Time, once again, to make some liberal heads explode.

The left claims that less gun control leads to higher crime rates. If that were true, Gilbert, AZ would not be one of the safest cities in which to live. Therefore, the liberals are wrong, which makes the OP right. Case closed.
I'm left and i never make that claim. Prove everyone that is left is saying something that is equally impossible to prove. Case still open.

The entire argument for gun control rests on the claim that easy access to guns results in higher rates of violent crime. A claim that is obviously false on its face, but that doesn't stop wrong-wing scumbags from making it, and from promoting tyrannical policies that would only make sense if one assumes that claim to be true. Or, more plausibly, if one assumes that the motive behind gun control policies is not, as claimed, concern for public safety, but something more sinister.
I'm pretty sure its a factor but thats not the whole story. Gun control is just another obstacle to obtaining a gun to to shoot someone. It will never completely work as a single solution and most intelligent people understand that.
The left claims that less gun control leads to higher crime rates. If that were true, Gilbert, AZ would not be one of the safest cities in which to live. Therefore, the liberals are wrong, which makes the OP right. Case closed.
I'm left and i never make that claim. Prove everyone that is left is saying something that is equally impossible to prove. Case still open.
First of all, I didn't say "everyone on the left". I said "the left". Second, you're a liar, and claiming that you've never made that claim is most likely a lie which you cannot prove. Third, you're an irrelevant porch monkey and no one here takes you seriously. No offense. :lol:
You said "the left". You didnt say some on the left. You clearly were claiming all people on the left since you made no attempt to be specific. Since you cant prove I made that claim with a quote then I have to laugh at your silly cave chimp deflection. :laugh:
Wrong again, porch monkey. I don't need to specify "some" on the left. A normal thinking person (which you are not) is intelligent enough (which you are not) to know that one cannot include every single person in a general assessment. Am I talking too far over your coconut head?
I'm always right as far as you are concerned cave chimp. You meant everyone on the left. Dont try to deny it because I dont believe you nor can you convince me. Normal thinking people (which you are not a member of said group) are more intelligent than you by any measure. Youre just mad because I caught you in a lie you cant prove on top of calling you out on your claim I said less gun control leads to more violence. You have put your finger in your ass again and then got caught licking it off like you cave chimps tend to do.
And the blind boxer keeps swinging when he should be ducking, bobbing, and weaving. Porch monkey's posts keep degenerating into more childish and desperate insults. You're out of your league, loser. Please don't make me humiliate you any further.
And a large majority of Americans support expanded background checks:

“85% of Americans – including large majorities of Democrats (88%) and Republicans (79%) – favor expanded background checks[.]”

If that is true, then where is the effort to amend the Constitution in order to allow it.

By any honest reading of the Constitution, as it now stands, it is totally illegal for government to take any action at all that in any way interferes with the people's right to keep and bear arms, and doubly so, given the Tenth Amendment, for the federal government to do so.

If there is really anything close to 85% support for any gun control scam, then it should be a simple matter to amend the Constitution, superseding the Second Amendment, and giving authority to the federal government to enact such policies. Any honest person who understands the Constitution will have to agree that this is the only lawful and legitimate way that this can ever be done.

So, where is the effort to enact such an amendment? I say that no such effort is underway, because nobody who is in any position to initiate that effort believes that there is anything close to enough popular support for it to give it any chance of success. Which means that the claim that 85% of the population supports any gun control at all is a flat-out lie, and those who keep repeating it know damn well that it's a lie.
I'm left and i never make that claim. Prove everyone that is left is saying something that is equally impossible to prove. Case still open.
First of all, I didn't say "everyone on the left". I said "the left". Second, you're a liar, and claiming that you've never made that claim is most likely a lie which you cannot prove. Third, you're an irrelevant porch monkey and no one here takes you seriously. No offense. :lol:
You said "the left". You didnt say some on the left. You clearly were claiming all people on the left since you made no attempt to be specific. Since you cant prove I made that claim with a quote then I have to laugh at your silly cave chimp deflection. :laugh:
Wrong again, porch monkey. I don't need to specify "some" on the left. A normal thinking person (which you are not) is intelligent enough (which you are not) to know that one cannot include every single person in a general assessment. Am I talking too far over your coconut head?
I'm always right as far as you are concerned cave chimp. You meant everyone on the left. Dont try to deny it because I dont believe you nor can you convince me. Normal thinking people (which you are not a member of said group) are more intelligent than you by any measure. Youre just mad because I caught you in a lie you cant prove on top of calling you out on your claim I said less gun control leads to more violence. You have put your finger in your ass again and then got caught licking it off like you cave chimps tend to do.
And the blind boxer keeps swinging when he should be ducking, bobbing, and weaving. Porch monkey's posts keep degenerating into more childish and desperate insults. You're out of your league, loser. Please don't make me humiliate you any further.
I think I have you so confused you are not even addressing the topic cave chimp. You cant humiliate yourself anymore than you already have. First you claimed all the people on the left thought gun control would get rid of crime then you failed to show me a quote where I made that claim. Go get yourself a flea treatment. Your fleas must be biting you cave monkey.
Gun control is just another obstacle to obtaining a gun to to shoot someone.

