Time for the State Department to issue a Travel Warning for Saudi Arabia


Platinum Member
Nov 16, 2016
As if Saudi Arabia wasn’t getting enough bad press after their botched Assassination of the reporter Khashoggi. Which by the way is perhaps the worst bungled assasination cover up since the first man picked up a rock and smashed another over the noggin. We have additional stories flowing from the Kingdom. Khashoggi 'was strangled immediately'

First story, an Indonesian Woman was executed by the courts for killing her employer. It is not denied that the employer was trying to rape her at the time, and she acted in self defense. However, that apparently did not matter as the enlightened friends we have in Saudi Arabia have no provision for such self defense. Execution of Indonesian maid who killed employer while being raped sparks outrage | Daily Mail Online

There is even an international element to that story, as the Saudi’s didn’t bother telling the Indonesian Government that they were executing the woman. Not the first time that has happened either.

Next we have women who were arrested for hosting a Halloween party. Seriously. Saudi Arabia arrests 17 women for taking part in Halloween party

Now, Saudi Arabia claims to be making progress because they are letting women drive, finally. Yet, while this progress is going on, the same old song and dance contiues. It is past time for the State Department to issue a travel advisory that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is most unfriendly to women, and if they are attacked, and defend themselves, they will be tried, convicted, and executed for refusing to be raped. If they mingle with members of the opposite sex, they will be arrested, and held in barbaric confinement for this “crime”.

I was in Saudi Arabia during Desert Shield. Our squad had no problems with the Saudi’s, nor did our Platoon. Because we were the 82nd Airborne, and we were always armed. A dolt with a night stick going against a platoon with automatic weapons is going to be on his best behavior. The Platoon or squad has the definite advantage.

Yet, I heard the stories, and wasn’t about to even consider post military employment anywhere in the region. I would not by choice support such a repressive regime. We have had a long time since then, and Saudi Arabia has made no progress on any of the social issues that we were assured would be forthcoming from the friendship we had with them. Nearly thirty years, enough time for someone to start working for the State Department, and retire with a full pension, and zero progress.

It’s past time to step up the game, and let Saudi know that this is all unacceptable. Issue the travel warning, and file the complaint that Saudi is violating International Treaties on several issues, including notification of the Home Embassy that a citizen is accused of a crime, and when the punishment is going to be carried out. Either Saudi starts to play by the same rules as everyone else, or they can find themselves alone and without friends. Our troops can be brought home just as quickly as we sent them over. Our technology and weapons can be held home, instead of shipped over. A friend is more than a passing associate. And Saudi Arabia is no friend IMO.
As if Saudi Arabia wasn’t getting enough bad press after their botched Assassination of the reporter Khashoggi. Which by the way is perhaps the worst bungled assasination cover up since the first man picked up a rock and smashed another over the noggin. We have additional stories flowing from the Kingdom. Khashoggi 'was strangled immediately'

First story, an Indonesian Woman was executed by the courts for killing her employer. It is not denied that the employer was trying to rape her at the time, and she acted in self defense. However, that apparently did not matter as the enlightened friends we have in Saudi Arabia have no provision for such self defense. Execution of Indonesian maid who killed employer while being raped sparks outrage | Daily Mail Online

There is even an international element to that story, as the Saudi’s didn’t bother telling the Indonesian Government that they were executing the woman. Not the first time that has happened either.

Next we have women who were arrested for hosting a Halloween party. Seriously. Saudi Arabia arrests 17 women for taking part in Halloween party

Now, Saudi Arabia claims to be making progress because they are letting women drive, finally. Yet, while this progress is going on, the same old song and dance contiues. It is past time for the State Department to issue a travel advisory that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is most unfriendly to women, and if they are attacked, and defend themselves, they will be tried, convicted, and executed for refusing to be raped. If they mingle with members of the opposite sex, they will be arrested, and held in barbaric confinement for this “crime”.

I was in Saudi Arabia during Desert Shield. Our squad had no problems with the Saudi’s, nor did our Platoon. Because we were the 82nd Airborne, and we were always armed. A dolt with a night stick going against a platoon with automatic weapons is going to be on his best behavior. The Platoon or squad has the definite advantage.

Yet, I heard the stories, and wasn’t about to even consider post military employment anywhere in the region. I would not by choice support such a repressive regime. We have had a long time since then, and Saudi Arabia has made no progress on any of the social issues that we were assured would be forthcoming from the friendship we had with them. Nearly thirty years, enough time for someone to start working for the State Department, and retire with a full pension, and zero progress.

It’s past time to step up the game, and let Saudi know that this is all unacceptable. Issue the travel warning, and file the complaint that Saudi is violating International Treaties on several issues, including notification of the Home Embassy that a citizen is accused of a crime, and when the punishment is going to be carried out. Either Saudi starts to play by the same rules as everyone else, or they can find themselves alone and without friends. Our troops can be brought home just as quickly as we sent them over. Our technology and weapons can be held home, instead of shipped over. A friend is more than a passing associate. And Saudi Arabia is no friend IMO.

