Time for a third party?

Still bitter and angry I see. Did they turn you down or something?

I'm not bitter, I like my party.

Where do you get the idea that libertarians are centrist?

Where did I say that?

I just assumed based on your quote about liking centrists and separately you said something about liking libertarian politicians so I took the liberty of putting 1 and 1 together.

I like them better than democrats or republicans!

OK, is their overwhelming centrism that you like so much? I've asked previously, you say you don't like the Libertarian party but you do Libertarian politicians. What do you like about them but not the party?

I did not say any such thing. My test showed I was most aligned with a specific libertarian candidate. I said that I disagree with some of their political stances.
Still bitter and angry I see. Did they turn you down or something?

I'm not bitter, I like my party.

Where do you get the idea that libertarians are centrist?

Where did I say that?

I just assumed based on your quote about liking centrists and separately you said something about liking libertarian politicians so I took the liberty of putting 1 and 1 together.

I like them better than democrats or republicans!

OK, is their overwhelming centrism that you like so much? I've asked previously, you say you don't like the Libertarian party but you do Libertarian politicians. What do you like about them but not the party?

I also said that, personally, I think I fit better as a centrist than a libertarian.
I'm not bitter, I like my party.

Where do you get the idea that libertarians are centrist?

Where did I say that?

I just assumed based on your quote about liking centrists and separately you said something about liking libertarian politicians so I took the liberty of putting 1 and 1 together.

I like them better than democrats or republicans!

OK, is their overwhelming centrism that you like so much? I've asked previously, you say you don't like the Libertarian party but you do Libertarian politicians. What do you like about them but not the party?

I did not say any such thing. My test showed I was most aligned with a specific libertarian candidate. I said that I disagree with some of their political stances.

Yep, that's what I'm talking about, what views?
Where did I say that?

I just assumed based on your quote about liking centrists and separately you said something about liking libertarian politicians so I took the liberty of putting 1 and 1 together.

I like them better than democrats or republicans!

OK, is their overwhelming centrism that you like so much? I've asked previously, you say you don't like the Libertarian party but you do Libertarian politicians. What do you like about them but not the party?

I did not say any such thing. My test showed I was most aligned with a specific libertarian candidate. I said that I disagree with some of their political stances.

Yep, that's what I'm talking about, what views?

I already gave an example. Look, why do I have to keep repeating myself for you people? What is your problem?
I just assumed based on your quote about liking centrists and separately you said something about liking libertarian politicians so I took the liberty of putting 1 and 1 together.

I like them better than democrats or republicans!

OK, is their overwhelming centrism that you like so much? I've asked previously, you say you don't like the Libertarian party but you do Libertarian politicians. What do you like about them but not the party?

I did not say any such thing. My test showed I was most aligned with a specific libertarian candidate. I said that I disagree with some of their political stances.

Yep, that's what I'm talking about, what views?

I already gave an example. Look, why do I have to keep repeating myself for you people? What is your problem?

I missed it, what was the example?

I'll give my own example. Legalizing pot, I agree with libertarians, but it doesn't make me even close to wanting one in the White House.
I like them better than democrats or republicans!

OK, is their overwhelming centrism that you like so much? I've asked previously, you say you don't like the Libertarian party but you do Libertarian politicians. What do you like about them but not the party?

I did not say any such thing. My test showed I was most aligned with a specific libertarian candidate. I said that I disagree with some of their political stances.

Yep, that's what I'm talking about, what views?

I already gave an example. Look, why do I have to keep repeating myself for you people? What is your problem?

I missed it, what was the example?

I'll give my own example. Legalizing pot, I agree with libertarians, but it doesn't make me even close to wanting one in the White House.

I said that I disagree with a lot of their stances on taxes, social service issues and some foreign policy issues too, but each candidate's platforms vary.
Yes and I'm giving you my opinion on 3rd parties, why they don't do well and why people who complain about the 2 major parties yet either continue to vote for them or actually vote for the 3rd party but get miffed when others don't follow their 'lead'.
It's a real tough shit scenario. Vote 3rd party and do what you can to improve their chances or continue to compromise your values and vote D or R. It's up to you but as I've stated before a 'viable' 3rd party is not going to plop into your lap.

Says a democrat voter. :D Lol. Like I said, the libertarian party and libertarian principals are becoming more and more mainstream. People feel disenfranchised and are tired of the "establishments" on both sides.

No man is an Island and the Libertarian Party lacks a pragmatic foundation, my two general objections to the party.

Not all libertarians feel that way. A lot of people confuse libertarians with anarchists.

We have our share of anarchists, but they do not equate to the Libertarian Platform, the D or the R either. IMO most of them belong on the idiot fringe.

Well, there are several things that I do disagree with the libertarian platform on. Like no social service supports, no taxes, and other weird things they seem to think apply to modern times. It seems like some of them would like to bring us back to the 1800s or something. I don't know if those are just the beliefs of those on the "fringe." I know I've heard libertarian candidates/politicians talk about such things before.

