Time for conservatives to unite, and bring the far left to its knees!

Faun, I know more than you......infinitely more. You can't debate me on any topic without looking like an idiot.
Everything you said is true. However - in all fairness - my daughter's stuffed animals know more than Faun. She's not the brightest bulb in the chandelier.
Hisses the forum imbecile who thinks I'm female and that the economy Obama inherited from Bush was just fine. You're not that far from Dale's funny farm yourself, Buttplug.
Faun, I know more than you......infinitely more. You can't debate me on any topic without looking like an idiot.
Everything you said is true. However - in all fairness - my daughter's stuffed animals know more than Faun. She's not the brightest bulb in the chandelier.

But Fawn seems to take pride in being a moron and all around idiot...........
No worries, without tourism, CALIFORNIA will collapse! Take away 5 to 7% of those dollars, and they will be on their knees-)
Unlikely. If Trump destroys Silicon Valley and our science and tech industries like he seems to be planning, then maybe they'll be on their knees. That's bad for red states though, since you all are the most reliant on federal tax dollars.

Like your idiotic narrative, lol. Know why red states get more dollars? Are you ready? Are you sure? BECAUSE THEY HAVE THE ARMY BASES AND NAVAL BASES, dumbass!

But never fear, in the world according to YOU, we have no money! (that is not what leftists usually say, but what the hell, 6 of 1, 1/2 dozen of the other) So do not worry as we garner our forces to DENY CALIFORNIA the money we do NOT have, lol! Throw New York in there too, but hey, with no cash, we can not have an impact, so keep your crapola going on there Bosephus-)
California has the most military bases in the country. What a fail.

Oh geez, more of the same from the desperate and confused Liberals.
California - 12% of the nations population, 33% of the nations welfare recipients - FACT
By the way Hawaii and New York are fighting CA for that number one spot....are they blue or red states? hahaha
Here you go:
It Looks Like Red States Take Most in Federal 'Welfare' from this Map. But Looks Can Be Deceiving.
California’s Welfare Benefits: Boom or Bust?
"There has been much discussion about immigrants in the United States from everywhere around the world. Yet, why is it that California seems to attract the most immigrants of any state? Indeed, while the state is only 12% of the nation’s population, it is home to 33% of welfare residents. According to a report published by the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) on January 26, 2015, there is a correlation between generous welfare benefits and an increase in immigration.

In total, California outspends every other state in public welfare spending – in 2014, it spent $22.4 billion. In contrast, the next closest state, New York, spent $11.9 billion. That being said, does this make California a magnet for immigrants? Not necessarily. It is more of an anchor – a reason why residents stay for long periods of time in the state. However, to deny that there is no magnet would be incorrect. According to George J. Borjas, the Robert W. Scrivner Professor of Economics and Social Policy at the Harvard Kennedy School and the author of the aforementioned report, the reason as to why people decide to relocate is due to “income-maximizing behavior.” Immigrants have already accepted that there are certain fixed costs that are inevitable because of migration, so it is natural that they will flock towards the places with the highest benefits. Empirical evidence suggests that it is because of these differences that there are an increasingly disproportionate number of immigrants among states. While there is the possibility of alternative explanations for this phenomenon, the conclusion that Borjas draws using the wealth-maximization hypothesis is one such testable method.

However, upon closer examination, on a per-capita basis, California’s seemingly generous benefits pale in data comparison to other states. For example, it spends approximately $179 for every resident, behind $233 in Hawaii and $256 in New York. Furthermore, approximately 8.9% of California residents live in poverty, the highest of any state. Despite this, the number of people immigrating to California increases exponentially each year."
Regardless of how you want to spin it, California is a GIVER and not a TAKER of federal revenues....and compared to what they give the federal gvt they could receive millions more in Fed welfare and STILL not get back from the fed Gvt what California gives them in revenue.....

California is incorporated and a subsidiary of USA.INC. The owners (the IMF) can extract as much or as little as they want. You really don't have a clue, sadly. Fairness this fairness that doesn't even play into the equation.
If you care about your country and are a conservative, it is time to get together as a group of money wielding people, and bring the left to its knees!