Why would you ever have to issue such a warning?

See, this is comparable to putting warnings on cigarettes. They should just let Darwin sort things like this out.
As if Saudi Arabia wasn’t getting enough bad press after their botched Assassination of the reporter Khashoggi. Which by the way is perhaps the worst bungled assasination cover up since the first man picked up a rock and smashed another over the noggin. We have additional stories flowing from the Kingdom. Khashoggi 'was strangled immediately'

First story, an Indonesian Woman was executed by the courts for killing her employer. It is not denied that the employer was trying to rape her at the time, and she acted in self defense. However, that apparently did not matter as the enlightened friends we have in Saudi Arabia have no provision for such self defense. Execution of Indonesian maid who killed employer while being raped sparks outrage | Daily Mail Online

There is even an international element to that story, as the Saudi’s didn’t bother telling the Indonesian Government that they were executing the woman. Not the first time that has happened either.

Next we have women who were arrested for hosting a Halloween party. Seriously. Saudi Arabia arrests 17 women for taking part in Halloween party

Now, Saudi Arabia claims to be making progress because they are letting women drive, finally. Yet, while this progress is going on, the same old song and dance contiues. It is past time for the State Department to issue a travel advisory that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is most unfriendly to women, and if they are attacked, and defend themselves, they will be tried, convicted, and executed for refusing to be raped. If they mingle with members of the opposite sex, they will be arrested, and held in barbaric confinement for this “crime”.

I was in Saudi Arabia during Desert Shield. Our squad had no problems with the Saudi’s, nor did our Platoon. Because we were the 82nd Airborne, and we were always armed. A dolt with a night stick going against a platoon with automatic weapons is going to be on his best behavior. The Platoon or squad has the definite advantage.

Yet, I heard the stories, and wasn’t about to even consider post military employment anywhere in the region. I would not by choice support such a repressive regime. We have had a long time since then, and Saudi Arabia has made no progress on any of the social issues that we were assured would be forthcoming from the friendship we had with them. Nearly thirty years, enough time for someone to start working for the State Department, and retire with a full pension, and zero progress.

It’s past time to step up the game, and let Saudi know that this is all unacceptable. Issue the travel warning, and file the complaint that Saudi is violating International Treaties on several issues, including notification of the Home Embassy that a citizen is accused of a crime, and when the punishment is going to be carried out. Either Saudi starts to play by the same rules as everyone else, or they can find themselves alone and without friends. Our troops can be brought home just as quickly as we sent them over. Our technology and weapons can be held home, instead of shipped over. A friend is more than a passing associate. And Saudi Arabia is no friend IMO.

Why would you ever have to issue such a warning?

See, this is comparable to putting warnings on cigarettes. They should just let Darwin sort things like this out.

Actually, the warning is a diplomatic maneuver. It let’s Saudi Arabia know that their friend, the friend they depend on, is not pleased with a number of issues. It tells Saudi Arabia that we expect the nation to abide by International Treaties, and conduct themselves in a manner befitting a world power.

Imagine you have a friend, one you’ve known all your life. A friend you do business with, and are allied to in a manner of speaking. This friend is doing something, and hasn’t changed with the times. You’ve spoken to this friend, and have accomplished nothing with those talks except vague promises from him that never come to pass.

You value the friendship, but you value your principles too. So you put your friend on notice. You tell your friend that it really does need to end. This behavior is no longer tolerable. Your friend is now left with the choice. What do I do? If your friend truly is your friend, they will moderate the objectionable behavior. If not, perhaps they never were the friend you hoped for. Saudi needs us.

If we pull out of Saudi Arabia, and we let the world know that we will not take any action in defense of Saudi Arabia, what happens then? Iran Blitzkreigs over and takes the nation in a New York second. Yeah, Iran is a bad guy, but is Saudi any better?
As if Saudi Arabia wasn’t getting enough bad press after their botched Assassination of the reporter Khashoggi. Which by the way is perhaps the worst bungled assasination cover up since the first man picked up a rock and smashed another over the noggin. We have additional stories flowing from the Kingdom. Khashoggi 'was strangled immediately'

First story, an Indonesian Woman was executed by the courts for killing her employer. It is not denied that the employer was trying to rape her at the time, and she acted in self defense. However, that apparently did not matter as the enlightened friends we have in Saudi Arabia have no provision for such self defense. Execution of Indonesian maid who killed employer while being raped sparks outrage | Daily Mail Online

There is even an international element to that story, as the Saudi’s didn’t bother telling the Indonesian Government that they were executing the woman. Not the first time that has happened either.

