Time for conservatives to unite, and bring the far left to its knees!

I want my grandchildren to inherit America, not Cuba or Venezuela. That is why I keep fighting, and I suspect, that is why you do too!
You're damn right brother. I feel like someone is stealing all of my words and posting them!
USA was losing 800,000 jobs per month under Bush in his last year.
Yeah...upon news that an anti-American, anti-capitalist, marxist (Obama) was elected in early November 2008, the markets tanked and businesses panicked. Just as upon news that a pro-American, pro-business, pro-capitalist was elected in early November 2016, the markets skyrocketed.
The effect of Bushy's administration problems took years to level off and get where it was when Obama left office which was 4.7%.
If Obama's actual unemployment numbers where even remotely close to 4.7% we wouldn't have record number of people out of the labor market, record number of people on food stamps, and he wouldn't have had among the highest unemployment averages of any president during his 8 years. You can keep shoveling Obama's propaganda as long as you want - we're too informed and too educated to swallow it.
Under President Obama's guidance he saved this country from falling off a cliff.
Obama did everything in his power to push to push this country off of the cliff. He implemented energy policies which he himself said (and I quote) "electricity rates will necessarily skyrocket". And then he went and intentionally made healthcare costs skyrocket. Both of those were enough alone to push the U.S. off of the cliff. But the anti-American didn't stop there. Nope. He then went and added almost as much to the national debt (nearly $10 trillion) as it took all U.S. presidents in 235 years to accumulate. That wasn't by mistake. Nobody could be that stupid (well - you clearly are - but I mean nobody who attended the Ivy League could be that stupid). That was all by design. Daddy raised him to hate the U.S. - teaching him that the U.S. was the "Great Imperialist" and at Columbia, Cloward & Piven taught their strategy to collapse the U.S., blame it on capitalism, and replace it with communism.

It's ok Reasonable - we understand that "useful idiot" minions like yourself are very easy to dupe. We don't expect you to be informed. However - we don't appreciate you being a genuine terrorist, trying to bring down President Trump and the U.S. out of an immature tantrum.
If you care about your country and are a conservative, it is time to get together as a group of money wielding people, and bring the left to its knees!

We all know that without money, even followers of the far leftists will revolt if they aren't given free stuff. You can put the left in chaos just by watching how/where, you spend your money. YOU are the economic engine of the country, and YOU can do more by where you spend your money, then who you voted for!

All conservatives need to take 1 year out of their life unless they are old and need to do it now for fear of death, and KEEP EVERY PENNY POSSIBLE away from California, and Hollyweird! You want to rent a movie? Cut a deal with at least one neighbor.........hopefully 2.................and get together to rent a movie everyone wants to see. This will cut income down to them by 2/3rds-)

Do not vacation in CALIFORNIA, or New York! Want to get attacked in riots? Stay out of there, and keep your money with you. Deny them everything you can. No money for a year, even if we have to find other places to trade our mutual funds. Get it out of New York!

Want Mickey Mouse? Then go to Disneyworld and stay out of Disneyland! And at every juncture, make sure you yell people online WHY! They want to be avante guard leftists, then let the leftists support their avante guard asses!

If you do everything possible to avoid paying ANYTHING for ANY REASON to California and New York for 1 year, you WILL bring them to their knees; while scaring the hell out of Illinois, Massachusetts, and a couple of other states. These people DESRVE this treatment, as they are acting MORE political than Washington DC, and rubbing your face in it.

Talk to your wife/husband. If you spend time on here to post, then spend a little time to spread the word, and also, enjoy denying the leftists of these blue states a conservative nickel. Talk to all your friends, and work together to BRING THE LEFTIST BLUE STATES TO THEIR KNEES! If it goes viral, it will work! Remember........summer vacation plans are starting to formulate now. Make the case as Americans why to stay OUT OF CALIFORNIA, and make Hollyweird suffer on top of it, lolol! Most Americans will enjoy that-)
The best thing about you guys being in charge is everything you do is unpopular wrong and doesn't work.

It's easier for us to win elections after you've been in charge a couple years.
Conservatives unite to destroy what makes America, America. They brought the country to it's knees under Bush. But America finally fought back and elected President Obama.

