Time to check in: are republicans still in serious denial about Trump or have they grown some....

....balls and admit they were wrong about Trump all along?

Trump taking credit for the recent jobs report while claiming all the previous ones were fake is nothing short of hilarious. I have to know if republicans can admit how funny it is.
White House, Senate, House, Supes, State Houses.

I dunno. They seem fairly content to me, all things considered.

Maybe the Democrats should be thinking instead about how to make themselves less unattractive to voters in upcoming elections.
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Trump wins at everything. His last battle is not vanquished airheads like the OP; they were easy, but the "Deep State".
....balls and admit they were wrong about Trump all along?

Trump taking credit for the recent jobs report while claiming all the previous ones were fake is nothing short of hilarious. I have to know if republicans can admit how childish and blatantly transparent Trump is.

Trump: Past ‘phony’ jobs numbers now ‘very real’

We'll admit we are wrong when you leftists admit how wrong you were about DumBama. How's that for a deal???
....balls and admit they were wrong about Trump all along?

Trump taking credit for the recent jobs report while claiming all the previous ones were fake is nothing short of hilarious. I have to know if republicans can admit how childish and blatantly transparent Trump is.

Trump: Past ‘phony’ jobs numbers now ‘very real’

We'll admit we are wrong when you leftists admit how wrong you were about DumBama. How's that for a deal???
Typical deflection.
....balls and admit they were wrong about Trump all along?

Trump taking credit for the recent jobs report while claiming all the previous ones were fake is nothing short of hilarious. I have to know if republicans can admit how childish and blatantly transparent Trump is.

Trump: Past ‘phony’ jobs numbers now ‘very real’

Yes they are still denial... some of them anyway.

But thankfully most have figured out that Trump is the promised God-Emperor by now. The legendary man with balls that only tales speak of.
....balls and admit they were wrong about Trump all along?

Trump taking credit for the recent jobs report while claiming all the previous ones were fake is nothing short of hilarious. I have to know if republicans can admit how childish and blatantly transparent Trump is.

Trump: Past ‘phony’ jobs numbers now ‘very real’

We'll admit we are wrong when you leftists admit how wrong you were about DumBama. How's that for a deal???
Typical deflection.

A Deflection?????

You actually expect someone to address your post with anything more than contempt and ridicule?

Grow some balls and admit we made a mistake by voting for Trump.

Fuck You!

Now, that's not a Deflection is it?

Speaking of Balls, it looks like Trump is the only one with a pair in Washington D. C.

I'm pretty damn proud of him. You Bolshevik Pussies crying about him after the election, just like you did before the election, isn't going to have any more effect on the People who elected him now, than it did before.

Deflection, my Ass. Post some grown up stuff, and you might get a mature discussion.

....balls and admit they were wrong about Trump all along?

Trump taking credit for the recent jobs report while claiming all the previous ones were fake is nothing short of hilarious. I have to know if republicans can admit how childish and blatantly transparent Trump is.

Trump: Past ‘phony’ jobs numbers now ‘very real’

We'll admit we are wrong when you leftists admit how wrong you were about DumBama. How's that for a deal???
Typical deflection.

A Deflection?????

You actually expect someone to address your post with anything more than contempt and ridicule?

Grow some balls and admit we made a mistake by voting for Trump.

Fuck You!

Now, that's not a Deflection is it?

Speaking of Balls, it looks like Trump is the only one with a pair in Washington D. C.

I'm pretty damn proud of him. You Bolshevik Pussies crying about him after the election, just like you did before the election, isn't going to have any more effect on the People who elected him now, than it did before.

Deflection, my Ass. Post some grown up stuff, and you might get a mature discussion.

Lol you can't even explain with actual specific examples why you even like Trump.
....balls and admit they were wrong about Trump all along?

Trump taking credit for the recent jobs report while claiming all the previous ones were fake is nothing short of hilarious. I have to know if republicans can admit how childish and blatantly transparent Trump is.

Trump: Past ‘phony’ jobs numbers now ‘very real’

We'll admit we are wrong when you leftists admit how wrong you were about DumBama. How's that for a deal???
Typical deflection.

A Deflection?????

You actually expect someone to address your post with anything more than contempt and ridicule?

Grow some balls and admit we made a mistake by voting for Trump.

Fuck You!

Now, that's not a Deflection is it?

Speaking of Balls, it looks like Trump is the only one with a pair in Washington D. C.

I'm pretty damn proud of him. You Bolshevik Pussies crying about him after the election, just like you did before the election, isn't going to have any more effect on the People who elected him now, than it did before.

Deflection, my Ass. Post some grown up stuff, and you might get a mature discussion.

Lol you can't even explain with actual specific examples why you even like Trump.

I can.

Justice Gorsuch.
Trump is an enemy of bureaucracies.
Building a wall.
Tough on immigration.
Questioning US spending.
....balls and admit they were wrong about Trump all along?

Trump taking credit for the recent jobs report while claiming all the previous ones were fake is nothing short of hilarious. I have to know if republicans can admit how childish and blatantly transparent Trump is.

Trump: Past ‘phony’ jobs numbers now ‘very real’

We'll admit we are wrong when you leftists admit how wrong you were about DumBama. How's that for a deal???
Typical deflection.

