Time for conservatives to unite, and bring the far left to its knees!

Time for conservatives to unite, and bring the far left to its knees!

If I remember correctly, Republicans didn't bring just the Democrats to their knees, but also the GOP base and the entire US and world economy. We are still feeling the effects of their many economic, domestic and foreign disasters.

Now, under Trump, they want to finish the job they started under Bush.
Time for conservatives to unite, and bring the far left to its knees!

If I remember correctly, Republicans didn't bring just the Democrats to their knees, but also the GOP base and the entire US and world economy. We are still feeling the effects of their many economic, domestic and foreign disasters.

Now, under Trump, they want to finish the job they started under Bush.
That's why Obama had higher unemployment, higher deficits and debt, and made the U.S. more hated around the world.

You know everything you said is a lie. The reality is - you're just afraid of losing your government gravy train.
We don't have to do too much.

The Democrats have already lost over a thousand seats nationally since 2008. Obama was a one trick pony being Black so that isn't going to repeat itself any more.

The Democrats have nothing for America but hate, fiscal irresponsibility and mismanagement. They may be able to hold on to power in these big city shitholes and may be able to get power in the few commie states but they are going to have a hard time on a national level and competing in states where the big cities cant decide an election.

All Trump has to do is stimulate the economy with tax breaks and less regulations and the Democrats can kiss the Congress and Presidency goodbye for at least a couple of decades, maybe longer.

Making America great again is not a good thing for the Liberals and they know it and that is why they are so butt hurt nowadays acting like little cry babies with their little pink pussy hats.
We don't have to do too much.

The Democrats have already lost over a thousand seats nationally since 2008. Obama was a one trick pony being Black so that isn't going to repeat itself any more.

The Democrats have nothing for America but hate, fiscal irresponsibility and mismanagement. They may be able to hold on to power in these big city shitholes and may be able to get power in the few commie states but they are going to have a hard time on a national level and competing in states where the big cities cant decide an election.

All Trump has to do is stimulate the economy with tax breaks and less regulations and the Democrats can kiss the Congress and Presidency goodbye for at least a couple of decades, maybe longer.

Making America great again is not a good thing for the Liberals and they know it and that is why they are so butt hurt nowadays acting like little cry babies with their little pink pussy hats.

Agreed. The left is scared to death, because if Trump succeeds, the young people will throw their Marxist rearends overboard!

Agreed. The left is scared to death, because if Trump succeeds, the young people will throw their Marxist rearends overboard!

It has always amazed me why the confused college kids are so damn stupid as to believe that horseshit that their bat shit crazy Liberal Marxist professors tell them.

Of course when they get into the real world and actually have to make a living they find out they were lied to.
In a few decades you will have grandchildren going through their grandparent's chest in the attic.

Just think how proud the grandchildren will be to find a "Make America Great Again" hat.

Just think how embarrassed and ashamed the grandkids will be that find one of those pathetic pink pussy hats.
In a few decades you will have grandchildren going through their grandparent's chest in the attic.

Just think how proud the grandchildren will be to find a "Make America Great Again" hat.

Just think how embarrassed and ashamed the grandkids will be that find one of those pathetic pink pussy hats.

That is quite funny. Consider that your grandchildren, or maybe children......will wonder why our country invested so much to defeat Marxism, the Nazis, and the emperor of Japan as totalitarians, and here you support the same thing, riots, fighting, etc. They will be so proud of your Hammer and Sickle flag, or maybe the flag of MEHHHHHHEEEEECCCCCOOOOOO they find in your belongings...........especially when their tax rate is 85%, and they are told what job they can, and can not have! Support the illegals-)

You leftists are getting back EXACTLY what you have been doling out without the riots, and you don't like it, do you-) Well, get used to it, because I promise you clowns are going to get more of it! No more playing nice! You need money from us! Not gonna happen, so starve my little snowflake.
If you care about your country and are a conservative, it is time to get together as a group of money wielding people, and bring the left to its knees!

We all know that without money, even followers of the far leftists will revolt if they aren't given free stuff. You can put the left in chaos just by watching how/where, you spend your money. YOU are the economic engine of the country, and YOU can do more by where you spend your money, then who you voted for!

