Time for conservatives to unite, and bring the far left to its knees!

If you care about your country and are a conservative, it is time to get together as a group of money wielding people, and bring the left to its knees!

We all know that without money, even followers of the far leftists will revolt if they aren't given free stuff. You can put the left in chaos just by watching how/where, you spend your money. YOU are the economic engine of the country, and YOU can do more by where you spend your money, then who you voted for!

All conservatives need to take 1 year out of their life unless they are old and need to do it now for fear of death, and KEEP EVERY PENNY POSSIBLE away from California, and Hollyweird! You want to rent a movie? Cut a deal with at least one neighbor.........hopefully 2.................and get together to rent a movie everyone wants to see. This will cut income down to them by 2/3rds-)

Do not vacation in CALIFORNIA, or New York! Want to get attacked in riots? Stay out of there, and keep your money with you. Deny them everything you can. No money for a year, even if we have to find other places to trade our mutual funds. Get it out of New York!

Want Mickey Mouse? Then go to Disneyworld and stay out of Disneyland! And at every juncture, make sure you yell people online WHY! They want to be avante guard leftists, then let the leftists support their avante guard asses!

If you do everything possible to avoid paying ANYTHING for ANY REASON to California and New York for 1 year, you WILL bring them to their knees; while scaring the hell out of Illinois, Massachusetts, and a couple of other states. These people DESRVE this treatment, as they are acting MORE political than Washington DC, and rubbing your face in it.

Talk to your wife/husband. If you spend time on here to post, then spend a little time to spread the word, and also, enjoy denying the leftists of these blue states a conservative nickel. Talk to all your friends, and work together to BRING THE LEFTIST BLUE STATES TO THEIR KNEES! If it goes viral, it will work! Remember........summer vacation plans are starting to formulate now. Make the case as Americans why to stay OUT OF CALIFORNIA, and make Hollyweird suffer on top of it, lolol! Most Americans will enjoy that-)
What Americans need to do is prioritize the take down of the left, and that starts with White liberals as the problem [as opposed to minorities] and their PC infection...once everyone is on the same page with that you have dealt with 50% of the problem...from there the rest of the domino's follow.

California is the key! Virtually all of the politicians in California are Democrats, so we would be harming the LEAST amount of Conservatives. Also----->they are the most VOCAL, so why would any of us want to give them a cent? We are smarter than that, and won't finance people who insult all of us, almost every time they open their mouths politically.

Look what they let those people at BERSERKley get away with. Not one arrest as far as I know, not one! Places like California WANT this to happen for political expediency. Most of the crap we are seeing are astro turfers leading, and all in deep blue states because they are smart enough to know if they come to a red state, their ass will be in JAIL!

Look, the idea is simple----------> The left messes with taxes and FORCES us to pay their way. Fair share, evil rich, blah, blah, blah! They have to stop Trump before he dismantles their hammocks and they are forced to actually get a job!

Now YOU/WE can finally repay the leftists for Obamacare...........for calling everyone deplorables........for telling you it is ALL YOUR FAULT, then telling you that they are in control, and there is NOTHING YOU can do..........telling everyone YOU DIDN'T BUILD that as you worked your ass off 16, 18 hours a day.......telling you if you are white you have special powers meaning that everyone can basically spit at you.......and the list is endless for the last 8 years, and longer. And California......good old California sits there, and doubles down on ALL of those, insists your candidate really didn't win, you are all illegitimate, and they are going to crap all over you each and every time they can, and Hollyweird is helping them.

Why WOULDN'T every conservative, libertarian, and Republican repay them? The way they have treated all of us, the country, and handed Iran 150 billion! We should be marching also, blocking planes, trains, and automobiles from entering California. Oh shit I forgot, we work! Well then, make sure YOU DENY them any money, any way we can, and that is the bottom line:FIREdevil:
If you care about your country and are a conservative, it is time to get together as a group of money wielding people, and bring the left to its knees!

We all know that without money, even followers of the far leftists will revolt if they aren't given free stuff. You can put the left in chaos just by watching how/where, you spend your money. YOU are the economic engine of the country, and YOU can do more by where you spend your money, then who you voted for!

