Time for a third party?

If everybody acted with the best of intentions then a Libertarianism would be just fine. However, that is not the real world.

Bull, it's the other way around. Libertarianism is based on actual human nature. People act in their own interest. So let's just have a government that protects us from each other. Liberalism is based on the lie that people will act in someone else's interest. no one does, especially liberals

I can't follow the libertarian platforms. Some of them are just too far fetched and kind of cold hearted for me to be able to believe in.

Oh-oh, that viable 3rd party is drifting further and further away, you just lost the libertarians.

There are libertarian candidates whose views are not far from my own.

Yeah, what about them do you like? For starters, they are in the Libertarian party.

I like that they align more with the "center" than with any particular ideological viewpoints. There are plenty of democrats and republicans who will claim they are more aligned with the center, but they obviously are not.
Bull, it's the other way around. Libertarianism is based on actual human nature. People act in their own interest. So let's just have a government that protects us from each other. Liberalism is based on the lie that people will act in someone else's interest. no one does, especially liberals

I can't follow the libertarian platforms. Some of them are just too far fetched and kind of cold hearted for me to be able to believe in.

Oh-oh, that viable 3rd party is drifting further and further away, you just lost the libertarians.

There are libertarian candidates whose views are not far from my own.

Yeah, what about them do you like? For starters, they are in the Libertarian party.

I like that they align more with the "center" than with any particular ideological viewpoints. There are plenty of democrats and republicans who will claim they are more aligned with the center, but they obviously are not.

How are Libertarians necessarily aligned with the center? Give me an example, considering they are a fringe party.

Please, something more in depth than they are 'fiscally responsible and socially liberal'.
I can't follow the libertarian platforms. Some of them are just too far fetched and kind of cold hearted for me to be able to believe in.

Oh-oh, that viable 3rd party is drifting further and further away, you just lost the libertarians.

There are libertarian candidates whose views are not far from my own.

Yeah, what about them do you like? For starters, they are in the Libertarian party.

I like that they align more with the "center" than with any particular ideological viewpoints. There are plenty of democrats and republicans who will claim they are more aligned with the center, but they obviously are not.

How are Libertarians necessarily aligned with the center? Give me an example, considering they are a fringe party.

There are a few of them. Go look for yourself if you really want to know. Sounds like you are bitter though and trying to start an argument. Not taking the bait.
Oh-oh, that viable 3rd party is drifting further and further away, you just lost the libertarians.

There are libertarian candidates whose views are not far from my own.

Yeah, what about them do you like? For starters, they are in the Libertarian party.

I like that they align more with the "center" than with any particular ideological viewpoints. There are plenty of democrats and republicans who will claim they are more aligned with the center, but they obviously are not.

How are Libertarians necessarily aligned with the center? Give me an example, considering they are a fringe party.

There are a few of them. Go look for yourself if you really want to know. Sounds like you are bitter though and trying to start an argument. Not taking the bait.

I can't look for myself and find out what YOU agree with them on.
There are libertarian candidates whose views are not far from my own.

Yeah, what about them do you like? For starters, they are in the Libertarian party.

I like that they align more with the "center" than with any particular ideological viewpoints. There are plenty of democrats and republicans who will claim they are more aligned with the center, but they obviously are not.

How are Libertarians necessarily aligned with the center? Give me an example, considering they are a fringe party.

There are a few of them. Go look for yourself if you really want to know. Sounds like you are bitter though and trying to start an argument. Not taking the bait.

I can't look for myself and find out what YOU agree with them on.

I told you that some of them do in fact hold more centrist views. You seem to want to argue about it. I'm not taking your bait. I'm here for logical discussion, not a shouting match with you bitter and angry people. :)
I've already said I was a Democrat, so your suspicions are based on the obvious.

So, I'm more or less happy with my party, I don't have any unrealistic beliefs that they will always do the right thing. Others in this thread don't have a party they can support but most likely vote for the Republicans anyway and then bitch and complain and make excuses for not finding a more suitable party for their political beliefs.

The thread is about third parties. That is why we are discussing it.

Yes and I'm giving you my opinion on 3rd parties, why they don't do well and why people who complain about the 2 major parties yet either continue to vote for them or actually vote for the 3rd party but get miffed when others don't follow their 'lead'.
It's a real tough shit scenario. Vote 3rd party and do what you can to improve their chances or continue to compromise your values and vote D or R. It's up to you but as I've stated before a 'viable' 3rd party is not going to plop into your lap.

Says a democrat voter. :D Lol. Like I said, the libertarian party and libertarian principals are becoming more and more mainstream. People feel disenfranchised and are tired of the "establishments" on both sides.