All conservatives need to take 1 year out of their life unless they are old and need to do it now for fear of death, and KEEP EVERY PENNY POSSIBLE away from California, and Hollyweird! You want to rent a movie? Cut a deal with at least one neighbor.........hopefully 2.................and get together to rent a movie everyone wants to see. This will cut income down to them by 2/3rds-)

Do not vacation in CALIFORNIA, or New York! Want to get attacked in riots? Stay out of there, and keep your money with you. Deny them everything you can. No money for a year, even if we have to find other places to trade our mutual funds. Get it out of New York!

Want Mickey Mouse? Then go to Disneyworld and stay out of Disneyland! And at every juncture, make sure you yell people online WHY! They want to be avante guard leftists, then let the leftists support their avante guard asses!

If you do everything possible to avoid paying ANYTHING for ANY REASON to California and New York for 1 year, you WILL bring them to their knees; while scaring the hell out of Illinois, Massachusetts, and a couple of other states. These people DESRVE this treatment, as they are acting MORE political than Washington DC, and rubbing your face in it.

Talk to your wife/husband. If you spend time on here to post, then spend a little time to spread the word, and also, enjoy denying the leftists of these blue states a conservative nickel. Talk to all your friends, and work together to BRING THE LEFTIST BLUE STATES TO THEIR KNEES! If it goes viral, it will work! Remember........summer vacation plans are starting to formulate now. Make the case as Americans why to stay OUT OF CALIFORNIA, and make Hollyweird suffer on top of it, lolol! Most Americans will enjoy that-)

We don't need to join conservatives on your knees. You have the situation well in hand.
In a few decades you will have grandchildren going through their grandparent's chest in the attic.

Just think how proud the grandchildren will be to find a "Make America Great Again" hat.

Just think how embarrassed and ashamed the grandkids will be that find one of those pathetic pink pussy hats.

That is quite funny. Consider that your grandchildren, or maybe children......will wonder why our country invested so much to defeat Marxism, the Nazis, and the emperor of Japan as totalitarians, and here you support the same thing, riots, fighting, etc. They will be so proud of your Hammer and Sickle flag, or maybe the flag of MEHHHHHHEEEEECCCCCOOOOOO they find in your belongings...........especially when their tax rate is 85%, and they are told what job they can, and can not have! Support the illegals-)

You leftists are getting back EXACTLY what you have been doling out without the riots, and you don't like it, do you-) Well, get used to it, because I promise you clowns are going to get more of it! No more playing nice! You need money from us! Not gonna happen, so starve my little snowflake.

The economy will tell the picture.

If The Donald cuts taxes and stops the growth in job killing regulations the economy will boom and it will be a nice gift to our kids and grand kids and they will be grateful. They will regain some of the wealth that Obama lost for them with his increased poverty, decreased family income, tremendous debt and dismal economic growth. They will also be grateful if this country has not been flooded with goddamn Muslims and Mexicans.

However, our grand kids will be in bad shape if the Liberals regain power and turn this country into another Venezuela, which is what that Libtard jackass Obama was hell bent on doing and that asshole Crooked Hillary would have continued.

It will be quite an embarrassment to anybody to find one of the pink pussy hats in their parents or grand parents stuff.. They will wonder what the hell were those Moon Bat idiots thinking.

Agreed. The left is scared to death, because if Trump succeeds, the young people will throw their Marxist rearends overboard!

It has always amazed me why the confused college kids are so damn stupid as to believe that horseshit that their bat shit crazy Liberal Marxist professors tell them.

Of course when they get into the real world and actually have to make a living they find out they were lied to.
Well I was once a college student and I didn't buy that shit at all. I used to throw it back in their faces and the faces of my fellow students who were marxists. Of course, all of them would lose their shit because I would kill them with facts and left-wingers can't deal with facts. They deal strictly in feelings.

At the end of the day it's nothing more than this: none of them want to have to earn anything. They want it handed to them on a silver platter. It won't be long before these idiots start the narrative that they "deserve" a college degree for attending college - even if they didn't pass the exams/classes. They will say that the exams are "bias" and in no way indicate their knowledge. They will claim they learned by sitting there and that they don't need "bias" exams to prove they learned. I guarantee it. If there is one thing the left does - it's lower the bar.
If you care about your country and are a conservative, it is time to get together as a group of money wielding people, and bring the left to its knees!
It is happening my friend. While conservatives were busy over the last century fighting wars, working jobs, and providing for the left-wing parasites, they were busy scheming. The problem is, the greedy radicals pushed too hard, too far, too fast. And they awoke the sleeping giant. The American people are taking their country back.

