Time for a third party?

Considering most people are centralist/moderates, the ideal 3rd party would represent a majority of Americans. Both parties keep on continuing further and further from the center, which means most people are not being represented. It's taxation without representation.

No, it's nothing like taxation without representation.

It kind of is though. The two main parties pretty much bully anyone out of their way, so they are the only options left. They have their super PAC funding, etc. Another party has a difficult time competing with that since the two main parties get all the air time, etc.

Nobody is stopping the Libertarians from having Super PACs. Though, I agree I don't think federal elections should be funded privately at all to include Super PACs. But, while they are legal, they are legal and what it amounts to is that these other parties do not appeal to the rich or most anyone else for that matter.

So, the concern here is the oxygen that the two main parties is soaking up. OK, so? What is a 'viable' 3rd party going to do differently? Again, you can't just imagine the perfect political party that suits your every need is going to just pop up. The Democrats and Republicans actually put work into what they've created and yes, much of it unsavory. But at least there was effort.

I see this thread as nothing more than a few couch potatoes complaining because their tv dinner placed in front of them is salsburty steak rather than chicken fiesta. Get off your fucking asses and be the party you want.

I see you making a lot of excusing of the two main parties but not coming up with any solutions. I suspect you are a democrat. :D

I've already said I was a Democrat, so your suspicions are based on the obvious.

So, I'm more or less happy with my party, I don't have any unrealistic beliefs that they will always do the right thing. Others in this thread don't have a party they can support but most likely vote for the Republicans anyway and then bitch and complain and make excuses for not finding a more suitable party for their political beliefs.

The thread is about third parties. That is why we are discussing it.
Time for a 3rd party? We have more than 2, it's only a matter of voting for them.

A day late and a dollar short. Obviously the discussion is a viable third party. I mean duh, how did you not get that? You get asked that a lot, don't you?

Viable to whom? To many the Libertarian Party is viable....I mean, to libertarians if they'd just vote for the party they agree with the most. But, what they end up doing is voting for the Republicans. (fuck being socially liberal, amiright?)

What you really want is someone else to create a party that can compete with the Democrats and Republicans that you can plant your viability flag on. Lazy.

A niche party that you magically agree with 100% of the time and is competitive does not and will not ever exist. The viable parties are out there, you just have to get used to the fact that your second favorite party is going to lose a lot.

I've voted Libertarian 3 of the 5 elections since I considered myself libertarian. Unfortunately the last two they were attention whoring and nominated conservatives who weren't libertarian. Gary Johnson changed his positions after being nominated, but that doesn't have credibility with me.

Also, the Libertarians have too many purity tests. They are more party than libertarian. I'm not sure how they are viable, I don't think they want to be viable. They like looking down their noses at everyone. And they stupid shit like comparing Trump's immigration policies to the Nazis. It's hard to take them seriously
Time for a 3rd party? We have more than 2, it's only a matter of voting for them.

Yes, I agree and I do, but most people won't because they fall for the mantra that third party candidates don't stand a chance in general elections. Well, I think that this is probably the 2 main parties' mantra that they are spreading. Lol.

As a country, we really need to stand together and vote both main political parties out of office. They have become too powerful and corrupt. Neither is "less evil" than the other.

The problem is people not voting for third party because they don't think they can win is why they can't win.

You have to finally reach the point I did where I decided it just doesn't matter which of the two parties I vote for, it's the same result. Then I was free to stop voting for them

In 2012 the Libertarians party couldn't even crack 1%, not one. There is more of a problem than just people won't vote for them because they can't win.

That's changing. More and more millennials identify with libertarian belief system. The party is growing as we speak! Soon, hopefully, both of the main parties who have had a stranglehold on our government will be a thing of the past. :)

Millennials Are More Likely to Identify as Libertarians. Why That's Good News for Rand Paul.
Time for a 3rd party? We have more than 2, it's only a matter of voting for them.

A day late and a dollar short. Obviously the discussion is a viable third party. I mean duh, how did you not get that? You get asked that a lot, don't you?