No man is an Island and the Libertarian Party lacks a pragmatic foundation, my two general objections to the party.

Not all libertarians feel that way. A lot of people confuse libertarians with anarchists.

We have our share of anarchists, but they do not equate to the Libertarian Platform, the D or the R either. IMO most of them belong on the idiot fringe.
The thread is about third parties. That is why we are discussing it.

Yes and I'm giving you my opinion on 3rd parties, why they don't do well and why people who complain about the 2 major parties yet either continue to vote for them or actually vote for the 3rd party but get miffed when others don't follow their 'lead'.
It's a real tough shit scenario. Vote 3rd party and do what you can to improve their chances or continue to compromise your values and vote D or R. It's up to you but as I've stated before a 'viable' 3rd party is not going to plop into your lap.

Says a democrat voter. :D Lol. Like I said, the libertarian party and libertarian principals are becoming more and more mainstream. People feel disenfranchised and are tired of the "establishments" on both sides.

No man is an Island and the Libertarian Party lacks a pragmatic foundation, my two general objections to the party.

Not all libertarians feel that way. A lot of people confuse libertarians with anarchists.

We have our share of anarchists, but they do not equate to the Libertarian Platform, the D or the R either. IMO most of them belong on the idiot fringe.

Well, there are several things that I do disagree with the libertarian platform on. Like no social service supports, no taxes, and other weird things they seem to think apply to modern times. It seems like some of them would like to bring us back to the 1800s or something. I don't know if those are just the beliefs of those on the "fringe." I know I've heard libertarian candidates/politicians talk about such things before.
The poll below shows many Americans, like myself, feel that neither the Democrats nor the Republicans represent our interests. Is it time for a third party? I say yes....and so do many other Americans.

Americans Continue to Say a Third Political Party Is Needed
A majority of U.S. adults, 58%, say a third U.S. political party is needed because the Republican and Democratic parties "do such a poor job" representing the American people. These views are little changed from last year's high. Since 2007, a majority has typically called for a third party.


I could not agree with you more my friend. It's why I'm once again voting 3rd party .. just as I have for many elections now.

We can't keep telling ourselves, 'This election is too important to 'risk' it." .. My first question is 'risk' what? Risk doing what conscience tells you to do? Neither the fate of the world no the outcome of any election rests on your one vote. If one already knows the failures of the duopoly, then it is the best interests of their children for them to take a stand and demand more political choices before their children have to do it.

In fact, a serious reading of the Declaration of Independence demonstrates that such action is the right and DUTY of all who call themselves citizens.
The Libertarian Party has some common characteristics of the late 60's, Turn on, Tune in, Drop out. It is iconoclastic + utopian - pragmatic thought, IMO.

If everybody acted with the best of intentions then a Libertarianism would be just fine. However, that is not the real world.

Bull, it's the other way around. Libertarianism is based on actual human nature. People act in their own interest. So let's just have a government that protects us from each other. Liberalism is based on the lie that people will act in someone else's interest. no one does, especially liberals

I can't follow the libertarian platforms. Some of them are just too far fetched and kind of cold hearted for me to be able to believe in.

Oh-oh, that viable 3rd party is drifting further and further away, you just lost the libertarians.

There are libertarian candidates whose views are not far from my own.

There are Republicans whose views are not far from my own, of course they are known today as RINO's.
Centrists are independent thinkers. They gauge situations based on context and reason, consideration and probability. They are open minded and exercise conviction. Willing to fight for reason as opposed to ideology.

I especially like the above quoted. That really applies to my views. I hate ideological political viewpoints, such as those given to us by both the major parties who monopolize our government.

I've known quite a few Libertarians who won't shut up about their partisanship. Snobby little bitches many of them are.
If everybody acted with the best of intentions then a Libertarianism would be just fine. However, that is not the real world.

Bull, it's the other way around. Libertarianism is based on actual human nature. People act in their own interest. So let's just have a government that protects us from each other. Liberalism is based on the lie that people will act in someone else's interest. no one does, especially liberals

I can't follow the libertarian platforms. Some of them are just too far fetched and kind of cold hearted for me to be able to believe in.

Oh-oh, that viable 3rd party is drifting further and further away, you just lost the libertarians.

There are libertarian candidates whose views are not far from my own.

There are Republicans whose views are not far from my own, of course they are known today as RINO's.

I think both parties have just gone too far into the twilight zone. Lol.
Centrists are independent thinkers. They gauge situations based on context and reason, consideration and probability. They are open minded and exercise conviction. Willing to fight for reason as opposed to ideology.