Now, under Trump, they attack the very foundation of the country. Voting rights and the constitution. That's why the GOP must be defeated. They are as big a threat to the country as Russia and terrorists. They would turn this country into a white North Korea if they could.
Conservatives unite to destroy what makes America, America. They brought the country to it's knees under Bush. But America finally fought back and elected President Obama.

Now, under Trump, they attack the very foundation of the country. Voting rights and the constitution. That's why the GOP must be defeated. They are as big a threat to the country as Russia and terrorists. They would turn this country into a white North Korea if they could.

You don't like North Korea ?

You racist bastard.
If you care about your country and are a conservative, it is time to get together as a group of money wielding people, and bring the left to its knees!
It is happening my friend. While conservatives were busy over the last century fighting wars, working jobs, and providing for the left-wing parasites, they were busy scheming. The problem is, the greedy radicals pushed too hard, too far, too fast. And they awoke the sleeping giant. The American people are taking their country back.

“I’ve had enough of the pompous snobbery of the left and that it seeps through to our retail industry shows me a total lack of respect for the consumer and the patrons,” the woman wrote.

Here's How Women Responded Nationwide After Nordstrom Dropped Ivanka

conservativetribune.com ... quoting breitbart.


You rightards love to dumb yourselves down. Meanwhile, Nordstrom's stock is up since the announcement.

USA was losing 800,000 jobs per month under Bush in his last year.
Yeah...upon news that an anti-American, anti-capitalist, marxist (Obama) was elected in early November 2008, the markets tanked and businesses panicked. Just as upon news that a pro-American, pro-business, pro-capitalist was elected in early November 2016, the markets skyrocketed.
The effect of Bushy's administration problems took years to level off and get where it was when Obama left office which was 4.7%.
If Obama's actual unemployment numbers where even remotely close to 4.7% we wouldn't have record number of people out of the labor market, record number of people on food stamps,
More Bullshit. We've had a record number of people out of the labor force under virtually every president -- often with unemployment rates under 4.7%. You only serve to expose how retarded you really are with moronic statements like that.

and he wouldn't have had among the highest unemployment averages of any president during his 8 years. You can keep shoveling Obama's propaganda as long as you want - we're too informed and too educated to swallow it.
Well that's a rightard lie. Reagan's average unemployment rate was even higher than Obama's. And the unemployment rate Reagan inherited was lower than what Obama inherited.
and he wouldn't have had among the highest unemployment averages of any president during his 8 years. You can keep shoveling Obama's propaganda as long as you want - we're too informed and too educated to swallow it.
Well that's a rightard lie. Reagan's average unemployment rate was even higher than Obama's. And the unemployment rate Reagan inherited was lower than what Obama inherited.
Reagan's average unemployment rate was almost identical to Obama's - and Reagan inherited an exponentially worse economy than Obama did. When Obama came into office - were people waiting hours at gas stations for fuel, only to see them run out? Nope. No fuel crisis. When Obama took office - was inflation at record highs? Nope. When Obama took office - were interests rates at record highs? Nope! Ronald Reagan had to deal with all of that and more. It was the second worst economy in U.S. history (second only to the Great Depression - which incidentally was caused by yet another Dumbocrat - FDR).

"Jimmy Carter appeared not to be your garden-variety politician and the country welcomed his down-home country approach. Within a year however, the welcome wore off. Carter’s legacy is now inextricably linked to the ”Misery Index.” No president in the history of the country had a Misery Index as high as Jimmy Carter’s. Carter had an average Index of 16.27% during his term (1977-80). When he finally left Washington in 1980 is was at an all-time high of 21.98%. Suffice it to say, the Carter years were very bad for our nation. 16% inflation, 22% interest rates, and 70% marginal tax rates did little to endear Jimmy to the hard working people."

It's ok Faun. After years of embarrassing yourself - nobody expects you to have your facts straight. That's the great thing about setting the bar as low as you have....no one expects anything from you!

Jimmy Carter – a national disgrace
Does anyone understand that Trump is a moneymaker ?

He's in office for that reason.

And he's going to make more money because of that.

It's a natural connection....