Viable to whom? To many the Libertarian Party is viable....I mean, to libertarians if they'd just vote for the party they agree with the most. But, what they end up doing is voting for the Republicans. (fuck being socially liberal, amiright?)

What you really want is someone else to create a party that can compete with the Democrats and Republicans that you can plant your viability flag on. Lazy.

A niche party that you magically agree with 100% of the time and is competitive does not and will not ever exist. The viable parties are out there, you just have to get used to the fact that your second favorite party is going to lose a lot.

I've voted Libertarian 3 of the 5 elections since I considered myself libertarian. Unfortunately the last two they were attention whoring and nominated conservatives who weren't libertarian. Gary Johnson changed his positions after being nominated, but that doesn't have credibility with me.

Also, the Libertarians have too many purity tests. They are more party than libertarian. I'm not sure how they are viable, I don't think they want to be viable. They like looking down their noses at everyone. And they stupid shit like comparing Trump's immigration policies to the Nazis. It's hard to take them seriously

I do agree that some of their views are "far out" but they are better than the alternatives, IMO.
Time for a 3rd party? We have more than 2, it's only a matter of voting for them.

A day late and a dollar short. Obviously the discussion is a viable third party. I mean duh, how did you not get that? You get asked that a lot, don't you?

Viable to whom? To many the Libertarian Party is viable....I mean, to libertarians if they'd just vote for the party they agree with the most. But, what they end up doing is voting for the Republicans. (fuck being socially liberal, amiright?)

What you really want is someone else to create a party that can compete with the Democrats and Republicans that you can plant your viability flag on. Lazy.

A niche party that you magically agree with 100% of the time and is competitive does not and will not ever exist. The viable parties are out there, you just have to get used to the fact that your second favorite party is going to lose a lot.

Of course not, but there are much better options available than dems or reps. You just have to look a little further than the ones that you see on the news all the time.

The Republicans and Democrats are like two houses identical in every way except the laundry room is a different shade of white. Then both parties point at the laundry room and say that's why you can't vote for ... them. Their laundry room is evil
No, it's nothing like taxation without representation.

It kind of is though. The two main parties pretty much bully anyone out of their way, so they are the only options left. They have their super PAC funding, etc. Another party has a difficult time competing with that since the two main parties get all the air time, etc.

Nobody is stopping the Libertarians from having Super PACs. Though, I agree I don't think federal elections should be funded privately at all to include Super PACs. But, while they are legal, they are legal and what it amounts to is that these other parties do not appeal to the rich or most anyone else for that matter.

So, the concern here is the oxygen that the two main parties is soaking up. OK, so? What is a 'viable' 3rd party going to do differently? Again, you can't just imagine the perfect political party that suits your every need is going to just pop up. The Democrats and Republicans actually put work into what they've created and yes, much of it unsavory. But at least there was effort.

I see this thread as nothing more than a few couch potatoes complaining because their tv dinner placed in front of them is salsburty steak rather than chicken fiesta. Get off your fucking asses and be the party you want.

I see you making a lot of excusing of the two main parties but not coming up with any solutions. I suspect you are a democrat. :D

I've already said I was a Democrat, so your suspicions are based on the obvious.

So, I'm more or less happy with my party, I don't have any unrealistic beliefs that they will always do the right thing. Others in this thread don't have a party they can support but most likely vote for the Republicans anyway and then bitch and complain and make excuses for not finding a more suitable party for their political beliefs.

The thread is about third parties. That is why we are discussing it.

Yes and I'm giving you my opinion on 3rd parties, why they don't do well and why people who complain about the 2 major parties yet either continue to vote for them or actually vote for the 3rd party but get miffed when others don't follow their 'lead'.
It's a real tough shit scenario. Vote 3rd party and do what you can to improve their chances or continue to compromise your values and vote D or R. It's up to you but as I've stated before a 'viable' 3rd party is not going to plop into your lap.
"Time for a third party?"