All conservatives need to take 1 year out of their life unless they are old and need to do it now for fear of death, and KEEP EVERY PENNY POSSIBLE away from California, and Hollyweird! You want to rent a movie? Cut a deal with at least one neighbor.........hopefully 2.................and get together to rent a movie everyone wants to see. This will cut income down to them by 2/3rds-)

Do not vacation in CALIFORNIA, or New York! Want to get attacked in riots? Stay out of there, and keep your money with you. Deny them everything you can. No money for a year, even if we have to find other places to trade our mutual funds. Get it out of New York!

Want Mickey Mouse? Then go to Disneyworld and stay out of Disneyland! And at every juncture, make sure you yell people online WHY! They want to be avante guard leftists, then let the leftists support their avante guard asses!

If you do everything possible to avoid paying ANYTHING for ANY REASON to California and New York for 1 year, you WILL bring them to their knees; while scaring the hell out of Illinois, Massachusetts, and a couple of other states. These people DESRVE this treatment, as they are acting MORE political than Washington DC, and rubbing your face in it.

Talk to your wife/husband. If you spend time on here to post, then spend a little time to spread the word, and also, enjoy denying the leftists of these blue states a conservative nickel. Talk to all your friends, and work together to BRING THE LEFTIST BLUE STATES TO THEIR KNEES! If it goes viral, it will work! Remember........summer vacation plans are starting to formulate now. Make the case as Americans why to stay OUT OF CALIFORNIA, and make Hollyweird suffer on top of it, lolol! Most Americans will enjoy that-)
well, no more movies for me. I'm done with hollywood or deadwood. BTW, I still haven't shopped at Target since the LBGT stuff. Walmart gets my business.
Last edited:
If you care about your country and are a conservative, it is time to get together as a group of money wielding people, and bring the left to its knees!

We all know that without money, even followers of the far leftists will revolt if they aren't given free stuff. You can put the left in chaos just by watching how/where, you spend your money. YOU are the economic engine of the country, and YOU can do more by where you spend your money, then who you voted for!

All conservatives need to take 1 year out of their life unless they are old and need to do it now for fear of death, and KEEP EVERY PENNY POSSIBLE away from California, and Hollyweird! You want to rent a movie? Cut a deal with at least one neighbor.........hopefully 2.................and get together to rent a movie everyone wants to see. This will cut income down to them by 2/3rds-)

Do not vacation in CALIFORNIA, or New York! Want to get attacked in riots? Stay out of there, and keep your money with you. Deny them everything you can. No money for a year, even if we have to find other places to trade our mutual funds. Get it out of New York!

Want Mickey Mouse? Then go to Disneyworld and stay out of Disneyland! And at every juncture, make sure you yell people online WHY! They want to be avante guard leftists, then let the leftists support their avante guard asses!

If you do everything possible to avoid paying ANYTHING for ANY REASON to California and New York for 1 year, you WILL bring them to their knees; while scaring the hell out of Illinois, Massachusetts, and a couple of other states. These people DESRVE this treatment, as they are acting MORE political than Washington DC, and rubbing your face in it.

Talk to your wife/husband. If you spend time on here to post, then spend a little time to spread the word, and also, enjoy denying the leftists of these blue states a conservative nickel. Talk to all your friends, and work together to BRING THE LEFTIST BLUE STATES TO THEIR KNEES! If it goes viral, it will work! Remember........summer vacation plans are starting to formulate now. Make the case as Americans why to stay OUT OF CALIFORNIA, and make Hollyweird suffer on top of it, lolol! Most Americans will enjoy that-)

You best slow your roll. Trump is really a third party . The GOP managed to fend off some tough red state fights, the Dems added a senate seat, the pop vote went to Hillary .

The rights lead is tenuous.

No, Hitlery did not win the popular vote once the fraudulent votes are removed. It is a landslide and Trump picks up 5 more states. Without cheating, leftards have no way of winning.

Go back to bed Dale

Get bent, old fuck.....I know more than you...infinitely more.
Nobody cares about your Illuminati stories Dale.

You are a non-entity here....no one would give a shit if you left. You offer nothing insightful or even slightly amusing. Myself? I have more positive ratings than I do posts here.:dance:
Typical conservative. More concerned with flash than substance
If you care about your country and are a conservative, it is time to get together as a group of money wielding people, and bring the left to its knees!

We all know that without money, even followers of the far leftists will revolt if they aren't given free stuff. You can put the left in chaos just by watching how/where, you spend your money. YOU are the economic engine of the country, and YOU can do more by where you spend your money, then who you voted for!