I especially like the above quoted. That really applies to my views. I hate ideological political viewpoints, such as those given to us by both the major parties who monopolize our government.

I've known quite a few Libertarians who won't shut up about their partisanship. Snobby little bitches many of them are.

Still bitter and angry I see. Did they turn you down or something?
Centrists are independent thinkers. They gauge situations based on context and reason, consideration and probability. They are open minded and exercise conviction. Willing to fight for reason as opposed to ideology.

I especially like the above quoted. That really applies to my views. I hate ideological political viewpoints, such as those given to us by both the major parties who monopolize our government.

I've known quite a few Libertarians who won't shut up about their partisanship. Snobby little bitches many of them are.

Still bitter and angry I see. Did they turn you down or something?

I'm not bitter, I like my party.

Where do you get the idea that libertarians are centrist?
Centrists are independent thinkers. They gauge situations based on context and reason, consideration and probability. They are open minded and exercise conviction. Willing to fight for reason as opposed to ideology.

I especially like the above quoted. That really applies to my views. I hate ideological political viewpoints, such as those given to us by both the major parties who monopolize our government.

I've known quite a few Libertarians who won't shut up about their partisanship. Snobby little bitches many of them are.

Still bitter and angry I see. Did they turn you down or something?

I'm not bitter, I like my party.

Where do you get the idea that libertarians are centrist?

Where did I say that?
Centrists are independent thinkers. They gauge situations based on context and reason, consideration and probability. They are open minded and exercise conviction. Willing to fight for reason as opposed to ideology.

I especially like the above quoted. That really applies to my views. I hate ideological political viewpoints, such as those given to us by both the major parties who monopolize our government.

I've known quite a few Libertarians who won't shut up about their partisanship. Snobby little bitches many of them are.

Still bitter and angry I see. Did they turn you down or something?

I'm not bitter, I like my party.

Where do you get the idea that libertarians are centrist?

You like the democrat party? Lol. Wow. You don't have very high standards or expectations, eh?
Centrists are independent thinkers. They gauge situations based on context and reason, consideration and probability. They are open minded and exercise conviction. Willing to fight for reason as opposed to ideology.

I especially like the above quoted. That really applies to my views. I hate ideological political viewpoints, such as those given to us by both the major parties who monopolize our government.

I've known quite a few Libertarians who won't shut up about their partisanship. Snobby little bitches many of them are.

Still bitter and angry I see. Did they turn you down or something?

I'm not bitter, I like my party.

Where do you get the idea that libertarians are centrist?

Where did I say that?

I just assumed based on your quote about liking centrists and separately you said something about liking libertarian politicians so I took the liberty of putting 1 and 1 together.
I especially like the above quoted. That really applies to my views. I hate ideological political viewpoints, such as those given to us by both the major parties who monopolize our government.

I've known quite a few Libertarians who won't shut up about their partisanship. Snobby little bitches many of them are.

Still bitter and angry I see. Did they turn you down or something?

I'm not bitter, I like my party.

Where do you get the idea that libertarians are centrist?

Where did I say that?

I just assumed based on your quote about liking centrists and separately you said something about liking libertarian politicians so I took the liberty of putting 1 and 1 together.

I like them better than democrats or republicans!
Centrists are independent thinkers. They gauge situations based on context and reason, consideration and probability. They are open minded and exercise conviction. Willing to fight for reason as opposed to ideology.

I especially like the above quoted. That really applies to my views. I hate ideological political viewpoints, such as those given to us by both the major parties who monopolize our government.

I've known quite a few Libertarians who won't shut up about their partisanship. Snobby little bitches many of them are.

Still bitter and angry I see. Did they turn you down or something?

I'm not bitter, I like my party.

Where do you get the idea that libertarians are centrist?

You like the democrat party? Lol. Wow. You don't have very high standards or expectations, eh?

It's the Democratic party, at the very least get the name right.

I have realistic expectations. The guy I voted for President the last two times won easily, I don't agree with him 100% but why would I expect to?

You on the other hand will never get anything out of an election.
I've known quite a few Libertarians who won't shut up about their partisanship. Snobby little bitches many of them are.

Still bitter and angry I see. Did they turn you down or something?

I'm not bitter, I like my party.

Where do you get the idea that libertarians are centrist?

Where did I say that?

I just assumed based on your quote about liking centrists and separately you said something about liking libertarian politicians so I took the liberty of putting 1 and 1 together.

I like them better than democrats or republicans!

OK, is their overwhelming centrism that you like so much? I've asked previously, you say you don't like the Libertarian party but you do Libertarian politicians. What do you like about them but not the party?

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