Time management


Senior Member
Nov 26, 2019
I'm aware that the average American has never learned to manage time well, imagining he doesn't have enough because of how poorly and selfishly he spends it, never failing to keep up with the latest TV shows or media fads, yet unable to do something as simple as read and learn a book from a productivity expert, such as CEO David Allen.

As a result of this ineptitude, not only many, if not most Americans (or people in general) grossly overestimate how much time was spend inefficiently on such and such a task, akin to filling a bucket with running water over and over again, too lazy or intellectually inept to patch the holes with it is running out of. Many likewise too selfish and lazy even to learn what makes their company their company, their job, their job, preferring instead to idly and dishonestly gossip and spread lies and innuendo about their fellow coworkers or employer, making themselves much less of an assert to the company in the process, in favor of better, more earnest working men and women without such a lazy, selfish, and entitled attitude.

I recall once, some rather immoral idiot bitching about how his employer preferred an employee who wore a "Homer Simpson" shirt to work in favor of him, apparently being so socially inept and idiotic, that the notion of the employer having his own delegation over what minor, self-imposed "rules or customs" to ignore, in favor of the greater effort and purpose in work - a productive, earnest employee who wears a silly T-shirt, of course being a much better assent than a socially maladjusted freak or whiner who's only claim to be deserving of a "job" is wearing the right T-short, while doing everything else wrong, or worse. He he he.

But in addition to this, "working hours" are virtually meaningless, with many of said hours "on the clock" being spend unproductively, and no asset to their employer at all. (Average Americans only work 35-40 hours a week, much of that time being spent unproductively - while some my lie or imagine that they work "100" hour weeks fully productive, this is a lie except in the case of the truly dedicated, such as many top ranking CEOs, who not only know how to manage their time well, but are able to do it in a relaxed, "calm, cool and under pressure way", a sign of true mastery - what would freak the average overweight, lazy American out becomes child's play in the hands of an elite workman or woman).

This honestly makes me wonder why we invest in educational frivolities, yet fail to teach basic skills, which would benefit everyone from the ordinary man or woman, to the CEO, too many selfishly investing time in distractions such as TV, radio, and mass media which could be better put to productive, sincere thought or effort, but such is the lazy, consumerist mentality of this day and age - with many lazy and inept individuals imaging that "less working hours" is the cure for everything, when in reality they likely exert themselves more emotionally and mentally bitching about politics on social media and the like, than they would were they to put 100 hours a week of real, mastered effort into a trade, a craft, a profession, and feel better, less incinsere an dishonest about themselves as well.

(It reminds me of most Americans' attitudes toward charity or volunteering - most do it maybe once a year or so, and then promptly brag about it like it's a big accomplishment or change from their otherwise selfish endeavors, or that they are so out of touch with reality that they believe they're the only ones to make such a big accomplishment out of so meager an effort, like Cain's paltry sacrifice of the scraps let over, in comparison to his Brother Abel's bountifulness.

As opposed to more ambitious men and women, who volunteer or donate that much everyday, whether in terms of time, money, or the personal achievement or effort to become such as person as to be able to be and do that much, whether Mother Teresa, David Allen, or Jesus Christ himself for that matter).
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People are responsible for allocating their own time

Not your business
Just so you know, I can deal with how I spend my time without any help from anybody. You should be taking care of your own business instead of wasting time poking your nose into mine.

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