We all know that without money, even followers of the far leftists will revolt if they aren't given free stuff. You can put the left in chaos just by watching how/where, you spend your money. YOU are the economic engine of the country, and YOU can do more by where you spend your money, then who you voted for!

All conservatives need to take 1 year out of their life unless they are old and need to do it now for fear of death, and KEEP EVERY PENNY POSSIBLE away from California, and Hollyweird! You want to rent a movie? Cut a deal with at least one neighbor.........hopefully 2.................and get together to rent a movie everyone wants to see. This will cut income down to them by 2/3rds-)

Do not vacation in CALIFORNIA, or New York! Want to get attacked in riots? Stay out of there, and keep your money with you. Deny them everything you can. No money for a year, even if we have to find other places to trade our mutual funds. Get it out of New York!

Want Mickey Mouse? Then go to Disneyworld and stay out of Disneyland! And at every juncture, make sure you yell people online WHY! They want to be avante guard leftists, then let the leftists support their avante guard asses!

If you do everything possible to avoid paying ANYTHING for ANY REASON to California and New York for 1 year, you WILL bring them to their knees; while scaring the hell out of Illinois, Massachusetts, and a couple of other states. These people DESRVE this treatment, as they are acting MORE political than Washington DC, and rubbing your face in it.

Talk to your wife/husband. If you spend time on here to post, then spend a little time to spread the word, and also, enjoy denying the leftists of these blue states a conservative nickel. Talk to all your friends, and work together to BRING THE LEFTIST BLUE STATES TO THEIR KNEES! If it goes viral, it will work! Remember........summer vacation plans are starting to formulate now. Make the case as Americans why to stay OUT OF CALIFORNIA, and make Hollyweird suffer on top of it, lolol! Most Americans will enjoy that-)

And the left will retaliate by boycotting Mississippi and Arkansas
If you care about your country and are a conservative, it is time to get together as a group of money wielding people, and bring the left to its knees!

We all know that without money, even followers of the far leftists will revolt if they aren't given free stuff. You can put the left in chaos just by watching how/where, you spend your money. YOU are the economic engine of the country, and YOU can do more by where you spend your money, then who you voted for!

All conservatives need to take 1 year out of their life unless they are old and need to do it now for fear of death, and KEEP EVERY PENNY POSSIBLE away from California, and Hollyweird! You want to rent a movie? Cut a deal with at least one neighbor.........hopefully 2.................and get together to rent a movie everyone wants to see. This will cut income down to them by 2/3rds-)

Do not vacation in CALIFORNIA, or New York! Want to get attacked in riots? Stay out of there, and keep your money with you. Deny them everything you can. No money for a year, even if we have to find other places to trade our mutual funds. Get it out of New York!

Want Mickey Mouse? Then go to Disneyworld and stay out of Disneyland! And at every juncture, make sure you yell people online WHY! They want to be avante guard leftists, then let the leftists support their avante guard asses!

If you do everything possible to avoid paying ANYTHING for ANY REASON to California and New York for 1 year, you WILL bring them to their knees; while scaring the hell out of Illinois, Massachusetts, and a couple of other states. These people DESRVE this treatment, as they are acting MORE political than Washington DC, and rubbing your face in it.

Talk to your wife/husband. If you spend time on here to post, then spend a little time to spread the word, and also, enjoy denying the leftists of these blue states a conservative nickel. Talk to all your friends, and work together to BRING THE LEFTIST BLUE STATES TO THEIR KNEES! If it goes viral, it will work! Remember........summer vacation plans are starting to formulate now. Make the case as Americans why to stay OUT OF CALIFORNIA, and make Hollyweird suffer on top of it, lolol! Most Americans will enjoy that-)

And the left will retaliate by boycotting Mississippi and Arkansas
Not much difference than now....can't think of anything I would want from those two 3rd world states.

You're so fucked in the head, even after making thousands and thousands of posts -- you still don't know how to use the quote function.

Carry on, nut.