All conservatives need to take 1 year out of their life unless they are old and need to do it now for fear of death, and KEEP EVERY PENNY POSSIBLE away from California, and Hollyweird! You want to rent a movie? Cut a deal with at least one neighbor.........hopefully 2.................and get together to rent a movie everyone wants to see. This will cut income down to them by 2/3rds-)

Do not vacation in CALIFORNIA, or New York! Want to get attacked in riots? Stay out of there, and keep your money with you. Deny them everything you can. No money for a year, even if we have to find other places to trade our mutual funds. Get it out of New York!

Want Mickey Mouse? Then go to Disneyworld and stay out of Disneyland! And at every juncture, make sure you yell people online WHY! They want to be avante guard leftists, then let the leftists support their avante guard asses!

If you do everything possible to avoid paying ANYTHING for ANY REASON to California and New York for 1 year, you WILL bring them to their knees; while scaring the hell out of Illinois, Massachusetts, and a couple of other states. These people DESRVE this treatment, as they are acting MORE political than Washington DC, and rubbing your face in it.

Talk to your wife/husband. If you spend time on here to post, then spend a little time to spread the word, and also, enjoy denying the leftists of these blue states a conservative nickel. Talk to all your friends, and work together to BRING THE LEFTIST BLUE STATES TO THEIR KNEES! If it goes viral, it will work! Remember........summer vacation plans are starting to formulate now. Make the case as Americans why to stay OUT OF CALIFORNIA, and make Hollyweird suffer on top of it, lolol! Most Americans will enjoy that-)
well, no more movies for me. I'm done with hollywood or deadwood. BTW, I still haven't shopped at Target since the LBGT stuff. Walmart gets my business.

I refuse to go to Target.

That being said, we must pick our hills we are willing to die on. (politically speaking) California should be that hill in my humble opinion. Why? Because they are doubling down, and are right there insisting that they will break the law........the law that won this President his election.

We don't need to be ignorant, or arrogant like the left and run around screaming; all we need be is financially judicious, and keep every damn cent we can out of their state! And really, it makes sense. REMEMBER how pissed most LOGICAL Americans were that Obama handed over 100 BILLION dollars to the number 1 terrorist state in the world! Why? Because we are basically financing our own problems!

That is why we need to do this to California. Politically, they are TERRORISTS! Just look at BERSERKley! Look at what they do when they don't get their way! Look at all the flags at these marches, far-far more flags of every other entity than American flags. Cuban, Mexican, etc. We need to STOP helping finance our own problems! That is the point, and after California, it is on to New York!
No, Hitlery did not win the popular vote once the fraudulent votes are removed. It is a landslide and Trump picks up 5 more states. Without cheating, leftards have no way of winning.

Go back to bed Dale

Get bent, old fuck.....I know more than you...infinitely more.
Nobody cares about your Illuminati stories Dale.

You are a non-entity here....no one would give a shit if you left. You offer nothing insightful or even slightly amusing. Myself? I have more positive ratings than I do posts here.:dance:
Typical conservative. More concerned with flash than substance

Always looking to debate and discuss but the leftard clown posse has a very short supply of that. Step up to the plate or STFU.....
If you care about your country and are a conservative, it is time to get together as a group of money wielding people, and bring the left to its knees!

We all know that without money, even followers of the far leftists will revolt if they aren't given free stuff. You can put the left in chaos just by watching how/where, you spend your money. YOU are the economic engine of the country, and YOU can do more by where you spend your money, then who you voted for!

All conservatives need to take 1 year out of their life unless they are old and need to do it now for fear of death, and KEEP EVERY PENNY POSSIBLE away from California, and Hollyweird! You want to rent a movie? Cut a deal with at least one neighbor.........hopefully 2.................and get together to rent a movie everyone wants to see. This will cut income down to them by 2/3rds-)

Do not vacation in CALIFORNIA, or New York! Want to get attacked in riots? Stay out of there, and keep your money with you. Deny them everything you can. No money for a year, even if we have to find other places to trade our mutual funds. Get it out of New York!

Want Mickey Mouse? Then go to Disneyworld and stay out of Disneyland! And at every juncture, make sure you yell people online WHY! They want to be avante guard leftists, then let the leftists support their avante guard asses!

