Time for the US to abolish the Death Penalty

We have 2 really bad stains on us as a country,capital punishment is one of them,and should go. There is no place in a civilized world for capital punishment.

That's the kind of sentiment that emboldens criminals and causes the taxpayers of this country to have to continually pay for building and operating more jails and prisons and the people to man them. The criminals aren't afraid of getting caught because even if they do, when they go to jail they'll have better accommodations than they could provide on their own if they had to get out and work for a living.
Whatever we do, let's not discourage the criminals. They deserve the most 'civilized' of our behavior.
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Well, in that case, perhaps we shouldn't punish crime at all. Because Nazis put people death camps, all forms of punishment is equitable to what NAZIS did. That is just silly. Communist Chinese execute petty criminals and harvest their organs, Islamist hardliners chop of heads for adultery. We executed people like Ted Bundy and Gary Gilmore for committing mass murder. Not political or religious reasons , just plain old evil they committed. There is a difference here. But we like to equivocate on this board.

We also execute retards and an occasional innocent man

Well spoken. I actually thought about this, WHAT can moral people do stop immorality given the fact we are ALL prone to mistakes? I don't think it precludes the death penalty, soulless mass murders like people like Anders Behring get twenty years in prison for mass murder of over 90 people? Norway is So human like that. Sometimes, there isn’t ANY excuse for this insanity, and the death penalty seems rather appropriate.
Well, in that case, perhaps we shouldn't punish crime at all. Because Nazis put people death camps, all forms of punishment is equitable to what NAZIS did. That is just silly. Communist Chinese execute petty criminals and harvest their organs, Islamist hardliners chop of heads for adultery. We executed people like Ted Bundy and Gary Gilmore for committing mass murder. Not political or religious reasons , just plain old evil they committed. There is a difference here. But we like to equivocate on this board.

We also execute retards and an occasional innocent man

it takes forever to execute someone in this country anyway on top of the risk of executing innocents ... prisons need to be scaled down to much more uncomfortable facilities

The US is paying to keep too many fucking people in prison. We don't have money for roads or bridges but we cough up money for prisons
The only problem I have with the death penalty is that it isn't used enough. A person kills another in the commission of a crime, hang em!
We have 2 really bad stains on us as a country,capital punishment is one of them,and should go. There is no place in a civilized world for capital punishment.

That's the kind of sentiment that emboldens criminals and causes the taxpayers of this country to have to continually pay for building and operating more jails and prisons and the people to man them. The criminals aren't afraid of getting caught because even if they do, when they go to jail they'll have better accommodations than they could provide on their own if they had to get out and work for a living.
Whatever we do, let's not discourage the criminals. They deserve the most 'civilized' of our behavior.

We have more people in prison than any other nation AND we have Capital punishment. Obviously, our criminal justice system is not working
We have 2 really bad stains on us as a country,capital punishment is one of them,and should go. There is no place in a civilized world for capital punishment.

That's the kind of sentiment that emboldens criminals and causes the taxpayers of this country to have to continually pay for building and operating more jails and prisons and the people to man them. The criminals aren't afraid of getting caught because even if they do, when they go to jail they'll have better accommodations than they could provide on their own if they had to get out and work for a living.
Whatever we do, let's not discourage the criminals. They deserve the most 'civilized' of our behavior.

We have more people in prison than any other nation AND we have Capital punishment. Obviously, our criminal justice system is not working

That's a fact!
That's the kind of sentiment that emboldens criminals and causes the taxpayers of this country to have to continually pay for building and operating more jails and prisons and the people to man them. The criminals aren't afraid of getting caught because even if they do, when they go to jail they'll have better accommodations than they could provide on their own if they had to get out and work for a living.
Whatever we do, let's not discourage the criminals. They deserve the most 'civilized' of our behavior.

We have more people in prison than any other nation AND we have Capital punishment. Obviously, our criminal justice system is not working

That's a fact!

