Time to check in: are republicans STILL in denial about Trump?

Your party is in deep trouble. Local, state and national. Why are you tards still playing with the same old failed playbook? The people driving your party towards extinction are still calling the shots. When will you clowns wise up?
I'll admit the DNC is in disarray. They've failed to explain to the working class why they are idiots to vote republican. Getting that message across is complicated though. Bernie specifically I think did a good job explaining it. It's a shame he didnt run against Trump.

It really makes no sense why the working class would vote republican but they do it anyway. It's a pretty simple rationale but working class republicans do not have the attention span or critical thinking skills to compare and contrast republican vs democratic platforms. It's just easy for republicans in office to convince them that less government is better. That really is non sense though. Obviously, one can make the case that ,given world history, too much government can be a bad thing, but when it comes to the US specifically, less government does nothing to better the working class. Less government benefits rich people and corporations beautifully, but less government here in the US does NOTHING to benefit the working class. Less administration means more oligarchy and that's what we have in the US.
Oligarchy thrives and exists because of the pooling of power - specifically governmental power. You are right that it is complex. You are wrong to see that as some sort of statement against small government ideas.
Pooling of power? No. The oligarchy exists because of private lobbying making deals with corrupt lawmakers. That's the only reason. That is corruption originating from the private sector. I find it astounding you RWs will put all the blame on the government for its corruption but will give the private sector a pass. You built up this non sense in your head that corporafions are these victims to government oppression when it is these special interests who are responsible for the original sin.
Who said anything about the corporations being victims? You are simply projecting here.

That power that those entities take is born from the government. You even openly admitted it by complaining about lobbyists. The position that you and many leftists seem to take is that the corporate lobby gains way to much power through manipulation of the government. And the answer to that? Give more power to the government - the very same government that you demand is giving to much power to corporations through manipulation. The irony.
What are you talking about? Many Lobbyists work on behalf of corporate interests. That's my point. And yeah, the rightwing really does like to think corporations are victims even if don't use that specific wording. To rightwingers, no blame can be put on corporations for why the working class struggles. They blame it on the government. They put no fault on the corporations paying shit wages and benefits. They are also against the very idea of unions. On top of that, they bitch about government interfering the interests of business owners when in reality, corporate profits are at an all time high. Can you even explain why that is?
Because, once again, as government gets larger companies are going to get larger and increase profits. As I already stated.

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