If you do everything possible to avoid paying ANYTHING for ANY REASON to California and New York for 1 year, you WILL bring them to their knees; while scaring the hell out of Illinois, Massachusetts, and a couple of other states. These people DESRVE this treatment, as they are acting MORE political than Washington DC, and rubbing your face in it.

Talk to your wife/husband. If you spend time on here to post, then spend a little time to spread the word, and also, enjoy denying the leftists of these blue states a conservative nickel. Talk to all your friends, and work together to BRING THE LEFTIST BLUE STATES TO THEIR KNEES! If it goes viral, it will work! Remember........summer vacation plans are starting to formulate now. Make the case as Americans why to stay OUT OF CALIFORNIA, and make Hollyweird suffer on top of it, lolol! Most Americans will enjoy that-)
Ah, yes ... cut out 1/5th of the nations tax revenues and see what happens to those poor red states receiving more than they give.


You righties are incapable of thinking ahead.
If you care about your country and are a conservative, it is time to get together as a group of money wielding people, and bring the left to its knees!

We all know that without money, even followers of the far leftists will revolt if they aren't given free stuff. You can put the left in chaos just by watching how/where, you spend your money. YOU are the economic engine of the country, and YOU can do more by where you spend your money, then who you voted for!

All conservatives need to take 1 year out of their life unless they are old and need to do it now for fear of death, and KEEP EVERY PENNY POSSIBLE away from California, and Hollyweird! You want to rent a movie? Cut a deal with at least one neighbor.........hopefully 2.................and get together to rent a movie everyone wants to see. This will cut income down to them by 2/3rds-)

Do not vacation in CALIFORNIA, or New York! Want to get attacked in riots? Stay out of there, and keep your money with you. Deny them everything you can. No money for a year, even if we have to find other places to trade our mutual funds. Get it out of New York!

Want Mickey Mouse? Then go to Disneyworld and stay out of Disneyland! And at every juncture, make sure you yell people online WHY! They want to be avante guard leftists, then let the leftists support their avante guard asses!

If you do everything possible to avoid paying ANYTHING for ANY REASON to California and New York for 1 year, you WILL bring them to their knees; while scaring the hell out of Illinois, Massachusetts, and a couple of other states. These people DESRVE this treatment, as they are acting MORE political than Washington DC, and rubbing your face in it.

Talk to your wife/husband. If you spend time on here to post, then spend a little time to spread the word, and also, enjoy denying the leftists of these blue states a conservative nickel. Talk to all your friends, and work together to BRING THE LEFTIST BLUE STATES TO THEIR KNEES! If it goes viral, it will work! Remember........summer vacation plans are starting to formulate now. Make the case as Americans why to stay OUT OF CALIFORNIA, and make Hollyweird suffer on top of it, lolol! Most Americans will enjoy that-)
Since the blue states make all the money for this country, we'll be fine. Enjoy your boycott, though I doubt you can afford it anyways.

No worries, without tourism, CALIFORNIA will collapse! Take away 5 to 7% of those dollars, and they will be on their knees-)
Unlikely. If Trump destroys Silicon Valley and our science and tech industries like he seems to be planning, then maybe they'll be on their knees. That's bad for red states though, since you all are the most reliant on federal tax dollars.

Like your idiotic narrative, lol. Know why red states get more dollars? Are you ready? Are you sure? BECAUSE THEY HAVE THE ARMY BASES AND NAVAL BASES, dumbass!

But never fear, in the world according to YOU, we have no money! (that is not what leftists usually say, but what the hell, 6 of 1, 1/2 dozen of the other) So do not worry as we garner our forces to DENY CALIFORNIA the money we do NOT have, lol! Throw New York in there too, but hey, with no cash, we can not have an impact, so keep your crapola going on there Bosephus-)
California Military Bases | MilitaryBases.com

Next stupid conservative comment...?
If you care about your country and are a conservative, it is time to get together as a group of money wielding people, and bring the left to its knees!

We all know that without money, even followers of the far leftists will revolt if they aren't given free stuff. You can put the left in chaos just by watching how/where, you spend your money. YOU are the economic engine of the country, and YOU can do more by where you spend your money, then who you voted for!

All conservatives need to take 1 year out of their life unless they are old and need to do it now for fear of death, and KEEP EVERY PENNY POSSIBLE away from California, and Hollyweird! You want to rent a movie? Cut a deal with at least one neighbor.........hopefully 2.................and get together to rent a movie everyone wants to see. This will cut income down to them by 2/3rds-)

Do not vacation in CALIFORNIA, or New York! Want to get attacked in riots? Stay out of there, and keep your money with you. Deny them everything you can. No money for a year, even if we have to find other places to trade our mutual funds. Get it out of New York!