Economic power = Political Power
and he wouldn't have had among the highest unemployment averages of any president during his 8 years. You can keep shoveling Obama's propaganda as long as you want - we're too informed and too educated to swallow it.
Well that's a rightard lie. Reagan's average unemployment rate was even higher than Obama's. And the unemployment rate Reagan inherited was lower than what Obama inherited.
Reagan's average unemployment rate was almost identical to Obama's - and Reagan inherited an exponentially worse economy than Obama did. When Obama came into office - were people waiting hours at gas stations for fuel, only to see them run out? Nope. No fuel crisis. When Obama took office - was inflation at record highs? Nope. When Obama took office - were interests rates at record highs? Nope! Ronald Reagan had to deal with all of that and more. It was the second worst economy in U.S. history (second only to the Great Depression - which incidentally was caused by yet another Dumbocrat - FDR).

"Jimmy Carter appeared not to be your garden-variety politician and the country welcomed his down-home country approach. Within a year however, the welcome wore off. Carter’s legacy is now inextricably linked to the ”Misery Index.” No president in the history of the country had a Misery Index as high as Jimmy Carter’s. Carter had an average Index of 16.27% during his term (1977-80). When he finally left Washington in 1980 is was at an all-time high of 21.98%. Suffice it to say, the Carter years were very bad for our nation. 16% inflation, 22% interest rates, and 70% marginal tax rates did little to endear Jimmy to the hard working people."

It's ok Faun. After years of embarrassing yourself - nobody expects you to have your facts straight. That's the great thing about setting the bar as low as you have....no one expects anything from you!

Jimmy Carter – a national disgrace
Moron.... the economy wasn't even in recession in January, 1981. In January, 2009, we lost over one million jobs... in January. GDP fell almost 3 times as much in Bush's Great Recession as it did in Reagan's, about 12 million people either lost their job or had to take on a part time job for economic reasons. Some $30 trillion in household wealth and stock market wealth was lost in the 2008-2009 recession.

Anyone who claims the 1981-82 recession was worse is not playing with a full deck and not taken seriously. Exactly how rightarded are you?

Oh, and your lie about Obama having the highest average unemployment rate for a president after 8 years is still a lie. Reagan, who inherited a lower unemployment rate than Obama; and unlike Obama, did not inherit an economy in recession -- had a higher average.
and he wouldn't have had among the highest unemployment averages of any president during his 8 years. You can keep shoveling Obama's propaganda as long as you want - we're too informed and too educated to swallow it.
Well that's a rightard lie. Reagan's average unemployment rate was even higher than Obama's. And the unemployment rate Reagan inherited was lower than what Obama inherited.
Reagan's average unemployment rate was almost identical to Obama's - and Reagan inherited an exponentially worse economy than Obama did. When Obama came into office - were people waiting hours at gas stations for fuel, only to see them run out? Nope. No fuel crisis. When Obama took office - was inflation at record highs? Nope. When Obama took office - were interests rates at record highs? Nope! Ronald Reagan had to deal with all of that and more. It was the second worst economy in U.S. history (second only to the Great Depression - which incidentally was caused by yet another Dumbocrat - FDR).

"Jimmy Carter appeared not to be your garden-variety politician and the country welcomed his down-home country approach. Within a year however, the welcome wore off. Carter’s legacy is now inextricably linked to the ”Misery Index.” No president in the history of the country had a Misery Index as high as Jimmy Carter’s. Carter had an average Index of 16.27% during his term (1977-80). When he finally left Washington in 1980 is was at an all-time high of 21.98%. Suffice it to say, the Carter years were very bad for our nation. 16% inflation, 22% interest rates, and 70% marginal tax rates did little to endear Jimmy to the hard working people."

It's ok Faun. After years of embarrassing yourself - nobody expects you to have your facts straight. That's the great thing about setting the bar as low as you have....no one expects anything from you!

Jimmy Carter – a national disgrace
Moron.... the economy wasn't even in recession in January, 1981. In January, 2009, we lost over one million jobs... in January. GDP fell almost 3 times as much in Bush's Great Recession as it did in Reagan's, about 12 million people either lost their job or had to take on a part time job for economic reasons. Some $30 trillion in household wealth and stock market wealth was lost in the 2008-2009 recession.

Anyone who claims the 1981-82 recession was worse is not playing with a full deck and not taken seriously. Exactly how rightarded are you?

