Time to charge some social issues when we run in 2014-2016

Basically.....they just need to cut and paste the ideas that just kicked their asses, and put a big red R on it and call it their own. Then they'll win.
What's more fiscally conservative, paying for an abortion or a lifetime of welfare and food stamps. Birth control on demand is even cheaper.

put that in your 50-cent cigarette and smoke it.

More proof that the fucking left has ZERO respect for the religious rights guaranteed to citizens in the U.S. Constitution.

The religious right deserves no respect, when are you going to get that?

This being the Twentyfuckingfirst Century most residents of Planet Earth aren't bound by superstition and vague mysteries. The tiny minority of jealous control freaks hiding behind a god created in their own image had damned well better start respecting the religious - and other - rights guaranteed to EVERYONE by the Constitution, starting with separation of church & state.

Your time is past.

Let it go.

Join with the natural progression of humanity or get the fuck out of the way.


Islam is spreading through the middle east and you don't have a problem with it spreading throughout europe and America. Talk about a fucked up mindset.
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The republicans need to keep our fiscal platform!
-balanced budget
-smaller government
-Less government in our lifes

We need to add onto our platform
-More pro science
-State rights

Things to charge
-Become pro pot (We need to legalize it)
-Become a pro marriage for all. We can't afford to fight the gays.
-We can stay anti-abortion but we must become more favorable of birth control. This is the facts of life.
-Distance our selfs from the church.

We just did most of that with Romney. Our problem is perception and a narrow base.

It really is that simple.

Social issues don't belong on a national level. Broaden the base and we win. Period
What's more fiscally conservative, paying for an abortion or a lifetime of welfare and food stamps. Birth control on demand is even cheaper.

put that in your 50-cent cigarette and smoke it.

More proof that the fucking left has ZERO respect for the religious rights guaranteed to citizens in the U.S. Constitution.

The religious right deserves no respect, when are you going to get that?

This being the Twentyfuckingfirst Century most residents of Planet Earth aren't bound by superstition and vague mysteries. The tiny minority of jealous control freaks hiding behind a god created in their own image had damned well better start respecting the religious - and other - rights guaranteed to EVERYONE by the Constitution, starting with separation of church & state.

Your time is past.

Let it go.

Join with the natural progression of humanity or get the fuck out of the way.

Oh... did you get a constitutional amendment to negate that very SPECIFIC right? :rolleyes:
Because if you didn't, you've got no authority whatsoever to preempt it. I'm always amazed that you dumbasses never bother to actually LOOK at the contract and check the fine print.

Get stuffed, Granny.
Basically.....they just need to cut and paste the ideas that just kicked their asses, and put a big red R on it and call it their own. Then they'll win.

Spoken like an idiot without a clue.

Just register as a dem and spare us all the bullshit fraud.
Blacks and Hispanics aren't interested in principles such as the free market, private property, and so forth. They want to be taken care of, and will vote accordingly. For the Republicans to appeal to these people, they'd have to change their whole philosphical foundation and worldview - and at that point, whats the point?

I'm not saying all of these people feel this way, but let's be honest.
Cons have been saying all day that they need to change their attitude toward minorities. Perhaps you should listen to them or lay off of Fox and wingnut radio.
The republicans need to keep our fiscal platform!
-balanced budget
-smaller government
-Less government in our lifes

We need to add onto our platform
-More pro science
-State rights

Things to charge
-Become pro pot (We need to legalize it)
-Become a pro marriage for all. We can't afford to fight the gays.
-We can stay anti-abortion but we must become more favorable of birth control. This is the facts of life.
-Distance our selfs from the church.

You are so naive.

Republicans have never been for smaller government. They just say that to dupe rubes like you.
abortion on demand paid by taxpayers

What's more fiscally conservative, paying for an abortion or a lifetime of welfare and food stamps. Birth control on demand is even cheaper.

put that in your 50-cent cigarette and smoke it.

More proof that the fucking left has ZERO respect for the religious rights guaranteed to citizens in the U.S. Constitution.