Want Mickey Mouse? Then go to Disneyworld and stay out of Disneyland! And at every juncture, make sure you yell people online WHY! They want to be avante guard leftists, then let the leftists support their avante guard asses!

If you do everything possible to avoid paying ANYTHING for ANY REASON to California and New York for 1 year, you WILL bring them to their knees; while scaring the hell out of Illinois, Massachusetts, and a couple of other states. These people DESRVE this treatment, as they are acting MORE political than Washington DC, and rubbing your face in it.

Talk to your wife/husband. If you spend time on here to post, then spend a little time to spread the word, and also, enjoy denying the leftists of these blue states a conservative nickel. Talk to all your friends, and work together to BRING THE LEFTIST BLUE STATES TO THEIR KNEES! If it goes viral, it will work! Remember........summer vacation plans are starting to formulate now. Make the case as Americans why to stay OUT OF CALIFORNIA, and make Hollyweird suffer on top of it, lolol! Most Americans will enjoy that-)
Ah, yes ... cut out 1/5th of the nations tax revenues and see what happens to those poor red states receiving more than they give.


You righties are incapable of thinking ahead.

Taxation is pretty much thievery anyway but commies love taxes and there are very few taxes that they wouldn't support.
If you care about your country and are a conservative, it is time to get together as a group of money wielding people, and bring the left to its knees!

We all know that without money, even followers of the far leftists will revolt if they aren't given free stuff. You can put the left in chaos just by watching how/where, you spend your money. YOU are the economic engine of the country, and YOU can do more by where you spend your money, then who you voted for!

All conservatives need to take 1 year out of their life unless they are old and need to do it now for fear of death, and KEEP EVERY PENNY POSSIBLE away from California, and Hollyweird! You want to rent a movie? Cut a deal with at least one neighbor.........hopefully 2.................and get together to rent a movie everyone wants to see. This will cut income down to them by 2/3rds-)

Do not vacation in CALIFORNIA, or New York! Want to get attacked in riots? Stay out of there, and keep your money with you. Deny them everything you can. No money for a year, even if we have to find other places to trade our mutual funds. Get it out of New York!

Want Mickey Mouse? Then go to Disneyworld and stay out of Disneyland! And at every juncture, make sure you yell people online WHY! They want to be avante guard leftists, then let the leftists support their avante guard asses!

If you do everything possible to avoid paying ANYTHING for ANY REASON to California and New York for 1 year, you WILL bring them to their knees; while scaring the hell out of Illinois, Massachusetts, and a couple of other states. These people DESRVE this treatment, as they are acting MORE political than Washington DC, and rubbing your face in it.

Talk to your wife/husband. If you spend time on here to post, then spend a little time to spread the word, and also, enjoy denying the leftists of these blue states a conservative nickel. Talk to all your friends, and work together to BRING THE LEFTIST BLUE STATES TO THEIR KNEES! If it goes viral, it will work! Remember........summer vacation plans are starting to formulate now. Make the case as Americans why to stay OUT OF CALIFORNIA, and make Hollyweird suffer on top of it, lolol! Most Americans will enjoy that-)
Ah, yes ... cut out 1/5th of the nations tax revenues and see what happens to those poor red states receiving more than they give.


You righties are incapable of thinking ahead.

Taxation is pretty much thievery anyway but commies love taxes and there are very few taxes that they wouldn't support.
Your dementia aside, those poor red states would starve without federal subsidies. Talk about cutting off your nose to spite your face. :rolleyes:
If you care about your country and are a conservative, it is time to get together as a group of money wielding people, and bring the left to its knees!

We all know that without money, even followers of the far leftists will revolt if they aren't given free stuff. You can put the left in chaos just by watching how/where, you spend your money. YOU are the economic engine of the country, and YOU can do more by where you spend your money, then who you voted for!

All conservatives need to take 1 year out of their life unless they are old and need to do it now for fear of death, and KEEP EVERY PENNY POSSIBLE away from California, and Hollyweird! You want to rent a movie? Cut a deal with at least one neighbor.........hopefully 2.................and get together to rent a movie everyone wants to see. This will cut income down to them by 2/3rds-)

Do not vacation in CALIFORNIA, or New York! Want to get attacked in riots? Stay out of there, and keep your money with you. Deny them everything you can. No money for a year, even if we have to find other places to trade our mutual funds. Get it out of New York!

