Time To Apologize

Now that it is clear that it is a deficit-buster, and the CBO merely rubber stamped the bogus assumptions put forth by power-grabbing Democrats, the silence is deafening.
In defense of the CBO, they only work with the numbers they are given.

Obviously, they were given phony numbers and stats.

Pelosi and Reid are political manipulators who know how to game the CBO score. The timing of taxes, expenditures, and transfers of funding from other programs were all designed to rig the score for PR/political purposes. It's fraud - of the same kind they are accusing (rightly so) Wall Street of committing regarding investment grade ratings.

Fraud? :eek:

OMG! Fraud? :eek:

Tea Party Weirdism just got weirder. I wonder why? :eusa_whistle:

Right Now - Poll: The sagging popularity of the tea parties
Poll: The sagging popularity of the tea parties
It means Obamacare did nothing. There are plenty of free market solutions, but our current 1-party rule is not interested in them. They'd rather have a big government solution which will do nothing to reduce the rising costs of health care as advertised. Obama fails again.

so if obamacare ''did nothing'' it did not ADD money to the projected deficit problem?

It most certainly will: "The rising costs of health care will put tremendous pressure on the federal budget during the next few decades and beyond." Since the 1-party rulers of our nation have made health care part of the Federal Budget, you can bet the deficit will skyrocket as do most entitlement programs. Since the GDP cannot keep up with government spending, we are headed for bankruptcy.

if there was no obama care, the deficit would be slightly larger is what the cbo said? so, the deficit from medicare is still the problem, is how i read it? The thread starter posted this info, and is trying to say, it says something different....but it doesn't.....it states obama care has reduced our healthcare obligations slightly, but NOT substantially....which is needed to bring in line medicare costs?
that was over TEN years....

but keep whinging. :cuckoo:

So, does your response indicate that you won't be here in ten years???

C'mon... don't let your age become depressing: look at Helen Thomas.

actially, we're about the same age if i recall correctly, although i think this isn't the first time you've made a stupid comment like that. but that's to be expected from an ignorant woman like you.

my response is that i think you're an idiot. :thup:

I don't know...how old are you?

I guess I hit a sore spot...and without emoticons!

Here's the rule: you get what you give.

Now for the latest embodiment of the the articulate liberal, "idiot," you must not keep relying on me to improve your expressions of dislike!

Some time ago I dissuaded you from using "BUSH-IDIOT-DOLT-STUPID-COULTERGEIST- RUSHBOT-brain dead-wingnut-fruit loop- nutcase."

And you were coming along so well.

Let's add "idiot" to your no-no list, and give you a homework assignment: come up with a more original term of disapproval.

Now, write soon.
if there was no obama care, the deficit would be slightly larger is what the cbo said? so, the deficit from medicare is still the problem, is how i read it? The thread starter posted this info, and is trying to say, it says something different....but it doesn't.....it states obama care has reduced our healthcare obligations slightly, but NOT substantially....which is needed to bring in line medicare costs?

"New York Times knows it is a lie. In an article titled “The Real Arithmetic of Health Care Reform,” Douglas Holtz-Eakin confirmed that the job of the cbo is just to assert that the bill says what it says it says. In other words, the cbo’s job is just to examine the mathematics of the bill (i.e. add up all the columns)—not to examine the assumptions built into it or comment on where the government says the money is going to come from.

For example, one way the government comes up with money to fund the health bill is by stealing from Peter to pay Paul, supposedly commandeering $53 billion from the Social Security fund. But what it is not telling you is that Social Security is already broke. Politicians have already spent Social Security’s money.

To get around this uncomfortable fact, government planners say that Social Security revenues will rise as employers shift from paying for health insurance to paying higher wages. Impossible. How many businesses will automatically increase employee wages out of the goodness of their heart just because they will (theoretically) save money on paying health insurance? Remember, this comes at a time when many companies are struggling just to survive—and some are moving to Asia! Consider, too, how many small businesses (those with 50 or more employees) will now have to begin paying for employee health coverage for the first time. Will these businesses pay higher wages as well? Or is it not more likely, if they employ 55 workers, that they will simply shrink their workforce in order to avoid the legal obligation to buy health care for their employees?