“I’ve had enough of the pompous snobbery of the left and that it seeps through to our retail industry shows me a total lack of respect for the consumer and the patrons,” the woman wrote.

Here's How Women Responded Nationwide After Nordstrom Dropped Ivanka
Again friends - I cannot stress this enough. Download this GREAT tool and use it. It's an app called 2nd Vote. Refuse to spend a penny on any organization supporting Dumbocrat communism. Spend your money with conservatives only and we will retain complete and total control of this nation. We already make up the majority and we have the overwhelming percentage of the money (there just aren't many wealthy people living off of welfare and Medicaid).

2nd Vote by 2nd Vote: 2nd Vote on the App Store

Well I was once a college student and I didn't buy that shit at all. I used to throw it back in their faces and the faces of my fellow students who were marxists. Of course, all of them would lose their shit because I would kill them with facts and left-wingers can't deal with facts. They deal strictly in feelings.

At the end of the day it's nothing more than this: none of them want to have to earn anything. They want it handed to them on a silver platter. It won't be long before these idiots start the narrative that they "deserve" a college degree for attending college - even if they didn't pass the exams/classes. They will say that the exams are "bias" and in no way indicate their knowledge. They will claim they learned by sitting there and that they don't need "bias" exams to prove they learned. I guarantee it. If there is one thing the left does - it's lower the bar.

I don't know how old you are but I started college in 1970 as a returning Vietnam War veteran. If you think the college scene is crazy now you should have seen it back then.

We veterans all kind of hung among ourselves because we had nothing in common with the hippy kids and all the professors seem to be bat shit crazy.

Well I was once a college student and I didn't buy that shit at all. I used to throw it back in their faces and the faces of my fellow students who were marxists. Of course, all of them would lose their shit because I would kill them with facts and left-wingers can't deal with facts. They deal strictly in feelings.

At the end of the day it's nothing more than this: none of them want to have to earn anything. They want it handed to them on a silver platter. It won't be long before these idiots start the narrative that they "deserve" a college degree for attending college - even if they didn't pass the exams/classes. They will say that the exams are "bias" and in no way indicate their knowledge. They will claim they learned by sitting there and that they don't need "bias" exams to prove they learned. I guarantee it. If there is one thing the left does - it's lower the bar.

I don't know how old you are but I started college in 1970 as a returning Vietnam War veteran. If you think the college scene is crazy now you should have seen it back then.

We veterans all kind of hung among ourselves because we had nothing in common with the hippy kids and all the professors seem to be bat shit crazy.
You've got me beat by a mile! I'm no spring chicken but I certainly wasn't attending college in 1970! I can't imagine what you great men had to put up with. The Dumbocrats send you off to a shitty war that they intentionally try NOT to win - leaving you guys out to dry as nothing more than expendable pawns, then you come home to an ungrateful nation of idiot hippies who think getting high and spreading STD's in homosexual acts is more honorable than serving their nation. Ugh. Had I been around back then, I would probably be in prison for assault. I just can't stomach filthy hippies - would have beaten all of them into a coma.

You've got me beat by a mile! I'm no spring chicken but I certainly wasn't attending college in 1970! I can't imagine what you great men had to put up with. The Dumbocrats send you off to a shitty war that they intentionally try NOT to win - leaving you guys out to dry as nothing more than expendable pawns, then you come home to an ungrateful nation of idiot hippies who think getting high and spreading STD's in homosexual acts is more honorable than serving their nation. Ugh. Had I been around back then, I would probably be in prison for assault. I just can't stomach filthy hippies - would have beaten all of them into a coma.

Even though I went to a fairly conservative state university (UF) there was a large contingency off Left Wing assholes on campus.

Since I majored in Engineering many of my professors were technical and not political. However, I ran into several Left Wing asshole professors in the general courses.

Like I said we veteran mostly kept to ourselves. We mostly did not take about the war or politics to outsiders. Our families and friends were supportive and we just dismissed the Moon Bat assholes as being dumbasses.

It was much different for my Iraq War veteran son. He went to college up on returning from deployment and was treated quite well. I remember him returning home for mid deployment R&R at the Tampa airport. He was with a few other soldiers in uniform and they were all applauded and cheered in the airport.

