Time for War With China is NOW

The economic war with China will begin soon when Trump and Congress slap import duties on them to make up for their exploitation of American markets and to keep out their cheap inferior goods.

Whether a naval and air war follows is yet to be seen.
Seriously, you have no idea what that will do to OUR economy. $100 sneakers? Because they're made in America? Oh, boy.

No, seriously what will happen to our economy?

What if we have significantly less cheap shit? That's a price I'm willing to pay

OR, maybe there are nations that would be willing to make cheap shit for US, while taking steps to make sure that the trade is TWO WAY and mutually beneficial.
Correll, I too would be willing to have less, but one of the ways we have managed to keep the peace during that awful recession and crawl back to solvency is to allow people without a lot of pennies the privilege of buying a new pair of boots or a snowsuit for the baby and let's not forget ramen noodles! Some people--actually more people than you realize--would be screaming bloody murder because they would be shut out of the market entirely. My dad grew up a poor farm kid during the Depression and as the baby of the family he wore all his brothers' hand me downs and they got a handknit scarf and pair of mittens every Christmas and that was all. This nation isn't willing to go back there. Not without bloodshed, imo.

If this nation has come to the point where people will fight in the streets before giving their fellow Americans an even break at the cost of NOT having cheap shoes?

Then we are completely fucked anyways.
We are fucked because you Red State conservatives voted in a con-man fascist!!!
No, seriously what will happen to our economy?

What if we have significantly less cheap shit? That's a price I'm willing to pay

OR, maybe there are nations that would be willing to make cheap shit for US, while taking steps to make sure that the trade is TWO WAY and mutually beneficial.
While I agree 100% we need to not only sort out our economy, especially control our debt, but sudden shocks to the economy such as war or a stock market collapse are much harsher than simple transition.

If the Chinese are willing to negotiate in good faith, maybe we will come up with a simple transition.
So conservative America wants war with China!!! China has already told Trump to go fuck himself!!!
Advantages to war...everything made in America again...debt with China GONE.
God you are stupid!!!!! We need to take your out of retirement so you can be used as cannon fodder
Already served...would do it again if required.
No one cares you fuckin served.
We have a day called Veteran's Day...so yes America cares. We do not have a "stoners living in mommies basement day." So jump back in that hookah, then go upstairs and raid mom's fridge.
The economic war with China will begin soon when Trump and Congress slap import duties on them to make up for their exploitation of American markets and to keep out their cheap inferior goods.

Whether a naval and air war follows is yet to be seen.
Seriously, you have no idea what that will do to OUR economy. $100 sneakers? Because they're made in America? Oh, boy.

No, seriously what will happen to our economy?

What if we have significantly less cheap shit? That's a price I'm willing to pay

OR, maybe there are nations that would be willing to make cheap shit for US, while taking steps to make sure that the trade is TWO WAY and mutually beneficial.
Correll, I too would be willing to have less, but one of the ways we have managed to keep the peace during that awful recession and crawl back to solvency is to allow people without a lot of pennies the privilege of buying a new pair of boots or a snowsuit for the baby and let's not forget ramen noodles! Some people--actually more people than you realize--would be screaming bloody murder because they would be shut out of the market entirely. My dad grew up a poor farm kid during the Depression and as the baby of the family he wore all his brothers' hand me downs and they got a handknit scarf and pair of mittens every Christmas and that was all. This nation isn't willing to go back there. Not without bloodshed, imo.

If this nation has come to the point where people will fight in the streets before giving their fellow Americans an even break at the cost of NOT having cheap shoes?

Then we are completely fucked anyways.
We are fucked because you Red State conservatives voted in a con-man fascist!!!
Voted for the right man. How come all the large banking industry CEO's supported Hillary? Take that info down to your next "occupy" protest.
Advantages to war...everything made in America again...debt with China GONE.
God you are stupid!!!!! We need to take your out of retirement so you can be used as cannon fodder
Guess I don't have the luxury of stoner ignorant bliss. Sorry, I deal with reality and understand there are threats in this world.
Screw you. This war you want to get the U.S. in should only be fought with Red State conservatives.
Our military pretty much is red state conservatives now. They serve so you can protest, smoke dope, and collect welfare.
Nuke a couple of cities and inform them we will keep it up until we eradicate the Chinese race from the face of the earth.
China has ICBMs (both fixed and mobile) and SLBMs. You nuke a couple of their cities, they nuke a couple of our cities. That is how nuclear deterrence works.