Your right to practice your religion doesn't extend to shoving it down everyone else's fucking throat. Fuck off kindly.
More proof that the fucking left has ZERO respect for the religious rights guaranteed to citizens in the U.S. Constitution.

The religious right deserves no respect, when are you going to get that?

This being the Twentyfuckingfirst Century most residents of Planet Earth aren't bound by superstition and vague mysteries. The tiny minority of jealous control freaks hiding behind a god created in their own image had damned well better start respecting the religious - and other - rights guaranteed to EVERYONE by the Constitution, starting with separation of church & state.

Your time is past.

Let it go.

Join with the natural progression of humanity or get the fuck out of the way.

Oh... did you get a constitutional amendment to negate that very SPECIFIC right? :rolleyes:
Because if you didn't, you've got no authority whatsoever to preempt it. I'm always amazed that you dumbasses never bother to actually LOOK at the contract and check the fine print.

There's nothing in the Constitution that says a jealous, control-freak fringe element that hides behind a false god created in their own image has the right to dictate laws or morals to the rest of us.

Get stuffed, Granny.

Blow me.
The religious right deserves no respect, when are you going to get that?

This being the Twentyfuckingfirst Century most residents of Planet Earth aren't bound by superstition and vague mysteries. The tiny minority of jealous control freaks hiding behind a god created in their own image had damned well better start respecting the religious - and other - rights guaranteed to EVERYONE by the Constitution, starting with separation of church & state.

Your time is past.

Let it go.

Join with the natural progression of humanity or get the fuck out of the way.

Oh... did you get a constitutional amendment to negate that very SPECIFIC right? :rolleyes:
Because if you didn't, you've got no authority whatsoever to preempt it. I'm always amazed that you dumbasses never bother to actually LOOK at the contract and check the fine print.

There's nothing in the Constitution that says a jealous, control-freak fringe element that hides behind a false god created in their own image has the right to dictate laws or morals to the rest of us.

Get stuffed, Granny.

Blow me.

Ewww. Not likely. Nasty old granny cooch?... No thanks. :eusa_sick:
But here's an idea... try READING.

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

The ACTION of forcing religious citizens to violate their beliefs is in violation of the specific language of the U.S. Constitution.
Oh... did you get a constitutional amendment to negate that very SPECIFIC right? :rolleyes:
Because if you didn't, you've got no authority whatsoever to preempt it. I'm always amazed that you dumbasses never bother to actually LOOK at the contract and check the fine print.

There's nothing in the Constitution that says a jealous, control-freak fringe element that hides behind a false god created in their own image has the right to dictate laws or morals to the rest of us.

Get stuffed, Granny.

Blow me.

Ewww. Not likely. Nasty old granny cooch?... No thanks. :eusa_sick:
But here's an idea... try READING.

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

The ACTION of forcing religious citizens to violate their beliefs is in violation of the specific language of the U.S. Constitution.

Pretty sure your right to practice your religion ends when you force other people to bow down to it.
Blacks and Hispanics aren't interested in principles such as the free market, private property, and so forth. They want to be taken care of, and will vote accordingly. For the Republicans to appeal to these people, they'd have to change their whole philosphical foundation and worldview - and at that point, whats the point?

I'm not saying all of these people feel this way, but let's be honest.
Cons have been saying all day that they need to change their attitude toward minorities. Perhaps you should listen to them or lay off of Fox and wingnut radio.

That means we must become a party that loves open borders and giving out free shit. Seems to me that these two things are what matters to minorities. They hate whites.

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Blacks and Hispanics aren't interested in principles such as the free market, private property, and so forth. They want to be taken care of, and will vote accordingly. For the Republicans to appeal to these people, they'd have to change their whole philosphical foundation and worldview - and at that point, whats the point?

I'm not saying all of these people feel this way, but let's be honest.
Cons have been saying all day that they need to change their attitude toward minorities. Perhaps you should listen to them or lay off of Fox and wingnut radio.