Gun control is a way for those who are supposed to be our public servans to try to establish themselves as our masters.
Are you playing with the aluminum foil again? BTW I have a secret for you. it wouldnt be too hard to drop some gas on you and then go in and just take your guns man.
First of all, I didn't say "everyone on the left". I said "the left". Second, you're a liar, and claiming that you've never made that claim is most likely a lie which you cannot prove. Third, you're an irrelevant porch monkey and no one here takes you seriously. No offense. :lol:
You said "the left". You didnt say some on the left. You clearly were claiming all people on the left since you made no attempt to be specific. Since you cant prove I made that claim with a quote then I have to laugh at your silly cave chimp deflection. :laugh:
Wrong again, porch monkey. I don't need to specify "some" on the left. A normal thinking person (which you are not) is intelligent enough (which you are not) to know that one cannot include every single person in a general assessment. Am I talking too far over your coconut head?
I'm always right as far as you are concerned cave chimp. You meant everyone on the left. Dont try to deny it because I dont believe you nor can you convince me. Normal thinking people (which you are not a member of said group) are more intelligent than you by any measure. Youre just mad because I caught you in a lie you cant prove on top of calling you out on your claim I said less gun control leads to more violence. You have put your finger in your ass again and then got caught licking it off like you cave chimps tend to do.
And the blind boxer keeps swinging when he should be ducking, bobbing, and weaving. Porch monkey's posts keep degenerating into more childish and desperate insults. You're out of your league, loser. Please don't make me humiliate you any further.
I think I have you so confused you are not even addressing the topic cave chimp. You cant humiliate yourself anymore than you already have. First you claimed all the people on the left thought gun control would get rid of crime then you failed to show me a quote where I made that claim. Go get yourself a flea treatment. Your fleas must be biting you cave monkey.
You just don't know when to quit, do you, loser? How many times do I have to slap the piss out of you before you see the light?
You said "the left". You didnt say some on the left. You clearly were claiming all people on the left since you made no attempt to be specific. Since you cant prove I made that claim with a quote then I have to laugh at your silly cave chimp deflection. :laugh:
Wrong again, porch monkey. I don't need to specify "some" on the left. A normal thinking person (which you are not) is intelligent enough (which you are not) to know that one cannot include every single person in a general assessment. Am I talking too far over your coconut head?
I'm always right as far as you are concerned cave chimp. You meant everyone on the left. Dont try to deny it because I dont believe you nor can you convince me. Normal thinking people (which you are not a member of said group) are more intelligent than you by any measure. Youre just mad because I caught you in a lie you cant prove on top of calling you out on your claim I said less gun control leads to more violence. You have put your finger in your ass again and then got caught licking it off like you cave chimps tend to do.
And the blind boxer keeps swinging when he should be ducking, bobbing, and weaving. Porch monkey's posts keep degenerating into more childish and desperate insults. You're out of your league, loser. Please don't make me humiliate you any further.
I think I have you so confused you are not even addressing the topic cave chimp. You cant humiliate yourself anymore than you already have. First you claimed all the people on the left thought gun control would get rid of crime then you failed to show me a quote where I made that claim. Go get yourself a flea treatment. Your fleas must be biting you cave monkey.
You just don't know when to quit, do you, loser? How many times do I have to slap the piss out of you before you see the light?
I'll quit when you stop deflecting and prove all people on the left think gun control will stop crime and you prove I made such a claim.
Wrong again, porch monkey. I don't need to specify "some" on the left. A normal thinking person (which you are not) is intelligent enough (which you are not) to know that one cannot include every single person in a general assessment. Am I talking too far over your coconut head?
I'm always right as far as you are concerned cave chimp. You meant everyone on the left. Dont try to deny it because I dont believe you nor can you convince me. Normal thinking people (which you are not a member of said group) are more intelligent than you by any measure. Youre just mad because I caught you in a lie you cant prove on top of calling you out on your claim I said less gun control leads to more violence. You have put your finger in your ass again and then got caught licking it off like you cave chimps tend to do.