You've got me beat by a mile! I'm no spring chicken but I certainly wasn't attending college in 1970! I can't imagine what you great men had to put up with. The Dumbocrats send you off to a shitty war that they intentionally try NOT to win - leaving you guys out to dry as nothing more than expendable pawns, then you come home to an ungrateful nation of idiot hippies who think getting high and spreading STD's in homosexual acts is more honorable than serving their nation. Ugh. Had I been around back then, I would probably be in prison for assault. I just can't stomach filthy hippies - would have beaten all of them into a coma.

Even though I went to a fairly conservative state university (UF) there was a large contingency off Left Wing assholes on campus.

Since I majored in Engineering many of my professors were technical and not political. However, I ran into several Left Wing asshole professors in the general courses.

Like I said we veteran mostly kept to ourselves. We mostly did not take about the war or politics to outsiders. Our families and friends were supportive and we just dismissed the Moon Bat assholes as being dumbasses.

It was much different for my Iraq War veteran son. He went to college up on returning from deployment and was treated quite well. I remember him returning home for mid deployment R&R at the Tampa airport. He was with a few other soldiers in uniform and they were all applauded and cheered in the airport.

Thank you for your service. Many of us appreciate it!
If you care about your country and are a conservative, it is time to get together as a group of money wielding people, and bring the left to its knees!
It is happening my friend. While conservatives were busy over the last century fighting wars, working jobs, and providing for the left-wing parasites, they were busy scheming. The problem is, the greedy radicals pushed too hard, too far, too fast. And they awoke the sleeping giant. The American people are taking their country back.

“I’ve had enough of the pompous snobbery of the left and that it seeps through to our retail industry shows me a total lack of respect for the consumer and the patrons,” the woman wrote.

Here's How Women Responded Nationwide After Nordstrom Dropped Ivanka

I am not a big Trump supporter, I was for Cruz, but Trump was a far better choice than Clinton.

From the time Trump has gotten elected, the embarrassed MSM and Democrats, have been trying to derail his Presidency. It is as obvious as the nose on all of our faces. Not to mention, Washington DC wants him out also. I heard a very telling statistic today that stated, "Trump got only 4% of the vote in Washington DC." If that is true, it says it all, considering Washington DC is more than 4% Republican!

The whole Washington establishment of both entities want Trump to go away, because he is stripping them of their gig. Why REAL Democrats and Conservatives would be for what is happening, is crazy. I believe the Republicans are going to throw Trump under the bus, unless Americans let them know we will hose them if we do, just like we should let California know we aren't putting up with their crap either.

As I said--------> I am not a big Trump supporter, but I do know at least 2 things for sure........
1. He is OUR last chance to keep this country resembling this country, and

2. unless we start really screaming, they are going to do everything in their power to take him out to preserve their cakewalk and power structure.

Far leftists don't care, but REAL Democrats get it; although like most of us, they are now independent. This is not only patriotic Americans versus Marxism/Socialism, but it is the Washington establishment, New York, and California, against the heartland.........and breadbasket of America. I want my grandchildren to inherit America, not Cuba or Venezuela. That is why I keep fighting, and I suspect, that is why you do too!
Time for conservatives to unite, and bring the far left to its knees!

If I remember correctly, Republicans didn't bring just the Democrats to their knees, but also the GOP base and the entire US and world economy. We are still feeling the effects of their many economic, domestic and foreign disasters.

Now, under Trump, they want to finish the job they started under Bush.
That's why Obama had higher unemployment, higher deficits and debt, and made the U.S. more hated around the world.

You know everything you said is a lie. The reality is - you're just afraid of losing your government gravy train.
USA was losing 800,000 jobs per month under Bush in his last year. The effect of Bushy's administration problems took years to level off and get where it was when Obama left office which was 4.7%.
We were on the precipice of a 2ndGreat Depression under the Chimp. Under President Obama's guidance he saved this country from falling off a cliff.
Buy we don't expect unamerican traitors like you to give him any credit for that.
I am not a big Trump supporter, I was for Cruz, but Trump was a far better choice than Clinton.
You and me both. I was 100% Ted Cruz down the stretch (my first choice was Rand Paul, my second was Ted Cruz). I *hated* Donald Trump. But I have to admit, he's been winning me over with his first three weeks.

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