Time for War With China is NOW

Look at the numbers. We have 300 million people. We lose a couple million. China is eradicaded from the earth. We win.
They have a billion. The fallout is certain to piss off Japan, Russia and India.
List of wars before 1000 - Wikipedia
No peace listed here.
Never said peace. Scroll up and get a grip on reality.
Why don't you go to the bathroom and get a grip on your reality...between two fingers.
Why don't you go to the bathroom and get a grip on your reality...between two fingers.
It's more realistic than your assertion we could "win" a nuclear war with China.

The fact remains, although there is still war and conflict, the world is getting more populated but also more peaceful.
Nuke a couple of cities and inform them we will keep it up until we eradicate the Chinese race from the face of the earth.
China has ICBMs (both fixed and mobile) and SLBMs. You nuke a couple of their cities, they nuke a couple of our cities. That is how nuclear deterrence works.

No thanks.
Look at the numbers. We have 300 million people. We lose a couple million. China is eradicaded from the earth. We win.
No, you need to look at the numbers.

China is estimated to have a couple hundred nuclear warheads, so we lose tens of millions of people. Most of the large cities in the United States get hit. Even if we wipe China off the face of the earth we are set back decades as a global economy and political/military force, and end up as a severely weakened superpower with a depleted military and decimated infrastructure.

Losing Los Angeles, DC, Chicago, San Diego, Philadelphia, New York, Phoenix, Houston, Boston, Dallas, Denver etc. is not a win if the reason for your war is being pissed off about lost jobs and intellectual property.
Why don't you go to the bathroom and get a grip on your reality...between two fingers.
It's more realistic than your assertion we could "win" a nuclear war with China.

The fact remains, although there is still war and conflict, the world is getting more populated but also more peaceful.
We can...and might.
Nuke a couple of cities and inform them we will keep it up until we eradicate the Chinese race from the face of the earth.
China has ICBMs (both fixed and mobile) and SLBMs. You nuke a couple of their cities, they nuke a couple of our cities. That is how nuclear deterrence works.

No thanks.
Look at the numbers. We have 300 million people. We lose a couple million. China is eradicaded from the earth. We win.
No, you need to look at the numbers.

China is estimated to have a couple hundred nuclear warheads, so we lose tens of millions of people. Most of the large cities in the United States get hit. Even if we wipe China off the face of the earth we are set back decades as a global economy and political/military force, and end up as a severely weakened superpower with a depleted military and decimated infrastructure.

Losing Los Angeles, DC, Chicago, San Diego, Philadelphia, New York, Phoenix, Houston, Boston, Dallas, Denver etc. is not a win if the reason for your war is being pissed off about lost jobs and intellectual property.
We have a missile defense system. China wants to conquer the world and must be stopped.
Nuke a couple of cities and inform them we will keep it up until we eradicate the Chinese race from the face of the earth.
China has ICBMs (both fixed and mobile) and SLBMs. You nuke a couple of their cities, they nuke a couple of our cities. That is how nuclear deterrence works.

No thanks.
Look at the numbers. We have 300 million people. We lose a couple million. China is eradicaded from the earth. We win.
No, you need to look at the numbers.

China is estimated to have a couple hundred nuclear warheads, so we lose tens of millions of people. Most of the large cities in the United States get hit. Even if we wipe China off the face of the earth we are set back decades as a global economy and political/military force, and end up as a severely weakened superpower with a depleted military and decimated infrastructure.

Losing Los Angeles, DC, Chicago, San Diego, Philadelphia, New York, Phoenix, Houston, Boston, Dallas, Denver etc. is not a win if the reason for your war is being pissed off about lost jobs and intellectual property.
Why was this situation allowed to metastasize?
We have a missile defense system. China wants to conquer the world and must be stopped.
I'll again suggest you go read up on what you're posting about.

Intercepting ICBMs is done with GMD, of which the United States only has a few dozen. Assuming a 100% kill ratio (they have only managed 50% in testing where conditions favored the test) the impact on a full scale nuclear war with China would be insignificant.

Aegis BMD s more plentiful but they are designed primarily to intercept short and medium range ballistic missiles, they don't have the range to catch ICBMs except in initial stages of launch. This is fine for a country like North Korea, but not useful to defend continental United States against ICBMs and SLBMs launched from China. Future versions of SM-3 might be more capable to be relevant in an ICBM exchange but as of now Aegis isn't for global defense.

THAAD is terminal intercept so useful at theater level, it also isn't relevant in a nuclear ICBM exchange with China.

The missile defense systems of USA will be far more useful in a conventional conflict with China, with Patriot/THAAD/SM-3 defending bases in Guam, Japan, Diego Garcia, CBGs, etc. not in a global nuclear exchange.
Why was this situation allowed to metastasize?
Irrelevant. We look at today and make decisions on the state of the world today. Initiating a global nuclear war with another nuclear power that would cost us our country's infrastructure and major cities is a bad idea, regardless of how the world came to have so many countries in the nuclear club. China has been a nuclear power since the 60s, they don't have an arsenal anywhere as large as the United States or Russia but they have enough of one (which has been continuously modernized) to deter exactly what you're suggesting.
China has ICBMs (both fixed and mobile) and SLBMs. You nuke a couple of their cities, they nuke a couple of our cities. That is how nuclear deterrence works.