And the blind boxer keeps swinging when he should be ducking, bobbing, and weaving. Porch monkey's posts keep degenerating into more childish and desperate insults. You're out of your league, loser. Please don't make me humiliate you any further.
I think I have you so confused you are not even addressing the topic cave chimp. You cant humiliate yourself anymore than you already have. First you claimed all the people on the left thought gun control would get rid of crime then you failed to show me a quote where I made that claim. Go get yourself a flea treatment. Your fleas must be biting you cave monkey.
You just don't know when to quit, do you, loser? How many times do I have to slap the piss out of you before you see the light?
I'll quit when you stop deflecting and prove all people on the left think gun control will stop crime and you prove I made such a claim.
In other words, you're too stupid to know when you've been punked. Enjoy your defeat, loser.
I'm always right as far as you are concerned cave chimp. You meant everyone on the left. Dont try to deny it because I dont believe you nor can you convince me. Normal thinking people (which you are not a member of said group) are more intelligent than you by any measure. Youre just mad because I caught you in a lie you cant prove on top of calling you out on your claim I said less gun control leads to more violence. You have put your finger in your ass again and then got caught licking it off like you cave chimps tend to do.
And the blind boxer keeps swinging when he should be ducking, bobbing, and weaving. Porch monkey's posts keep degenerating into more childish and desperate insults. You're out of your league, loser. Please don't make me humiliate you any further.
I think I have you so confused you are not even addressing the topic cave chimp. You cant humiliate yourself anymore than you already have. First you claimed all the people on the left thought gun control would get rid of crime then you failed to show me a quote where I made that claim. Go get yourself a flea treatment. Your fleas must be biting you cave monkey.
You just don't know when to quit, do you, loser? How many times do I have to slap the piss out of you before you see the light?
I'll quit when you stop deflecting and prove all people on the left think gun control will stop crime and you prove I made such a claim.
In other words, you're too stupid to know when you've been punked. Enjoy your defeat, loser.
Says the guy that thinks he won....on the internet.
And the blind boxer keeps swinging when he should be ducking, bobbing, and weaving. Porch monkey's posts keep degenerating into more childish and desperate insults. You're out of your league, loser. Please don't make me humiliate you any further.
I think I have you so confused you are not even addressing the topic cave chimp. You cant humiliate yourself anymore than you already have. First you claimed all the people on the left thought gun control would get rid of crime then you failed to show me a quote where I made that claim. Go get yourself a flea treatment. Your fleas must be biting you cave monkey.
You just don't know when to quit, do you, loser? How many times do I have to slap the piss out of you before you see the light?
I'll quit when you stop deflecting and prove all people on the left think gun control will stop crime and you prove I made such a claim.
In other words, you're too stupid to know when you've been punked. Enjoy your defeat, loser.
Says the guy that thinks he won....on the internet.
Says the loser who repeats himself over and over, thinking it will eventually stick.
I think I have you so confused you are not even addressing the topic cave chimp. You cant humiliate yourself anymore than you already have. First you claimed all the people on the left thought gun control would get rid of crime then you failed to show me a quote where I made that claim. Go get yourself a flea treatment. Your fleas must be biting you cave monkey.
You just don't know when to quit, do you, loser? How many times do I have to slap the piss out of you before you see the light?
I'll quit when you stop deflecting and prove all people on the left think gun control will stop crime and you prove I made such a claim.
In other words, you're too stupid to know when you've been punked. Enjoy your defeat, loser.
Says the guy that thinks he won....on the internet.
Says the loser who repeats himself over and over, thinking it will eventually stick.
Says the cave chimp that keeps deflecting and trying to convince himself he won.....on the internet.
You just don't know when to quit, do you, loser? How many times do I have to slap the piss out of you before you see the light?
I'll quit when you stop deflecting and prove all people on the left think gun control will stop crime and you prove I made such a claim.
In other words, you're too stupid to know when you've been punked. Enjoy your defeat, loser.
Says the guy that thinks he won....on the internet.
Says the loser who repeats himself over and over, thinking it will eventually stick.
Says the cave chimp that keeps deflecting and trying to convince himself he won.....on the internet.