That means we must become a party that loves open borders and giving out free shit. Seems to me that these two things are what matters to minorities. They hate whites.


The racism of the right has come out in all its ugliness.

I am so glad you guys are going the way of the dodo bird.
Cons have been saying all day that they need to change their attitude toward minorities. Perhaps you should listen to them or lay off of Fox and wingnut radio.

That means we must become a party that loves open borders and giving out free shit. Seems to me that these two things are what matters to minorities. They hate whites.


The racism of the right has come out in all its ugliness.

I am so glad you guys are going the way of the dodo bird.
Guess we'll have Democratic presidents for a long time to come.
That means we must become a party that loves open borders and giving out free shit. Seems to me that these two things are what matters to minorities. They hate whites.


The racism of the right has come out in all its ugliness.

I am so glad you guys are going the way of the dodo bird.
Guess we'll have Democratic presidents for a long time to come.


Thank God, Obama won. The country is going to be so much better off.
Cons have been saying all day that they need to change their attitude toward minorities. Perhaps you should listen to them or lay off of Fox and wingnut radio.

That means we must become a party that loves open borders and giving out free shit. Seems to me that these two things are what matters to minorities. They hate whites.


The racism of the right has come out in all its ugliness.

I am so glad you guys are going the way of the dodo bird.

Your racism against whites is coming out for all to see. People like you have no fucking problem with 95% of blacks voting for Obama and 75% of Meso's for a large part because he's none white too. People like you have the blood of tens of thousands of whites in Zimbabwe and South Africa on your hands. You never speak up against non-white hatred of whites.

You NEVER SAY A GODDAMN THING about whites being attacked daily by hateful non-whites. O'noo's they can do no fucking wrong.

It's always white this and that as you disagree with our belief system. You hate small government and so you hate whites.

People like you are evil.
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There's nothing in the Constitution that says a jealous, control-freak fringe element that hides behind a false god created in their own image has the right to dictate laws or morals to the rest of us.

Blow me.

Ewww. Not likely. Nasty old granny cooch?... No thanks. :eusa_sick:
But here's an idea... try READING.

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

The ACTION of forcing religious citizens to violate their beliefs is in violation of the specific language of the U.S. Constitution.

Pretty sure your right to practice your religion ends when you force other people to bow down to it.

Nobody has taken your birth control or your baby-slaughtering from you. :rolleyes: You're free to engage in both. No one has stopped you. Religious people and those with moral objections just don't want to PAY for it. And they've got a guaranteed right not to. The ACTION here isn't a religious person impeding your birth control or abortions. The ACTION is you taking another citizen's money, ultimately at the point of a gun, and using it for something that directly violates his beliefs. There's no part of the U.S. Constitution which guarantees you the right to conduct your sexual recreation at another citizen's expense, but there IS a part which guarantees "the free exercise thereof" as it pertains to religion.
So we reward law breakers? Coming over our borders illegally is against our laws. What part of this can't people understand??? Mexico can have a solid immigration laws and no one says shit about it.

This is all about their hatred of whites.

How is that attitude working out for you?
So we reward law breakers? Coming over our borders illegally is against our laws. What part of this can't people understand??? Mexico can have a solid immigration laws and no one says shit about it.

This is all about their hatred of whites.

How is that attitude working out for you?

Every other nation can have solid immergation laws! Why can't we???

O'yess we have a lot of cock sucking leftist that hate borders and want to replace the white population. You people hate whites...You bastards fought for Africa to be totally black but you're going to tell me that I'm the racist? LOL.
So we reward law breakers? Coming over our borders illegally is against our laws. What part of this can't people understand??? Mexico can have a solid immigration laws and no one says shit about it.

This is all about their hatred of whites.

How is that attitude working out for you?

Every other nation can have solid immergation laws! Why can't we???

O'yess we have a lot of cock sucking leftist that hate borders and want to replace the white population. You people hate whites...You bastards fought for Africa to be totally black but you're going to tell me that I'm the racist? LOL.

Call 911 or go to a hospital immediately.

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