Want Mickey Mouse? Then go to Disneyworld and stay out of Disneyland! And at every juncture, make sure you yell people online WHY! They want to be avante guard leftists, then let the leftists support their avante guard asses!

If you do everything possible to avoid paying ANYTHING for ANY REASON to California and New York for 1 year, you WILL bring them to their knees; while scaring the hell out of Illinois, Massachusetts, and a couple of other states. These people DESRVE this treatment, as they are acting MORE political than Washington DC, and rubbing your face in it.

Talk to your wife/husband. If you spend time on here to post, then spend a little time to spread the word, and also, enjoy denying the leftists of these blue states a conservative nickel. Talk to all your friends, and work together to BRING THE LEFTIST BLUE STATES TO THEIR KNEES! If it goes viral, it will work! Remember........summer vacation plans are starting to formulate now. Make the case as Americans why to stay OUT OF CALIFORNIA, and make Hollyweird suffer on top of it, lolol! Most Americans will enjoy that-)
Ah, yes ... cut out 1/5th of the nations tax revenues and see what happens to those poor red states receiving more than they give.


You righties are incapable of thinking ahead.

Taxation is pretty much thievery anyway but commies love taxes and there are very few taxes that they wouldn't support.
Your dementia aside, those poor red states would starve without federal subsidies. Talk about cutting off your nose to spite your face. :rolleyes:

The federal "gubermint" doesn't do anything but steal from me. States, cities, towns and counties need to un-incorporate and stop being franchises of USA.INC.
If you care about your country and are a conservative, it is time to get together as a group of money wielding people, and bring the left to its knees!

We all know that without money, even followers of the far leftists will revolt if they aren't given free stuff. You can put the left in chaos just by watching how/where, you spend your money. YOU are the economic engine of the country, and YOU can do more by where you spend your money, then who you voted for!

All conservatives need to take 1 year out of their life unless they are old and need to do it now for fear of death, and KEEP EVERY PENNY POSSIBLE away from California, and Hollyweird! You want to rent a movie? Cut a deal with at least one neighbor.........hopefully 2.................and get together to rent a movie everyone wants to see. This will cut income down to them by 2/3rds-)

Do not vacation in CALIFORNIA, or New York! Want to get attacked in riots? Stay out of there, and keep your money with you. Deny them everything you can. No money for a year, even if we have to find other places to trade our mutual funds. Get it out of New York!

Want Mickey Mouse? Then go to Disneyworld and stay out of Disneyland! And at every juncture, make sure you yell people online WHY! They want to be avante guard leftists, then let the leftists support their avante guard asses!

If you do everything possible to avoid paying ANYTHING for ANY REASON to California and New York for 1 year, you WILL bring them to their knees; while scaring the hell out of Illinois, Massachusetts, and a couple of other states. These people DESRVE this treatment, as they are acting MORE political than Washington DC, and rubbing your face in it.

Talk to your wife/husband. If you spend time on here to post, then spend a little time to spread the word, and also, enjoy denying the leftists of these blue states a conservative nickel. Talk to all your friends, and work together to BRING THE LEFTIST BLUE STATES TO THEIR KNEES! If it goes viral, it will work! Remember........summer vacation plans are starting to formulate now. Make the case as Americans why to stay OUT OF CALIFORNIA, and make Hollyweird suffer on top of it, lolol! Most Americans will enjoy that-)
Ah, yes ... cut out 1/5th of the nations tax revenues and see what happens to those poor red states receiving more than they give.


You righties are incapable of thinking ahead.

Taxation is pretty much thievery anyway but commies love taxes and there are very few taxes that they wouldn't support.
Your dementia aside, those poor red states would starve without federal subsidies. Talk about cutting off your nose to spite your face. :rolleyes:

The federal "gubermint" doesn't do anything but steal from me. States, cities, towns and counties need to un-incorporate and stop being franchises of USA.INC.
Dale, you're forgetting .... you're crazy and everyone here knows it.

Carry on.
If you care about your country and are a conservative, it is time to get together as a group of money wielding people, and bring the left to its knees!