Next we have women who were arrested for hosting a Halloween party. Seriously. Saudi Arabia arrests 17 women for taking part in Halloween party

Now, Saudi Arabia claims to be making progress because they are letting women drive, finally. Yet, while this progress is going on, the same old song and dance contiues. It is past time for the State Department to issue a travel advisory that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is most unfriendly to women, and if they are attacked, and defend themselves, they will be tried, convicted, and executed for refusing to be raped. If they mingle with members of the opposite sex, they will be arrested, and held in barbaric confinement for this “crime”.

I was in Saudi Arabia during Desert Shield. Our squad had no problems with the Saudi’s, nor did our Platoon. Because we were the 82nd Airborne, and we were always armed. A dolt with a night stick going against a platoon with automatic weapons is going to be on his best behavior. The Platoon or squad has the definite advantage.

Yet, I heard the stories, and wasn’t about to even consider post military employment anywhere in the region. I would not by choice support such a repressive regime. We have had a long time since then, and Saudi Arabia has made no progress on any of the social issues that we were assured would be forthcoming from the friendship we had with them. Nearly thirty years, enough time for someone to start working for the State Department, and retire with a full pension, and zero progress.

It’s past time to step up the game, and let Saudi know that this is all unacceptable. Issue the travel warning, and file the complaint that Saudi is violating International Treaties on several issues, including notification of the Home Embassy that a citizen is accused of a crime, and when the punishment is going to be carried out. Either Saudi starts to play by the same rules as everyone else, or they can find themselves alone and without friends. Our troops can be brought home just as quickly as we sent them over. Our technology and weapons can be held home, instead of shipped over. A friend is more than a passing associate. And Saudi Arabia is no friend IMO.

Why would you ever have to issue such a warning?

See, this is comparable to putting warnings on cigarettes. They should just let Darwin sort things like this out.

Actually, the warning is a diplomatic maneuver. It let’s Saudi Arabia know that their friend, the friend they depend on, is not pleased with a number of issues. It tells Saudi Arabia that we expect the nation to abide by International Treaties, and conduct themselves in a manner befitting a world power.

Imagine you have a friend, one you’ve known all your life. A friend you do business with, and are allied to in a manner of speaking. This friend is doing something, and hasn’t changed with the times. You’ve spoken to this friend, and have accomplished nothing with those talks except vague promises from him that never come to pass.

You value the friendship, but you value your principles too. So you put your friend on notice. You tell your friend that it really does need to end. This behavior is no longer tolerable. Your friend is now left with the choice. What do I do? If your friend truly is your friend, they will moderate the objectionable behavior. If not, perhaps they never were the friend you hoped for. Saudi needs us.

If we pull out of Saudi Arabia, and we let the world know that we will not take any action in defense of Saudi Arabia, what happens then? Iran Blitzkreigs over and takes the nation in a New York second. Yeah, Iran is a bad guy, but is Saudi any better?

Is Saudi Arabia better? Probably not. That is like asking who is worse, Hitler or Stalin? However, if Hitler or Stalin defeats the other, the whole world is in trouble.
As if Saudi Arabia wasn’t getting enough bad press after their botched Assassination of the reporter Khashoggi. Which by the way is perhaps the worst bungled assasination cover up since the first man picked up a rock and smashed another over the noggin. We have additional stories flowing from the Kingdom. Khashoggi 'was strangled immediately'

First story, an Indonesian Woman was executed by the courts for killing her employer. It is not denied that the employer was trying to rape her at the time, and she acted in self defense. However, that apparently did not matter as the enlightened friends we have in Saudi Arabia have no provision for such self defense. Execution of Indonesian maid who killed employer while being raped sparks outrage | Daily Mail Online

There is even an international element to that story, as the Saudi’s didn’t bother telling the Indonesian Government that they were executing the woman. Not the first time that has happened either.

Next we have women who were arrested for hosting a Halloween party. Seriously. Saudi Arabia arrests 17 women for taking part in Halloween party

Now, Saudi Arabia claims to be making progress because they are letting women drive, finally. Yet, while this progress is going on, the same old song and dance contiues. It is past time for the State Department to issue a travel advisory that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is most unfriendly to women, and if they are attacked, and defend themselves, they will be tried, convicted, and executed for refusing to be raped. If they mingle with members of the opposite sex, they will be arrested, and held in barbaric confinement for this “crime”.

I was in Saudi Arabia during Desert Shield. Our squad had no problems with the Saudi’s, nor did our Platoon. Because we were the 82nd Airborne, and we were always armed. A dolt with a night stick going against a platoon with automatic weapons is going to be on his best behavior. The Platoon or squad has the definite advantage.