No thanks.
Look at the numbers. We have 300 million people. We lose a couple million. China is eradicaded from the earth. We win.
No, you need to look at the numbers.

China is estimated to have a couple hundred nuclear warheads, so we lose tens of millions of people. Most of the large cities in the United States get hit. Even if we wipe China off the face of the earth we are set back decades as a global economy and political/military force, and end up as a severely weakened superpower with a depleted military and decimated infrastructure.

Losing Los Angeles, DC, Chicago, San Diego, Philadelphia, New York, Phoenix, Houston, Boston, Dallas, Denver etc. is not a win if the reason for your war is being pissed off about lost jobs and intellectual property.
We have a missile defense system. China wants to conquer the world and must be stopped.
Bush 92.......you are crazy as hell. Just because you were a Flunky Artillery Loser does not make you an authority to go to war with China. Please shut up.
I was infantry in USMC.
We know this war is coming so why wait for China to get stronger. Hit them now while we have the advantage. They are an enemy. Stole our jobs an intellectual property, spy on us, hack our government web sites, buzz our satellites, harass our ships. Let's put these fuckers in their place once and for all. Nuke em if we have to.
China hits back at Trump, says one-China policy is 'non-negotiable'
We can't defeat China with an all volunteer military made up predominately of white Republican voting conservatives! Have you lost your Fucking mind Jethro???????
It would require a national effort, but with lazy dope heads like you that would be tough.
So when do we call up the draft? China has a huge Army
Draft would be necessary yes. Start making men out of these snowflakes in this pussified nation.
Draft would be necessary yes. Start making men out of these snowflakes in this pussified nation.

Because you can't be a real man until you've lost a limb (or worse) for some lost cause.

Tell us Macho Man, how many body parts have you given for your country?
Advantages to war...everything made in America again...debt with China GONE.
God you are stupid!!!!! We need to take your out of retirement so you can be used as cannon fodder
Guess I don't have the luxury of stoner ignorant bliss. Sorry, I deal with reality and understand there are threats in this world.
Screw you. This war you want to get the U.S. in should only be fought with Red State conservatives.
Our military pretty much is red state conservatives now. They serve so you can protest, smoke dope, and collect welfare.
Wow look at these Red State coffins they died so meth addicted conservatives can smoke meth and collect welfare at the same time.
Advantages to war...everything made in America again...debt with China GONE.
God you are stupid!!!!! We need to take your out of retirement so you can be used as cannon fodder
Guess I don't have the luxury of stoner ignorant bliss. Sorry, I deal with reality and understand there are threats in this world.
Screw you. This war you want to get the U.S. in should only be fought with Red State conservatives.
Our military pretty much is red state conservatives now. They serve so you can protest, smoke dope, and collect welfare.
Wow look at these Red State coffins they died so meth addicted conservatives can smoke meth and collect welfare at the same time.
These men died for their country. You are a dope head stupid prick. If you were here right now I would fuck you up and take shears to your scungy lice infected nasty ass dreds.
No, seriously what will happen to our economy?

What if we have significantly less cheap shit? That's a price I'm willing to pay

OR, maybe there are nations that would be willing to make cheap shit for US, while taking steps to make sure that the trade is TWO WAY and mutually beneficial.
While I agree 100% we need to not only sort out our economy, especially control our debt, but sudden shocks to the economy such as war or a stock market collapse are much harsher than simple transition.

If the Chinese are willing to negotiate in good faith, maybe we will come up with a simple transition.
So conservative America wants war with China!!! China has already told Trump to go fuck himself!!!

I want Trade to be mutually beneficial or I don't want trade.

If China is prepared to have mutually beneficial trade, that is cool.

If they are fucking assholes, then they can go fuck themselves, and shove their cheap shoes up their own asses.

War? No, I don't want war with China.

Try to be less crazy.
God you are stupid!!!!! We need to take your out of retirement so you can be used as cannon fodder
Guess I don't have the luxury of stoner ignorant bliss. Sorry, I deal with reality and understand there are threats in this world.
Screw you. This war you want to get the U.S. in should only be fought with Red State conservatives.
Our military pretty much is red state conservatives now. They serve so you can protest, smoke dope, and collect welfare.
Wow look at these Red State coffins they died so meth addicted conservatives can smoke meth and collect welfare at the same time.
These men died for their country. You are a dope head stupid prick. If you were here right now I would fuck you up and take shears to your scungy lice infected nasty ass dreds.
Yes, this picture will remind the rest of the country what plans Trump and the boys have planned for our military!!! There's a lot of money and fortunes to be had using our All Volunteer Military as cannon fodder!!!