No, it’s time for Americans to stop being so ignorant and ridiculous about the political process, to understand that real change can come only at the very local level, and to realize the fact that the people alone are responsible for the good – or bad – government they get, not ‘the elites,’ not ‘the establishment,’ and not ‘the politicians.’
It kind of is though. The two main parties pretty much bully anyone out of their way, so they are the only options left. They have their super PAC funding, etc. Another party has a difficult time competing with that since the two main parties get all the air time, etc.

Nobody is stopping the Libertarians from having Super PACs. Though, I agree I don't think federal elections should be funded privately at all to include Super PACs. But, while they are legal, they are legal and what it amounts to is that these other parties do not appeal to the rich or most anyone else for that matter.

So, the concern here is the oxygen that the two main parties is soaking up. OK, so? What is a 'viable' 3rd party going to do differently? Again, you can't just imagine the perfect political party that suits your every need is going to just pop up. The Democrats and Republicans actually put work into what they've created and yes, much of it unsavory. But at least there was effort.

I see this thread as nothing more than a few couch potatoes complaining because their tv dinner placed in front of them is salsburty steak rather than chicken fiesta. Get off your fucking asses and be the party you want.

I see you making a lot of excusing of the two main parties but not coming up with any solutions. I suspect you are a democrat. :D

I've already said I was a Democrat, so your suspicions are based on the obvious.

So, I'm more or less happy with my party, I don't have any unrealistic beliefs that they will always do the right thing. Others in this thread don't have a party they can support but most likely vote for the Republicans anyway and then bitch and complain and make excuses for not finding a more suitable party for their political beliefs.

The thread is about third parties. That is why we are discussing it.

Yes and I'm giving you my opinion on 3rd parties, why they don't do well and why people who complain about the 2 major parties yet either continue to vote for them or actually vote for the 3rd party but get miffed when others don't follow their 'lead'.
It's a real tough shit scenario. Vote 3rd party and do what you can to improve their chances or continue to compromise your values and vote D or R. It's up to you but as I've stated before a 'viable' 3rd party is not going to plop into your lap.

Says a democrat voter. :D Lol. Like I said, the libertarian party and libertarian principals are becoming more and more mainstream. People feel disenfranchised and are tired of the "establishments" on both sides.
What would and who would a 3rd party represent?

Would it be conservative or liberal, reactionary or progressive?

Would it support the will of the people, and be guided by referendums to decide wedge issues (abortion, gun control, tax policy, liberty issues on religion vis a vis the rights of minority populations).

Would such a party support free markets or regulated markets?

Would it support established industries and eschew new technologies?

Would it support a textual interpretation of the Constitution, or recognize the 21st century is greatly different than the 18th?

Would it close our borders and be a by-stander on the world stage, or seek power and control over the policies of other foreign nations?

Would it be fiscally conservative, fiscally responsible or spend like a drunk Marine?

The most obvious third party would be Republicans who are sick of abortion and social issues and Democrats who are sick of out of control spending

Removing the Social Conservatives from the Republican Party will effectively make the R Party a minority party and put the D's in power for years to come. Social conservatives control the vote in Red States, removing them from the R Party will hand over to the D's the electoral college.

Out of control spending is too subjective a phrase, a third party would be wise to set economic policy to responsively take care of what needs to be done, and eschew things (such as unnecessary wars and corporate welfare) which do noting for the many and continue to enrich the few.

A third or fourth or greater number of parties may work in a Parliamentary system, where coalitions control policy and who is the executive (the Prime Minister); in our system chaos would reign (any doubt, consider the chaos the Tea Party has had on governance).

I think there are more liberals who think we're spending too much than you think there are. They have just been coralled by the Democrats and their endless they are worse message.

And I didn't say the socons would leave the Republican party, I said non-socons would to join the third party.

I would still be left without a party, I was just logically saying in our system non-socon Republicans and more fiscally conservative Democrats would be the obvious third party

Mea culpa, the socons (first time I've read that contraction) would not leave the R Party (my post was wrong). In effect, staying with the R's will still religate the R Party to a minority one, and bring chaos to local and state elections too (IMO). We have too many single issue voters which makes for an interesting mix if most of them feel the two viable choices do not effectively meet their wants and needs.