According to Holtz-Eakin, “In reality, if you strip out all the gimmicks and budgetary games and rework the calculus, a wholly different picture emerges: The health care reform legislation would raise, not lower, federal deficits, by $562 billion.”
Is There Any Worse Time the Health Care Bill Could Become Law? | theTrumpet.com by the Philadelphia Church of God
Please show me where anything the government has touched that hasn't ended up a deficit problem?

clue for Waldo: Government is not private enterprise. Governments do not go into the marketplace to turn a profit.


Who asked for a profit, maynard? I'm talking about losing money in big ways. Please next time try and comprehend what a post is asking for. If you can't do it, maybe your not ready for this board. :razz:
Michigan has no fault car insurance. Due to its cost, there are people who drive uninsured. Oh they get a big court fine for it when they are caught, but there are still a fair number of them. So many in fact, that Michigan auto policies have an uninsured motorist rider on your policy. That is right, the insured people pay a fee for the uninsured. Look for 0bamacare to do the same.
Only by negating his presidency would we be able to free ourselves from the oppression ~

and make no mistake, we ARE in the process of being oppressed ~

and truly rebuild ourselves into the "Great Nation" that we WERE supposed to be.

We've seen the mistakes, on BOTH sides of the coin,

and we've just got to GET A GRIP,

Intend on getting ourselves back on track,

and then follow the plan,

which would have MAJOR Emergency S(tandard)O(perating)P(rocedure)s.

If not? I'm scared shitless that we're headed for another American Revolution.

nah, not enough real Americans left. We've been diluted what with convincing us to limit our birthrate and bringing in millions of immigrants and all.

Haven't you noticed all these "new" Americans demonstrating for their home countries and such? They aren't Americans at all, yet here they are.....you want my guess, it'll be a civil war first, Americans against the immigrants. And yes, some of those Americans will be recent immigrants who've come here legally and embraced our culture, and some of those immigrants will be 2nd and 3rd generation Americans that were taught to be citizens of their parent's home country, not this one.
so if obamacare ''did nothing'' it did not ADD money to the projected deficit problem?

It most certainly will: "The rising costs of health care will put tremendous pressure on the federal budget during the next few decades and beyond." Since the 1-party rulers of our nation have made health care part of the Federal Budget, you can bet the deficit will skyrocket as do most entitlement programs. Since the GDP cannot keep up with government spending, we are headed for bankruptcy.

if there was no obama care, the deficit would be slightly larger is what the cbo said? so, the deficit from medicare is still the problem, is how i read it? The thread starter posted this info, and is trying to say, it says something different....but it doesn't.....it states obama care has reduced our healthcare obligations slightly, but NOT substantially....which is needed to bring in line medicare costs?

Yes. If there were no Obamacare, the deficit would continue to increase because of the rising costs of healthcare. And since "it is not clear what specific policies the federal government can adopt to generate fundamental changes in the health system," there is no reason to believe Obamacare will fare any better than other unsustainable big-government entitlement programs. That's not what the people were sold when the bill was passed.
Please show me where anything the government has touched that hasn't ended up a deficit problem?

clue for Waldo: Government is not private enterprise. Governments do not go into the marketplace to turn a profit.


Who asked for a profit, maynard? I'm talking about losing money in big ways. Please next time try and comprehend what a post is asking for. If you can't do it, maybe your not ready for this board. :razz:

Hey Einstein, losing money? You are back with a business model.

clue: government is NOT a business.

next post, there will be a test.

and IT will be: pass or fail
clue for Waldo: Government is not private enterprise. Governments do not go into the marketplace to turn a profit.


Who asked for a profit, maynard? I'm talking about losing money in big ways. Please next time try and comprehend what a post is asking for. If you can't do it, maybe your not ready for this board. :razz:

Hey Einstein, losing money? You are back with a business model.

clue: government is NOT a business.

next post, there will be a test.

and IT will be: pass or fail

Money that it doesn't have? :lol:
Our credit rating will be hurt in the not too distant future...I suppose that means nothing because it's not a business?
You are a blooming idiot, dev.
Keep posting because it shows your single digit IQ nicely.
Who asked for a profit, maynard? I'm talking about losing money in big ways. Please next time try and comprehend what a post is asking for. If you can't do it, maybe your not ready for this board. :razz:

Hey Einstein, losing money? You are back with a business model.

clue: government is NOT a business.

next post, there will be a test.