Yet, I heard the stories, and wasn’t about to even consider post military employment anywhere in the region. I would not by choice support such a repressive regime. We have had a long time since then, and Saudi Arabia has made no progress on any of the social issues that we were assured would be forthcoming from the friendship we had with them. Nearly thirty years, enough time for someone to start working for the State Department, and retire with a full pension, and zero progress.

It’s past time to step up the game, and let Saudi know that this is all unacceptable. Issue the travel warning, and file the complaint that Saudi is violating International Treaties on several issues, including notification of the Home Embassy that a citizen is accused of a crime, and when the punishment is going to be carried out. Either Saudi starts to play by the same rules as everyone else, or they can find themselves alone and without friends. Our troops can be brought home just as quickly as we sent them over. Our technology and weapons can be held home, instead of shipped over. A friend is more than a passing associate. And Saudi Arabia is no friend IMO.

Why would you ever have to issue such a warning?

See, this is comparable to putting warnings on cigarettes. They should just let Darwin sort things like this out.

Actually, the warning is a diplomatic maneuver. It let’s Saudi Arabia know that their friend, the friend they depend on, is not pleased with a number of issues. It tells Saudi Arabia that we expect the nation to abide by International Treaties, and conduct themselves in a manner befitting a world power.

Imagine you have a friend, one you’ve known all your life. A friend you do business with, and are allied to in a manner of speaking. This friend is doing something, and hasn’t changed with the times. You’ve spoken to this friend, and have accomplished nothing with those talks except vague promises from him that never come to pass.

You value the friendship, but you value your principles too. So you put your friend on notice. You tell your friend that it really does need to end. This behavior is no longer tolerable. Your friend is now left with the choice. What do I do? If your friend truly is your friend, they will moderate the objectionable behavior. If not, perhaps they never were the friend you hoped for. Saudi needs us.

If we pull out of Saudi Arabia, and we let the world know that we will not take any action in defense of Saudi Arabia, what happens then? Iran Blitzkreigs over and takes the nation in a New York second. Yeah, Iran is a bad guy, but is Saudi any better?

Is Saudi Arabia better? Probably not. That is like asking who is worse, Hitler or Stalin? However, if Hitler or Stalin defeats the other, the whole world is in trouble.

And whoever wins, the world is in trouble too. As we saw to our long term sorrow.
As if Saudi Arabia wasn’t getting enough bad press after their botched Assassination of the reporter Khashoggi. Which by the way is perhaps the worst bungled assasination cover up since the first man picked up a rock and smashed another over the noggin. We have additional stories flowing from the Kingdom. Khashoggi 'was strangled immediately'

First story, an Indonesian Woman was executed by the courts for killing her employer. It is not denied that the employer was trying to rape her at the time, and she acted in self defense. However, that apparently did not matter as the enlightened friends we have in Saudi Arabia have no provision for such self defense. Execution of Indonesian maid who killed employer while being raped sparks outrage | Daily Mail Online

There is even an international element to that story, as the Saudi’s didn’t bother telling the Indonesian Government that they were executing the woman. Not the first time that has happened either.

Next we have women who were arrested for hosting a Halloween party. Seriously. Saudi Arabia arrests 17 women for taking part in Halloween party

Now, Saudi Arabia claims to be making progress because they are letting women drive, finally. Yet, while this progress is going on, the same old song and dance contiues. It is past time for the State Department to issue a travel advisory that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is most unfriendly to women, and if they are attacked, and defend themselves, they will be tried, convicted, and executed for refusing to be raped. If they mingle with members of the opposite sex, they will be arrested, and held in barbaric confinement for this “crime”.

I was in Saudi Arabia during Desert Shield. Our squad had no problems with the Saudi’s, nor did our Platoon. Because we were the 82nd Airborne, and we were always armed. A dolt with a night stick going against a platoon with automatic weapons is going to be on his best behavior. The Platoon or squad has the definite advantage.

Yet, I heard the stories, and wasn’t about to even consider post military employment anywhere in the region. I would not by choice support such a repressive regime. We have had a long time since then, and Saudi Arabia has made no progress on any of the social issues that we were assured would be forthcoming from the friendship we had with them. Nearly thirty years, enough time for someone to start working for the State Department, and retire with a full pension, and zero progress.

It’s past time to step up the game, and let Saudi know that this is all unacceptable. Issue the travel warning, and file the complaint that Saudi is violating International Treaties on several issues, including notification of the Home Embassy that a citizen is accused of a crime, and when the punishment is going to be carried out. Either Saudi starts to play by the same rules as everyone else, or they can find themselves alone and without friends. Our troops can be brought home just as quickly as we sent them over. Our technology and weapons can be held home, instead of shipped over. A friend is more than a passing associate. And Saudi Arabia is no friend IMO.
It would be a huge blow for the Saudi tourist industry. No more nudists, stag parties or sex tourism. How will they ever survive?

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