Exactly, abortion is the biggest single issue that single issue voters vote on. That's a big part of why a non-socon Republican fiscal conservative Democrat alliance could work

However, where would the polar opposite Neo Cons and Isolationists land? Gun control advocates and the NRA folks? Racists and multi culture crowd?

Would it be wise for a third party to advocate for the right of individual states to determine wedge issues, cutting out the Federal Government and the Supreme Court?

What would and who would a 3rd party represent?

Would it be conservative or liberal, reactionary or progressive?

Would it support the will of the people, and be guided by referendums to decide wedge issues (abortion, gun control, tax policy, liberty issues on religion vis a vis the rights of minority populations).

Would such a party support free markets or regulated markets?

Would it support established industries and eschew new technologies?

Would it support a textual interpretation of the Constitution, or recognize the 21st century is greatly different than the 18th?

Would it close our borders and be a by-stander on the world stage, or seek power and control over the policies of other foreign nations?

Would it be fiscally conservative, fiscally responsible or spend like a drunk Marine?

The most obvious third party would be Republicans who are sick of abortion and social issues and Democrats who are sick of out of control spending

Considering most people are centralist/moderates, the ideal 3rd party would represent a majority of Americans. Both parties keep on continuing further and further from the center, which means most people are not being represented. It's taxation without representation.

No, it's nothing like taxation without representation.

It kind of is though. The two main parties pretty much bully anyone out of their way, so they are the only options left. They have their super PAC funding, etc. Another party has a difficult time competing with that since the two main parties get all the air time, etc.

The Dixiecrats (1948), Ross Perot (1992) and Ralph Nader (2000) got a lot of press, and had an impact on the vote (not necessarily for the common good). Will Sanders or Johnson be the new 'spoiler'? Time will tell.
Time for a 3rd party? We have more than 2, it's only a matter of voting for them.

A day late and a dollar short. Obviously the discussion is a viable third party. I mean duh, how did you not get that? You get asked that a lot, don't you?

Viable to whom? To many the Libertarian Party is viable....I mean, to libertarians if they'd just vote for the party they agree with the most. But, what they end up doing is voting for the Republicans. (fuck being socially liberal, amiright?)

What you really want is someone else to create a party that can compete with the Democrats and Republicans that you can plant your viability flag on. Lazy.

A niche party that you magically agree with 100% of the time and is competitive does not and will not ever exist. The viable parties are out there, you just have to get used to the fact that your second favorite party is going to lose a lot.

I've voted Libertarian 3 of the 5 elections since I considered myself libertarian. Unfortunately the last two they were attention whoring and nominated conservatives who weren't libertarian. Gary Johnson changed his positions after being nominated, but that doesn't have credibility with me.

Also, the Libertarians have too many purity tests. They are more party than libertarian. I'm not sure how they are viable, I don't think they want to be viable. They like looking down their noses at everyone. And they stupid shit like comparing Trump's immigration policies to the Nazis. It's hard to take them seriously

I guess you're shit out of luck then. Maybe someday a political party that perfectly mirrors your niche political views will come along and everyone will love them just as much as you.
Nobody is stopping the Libertarians from having Super PACs. Though, I agree I don't think federal elections should be funded privately at all to include Super PACs. But, while they are legal, they are legal and what it amounts to is that these other parties do not appeal to the rich or most anyone else for that matter.

So, the concern here is the oxygen that the two main parties is soaking up. OK, so? What is a 'viable' 3rd party going to do differently? Again, you can't just imagine the perfect political party that suits your every need is going to just pop up. The Democrats and Republicans actually put work into what they've created and yes, much of it unsavory. But at least there was effort.

I see this thread as nothing more than a few couch potatoes complaining because their tv dinner placed in front of them is salsburty steak rather than chicken fiesta. Get off your fucking asses and be the party you want.

I see you making a lot of excusing of the two main parties but not coming up with any solutions. I suspect you are a democrat. :D

I've already said I was a Democrat, so your suspicions are based on the obvious.