No thanks.
Look at the numbers. We have 300 million people. We lose a couple million. China is eradicaded from the earth. We win.

Again, nothing but the violent fantasies of a dimwitted little boy.
Unkaloompa if you were here I would show you who the boy is...that would be you.

Would you, tough boy? Another fantasy?
No I'm pretty confident of it. Hey, El Rey has lots of Chinese kicking movies on tonight. Shouldn't you be watching them and practicing your moves. Heyyaahhhh!

It's not healthy for you to be this drunk all day long.
Look at the numbers. We have 300 million people. We lose a couple million. China is eradicaded from the earth. We win.

Again, nothing but the violent fantasies of a dimwitted little boy.
Unkaloompa if you were here I would show you who the boy is...that would be you.

Would you, tough boy? Another fantasy?
No I'm pretty confident of it. Hey, El Rey has lots of Chinese kicking movies on tonight. Shouldn't you be watching them and practicing your moves. Heyyaahhhh!

It's not healthy for you to be this drunk all day long.
Getting there now young man. See my post on Reagan was a realist if you want to fully understand my position.
Nuke a couple of cities and inform them we will keep it up until we eradicate the Chinese race from the face of the earth.
China has ICBMs (both fixed and mobile) and SLBMs. You nuke a couple of their cities, they nuke a couple of our cities. That is how nuclear deterrence works.

No thanks.
Look at the numbers. We have 300 million people. We lose a couple million. China is eradicaded from the earth. We win.
No, you need to look at the numbers.

China is estimated to have a couple hundred nuclear warheads, so we lose tens of millions of people. Most of the large cities in the United States get hit. Even if we wipe China off the face of the earth we are set back decades as a global economy and political/military force, and end up as a severely weakened superpower with a depleted military and decimated infrastructure.

Losing Los Angeles, DC, Chicago, San Diego, Philadelphia, New York, Phoenix, Houston, Boston, Dallas, Denver etc. is not a win if the reason for your war is being pissed off about lost jobs and intellectual property.
We have a missile defense system. China wants to conquer the world and must be stopped.

Go sleep it off.
Nuke a couple of cities and inform them we will keep it up until we eradicate the Chinese race from the face of the earth.
China has ICBMs (both fixed and mobile) and SLBMs. You nuke a couple of their cities, they nuke a couple of our cities. That is how nuclear deterrence works.

No thanks.
Look at the numbers. We have 300 million people. We lose a couple million. China is eradicaded from the earth. We win.
No, you need to look at the numbers.

China is estimated to have a couple hundred nuclear warheads, so we lose tens of millions of people. Most of the large cities in the United States get hit. Even if we wipe China off the face of the earth we are set back decades as a global economy and political/military force, and end up as a severely weakened superpower with a depleted military and decimated infrastructure.

Losing Los Angeles, DC, Chicago, San Diego, Philadelphia, New York, Phoenix, Houston, Boston, Dallas, Denver etc. is not a win if the reason for your war is being pissed off about lost jobs and intellectual property.
We have a missile defense system. China wants to conquer the world and must be stopped.

Go sleep it off.
Just getting started with scotch and a book on Jesus as a young lad.
Again, nothing but the violent fantasies of a dimwitted little boy.
Unkaloompa if you were here I would show you who the boy is...that would be you.

Would you, tough boy? Another fantasy?
No I'm pretty confident of it. Hey, El Rey has lots of Chinese kicking movies on tonight. Shouldn't you be watching them and practicing your moves. Heyyaahhhh!

It's not healthy for you to be this drunk all day long.
Getting there now young man. See my post on Reagan was a realist if you want to fully understand my position.
Nuke a couple of cities and inform them we will keep it up until we eradicate the Chinese race from the face of the earth.
China has ICBMs (both fixed and mobile) and SLBMs. You nuke a couple of their cities, they nuke a couple of our cities. That is how nuclear deterrence works.

No thanks.
Look at the numbers. We have 300 million people. We lose a couple million. China is eradicaded from the earth. We win.
No, you need to look at the numbers.

China is estimated to have a couple hundred nuclear warheads, so we lose tens of millions of people. Most of the large cities in the United States get hit. Even if we wipe China off the face of the earth we are set back decades as a global economy and political/military force, and end up as a severely weakened superpower with a depleted military and decimated infrastructure.

Losing Los Angeles, DC, Chicago, San Diego, Philadelphia, New York, Phoenix, Houston, Boston, Dallas, Denver etc. is not a win if the reason for your war is being pissed off about lost jobs and intellectual property.
...China wants to conquer the world ....

No, they don't.
We know this war is coming so why wait for China to get stronger. Hit them now while we have the advantage. They are an enemy. Stole our jobs an intellectual property, spy on us, hack our government web sites, buzz our satellites, harass our ships. Let's put these fuckers in their place once and for all. Nuke em if we have to.
China hits back at Trump, says one-China policy is 'non-negotiable'
We can't defeat China with an all volunteer military made up predominately of white Republican voting conservatives! Have you lost your Fucking mind Jethro???????
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