This is exactly what I said, above, and only 2 pages ago.
Trump is your freaking 3rd party you idiots. Years ago both the left and the right would have supported a renegade who changed the rules and kicked the establishment's freaking ass. Why don't they like him now? The answer is simple, the phonies who claim to support a 3rd party have become the establishment and they don't want to change a thing. Personally I would love to see Sanders run as a 3rd party candidate but I don't think a republican should break away from the party. Does that make sense to the idiots who think a 3rd party has a chance?
Trump is your freaking 3rd party you idiots. Years ago both the left and the right would have supported a renegade who changed the rules and kicked the establishment's freaking ass. Why don't they like him now? The answer is simple, the phonies who claim to support a 3rd party have become the establishment and they don't want to change a thing. Personally I would love to see Sanders run as a 3rd party candidate but I don't think a republican should break away from the party. Does that make sense to the idiots who think a 3rd party has a chance?

Oh, he is not! He's a douchebag, that's what he is. He's the type of person that will tell you anything you want to hear to get what he wants.
Well, one thing that could be done is just to vote any replacement for Representative in the House who has been there for more than three terms. That would shake 'em up! Turning over the politically indebted party hacks would at least be satisfying, while non-violent at the same time.
Well, one thing that could be done is just to vote any replacement for Representative in the House who has been there for more than three terms. That would shake 'em up! Turning over the politically indebted party hacks would at least be satisfying, while non-violent at the same time.

All politicians should have term limits, IMO.
The poll below shows many Americans, like myself, feel that neither the Democrats nor the Republicans represent our interests. Is it time for a third party? I say yes....and so do many other Americans.

Americans Continue to Say a Third Political Party Is Needed
A majority of U.S. adults, 58%, say a third U.S. political party is needed because the Republican and Democratic parties "do such a poor job" representing the American people. These views are little changed from last year's high. Since 2007, a majority has typically called for a third party.


Prior to Trump taking the GOP nomination I would have agreed.

Now the GOP is the new Third Party, dude.

If you dont like Trump there is always the Anarcho-Libertarian Party and the Establishment Ass Kissing Party available.
all the people that think we should abolish 90% of the government and do away with all investments in our country don't live in the real world. What you want is for America to be somailia or Haiti.

Who are you talking to?

The people that generally want to abolish the epa, stop investment into infrastructure, science, r&d and believe that the federal government shouldn't do anything. The tedddy cruzz's of the world pretty much.

It doesn't work and it aint good. I am not saying there isn't corruption and bad deals from trade to investments but what these people are asking for would destroy America's place in the world.
Well, one thing that could be done is just to vote any replacement for Representative in the House who has been there for more than three terms. That would shake 'em up! Turning over the politically indebted party hacks would at least be satisfying, while non-violent at the same time.

All politicians should have term limits, IMO.
Perhaps, or income limits, at least from anything deriving from their political/government 'service'.
Trump is your freaking 3rd party you idiots. Years ago both the left and the right would have supported a renegade who changed the rules and kicked the establishment's freaking ass. Why don't they like him now? The answer is simple, the phonies who claim to support a 3rd party have become the establishment and they don't want to change a thing. Personally I would love to see Sanders run as a 3rd party candidate but I don't think a republican should break away from the party. Does that make sense to the idiots who think a 3rd party has a chance?

There is nothing about Trump that a liberal would support. Some vague notion that he said some liberal things when it was politically popular to do so doesn't count.

He thought Clinton was great, he supported the Iraq war as it was happening and magically now he says the exact opposite. He's not a new way candidate, he's an opportunistic dick hole.

Sanders on the other hand isn't and he's not going to run 3rd party and hand all over to Trump.
Says a democrat voter. :D Lol. Like I said, the libertarian party and libertarian principals are becoming more and more mainstream. People feel disenfranchised and are tired of the "establishments" on both sides.

No man is an Island and the Libertarian Party lacks a pragmatic foundation, my two general objections to the party.

Not all libertarians feel that way. A lot of people confuse libertarians with anarchists.

We have our share of anarchists, but they do not equate to the Libertarian Platform, the D or the R either. IMO most of them belong on the idiot fringe.

Well, there are several things that I do disagree with the libertarian platform on. Like no social service supports, no taxes, and other weird things they seem to think apply to modern times. It seems like some of them would like to bring us back to the 1800s or something. I don't know if those are just the beliefs of those on the "fringe." I know I've heard libertarian candidates/politicians talk about such things before.

This is exactly what I said, above, and only 2 pages ago.

OK, but the candidates the libertarian candidates that the survey showed you agree with. What did you agree with exactly?
.....What you really want is someone else to create a party that can compete with the Democrats and Republicans that you can plant your viability flag on. Lazy.

A niche party that you magically agree with 100% of the time and is competitive does not and will not ever exist. The viable parties are out there, you just have to get used to the fact that your second favorite party is going to lose a lot.
Straw man argument. No one is saying they want a shake'n'bake party which agrees with them 100% of the time. If you want to call someone lazy and unrealistic, consider all those that blindly vote along party lines or do so because to do otherwise takes too much thinking.

Wassamatter? Does the idea of a third party scare you?

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