Faun, I know more than you......infinitely more. You can't debate me on any topic without looking like an idiot. Your anger is so obvious and with each and every post you write? Well, you are seething with rage that the leftard clown posse has become a running joke....the SJWs dressing up with vagina masks.....rioting and attacking people that are not "leftards" and you actually have the unmitigated gall to criticize someone???? HOLY shit, "Fawn"....the jokes practically write themselves. You are a fucking joke as a poster. USMB must be where the bottom feeding leftards come to die because none of you have the slightest clue on how to debate or discuss....this forum is nothing but a wailing wall for your ilk to swing your little cyber purses like Ruth Buzzi on "Rowan and Martin's "Laugh-In"......impotent and ineffective that has no hope of changing the narrative because you haven't a clue on what that narrative should be....you can't stay "on point" because you don't know what that point should be. You and your leftard, Fabian socialist pals need to huddle together and come up with a friggin' plan....because right now the leftard clown posse is in total chaos and panic mode.

No need to "thank" me......helping the less fortunate is what I do.......

Carry on, nut.

Don't you love pathetic little boys who have to keep looking in their mirror going "I win! I win!"? :lol:

You're so fucked in the head, even after making thousands and thousands of posts -- you still don't know how to use the quote function.

Carry on, nut.

Faun, I know more than you......infinitely more. You can't debate me on any topic without looking like an idiot. Your anger is so obvious and with each and every post you write? Well, you are seething with rage that the leftard clown posse has become a running joke....the SJWs dressing up with vagina masks.....rioting and attacking people that are not "leftards" and you actually have the unmitigated gall to criticize someone???? HOLY shit, "Fawn"....the jokes practically write themselves. You are a fucking joke as a poster. USMB must be where the bottom feeding leftards come to die because none of you have the slightest clue on how to debate or discuss....this forum is nothing but a wailing wall for your ilk to swing your little cyber purses like Ruth Buzzi on "Rowan and Martin's "Laugh-In"......impotent and ineffective that has no hope of changing the narrative because you haven't a clue on what that narrative should be....you can't stay "on point" because you don't know what that point should be. You and your leftard, Fabian socialist pals need to huddle together and come up with a friggin' plan....because right now the leftard clown posse is in total chaos and panic mode.

No need to "thank" me......helping the less fortunate is what I do.......

Carry on, nut.

Don't you love pathetic little boys who have to keep looking in their mirror going "I win! I win!"? :lol:
Yeah, they can't even understand how their posts belie their crowing.
If you care about your country and are a conservative, it is time to get together as a group of money wielding people, and bring the left to its knees!

We all know that without money, even followers of the far leftists will revolt if they aren't given free stuff. You can put the left in chaos just by watching how/where, you spend your money. YOU are the economic engine of the country, and YOU can do more by where you spend your money, then who you voted for!

All conservatives need to take 1 year out of their life unless they are old and need to do it now for fear of death, and KEEP EVERY PENNY POSSIBLE away from California, and Hollyweird! You want to rent a movie? Cut a deal with at least one neighbor.........hopefully 2.................and get together to rent a movie everyone wants to see. This will cut income down to them by 2/3rds-)

Do not vacation in CALIFORNIA, or New York! Want to get attacked in riots? Stay out of there, and keep your money with you. Deny them everything you can. No money for a year, even if we have to find other places to trade our mutual funds. Get it out of New York!

Want Mickey Mouse? Then go to Disneyworld and stay out of Disneyland! And at every juncture, make sure you yell people online WHY! They want to be avante guard leftists, then let the leftists support their avante guard asses!

If you do everything possible to avoid paying ANYTHING for ANY REASON to California and New York for 1 year, you WILL bring them to their knees; while scaring the hell out of Illinois, Massachusetts, and a couple of other states. These people DESRVE this treatment, as they are acting MORE political than Washington DC, and rubbing your face in it.

Talk to your wife/husband. If you spend time on here to post, then spend a little time to spread the word, and also, enjoy denying the leftists of these blue states a conservative nickel. Talk to all your friends, and work together to BRING THE LEFTIST BLUE STATES TO THEIR KNEES! If it goes viral, it will work! Remember........summer vacation plans are starting to formulate now. Make the case as Americans why to stay OUT OF CALIFORNIA, and make Hollyweird suffer on top of it, lolol! Most Americans will enjoy that-)

I really like where you're going with this. I live in CA so I can't exactly not spend any money here...BUT, what we have been doing, and by we I mean myself, my wife, my kids and many of my friends.
To name a few things we've been doing for some time now:
We don't spend a cent in any ghetto areas
We won't go to a Walmart
No carniceria's
No Anheuser Busch products
We call code enforcement or the police anytime we see roses being sold on off ramps or tacos being sold on corners.
We'll drive through ghettos taking photos of filthy hoarding conditions or structures built without a permit and notify code enforcement.
We're basically taking a stand against illegals and companies who employ and or harbor illegals. We won't spend a penny at any predominantly Hispanic establishment.
Congratulations to Liberals for forcing our hand and bringing bigotry back from the dead...it's starting to thrive again...GOOD JOB!
Last edited:
If you care about your country and are a conservative, it is time to get together as a group of money wielding people, and bring the left to its knees!