I'm starting to feel sorry for you, buddy. I feel like I'm beating up on a retard. Come to think of it, I AM! :lol:
I'll quit when you stop deflecting and prove all people on the left think gun control will stop crime and you prove I made such a claim.
In other words, you're too stupid to know when you've been punked. Enjoy your defeat, loser.
Says the guy that thinks he won....on the internet.
Says the loser who repeats himself over and over, thinking it will eventually stick.
Says the cave chimp that keeps deflecting and trying to convince himself he won.....on the internet.
I'm starting to feel sorry for you, buddy. I feel like I'm beating up on a retard. Come to think of it, I AM! :lol:
You should stop beating up on yourself and just tell us all why you made those two silly claims about the left and myself as it relates to gun control.
In other words, you're too stupid to know when you've been punked. Enjoy your defeat, loser.
Says the guy that thinks he won....on the internet.
Says the loser who repeats himself over and over, thinking it will eventually stick.
Says the cave chimp that keeps deflecting and trying to convince himself he won.....on the internet.
I'm starting to feel sorry for you, buddy. I feel like I'm beating up on a retard. Come to think of it, I AM! :lol:
You should stop beating up on yourself and just tell us all why you made those two silly claims about the left and myself as it relates to gun control.
Another swing and a miss from the blind boxer. Here's a hint: Next time, stay down and you won't get bloodied up as much.
Says the guy that thinks he won....on the internet.
Says the loser who repeats himself over and over, thinking it will eventually stick.
Says the cave chimp that keeps deflecting and trying to convince himself he won.....on the internet.
I'm starting to feel sorry for you, buddy. I feel like I'm beating up on a retard. Come to think of it, I AM! :lol:
You should stop beating up on yourself and just tell us all why you made those two silly claims about the left and myself as it relates to gun control.
Another swing and a miss from the blind boxer. Here's a hint: Next time, stay down and you won't get bloodied up as much.
Still trying to convince yourself instead of explaining why you claimed the entire left was for gun control because it stopped crime and that I also said it. Typical cave chimp behavior.
Says the loser who repeats himself over and over, thinking it will eventually stick.
Says the cave chimp that keeps deflecting and trying to convince himself he won.....on the internet.
I'm starting to feel sorry for you, buddy. I feel like I'm beating up on a retard. Come to think of it, I AM! :lol:
You should stop beating up on yourself and just tell us all why you made those two silly claims about the left and myself as it relates to gun control.
Another swing and a miss from the blind boxer. Here's a hint: Next time, stay down and you won't get bloodied up as much.
Still trying to convince yourself instead of explaining why you claimed the entire left was for gun control because it stopped crime and that I also said it. Typical cave chimp behavior.
Give it up, dude, you lost this "debate" a long time ago. Pleasant dreams, tweaker.
Says the cave chimp that keeps deflecting and trying to convince himself he won.....on the internet.
I'm starting to feel sorry for you, buddy. I feel like I'm beating up on a retard. Come to think of it, I AM! :lol:
You should stop beating up on yourself and just tell us all why you made those two silly claims about the left and myself as it relates to gun control.
Another swing and a miss from the blind boxer. Here's a hint: Next time, stay down and you won't get bloodied up as much.
Still trying to convince yourself instead of explaining why you claimed the entire left was for gun control because it stopped crime and that I also said it. Typical cave chimp behavior.
Give it up, dude, you lost this "debate" a long time ago. Pleasant dreams, tweaker.
Youre not convincing me and your sure not convincing yourself. Stop stalling and explain why you made the false claims since you cant prove them.
Check this out. One of the safest cities in America, with a population of over 200,000 is Gilbert, AZ. Why will this make liberal heads explode? Well, you see, in Arizona, you can buy a gun online, or from a friend, without a background check. Also, you do not need a permit to carry a concealed firearm. All those guns floating around. The streets should be running with blood. But they aren't. Would any of you libtards care to explain this?

The only thing that would make anybody's head explode about anything in that post is how excruciatingly dumb you must be and how fucking proud of that monumental stupidity you seem to be. I'd imagine many have saved this emptiest of empty posts for later chuckles and as a cautionary tale of how badly wrong these things can go when someone tries to stretch an iota of factoid abuse into a "story" with some invisible logic and bold faced usurpation of reality. Immature and instantly dismissible fella, back to the drooling board. Shame on you.

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