and IT will be: pass or fail

Money that it doesn't have? :lol:
Our credit rating will be hurt in the not too distant future...I suppose that means nothing because it's not a business?
You are a blooming idiot, dev.
Keep posting because it shows your single digit IQ nicely.

credit ratings are not static. They are used for the borrowing of money, no? People will continue to buy government securities and bonds. But as far as running a government goes, it isn't a profit/loss venture.
Hey Einstein, losing money? You are back with a business model.

clue: government is NOT a business.

next post, there will be a test.

and IT will be: pass or fail

Money that it doesn't have? :lol:
Our credit rating will be hurt in the not too distant future...I suppose that means nothing because it's not a business?
You are a blooming idiot, dev.
Keep posting because it shows your single digit IQ nicely.

credit ratings are not static. They are used for the borrowing of money, no? People will continue to buy government securities and bonds. But as far as running a government goes, it isn't a profit/loss venture.
Why does the government carry a debt? :cuckoo:
the test

The advent of the global financial crisis in 2007 has caused a resurgence in Keynesian thought.

Test question: Why?
Last edited:
Why does the government carry a debt? :cuckoo:

I see you are stuck on stupid. sigh

Okay, you see IQ measured by the ability of people to agree with you, while some of us see it as among other things, an ability to comprehend.

When speaking about business models based on profit vs loss, as opposed to running a government, I used the term business loosely where previously I used private enterprise and marketplace. It should be obvious to anyone with a basic grasp of comprehension that I am speaking about a government business model vs a what, private/public business model? Unless you are playing a gotcha game, you are far inferior to the reputation that you imagine precedes you.

The existence of credit ratings and debts, do not negate the distinctions between the differing models. You appear to be either oblivious or deceitful to the fact you are using a 'business' model for government that is a private enterprise model. Government is not a private enterprise out in the market to turn a profit. It deals with the cost of a society functioning as opposed to selling a service or a product.

Please show me where anything the government has touched that hasn't ended up a deficit problem?

clue for Waldo: Government is not private enterprise. Governments do not go into the marketplace to turn a profit.


Who asked for a profit, maynard? I'm talking about losing money in big ways. Please next time try and comprehend what a post is asking for. If you can't do it, maybe your not ready for this board. :razz:

Hey Einstein, losing money? You are back with a business [edit: [read private/public business model for profit vs loss] model.

clue: government is NOT a business.

next post, there will be a test.

and IT will be: pass or fail

Money that it doesn't have? :lol:
Our credit rating will be hurt in the not too distant future...I suppose that means nothing because it's not a business?
You are a blooming idiot, dev.
Keep posting because it shows your single digit IQ nicely.

credit ratings are not static. They are used for the borrowing of money, no? People will continue to buy government securities and bonds. But as far as running a government goes, it isn't a profit/loss venture.

Why does the government carry a debt? :cuckoo:


the test

The advent of the global financial crisis in 2007 has caused a resurgence in Keynesian thought.

Test question: Why?
Last edited:
Congressional Budget Office estimates released Tuesday predict the health care overhaul will likely cost about $115 billion more in discretionary spending over ten years than the original cost projections.

Read more: CBO ups health care cost projections - Jennifer Haberkorn - POLITICO.com

Economic forecasts and predictions? How reliable are they? What did they say about Clinton's or Reagan's, or Bush's terms and budgets?

are they based on static data, or can policies and events change the picture?
Congressional Budget Office estimates released Tuesday predict the health care overhaul will likely cost about $115 billion more in discretionary spending over ten years than the original cost projections.

Read more: CBO ups health care cost projections - Jennifer Haberkorn - POLITICO.com

Economic forecasts and predictions? How reliable are they? What did they say about Clinton's or Reagan's, or Bush's terms and budgets?

are they based on static data, or can policies and events change the picture?

And there you have the answer to it all. Every time our Government starts a program they go grossly over budget. And there is always a reason. We the people need to start rejecting the programs or the over cost reasons. And in many cases both.
There should be no new programs that add to the structural deficit of this nation. The liabilities of the government are enormous. We have to start reforming and cutting these programs, not adding to them if they add to the deficit.
There should be no new programs that add to the structural deficit of this nation. The liabilities of the government are enormous. We have to start reforming and cutting these programs, not adding to them if they add to the deficit.

:clap2::clap2: *stands up* :clap2::clap2: *whistles*

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