Time to charge some social issues when we run in 2014-2016

abortion on demand paid by taxpayers

What's more fiscally conservative, paying for an abortion or a lifetime of welfare and food stamps. Birth control on demand is even cheaper.

put that in your 50-cent cigarette and smoke it.

More proof that the fucking left has ZERO respect for the religious rights guaranteed to citizens in the U.S. Constitution.

Guess what, you are free to practice your religion in your life and use religion to make decisions in your life.

But you don't get to practice your religion in my life.

No where in the constitution / bill of rights does it say your religious freedom trumps my rights. Your religion does NOT get to interfere with my rights. And vice-versa.
The republicans need to keep our fiscal platform!
-balanced budget - How does a balanced budget deal with emergencies?-smaller government - smaller government means less gov't employees
-Jobs - See above
-Less government in our lifes - explain, fewer cops, EMT's, teachers, food inspectors, Marines, Public Health Nurses ???
We need to add onto our platform
-More pro science
-State rights

Things to charge
-Become pro pot (We need to legalize it)
-Become a pro marriage for all. We can't afford to fight the gays.
-We can stay anti-abortion but we must become more favorable of birth control. This is the facts of life.
-Distance our selfs from the church.

Do you ever think through the ideology you hold?
Bush got 40% of Hispanics, McCain 36%, Romney 26%. Keep it up!
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Let's start by dropping all the BS about how we're going to deport or otherwise persecute all the illegal aliens in this country. Keep up with the righteous indignation and we will never win another national election. By comparison with many European countries, we are BLESSED to have Mexican immigrants instead of Muslim immigrants. We should:
1. Build the Fence.
2. Develop tamper proof ID cards.
3. Require registration and give temporary visas.
4. Require self support for 10 years, verified by tax returns.
5. Issue permanent visas after 10 years.
6. Make return to the US after deportation a felony.
So we reward law breakers? Coming over our borders illegally is against our laws. What part of this can't people understand??? Mexico can have a solid immigration laws and no one says shit about it.

This is all about their hatred of whites.
The republicans need to keep our fiscal platform!
-balanced budget
-smaller government
-Less government in our lifes

We need to add onto our platform
-More pro science
-State rights

Things to charge
-Become pro pot (We need to legalize it)
-Become a pro marriage for all. We can't afford to fight the gays.
-We can stay anti-abortion but we must become more favorable of birth control. This is the facts of life.
-Distance our selfs from the church.

Yes, you need to get rid of this ‘social conservative’ nonsense.

With regard to ‘states’ rights,’ however: whether addressing states’ rights or individual rights, no right is absolute, and subject to legitimate restriction.

Federal law trumps state law, the states may not ‘nullify’ Federal legislation, and the states are obligated to abide the rulings of Federal courts. See: Cooper v. Aaron (1958).

A citizen does not forfeit his civil liberties as a consequence of this state of residence, and one’s Constitutional rights are not subject to popular vote.

Of course if republican lawmakers in the many states simply adopt the reforms the OP advocates, then this shouldn’t be an issue.

Good luck.
The republicans need to keep our fiscal platform!
-balanced budget
-smaller government
-Less government in our lifes

We need to add onto our platform
-More pro science
-State rights

Things to charge
-Become pro pot (We need to legalize it)
-Become a pro marriage for all. We can't afford to fight the gays.
-We can stay anti-abortion but we must become more favorable of birth control. This is the facts of life.
-Distance our selfs from the church.

-balanced budget
-smaller government
-Less government in our lifes

None of that has been part of the Republican party for well over 10 years... Don't you need to put that stuff to the "add" pile?
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The republicans need to keep our fiscal platform!
-balanced budget
-smaller government
-Less government in our lifes

We need to add onto our platform
-More pro science
-State rights

Things to charge
-Become pro pot (We need to legalize it)
-Become a pro marriage for all. We can't afford to fight the gays.
-We can stay anti-abortion but we must become more favorable of birth control. This is the facts of life.
-Distance our selfs from the church.

^ This guy gets it. :thup:
You mean run like Romney.

Romney was pro pot? Pro gay marriage? Distanced from the church?

I see you're still just as fucking retarded as you've always been.

Romney did not lead the conservative cause on those issues and as a Mormon he was born distanced from Christian churches.

And sniper seems to have it down pretty tight, dude, though anarchists wont like to hear it.
You mean run like Romney.

Romney was pro pot? Pro gay marriage? Distanced from the church?

I see you're still just as fucking retarded as you've always been.

Romney did not lead the conservative cause on those issues and as a Mormon he was born distanced from Christian churches.

And sniper seems to have it down pretty tight, dude, though anarchists wont like to hear it.

I don't give a fuck, he's a mormon. That's strange enough.

Where did Romney say we should legalize pot?
Blacks and Hispanics aren't interested in principles such as the free market, private property, and so forth. They want to be taken care of, and will vote accordingly. For the Republicans to appeal to these people, they'd have to change their whole philosphical foundation and worldview - and at that point, whats the point?

I'm not saying all of these people feel this way, but let's be honest.
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What's more fiscally conservative, paying for an abortion or a lifetime of welfare and food stamps. Birth control on demand is even cheaper.

put that in your 50-cent cigarette and smoke it.

More proof that the fucking left has ZERO respect for the religious rights guaranteed to citizens in the U.S. Constitution.

Guess what, you are free to practice your religion in your life and use religion to make decisions in your life.

But you don't get to practice your religion in my life.

No where in the constitution / bill of rights does it say your religious freedom trumps my rights. Your religion does NOT get to interfere with my rights. And vice-versa.

Oh, bullshit. It's about ACTION. The "action" here is about one group of people violating the guaranteed rights of the other. Refusing to pay for your birth control or your baby-killing doesn't violate your rights. You don't have a "right" to taxpayer-funded birth control or abortion. But forcing people who have moral or religious conviction to violate their belief system at the point of a gun DOES violate actual rights guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution.

You're an immoral, fucking THIEF. And so is the rest of your ilk. The post above is just another example of how sick your ideology is.
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“A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship. The average age of the world’s greatest civilizations has been 200 years.”
Alexis de Toqueville
“A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship. The average age of the world’s greatest civilizations has been 200 years.”
Alexis de Toqueville

What high irony. The Democrats killed American democracy. Not a chicken in every pot, but a diaphragm in every vagina and an Obama phone in every ear.

Here's a mirror for you, bloodsuckers:

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Start admitting that "drill, baby, drill" isn't a robust energy policy and climate change isn't a hoax.
abortion on demand paid by taxpayers

What's more fiscally conservative, paying for an abortion or a lifetime of welfare and food stamps. Birth control on demand is even cheaper.

put that in your 50-cent cigarette and smoke it.

More proof that the fucking left has ZERO respect for the religious rights guaranteed to citizens in the U.S. Constitution.

The religious right deserves no respect, when are you going to get that?

This being the Twentyfuckingfirst Century most residents of Planet Earth aren't bound by superstition and vague mysteries. The tiny minority of jealous control freaks hiding behind a god created in their own image had damned well better start respecting the religious - and other - rights guaranteed to EVERYONE by the Constitution, starting with separation of church & state.

Your time is past.

Let it go.

Join with the natural progression of humanity or get the fuck out of the way.

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