Don't get mad at me! Get mad at all the chess players (GOP Leaders) who use our military on unnecessary avoidable wars and police actions.
Guess I don't have the luxury of stoner ignorant bliss. Sorry, I deal with reality and understand there are threats in this world.
Screw you. This war you want to get the U.S. in should only be fought with Red State conservatives.
Our military pretty much is red state conservatives now. They serve so you can protest, smoke dope, and collect welfare.
Wow look at these Red State coffins they died so meth addicted conservatives can smoke meth and collect welfare at the same time.
These men died for their country. You are a dope head stupid prick. If you were here right now I would fuck you up and take shears to your scungy lice infected nasty ass dreds.
Yes, this picture will remind the rest of the country what plans Trump and the boys have planned for our military!!! There's a lot of money and fortunes to be had using our All Volunteer Military as cannon fodder!!!

Don't get mad at me! Get mad at all the chess players (GOP Leaders) who use our military on unnecessary avoidable wars and police actions.

Trump was the Peace Candidate.

Hillary wanted to institute a no fly zone with orders to shoot down RUSSIAN planes if they entered it.
Screw you. This war you want to get the U.S. in should only be fought with Red State conservatives.
Our military pretty much is red state conservatives now. They serve so you can protest, smoke dope, and collect welfare.
Wow look at these Red State coffins they died so meth addicted conservatives can smoke meth and collect welfare at the same time.
These men died for their country. You are a dope head stupid prick. If you were here right now I would fuck you up and take shears to your scungy lice infected nasty ass dreds.
Yes, this picture will remind the rest of the country what plans Trump and the boys have planned for our military!!! There's a lot of money and fortunes to be had using our All Volunteer Military as cannon fodder!!!

Don't get mad at me! Get mad at all the chess players (GOP Leaders) who use our military on unnecessary avoidable wars and police actions.

Trump was the Peace Candidate.

Hillary wanted to institute a no fly zone with orders to shoot down RUSSIAN planes if they entered it.
Trump will get the blame by historians not Hillary if military coffins begin coming home under his watch....
Draft would be necessary yes. Start making men out of these snowflakes in this pussified nation.

Because you can't be a real man until you've lost a limb (or worse) for some lost cause.

Tell us Macho Man, how many body parts have you given for your country?
I served in combat and saw a man have a foot blown off just feet away. So fuck you.
Guess I don't have the luxury of stoner ignorant bliss. Sorry, I deal with reality and understand there are threats in this world.
Screw you. This war you want to get the U.S. in should only be fought with Red State conservatives.
Our military pretty much is red state conservatives now. They serve so you can protest, smoke dope, and collect welfare.
Wow look at these Red State coffins they died so meth addicted conservatives can smoke meth and collect welfare at the same time.
These men died for their country. You are a dope head stupid prick. If you were here right now I would fuck you up and take shears to your scungy lice infected nasty ass dreds.
Yes, this picture will remind the rest of the country what plans Trump and the boys have planned for our military!!! There's a lot of money and fortunes to be had using our All Volunteer Military as cannon fodder!!!

Don't get mad at me! Get mad at all the chess players (GOP Leaders) who use our military on unnecessary avoidable wars and police actions.
Hillary, Kerry, Biden, Dodd, Lieberman all voted for Iraq war. Main opposition came from Sen. Robert Byrd of West Virginia who you liberals villify as a KKK guy.
China is going to have the same fate the Soviets had under Reagan....if you want to crush them hit the wallet
China is going to have the same fate the Soviets had under Reagan....if you want to crush them hit the wallet
But prepare for military action because China's response will be agressive.
We know this war is coming so why wait for China to get stronger. Hit them now while we have the advantage. They are an enemy. Stole our jobs an intellectual property, spy on us, hack our government web sites, buzz our satellites, harass our ships. Let's put these fuckers in their place once and for all. Nuke em if we have to.
China hits back at Trump, says one-China policy is 'non-negotiable'

War would be insane. Just stop buying their crap.
They are a threat to us. If someone says, "I'm going to beat your ass" don't wait around to find out.

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