Could be the direction of our society as a whole but ya know.
We also execute retards and an occasional innocent man

it takes forever to execute someone in this country anyway on top of the risk of executing innocents ... prisons need to be scaled down to much more uncomfortable facilities

The US is paying to keep too many fucking people in prison. We don't have money for roads or bridges but we cough up money for prisons

I agree that many minor drug offense offenders should not be in prison but prisons are also much too accommodating.
it takes forever to execute someone in this country anyway on top of the risk of executing innocents ... prisons need to be scaled down to much more uncomfortable facilities

The US is paying to keep too many fucking people in prison. We don't have money for roads or bridges but we cough up money for prisons

I agree that many minor drug offense offenders should not be in prison but prisons are also much too accommodating.
Is that your personal observation?
The US is paying to keep too many fucking people in prison. We don't have money for roads or bridges but we cough up money for prisons

I agree that many minor drug offense offenders should not be in prison but prisons are also much too accommodating.
Is that your personal observation?

correct ... just because you are surrounded by pieces of shits of society doesn't mean you are living like shit.
We don't use the death penalty enough. Someone on death row has a greater chance of dying of old age than execution. That is a travesty.
The freaking hypocrites are at it again. I don't have a problem with the execution of domestic terrorist Tim McVeigh and left wing anti-capital punishment people didn't complain about the federal government executing Timothy McVeigh in a record 7 years from conviction date. The freaking president authorized the execution of American citizens by drone plane strikes even without due process.
Phew, this thread is a tough read. The rhetoric that is spilling out of everyone’s keyboards is ridiculous. Let’s talk facts for a second, financial cost to taxpayers of capital punishment is several times that of keeping someone in prison for life. The required appeals for death row inmates swamp our justice system preventing them from doing the job of convicting people that haven’t been convicted yet. It creates a statistically high sympathetic view for the inmate. Also, since 1973, 108 people in 25 states have been released from death row because they were found innocent.
We could literally talk for days about the inefficiency of the death penalty, it does not deter crime and it does not bring the victim back to life. It costs the tax payer several times more then if we just kept them rotting away in a cell for the rest of their lives, which in my eyes is a significantly worse punishment. If given the choice at 20 to be incarcerated without any chance at parole or to be put to death in ten odd years, what would you pick? Hell, I’m not staying in prison until I’m 70 to die with just a doctor and priest by my side. Statistically and socially this is not really up for debate. Plain and simple, it doesn’t work, never has, never will.
As much as I have always been okay with the, "If you kill someone we will kill you back" train of thought, the $$$ talks.
It took a while to convince me but the death penalty is actually more expensive than life in prison
90% of the world no longer uses the Death Penalty

The US is among a lustrious group that continues to execute prisoners. That group includes China, Iran, Iraq, N Korea and Saudi Arabia......Something all Americans can be proud of

Use of capital punishment by country - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I came into this thread hoping to find a well though out argument opposing the death penalty, instead I find drivel. If this is the best that liberals and progressives can come up with to challenge the most reprehensible thing the state does in the name of its citizens it is no wonder that the US still has the death penalty.
90% of the world no longer uses the Death Penalty


The US is among a lustrious group that continues to execute prisoners. That group includes China, Iran, Iraq, N Korea and Saudi Arabia......Something all Americans can be proud of
Again, irrelevant.

The only problem with the death penalty is that we don't use it nearly enough.

There are a lot of problems with the death penalty, the most obvious of which is that it is irreversible.
90% of the world no longer uses the Death Penalty

The US is among a lustrious group that continues to execute prisoners. That group includes China, Iran, Iraq, N Korea and Saudi Arabia......Something all Americans can be proud of

Use of capital punishment by country - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

We shouldn't ban something just to be like other countries.


The most eloquent possible argument against an absurd argument.
90% of the world no longer uses the Death Penalty

The US is among a lustrious group that continues to execute prisoners. That group includes China, Iran, Iraq, N Korea and Saudi Arabia......Something all Americans can be proud of

Use of capital punishment by country - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

We shouldn't ban something just to be like other countries.

We said the same thing about slavery

We were one of the last nations to abolish that too

The people that said that were right, we should abolish it because it is wrong, not because it looks good.

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