So, I'm more or less happy with my party, I don't have any unrealistic beliefs that they will always do the right thing. Others in this thread don't have a party they can support but most likely vote for the Republicans anyway and then bitch and complain and make excuses for not finding a more suitable party for their political beliefs.

The thread is about third parties. That is why we are discussing it.

Yes and I'm giving you my opinion on 3rd parties, why they don't do well and why people who complain about the 2 major parties yet either continue to vote for them or actually vote for the 3rd party but get miffed when others don't follow their 'lead'.
It's a real tough shit scenario. Vote 3rd party and do what you can to improve their chances or continue to compromise your values and vote D or R. It's up to you but as I've stated before a 'viable' 3rd party is not going to plop into your lap.

Says a democrat voter. :D Lol. Like I said, the libertarian party and libertarian principals are becoming more and more mainstream. People feel disenfranchised and are tired of the "establishments" on both sides.

No man is an Island and the Libertarian Party lacks a pragmatic foundation, my two general objections to the party.
What would and who would a 3rd party represent?

Would it be conservative or liberal, reactionary or progressive?

Would it support the will of the people, and be guided by referendums to decide wedge issues (abortion, gun control, tax policy, liberty issues on religion vis a vis the rights of minority populations).

Would such a party support free markets or regulated markets?

Would it support established industries and eschew new technologies?

Would it support a textual interpretation of the Constitution, or recognize the 21st century is greatly different than the 18th?

Would it close our borders and be a by-stander on the world stage, or seek power and control over the policies of other foreign nations?

Would it be fiscally conservative, fiscally responsible or spend like a drunk Marine?

The most obvious third party would be Republicans who are sick of abortion and social issues and Democrats who are sick of out of control spending
As already correctly noted: “out of control spending” is a vague and meaningless phrase, as republicans' advocacy to waste billions on the military and wars is likewise out of control.

Republicans spend domestically like Democrats and Democrats get us in as many wars as Republicans, there's not much difference between you either way. That's why people are sick of it and need an alternative
I see you making a lot of excusing of the two main parties but not coming up with any solutions. I suspect you are a democrat. :D

I've already said I was a Democrat, so your suspicions are based on the obvious.

So, I'm more or less happy with my party, I don't have any unrealistic beliefs that they will always do the right thing. Others in this thread don't have a party they can support but most likely vote for the Republicans anyway and then bitch and complain and make excuses for not finding a more suitable party for their political beliefs.

The thread is about third parties. That is why we are discussing it.

Yes and I'm giving you my opinion on 3rd parties, why they don't do well and why people who complain about the 2 major parties yet either continue to vote for them or actually vote for the 3rd party but get miffed when others don't follow their 'lead'.
It's a real tough shit scenario. Vote 3rd party and do what you can to improve their chances or continue to compromise your values and vote D or R. It's up to you but as I've stated before a 'viable' 3rd party is not going to plop into your lap.

Says a democrat voter. :D Lol. Like I said, the libertarian party and libertarian principals are becoming more and more mainstream. People feel disenfranchised and are tired of the "establishments" on both sides.

No man is an Island and the Libertarian Party lacks a pragmatic foundation, my two general objections to the party.

Not all libertarians feel that way. A lot of people confuse libertarians with anarchists.
Time for a 3rd party? We have more than 2, it's only a matter of voting for them.

Yes, I agree and I do, but most people won't because they fall for the mantra that third party candidates don't stand a chance in general elections. Well, I think that this is probably the 2 main parties' mantra that they are spreading. Lol.

As a country, we really need to stand together and vote both main political parties out of office. They have become too powerful and corrupt. Neither is "less evil" than the other.

The problem is people not voting for third party because they don't think they can win is why they can't win.

You have to finally reach the point I did where I decided it just doesn't matter which of the two parties I vote for, it's the same result. Then I was free to stop voting for them

In 2012 the Libertarians party couldn't even crack 1%, not one. There is more of a problem than just people won't vote for them because they can't win.