We all know that without money, even followers of the far leftists will revolt if they aren't given free stuff. You can put the left in chaos just by watching how/where, you spend your money. YOU are the economic engine of the country, and YOU can do more by where you spend your money, then who you voted for!

All conservatives need to take 1 year out of their life unless they are old and need to do it now for fear of death, and KEEP EVERY PENNY POSSIBLE away from California, and Hollyweird! You want to rent a movie? Cut a deal with at least one neighbor.........hopefully 2.................and get together to rent a movie everyone wants to see. This will cut income down to them by 2/3rds-)

Do not vacation in CALIFORNIA, or New York! Want to get attacked in riots? Stay out of there, and keep your money with you. Deny them everything you can. No money for a year, even if we have to find other places to trade our mutual funds. Get it out of New York!

Want Mickey Mouse? Then go to Disneyworld and stay out of Disneyland! And at every juncture, make sure you yell people online WHY! They want to be avante guard leftists, then let the leftists support their avante guard asses!

If you do everything possible to avoid paying ANYTHING for ANY REASON to California and New York for 1 year, you WILL bring them to their knees; while scaring the hell out of Illinois, Massachusetts, and a couple of other states. These people DESRVE this treatment, as they are acting MORE political than Washington DC, and rubbing your face in it.

Talk to your wife/husband. If you spend time on here to post, then spend a little time to spread the word, and also, enjoy denying the leftists of these blue states a conservative nickel. Talk to all your friends, and work together to BRING THE LEFTIST BLUE STATES TO THEIR KNEES! If it goes viral, it will work! Remember........summer vacation plans are starting to formulate now. Make the case as Americans why to stay OUT OF CALIFORNIA, and make Hollyweird suffer on top of it, lolol! Most Americans will enjoy that-)
Too funny! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
If you care about your country and are a conservative, it is time to get together as a group of money wielding people, and bring the left to its knees!

We all know that without money, even followers of the far leftists will revolt if they aren't given free stuff. You can put the left in chaos just by watching how/where, you spend your money. YOU are the economic engine of the country, and YOU can do more by where you spend your money, then who you voted for!

All conservatives need to take 1 year out of their life unless they are old and need to do it now for fear of death, and KEEP EVERY PENNY POSSIBLE away from California, and Hollyweird! You want to rent a movie? Cut a deal with at least one neighbor.........hopefully 2.................and get together to rent a movie everyone wants to see. This will cut income down to them by 2/3rds-)

Do not vacation in CALIFORNIA, or New York! Want to get attacked in riots? Stay out of there, and keep your money with you. Deny them everything you can. No money for a year, even if we have to find other places to trade our mutual funds. Get it out of New York!

Want Mickey Mouse? Then go to Disneyworld and stay out of Disneyland! And at every juncture, make sure you yell people online WHY! They want to be avante guard leftists, then let the leftists support their avante guard asses!

If you do everything possible to avoid paying ANYTHING for ANY REASON to California and New York for 1 year, you WILL bring them to their knees; while scaring the hell out of Illinois, Massachusetts, and a couple of other states. These people DESRVE this treatment, as they are acting MORE political than Washington DC, and rubbing your face in it.

Talk to your wife/husband. If you spend time on here to post, then spend a little time to spread the word, and also, enjoy denying the leftists of these blue states a conservative nickel. Talk to all your friends, and work together to BRING THE LEFTIST BLUE STATES TO THEIR KNEES! If it goes viral, it will work! Remember........summer vacation plans are starting to formulate now. Make the case as Americans why to stay OUT OF CALIFORNIA, and make Hollyweird suffer on top of it, lolol! Most Americans will enjoy that-)
Since the blue states make all the money for this country, we'll be fine. Enjoy your boycott, though I doubt you can afford it anyways.

No worries, without tourism, CALIFORNIA will collapse! Take away 5 to 7% of those dollars, and they will be on their knees-)
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Yeah...that's gonna happen.........*chortle*

Go back to bed Dale

Get bent, old fuck.....I know more than you...infinitely more.
Nobody cares about your Illuminati stories Dale.

You are a non-entity here....no one would give a shit if you left. You offer nothing insightful or even slightly amusing. Myself? I have more positive ratings than I do posts here.:dance:
Typical conservative. More concerned with flash than substance

Always looking to debate and discuss but the leftard clown posse has a very short supply of that. Step up to the plate or STFU.....
If you care about your country and are a conservative, it is time to get together as a group of money wielding people, and bring the left to its knees!

