of EXECUTING policy the system is broken.
Absolutely, the FBI has almost 40,000 employees - Fire them all and appoint 40,000 unqualified Trumplings to risk their lives and keep us safe.

I have a few nominees - We'll start with BILLY! :)
Executive branch employees work solely at the pleasure of the President. Period.
Appointees, YES; Civil Service, NO.
Thank you, concise and correct. A civil service employee of the Executive branch has a job that is defined by the current regulations and that does not change jsut because someone new is sitting in the White House.
A person with a Civil Service title is supposed to be an apolitical executor of the policies of the elected officials and their political appointees. When you have Civil Service people DECIDING policy instead of EXECUTING policy the system is broken.
Thank you, but hardly the point we were addressing.
Any Executive branch employee found to be undermining Trump's agenda needs a boot in the ass out the door.

Washington Bureaucrats Are Chipping Away at Trump’s Agenda

Keep It Simple:

'Every Obama Appointee, every Obama hold-over - clean out your desks and GTFO. You no longer have a job as of 1 Jan 2018. Your 'severance pay' / 'bonus' is NOT being investigated / indicted for sedition and other crimes. Good Luck, Happy Holidays, and God speed.'
Executive branch employees work solely at the pleasure of the President. Period.
Appointees, YES; Civil Service, NO.
If the president tells the appointee to clean house of those interfering with legal company business, it's guaranteed the appointee will clean house.
According to Civil Service regulations.

Easy enough. I have never said otherwise.

I suspect those regulations will change within the next two years.
Any Executive branch employee found to be undermining Trump's agenda needs a boot in the ass out the door.

Washington Bureaucrats Are Chipping Away at Trump’s Agenda

Science doesn't change because you fools elected a game show host who doesn't understand it.

And voting for someone who voted to go into Iraq, and who oversaw Benghazi and wanted a no fly zone in Syria who also gave away state secrets and lied about it and had a "charity" that was laundering money around the world for their own wealth and privilege had nothing to do with it.

Thanks for that.

Did I mention she is unlikable? Even the folks in Arkansas hated her.
Executive branch employees work solely at the pleasure of the President. Period.
Appointees, YES; Civil Service, NO.

Thank you, concise and correct. A civil service employee of the Executive branch has a job that is defined by the current regulations and that does not change jsut because someone new is sitting in the White House.

A person with a Civil Service title is supposed to be an apolitical executor of the policies of the elected officials and their political appointees.

When you have Civil Service people DECIDING policy instead of EXECUTING policy the system is broken.

The job of a Civil Service employee is laid out in the regulations, it does not change with who is sitting in the White House.
Executive branch employees work solely at the pleasure of the President. Period.
Appointees, YES; Civil Service, NO.
If the president tells the appointee to clean house of those interfering with legal company business, it's guaranteed the appointee will clean house.
According to Civil Service regulations.

Easy enough. I have never said otherwise.

I suspect those regulations will change within the next two years.


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