We all know that without money, even followers of the far leftists will revolt if they aren't given free stuff. You can put the left in chaos just by watching how/where, you spend your money. YOU are the economic engine of the country, and YOU can do more by where you spend your money, then who you voted for!

All conservatives need to take 1 year out of their life unless they are old and need to do it now for fear of death, and KEEP EVERY PENNY POSSIBLE away from California, and Hollyweird! You want to rent a movie? Cut a deal with at least one neighbor.........hopefully 2.................and get together to rent a movie everyone wants to see. This will cut income down to them by 2/3rds-)

Do not vacation in CALIFORNIA, or New York! Want to get attacked in riots? Stay out of there, and keep your money with you. Deny them everything you can. No money for a year, even if we have to find other places to trade our mutual funds. Get it out of New York!

Want Mickey Mouse? Then go to Disneyworld and stay out of Disneyland! And at every juncture, make sure you yell people online WHY! They want to be avante guard leftists, then let the leftists support their avante guard asses!

If you do everything possible to avoid paying ANYTHING for ANY REASON to California and New York for 1 year, you WILL bring them to their knees; while scaring the hell out of Illinois, Massachusetts, and a couple of other states. These people DESRVE this treatment, as they are acting MORE political than Washington DC, and rubbing your face in it.

Talk to your wife/husband. If you spend time on here to post, then spend a little time to spread the word, and also, enjoy denying the leftists of these blue states a conservative nickel. Talk to all your friends, and work together to BRING THE LEFTIST BLUE STATES TO THEIR KNEES! If it goes viral, it will work! Remember........summer vacation plans are starting to formulate now. Make the case as Americans why to stay OUT OF CALIFORNIA, and make Hollyweird suffer on top of it, lolol! Most Americans will enjoy that-)

I really like where you're going with this. I live in CA so I can't exactly not spend any money here...BUT, what we have been doing, and by me I mean myself, my wife, my kids and many of my friends.
To name a few things we've been doing for some time now:
We don't spend a cent in any ghetto areas
We won't go to a Walmart
No carniceria's
No Anheuser Busch products
We call code enforcement or the police anytime we see roses being sold on off ramps or tacos being sold on corners.
We'll drive through ghettos taking photos of filthy hoarding conditions or structures built without a permit and notify code enforcement.
We're basically taking a stand against illegals and companies who employ and or harbor illegals. We won't spend a penny at any predominantly Hispanic establishment.
Congratulations to Liberals for forcing our hand and bringing bigotry back from the dead...it's starting to thrive again...GOOD JOB!

Damn...what a racist asshole you are
If you care about your country and are a conservative, it is time to get together as a group of money wielding people, and bring the left to its knees!

We all know that without money, even followers of the far leftists will revolt if they aren't given free stuff. You can put the left in chaos just by watching how/where, you spend your money. YOU are the economic engine of the country, and YOU can do more by where you spend your money, then who you voted for!

All conservatives need to take 1 year out of their life unless they are old and need to do it now for fear of death, and KEEP EVERY PENNY POSSIBLE away from California, and Hollyweird! You want to rent a movie? Cut a deal with at least one neighbor.........hopefully 2.................and get together to rent a movie everyone wants to see. This will cut income down to them by 2/3rds-)

Do not vacation in CALIFORNIA, or New York! Want to get attacked in riots? Stay out of there, and keep your money with you. Deny them everything you can. No money for a year, even if we have to find other places to trade our mutual funds. Get it out of New York!

Want Mickey Mouse? Then go to Disneyworld and stay out of Disneyland! And at every juncture, make sure you yell people online WHY! They want to be avante guard leftists, then let the leftists support their avante guard asses!