We all know that without money, even followers of the far leftists will revolt if they aren't given free stuff. You can put the left in chaos just by watching how/where, you spend your money. YOU are the economic engine of the country, and YOU can do more by where you spend your money, then who you voted for!

All conservatives need to take 1 year out of their life unless they are old and need to do it now for fear of death, and KEEP EVERY PENNY POSSIBLE away from California, and Hollyweird! You want to rent a movie? Cut a deal with at least one neighbor.........hopefully 2.................and get together to rent a movie everyone wants to see. This will cut income down to them by 2/3rds-)

Do not vacation in CALIFORNIA, or New York! Want to get attacked in riots? Stay out of there, and keep your money with you. Deny them everything you can. No money for a year, even if we have to find other places to trade our mutual funds. Get it out of New York!

Want Mickey Mouse? Then go to Disneyworld and stay out of Disneyland! And at every juncture, make sure you yell people online WHY! They want to be avante guard leftists, then let the leftists support their avante guard asses!

If you do everything possible to avoid paying ANYTHING for ANY REASON to California and New York for 1 year, you WILL bring them to their knees; while scaring the hell out of Illinois, Massachusetts, and a couple of other states. These people DESRVE this treatment, as they are acting MORE political than Washington DC, and rubbing your face in it.

Talk to your wife/husband. If you spend time on here to post, then spend a little time to spread the word, and also, enjoy denying the leftists of these blue states a conservative nickel. Talk to all your friends, and work together to BRING THE LEFTIST BLUE STATES TO THEIR KNEES! If it goes viral, it will work! Remember........summer vacation plans are starting to formulate now. Make the case as Americans why to stay OUT OF CALIFORNIA, and make Hollyweird suffer on top of it, lolol! Most Americans will enjoy that-)
Ah, yes ... cut out 1/5th of the nations tax revenues and see what happens to those poor red states receiving more than they give.


You righties are incapable of thinking ahead.

Taxation is pretty much thievery anyway but commies love taxes and there are very few taxes that they wouldn't support.
Your dementia aside, those poor red states would starve without federal subsidies. Talk about cutting off your nose to spite your face. :rolleyes:

The federal "gubermint" doesn't do anything but steal from me. States, cities, towns and counties need to un-incorporate and stop being franchises of USA.INC.
Dale, you're forgetting .... you're crazy and everyone here knows it.

Carry on.

Yeah, anyone that isn't a commie piece of slime like you just HAS to be "crazy".....I mean, who wouldn't want to side with a bunch of brain dead worshipers of a communist state? Just never forget this....I know 10,000 times more than you do.

The federal budget says California,


the USA can't afford California to fail, they need their Federal Revenues, if they fail, then the Federal govt will have less tax revenues collected...

You could probably add the 25 smallest states total federal tax revenues collected and still not come to what California federal revenues are for the same time period.
Last edited:
Get bent, old fuck.....I know more than you...infinitely more.
Nobody cares about your Illuminati stories Dale.

You are a non-entity here....no one would give a shit if you left. You offer nothing insightful or even slightly amusing. Myself? I have more positive ratings than I do posts here.:dance:
Typical conservative. More concerned with flash than substance

Always looking to debate and discuss but the leftard clown posse has a very short supply of that. Step up to the plate or STFU.....

So yet another gutless leftard wonder that lacks the strength in their conviction that they can make a decent debate or discuss what we are facing? Figures......much easier to burn other people's shit and club them with your "Love Trump Hate" signs. You little commie fucks are in for a VERY rude awakening.......
You best slow your roll. Trump is really a third party . The GOP managed to fend off some tough red state fights, the Dems added a senate seat, the pop vote went to Hillary .

The rights lead is tenuous.

No, Hitlery did not win the popular vote once the fraudulent votes are removed. It is a landslide and Trump picks up 5 more states. Without cheating, leftards have no way of winning.

Go back to bed Dale

Get bent, old fuck.....I know more than you...infinitely more.
Nobody cares about your Illuminati stories Dale.

You are a non-entity here....no one would give a shit if you left. You offer nothing insightful or even slightly amusing. Myself? I have more positive ratings than I do posts here.:dance:
Funnies are the rating you've received the most, little buddy. So nobody takes you seriously. And damn, 600 STFU's? Hilarious Dale. (snicker)

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