Time machine: What did the November 2008 liberal think he'd see on August 11th, 2011?


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
If we could time warp a giddy, smiling liberal from the day after Obama's election in November 2008 to today, blindfolded, and tell him "You're 2.5 years into the future. What do you think America looks like now after 2.5 years under Obama with Democrats owning the Senate and House?"

I think he would answer:

- Taxes will be raised a lot on rich people, so we all get to prosper
- People wont be losing their houses, and poor people's gas will be paid
- We'll be done with healthcare bills, it'll all be paid for by Obama's stash
- The wars will be over. Both of them. And we probably wont have anymore because the world will respect us again since W is gone.
- Hispanic immigrants will get their fair day and become citizens
- A national gay marriage law will be passed
- Global Warming legislation, of course, will be passed, and we will have caps on that evil, wicked, poison gas CO2 that we all breathe out our mouths.
- Unemployment will be at about 2% or lower. Solar panels, wind mills and hybrid cars will be the next dot com economic explosion now that right wingers are gone.
- The Republican Party will barely exist. They'll be as strong as maybe the local HOA of a Florida retirement community.
- Race relations will be the best they've ever been.
- College tuition will be on a 3 year decline to be fair to everyone.

Then, if he watched the news for a day, he'd probably commit suicide.:lol: But in reality, I can't find joy in that disappointment that liberals are trying their best to hide. Because our country is fucked.:(

Thankfully, the Tea Party seems to be gaining power and traction, and MIGHT have a small chance of preventing us from becoming the next fallen empire like Rome:eusa_pray:
A nation where every Democrats live the life of Charlie Rangel: 4 rent controlled NYC apartments and a place in the Caribbean all paid for by "the rich"
If your point is that Democrats are dupes?

You're right.

Apparently you also think that the TP movement isn't being duped.

I'd believe that if the TP candidates disassociated with the Republican Party and weren't supporting the policies that the RNC supports.

But for the most part that is NOT true, either, is it?

The good cop/bad cop political game continues to make fools of us.

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