If you do everything possible to avoid paying ANYTHING for ANY REASON to California and New York for 1 year, you WILL bring them to their knees; while scaring the hell out of Illinois, Massachusetts, and a couple of other states. These people DESRVE this treatment, as they are acting MORE political than Washington DC, and rubbing your face in it.

Talk to your wife/husband. If you spend time on here to post, then spend a little time to spread the word, and also, enjoy denying the leftists of these blue states a conservative nickel. Talk to all your friends, and work together to BRING THE LEFTIST BLUE STATES TO THEIR KNEES! If it goes viral, it will work! Remember........summer vacation plans are starting to formulate now. Make the case as Americans why to stay OUT OF CALIFORNIA, and make Hollyweird suffer on top of it, lolol! Most Americans will enjoy that-)

I really like where you're going with this. I live in CA so I can't exactly not spend any money here...BUT, what we have been doing, and by me I mean myself, my wife, my kids and many of my friends.
To name a few things we've been doing for some time now:
We don't spend a cent in any ghetto areas
We won't go to a Walmart
No carniceria's
No Anheuser Busch products
We call code enforcement or the police anytime we see roses being sold on off ramps or tacos being sold on corners.
We'll drive through ghettos taking photos of filthy hoarding conditions or structures built without a permit and notify code enforcement.
We're basically taking a stand against illegals and companies who employ and or harbor illegals. We won't spend a penny at any predominantly Hispanic establishment.
Congratulations to Liberals for forcing our hand and bringing bigotry back from the dead...it's starting to thrive again...GOOD JOB!

Damn...what a racist asshole you are

Thank you, much appreciated.

You're so fucked in the head, even after making thousands and thousands of posts -- you still don't know how to use the quote function.

Carry on, nut.

Faun, I know more than you......infinitely more. You can't debate me on any topic without looking like an idiot. Your anger is so obvious and with each and every post you write? Well, you are seething with rage that the leftard clown posse has become a running joke....the SJWs dressing up with vagina masks.....rioting and attacking people that are not "leftards" and you actually have the unmitigated gall to criticize someone???? HOLY shit, "Fawn"....the jokes practically write themselves. You are a fucking joke as a poster. USMB must be where the bottom feeding leftards come to die because none of you have the slightest clue on how to debate or discuss....this forum is nothing but a wailing wall for your ilk to swing your little cyber purses like Ruth Buzzi on "Rowan and Martin's "Laugh-In"......impotent and ineffective that has no hope of changing the narrative because you haven't a clue on what that narrative should be....you can't stay "on point" because you don't know what that point should be. You and your leftard, Fabian socialist pals need to huddle together and come up with a friggin' plan....because right now the leftard clown posse is in total chaos and panic mode.

No need to "thank" me......helping the less fortunate is what I do.......

Carry on, nut.

Don't you love pathetic little boys who have to keep looking in their mirror going "I win! I win!"? :lol:

I enjoy the fact that I get under your skin so much.....my own personal board bitch!:dance:
Don't you love pathetic little boys who have to keep looking in their mirror going "I win! I win!"? :lol:
Don't you just hate pathetic little non-specific-gender, choose-a-random-pronoun, biology-denying, science-denying, medical-denying, fact-denying, constitution-rejecting, anti-American, fascist progressive little girls who can't accept that they lost?

I do.
Damn...what a racist asshole you are
Folks....you can't make this stuff up. BrokeLoser sites a list of left-wing laws that he obeys - such as reporting building code violations, healthcode violations, vendors operating without a permit, and companies employing illegals under the table (again - all left-wing legislation because progressives are so deathly afraid of the free-market) and the progressive nitwit wrongwinger calls him a "racist asshole" for it. Un...fucking....believable. This unequivocally proves three things:

1. Progressives are so ignorant, they can be duped into opposing the laws they support if you phrase it properly.

2. Progressives are the most lawless dirt-bags in the world.

3. They simply oppose everything and anything a conservative does - even if a conservative is supporting progressivism.
And the left will retaliate by boycotting Mississippi and Arkansas
Bwahahahahaha! What - you progressives are going to refuse to spend your welfare dollars there? Instead, you'll spend it all on cigarettes and alcohol as you've been doing for the past 80 years? Oh however will Mississippi and Arkansas survive? :lmao:
Damn...what a racist asshole you are
Folks....you can't make this stuff up. BrokeLoser sites a list of left-wing laws that he obeys - such as reporting building code violations, healthcode violations, vendors operating without a permit, and companies employing illegals under the table (again - all left-wing legislation because progressives are so deathly afraid of the free-market) and the progressive nitwit wrongwinger calls him a "racist asshole" for it. Un...fucking....believable. This unequivocally proves three things:

1. Progressives are so ignorant, they can be duped into opposing the laws they support if you phrase it properly.

2. Progressives are the most lawless dirt-bags in the world.

3. They simply oppose everything and anything a conservative does - even if a conservative is supporting progressivism.

So glad you caught that...haha...the loons can't get out of their own way.
If you care about your country and are a conservative, it is time to get together as a group of money wielding people, and bring the left to its knees!

We all know that without money, even followers of the far leftists will revolt if they aren't given free stuff. You can put the left in chaos just by watching how/where, you spend your money. YOU are the economic engine of the country, and YOU can do more by where you spend your money, then who you voted for!

All conservatives need to take 1 year out of their life unless they are old and need to do it now for fear of death, and KEEP EVERY PENNY POSSIBLE away from California, and Hollyweird! You want to rent a movie? Cut a deal with at least one neighbor.........hopefully 2.................and get together to rent a movie everyone wants to see. This will cut income down to them by 2/3rds-)

Do not vacation in CALIFORNIA, or New York! Want to get attacked in riots? Stay out of there, and keep your money with you. Deny them everything you can. No money for a year, even if we have to find other places to trade our mutual funds. Get it out of New York!

Want Mickey Mouse? Then go to Disneyworld and stay out of Disneyland! And at every juncture, make sure you yell people online WHY! They want to be avante guard leftists, then let the leftists support their avante guard asses!

If you do everything possible to avoid paying ANYTHING for ANY REASON to California and New York for 1 year, you WILL bring them to their knees; while scaring the hell out of Illinois, Massachusetts, and a couple of other states. These people DESRVE this treatment, as they are acting MORE political than Washington DC, and rubbing your face in it.

Talk to your wife/husband. If you spend time on here to post, then spend a little time to spread the word, and also, enjoy denying the leftists of these blue states a conservative nickel. Talk to all your friends, and work together to BRING THE LEFTIST BLUE STATES TO THEIR KNEES! If it goes viral, it will work! Remember........summer vacation plans are starting to formulate now. Make the case as Americans why to stay OUT OF CALIFORNIA, and make Hollyweird suffer on top of it, lolol! Most Americans will enjoy that-)

I really like where you're going with this. I live in CA so I can't exactly not spend any money here...BUT, what we have been doing, and by we I mean myself, my wife, my kids and many of my friends.
To name a few things we've been doing for some time now:
We don't spend a cent in any ghetto areas
We won't go to a Walmart
No carniceria's
No Anheuser Busch products
We call code enforcement or the police anytime we see roses being sold on off ramps or tacos being sold on corners.
We'll drive through ghettos taking photos of filthy hoarding conditions or structures built without a permit and notify code enforcement.
We're basically taking a stand against illegals and companies who employ and or harbor illegals. We won't spend a penny at any predominantly Hispanic establishment.
Congratulations to Liberals for forcing our hand and bringing bigotry back from the dead...it's starting to thrive again...GOOD JOB!

It is going to be a war, because I do not think Trump is going to back down.

If he wins these immigration cases in court, I contend he will get a judge to issue arrest warrants for people in state governments breaking federal law. He will also have congress pass a law insuring that any citizen harmed in any way by an illegal alien can personally sue politicians who did NOT enforce the laws in their jurisdictions...........and bring those cases to federal court where these leftist politicians will go broke.