That's changing. More and more millennials identify with libertarian belief system. The party is growing as we speak! Soon, hopefully, both of the main parties who have had a stranglehold on our government will be a thing of the past. :)

Millennials Are More Likely to Identify as Libertarians. Why That's Good News for Rand Paul.

How did that good news work out for Rand Paul?
Time for a 3rd party? We have more than 2, it's only a matter of voting for them.

Yes, I agree and I do, but most people won't because they fall for the mantra that third party candidates don't stand a chance in general elections. Well, I think that this is probably the 2 main parties' mantra that they are spreading. Lol.

As a country, we really need to stand together and vote both main political parties out of office. They have become too powerful and corrupt. Neither is "less evil" than the other.

The problem is people not voting for third party because they don't think they can win is why they can't win.

You have to finally reach the point I did where I decided it just doesn't matter which of the two parties I vote for, it's the same result. Then I was free to stop voting for them

In 2012 the Libertarians party couldn't even crack 1%, not one. There is more of a problem than just people won't vote for them because they can't win.

That's changing. More and more millennials identify with libertarian belief system. The party is growing as we speak! Soon, hopefully, both of the main parties who have had a stranglehold on our government will be a thing of the past. :)

Millennials Are More Likely to Identify as Libertarians. Why That's Good News for Rand Paul.

How did that good news work out for Rand Paul?

Irrelevant. I posted it so you could see the stats. The libertarian is growing in popularity. Hopefully one day, the two party system that we are stuck with right now will be obsolete.
Time for a 3rd party? We have more than 2, it's only a matter of voting for them.

A day late and a dollar short. Obviously the discussion is a viable third party. I mean duh, how did you not get that? You get asked that a lot, don't you?

Viable to whom? To many the Libertarian Party is viable....I mean, to libertarians if they'd just vote for the party they agree with the most. But, what they end up doing is voting for the Republicans. (fuck being socially liberal, amiright?)

What you really want is someone else to create a party that can compete with the Democrats and Republicans that you can plant your viability flag on. Lazy.

A niche party that you magically agree with 100% of the time and is competitive does not and will not ever exist. The viable parties are out there, you just have to get used to the fact that your second favorite party is going to lose a lot.

I've voted Libertarian 3 of the 5 elections since I considered myself libertarian. Unfortunately the last two they were attention whoring and nominated conservatives who weren't libertarian. Gary Johnson changed his positions after being nominated, but that doesn't have credibility with me.

Also, the Libertarians have too many purity tests. They are more party than libertarian. I'm not sure how they are viable, I don't think they want to be viable. They like looking down their noses at everyone. And they stupid shit like comparing Trump's immigration policies to the Nazis. It's hard to take them seriously

I do agree that some of their views are "far out" but they are better than the alternatives, IMO.

I like some candidates, depends who they nominate. We should know shortly
I've already said I was a Democrat, so your suspicions are based on the obvious.

So, I'm more or less happy with my party, I don't have any unrealistic beliefs that they will always do the right thing. Others in this thread don't have a party they can support but most likely vote for the Republicans anyway and then bitch and complain and make excuses for not finding a more suitable party for their political beliefs.

The thread is about third parties. That is why we are discussing it.

Yes and I'm giving you my opinion on 3rd parties, why they don't do well and why people who complain about the 2 major parties yet either continue to vote for them or actually vote for the 3rd party but get miffed when others don't follow their 'lead'.
It's a real tough shit scenario. Vote 3rd party and do what you can to improve their chances or continue to compromise your values and vote D or R. It's up to you but as I've stated before a 'viable' 3rd party is not going to plop into your lap.

Says a democrat voter. :D Lol. Like I said, the libertarian party and libertarian principals are becoming more and more mainstream. People feel disenfranchised and are tired of the "establishments" on both sides.

No man is an Island and the Libertarian Party lacks a pragmatic foundation, my two general objections to the party.

Not all libertarians feel that way. A lot of people confuse libertarians with anarchists.

How do Libertarians not feel that way?
Time for a 3rd party? We have more than 2, it's only a matter of voting for them.

A day late and a dollar short. Obviously the discussion is a viable third party. I mean duh, how did you not get that? You get asked that a lot, don't you?