Oh, and your lie about Obama having the highest average unemployment rate for a president after 8 years is still a lie. Reagan, who inherited a lower unemployment rate than Obama; and unlike Obama, did not inherit an economy in recession -- had a higher average.
Says the nitwit with uninformed opinion built on ideology. There's reason you have no links to back up your posts while I do, snowflake.
and he wouldn't have had among the highest unemployment averages of any president during his 8 years. You can keep shoveling Obama's propaganda as long as you want - we're too informed and too educated to swallow it.
Well that's a rightard lie. Reagan's average unemployment rate was even higher than Obama's. And the unemployment rate Reagan inherited was lower than what Obama inherited.
Reagan's average unemployment rate was almost identical to Obama's - and Reagan inherited an exponentially worse economy than Obama did. When Obama came into office - were people waiting hours at gas stations for fuel, only to see them run out? Nope. No fuel crisis. When Obama took office - was inflation at record highs? Nope. When Obama took office - were interests rates at record highs? Nope! Ronald Reagan had to deal with all of that and more. It was the second worst economy in U.S. history (second only to the Great Depression - which incidentally was caused by yet another Dumbocrat - FDR).

"Jimmy Carter appeared not to be your garden-variety politician and the country welcomed his down-home country approach. Within a year however, the welcome wore off. Carter’s legacy is now inextricably linked to the ”Misery Index.” No president in the history of the country had a Misery Index as high as Jimmy Carter’s. Carter had an average Index of 16.27% during his term (1977-80). When he finally left Washington in 1980 is was at an all-time high of 21.98%. Suffice it to say, the Carter years were very bad for our nation. 16% inflation, 22% interest rates, and 70% marginal tax rates did little to endear Jimmy to the hard working people."

It's ok Faun. After years of embarrassing yourself - nobody expects you to have your facts straight. That's the great thing about setting the bar as low as you have....no one expects anything from you!

Jimmy Carter – a national disgrace
Moron.... the economy wasn't even in recession in January, 1981. In January, 2009, we lost over one million jobs... in January. GDP fell almost 3 times as much in Bush's Great Recession as it did in Reagan's, about 12 million people either lost their job or had to take on a part time job for economic reasons. Some $30 trillion in household wealth and stock market wealth was lost in the 2008-2009 recession.

Anyone who claims the 1981-82 recession was worse is not playing with a full deck and not taken seriously. Exactly how rightarded are you?

Oh, and your lie about Obama having the highest average unemployment rate for a president after 8 years is still a lie. Reagan, who inherited a lower unemployment rate than Obama; and unlike Obama, did not inherit an economy in recession -- had a higher average.
Says the nitwit with uninformed opinion built on ideology. There's reason you have no links to back up your posts while I do, snowflake.
I'll say it again because you're truly one brain-dead conservative...

the economy wasn't even in recession in January, 1981.

And no link is necessary. Anyone who doesn't know that is a retard.
The lefty nut cases are on their knees already but the problem is they like it there...:suck:
And no link is necessary. Anyone who doesn't know that is a retard.
The battle cry of the alternate-reality hatriot. Game over.

Spits the idiot who falsely claimed Obama had the highest average unemployment rate even though Reagan's was higher....

... and needs a link to inform him there was no recession in January, 1981.

And no link is necessary. Anyone who doesn't know that is a retard.
The battle cry of the alternate-reality hatriot. Game over.

Spits the idiot who falsely claimed Obama had the highest average unemployment rate even though Reagan's was higher....

... and needs a link to inform him there was no recession in January, 1981.


Hey, which President was it that the term "misery index" to describe the struggles of regular Americans in his economy, was created during his reign? Anyone have any idea, lol.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
And no link is necessary. Anyone who doesn't know that is a retard.
The battle cry of the alternate-reality hatriot. Game over.
Spits the idiot who falsely claimed Obama had the highest average unemployment rate even though Reagan's was higher....and needs a link to inform him there was no recession in January, 1981.
This is exactly why Faux wants to pretend like links aren't necessary. Because they can't support the alternate reality he is desperately trying to create...

"The deepest and longest-lasting recession the United States has experienced since then began in 1980, when Jimmy Carter was president (the gross domestic product dropped 9.6 percent in the second quarter of that year) and did not end until fourth-quarter 1982, almost two years into the Reagan presidency."

The worst recession?

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