A dirty little secret the left has played for years is-----------> litigation was winning, because the left was litigating with government funds, while citizens had to use their own funds to defend themselves; so even if the citizen won, he/she would be BROKE.....ergo, the left won even when losing in court! (think a puddle on your land claimed to be a wetland, or a pond you built for ducks that was against the rules)

Now the shoe is on the other foot, which is why the left is in such a panic. I know, that THEY know how easily the courts can destroy even rich people and politicians, depending upon why someone is prosecuted, and who is doing the prosecuting! (Does Jeff Sessions ring a bell)

Yep, just watch for awhile. And while you are enjoying the clamoring of the left, do your best to keep every penny of your cash out of California. Want the people to actually REVOLT in California against the left? Do EXACTLY what I said, and watch how fast the citizens demand their lefty state government, get a damn clue!
If you care about your country and are a conservative, it is time to get together as a group of money wielding people, and bring the left to its knees!

We all know that without money, even followers of the far leftists will revolt if they aren't given free stuff. You can put the left in chaos just by watching how/where, you spend your money. YOU are the economic engine of the country, and YOU can do more by where you spend your money, then who you voted for!

All conservatives need to take 1 year out of their life unless they are old and need to do it now for fear of death, and KEEP EVERY PENNY POSSIBLE away from California, and Hollyweird! You want to rent a movie? Cut a deal with at least one neighbor.........hopefully 2.................and get together to rent a movie everyone wants to see. This will cut income down to them by 2/3rds-)

Do not vacation in CALIFORNIA, or New York! Want to get attacked in riots? Stay out of there, and keep your money with you. Deny them everything you can. No money for a year, even if we have to find other places to trade our mutual funds. Get it out of New York!

Want Mickey Mouse? Then go to Disneyworld and stay out of Disneyland! And at every juncture, make sure you yell people online WHY! They want to be avante guard leftists, then let the leftists support their avante guard asses!

If you do everything possible to avoid paying ANYTHING for ANY REASON to California and New York for 1 year, you WILL bring them to their knees; while scaring the hell out of Illinois, Massachusetts, and a couple of other states. These people DESRVE this treatment, as they are acting MORE political than Washington DC, and rubbing your face in it.

Talk to your wife/husband. If you spend time on here to post, then spend a little time to spread the word, and also, enjoy denying the leftists of these blue states a conservative nickel. Talk to all your friends, and work together to BRING THE LEFTIST BLUE STATES TO THEIR KNEES! If it goes viral, it will work! Remember........summer vacation plans are starting to formulate now. Make the case as Americans why to stay OUT OF CALIFORNIA, and make Hollyweird suffer on top of it, lolol! Most Americans will enjoy that-)

I really like where you're going with this. I live in CA so I can't exactly not spend any money here...BUT, what we have been doing, and by me I mean myself, my wife, my kids and many of my friends.
To name a few things we've been doing for some time now:
We don't spend a cent in any ghetto areas
We won't go to a Walmart
No carniceria's
No Anheuser Busch products
We call code enforcement or the police anytime we see roses being sold on off ramps or tacos being sold on corners.
We'll drive through ghettos taking photos of filthy hoarding conditions or structures built without a permit and notify code enforcement.
We're basically taking a stand against illegals and companies who employ and or harbor illegals. We won't spend a penny at any predominantly Hispanic establishment.
Congratulations to Liberals for forcing our hand and bringing bigotry back from the dead...it's starting to thrive again...GOOD JOB!

Damn...what a racist asshole you are
The funniest part is that loser actually blames Liberals for him being a loser.
It is going to be a war, because I do not think Trump is going to back down.
It's so nice to have a real fighter on our side for once. Instead of a politician trying to appease everyone. I was so against Donald Trump - but I have to admit he is rapidly turning me into a huge fan.

Outside of not appointing Mitt Romney as Secretary of State and Ted Cruz to the Supreme Court, I don't have a single criticism of him (and the people he did appoint to those positions appear to be solid).
It is going to be a war, because I do not think Trump is going to back down.
It's so nice to have a real fighter on our side for once. Instead of a politician trying to appease everyone. I was so against Donald Trump - but I have to admit he is rapidly turning me into a huge fan.

Outside of not appointing Mitt Romney as Secretary of State and Ted Cruz to the Supreme Court, I don't have a single criticism of him (and the people he did appoint to those positions appear to be solid).
Trump is an unrelenting reactionary.

He is the perfect President to combat the ever radicalizing Democratic Party.
I boycott as many american businesses as possible...and I'm american born...so come on try to deport me....if you were in the same room you could do nothing.

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