Viable to whom? To many the Libertarian Party is viable....I mean, to libertarians if they'd just vote for the party they agree with the most. But, what they end up doing is voting for the Republicans. (fuck being socially liberal, amiright?)

What you really want is someone else to create a party that can compete with the Democrats and Republicans that you can plant your viability flag on. Lazy.

A niche party that you magically agree with 100% of the time and is competitive does not and will not ever exist. The viable parties are out there, you just have to get used to the fact that your second favorite party is going to lose a lot.

I've voted Libertarian 3 of the 5 elections since I considered myself libertarian. Unfortunately the last two they were attention whoring and nominated conservatives who weren't libertarian. Gary Johnson changed his positions after being nominated, but that doesn't have credibility with me.

Also, the Libertarians have too many purity tests. They are more party than libertarian. I'm not sure how they are viable, I don't think they want to be viable. They like looking down their noses at everyone. And they stupid shit like comparing Trump's immigration policies to the Nazis. It's hard to take them seriously

I guess you're shit out of luck then. Maybe someday a political party that perfectly mirrors your niche political views will come along and everyone will love them just as much as you.

Don't care if you don't approve of my views. I am not particularly looking for a "party" to join. The whole thing seems to lead to what happens, you need to constantly bend your views in the interest of the party until they are thinking for you. I personally think the concept of libertarian and party are contradictory for that reason
Yes, I agree and I do, but most people won't because they fall for the mantra that third party candidates don't stand a chance in general elections. Well, I think that this is probably the 2 main parties' mantra that they are spreading. Lol.

As a country, we really need to stand together and vote both main political parties out of office. They have become too powerful and corrupt. Neither is "less evil" than the other.

The problem is people not voting for third party because they don't think they can win is why they can't win.

You have to finally reach the point I did where I decided it just doesn't matter which of the two parties I vote for, it's the same result. Then I was free to stop voting for them

In 2012 the Libertarians party couldn't even crack 1%, not one. There is more of a problem than just people won't vote for them because they can't win.

That's changing. More and more millennials identify with libertarian belief system. The party is growing as we speak! Soon, hopefully, both of the main parties who have had a stranglehold on our government will be a thing of the past. :)

Millennials Are More Likely to Identify as Libertarians. Why That's Good News for Rand Paul.

How did that good news work out for Rand Paul?

Irrelevant. I posted it so you could see the stats. The libertarian is growing in popularity. Hopefully one day, the two party system that we are stuck with right now will be obsolete.
Yes, I agree and I do, but most people won't because they fall for the mantra that third party candidates don't stand a chance in general elections. Well, I think that this is probably the 2 main parties' mantra that they are spreading. Lol.

As a country, we really need to stand together and vote both main political parties out of office. They have become too powerful and corrupt. Neither is "less evil" than the other.

The problem is people not voting for third party because they don't think they can win is why they can't win.

You have to finally reach the point I did where I decided it just doesn't matter which of the two parties I vote for, it's the same result. Then I was free to stop voting for them

In 2012 the Libertarians party couldn't even crack 1%, not one. There is more of a problem than just people won't vote for them because they can't win.

That's changing. More and more millennials identify with libertarian belief system. The party is growing as we speak! Soon, hopefully, both of the main parties who have had a stranglehold on our government will be a thing of the past. :)

Millennials Are More Likely to Identify as Libertarians. Why That's Good News for Rand Paul.

How did that good news work out for Rand Paul?

Irrelevant. I posted it so you could see the stats. The libertarian is growing in popularity. Hopefully one day, the two party system that we are stuck with right now will be obsolete.

Irrelevant is a static poll. Libertarians are growing today (after your article) due maybe to Trump and Clinton as the nominees since neither is popular, most likely has little to do with Libertarian beliefs. So, a good bounce for the Libertarian Party would be to get over 5% of the vote this election. That would be an awesome turn out for Libertarians however as an election result that is terrible

Libertarians couldn't govern themselves out of a paper bag, because they've never gained the trust of anyone in this country or another to do it.

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