A Deflection?????

You actually expect someone to address your post with anything more than contempt and ridicule?

Grow some balls and admit we made a mistake by voting for Trump.

Fuck You!

Now, that's not a Deflection is it?

Speaking of Balls, it looks like Trump is the only one with a pair in Washington D. C.

I'm pretty damn proud of him. You Bolshevik Pussies crying about him after the election, just like you did before the election, isn't going to have any more effect on the People who elected him now, than it did before.

Deflection, my Ass. Post some grown up stuff, and you might get a mature discussion.

Lol you can't even explain with actual specific examples why you even like Trump.

I can.

Justice Gorsuch.
Trump is an enemy of bureaucracies.
Building a wall.
Tough on immigration.
Questioning US spending.
Tough on immigration- his bills have been a failure
Building a wall- where is it. It can never happen
Questioning US spending- His health care will add trillions to the debt
Gorsuch? Has anyone even heard his name mentioned in the last month.
We'll admit we are wrong when you leftists admit how wrong you were about DumBama. How's that for a deal???
Typical deflection.

A Deflection?????

You actually expect someone to address your post with anything more than contempt and ridicule?

Grow some balls and admit we made a mistake by voting for Trump.

Fuck You!

Now, that's not a Deflection is it?

Speaking of Balls, it looks like Trump is the only one with a pair in Washington D. C.

I'm pretty damn proud of him. You Bolshevik Pussies crying about him after the election, just like you did before the election, isn't going to have any more effect on the People who elected him now, than it did before.

Deflection, my Ass. Post some grown up stuff, and you might get a mature discussion.

Lol you can't even explain with actual specific examples why you even like Trump.

I can.

Justice Gorsuch.
Trump is an enemy of bureaucracies.
Building a wall.
Tough on immigration.
Questioning US spending.
Tough on immigration- his bills have been a failure
Building a wall- where is it. It can never happen
Questioning US spending- His health care will add trillions to the debt
Gorsuch? Has anyone even heard his name mentioned in the last month.

Say what you want. You are only trying to make a case because nothing has been done immediately (which never happens in our government) but it will be done. The wall will begin this year, his new travel restriction will be implemented even if the activist judges try to interfere, he already lifted Obama's restriction on ICE and border patrol, and Gorsuch will be on the bench by May the latest.
....balls and admit they were wrong about Trump all along?

Trump taking credit for the recent jobs report while claiming all the previous ones were fake is nothing short of hilarious. I have to know if republicans can admit how childish and blatantly transparent Trump is.

Trump: Past ‘phony’ jobs numbers now ‘very real’

We'll admit we are wrong when you leftists admit how wrong you were about DumBama. How's that for a deal???
Typical deflection.

A Deflection?????

You actually expect someone to address your post with anything more than contempt and ridicule?

Grow some balls and admit we made a mistake by voting for Trump.

Fuck You!

Now, that's not a Deflection is it?

Speaking of Balls, it looks like Trump is the only one with a pair in Washington D. C.

I'm pretty damn proud of him. You Bolshevik Pussies crying about him after the election, just like you did before the election, isn't going to have any more effect on the People who elected him now, than it did before.

Deflection, my Ass. Post some grown up stuff, and you might get a mature discussion.

Lol you can't even explain with actual specific examples why you even like Trump.
....balls and admit they were wrong about Trump all along?

Trump taking credit for the recent jobs report while claiming all the previous ones were fake is nothing short of hilarious. I have to know if republicans can admit how childish and blatantly transparent Trump is.

Trump: Past ‘phony’ jobs numbers now ‘very real’

We'll admit we are wrong when you leftists admit how wrong you were about DumBama. How's that for a deal???
Typical deflection.

A Deflection?????

You actually expect someone to address your post with anything more than contempt and ridicule?

Grow some balls and admit we made a mistake by voting for Trump.

Fuck You!

Now, that's not a Deflection is it?

Speaking of Balls, it looks like Trump is the only one with a pair in Washington D. C.

I'm pretty damn proud of him. You Bolshevik Pussies crying about him after the election, just like you did before the election, isn't going to have any more effect on the People who elected him now, than it did before.

Deflection, my Ass. Post some grown up stuff, and you might get a mature discussion.

Lol you can't even explain with actual specific examples why you even like Trump.

I can.

Justice Gorsuch.
Trump is an enemy of bureaucracies.
Building a wall.
Tough on immigration.
Questioning US spending.

I agree, and he has put what looks like a great Cabinet in place, in spite of one great big Hissy Fit by every Bolshevik and Pravda outlet in the country.

But, my belief is that you can't keep responding to the Play Ground DEFLECTIONS these Liberal Pussies come up with. They actually think they are intellectually superior to us Heartland folks, but they are actually nothing more the half-wit children. That pretty much applies to every liberal on this board. Mental Pygmies.

Typical deflection.

A Deflection?????

You actually expect someone to address your post with anything more than contempt and ridicule?

Grow some balls and admit we made a mistake by voting for Trump.

Fuck You!

Now, that's not a Deflection is it?

Speaking of Balls, it looks like Trump is the only one with a pair in Washington D. C.

I'm pretty damn proud of him. You Bolshevik Pussies crying about him after the election, just like you did before the election, isn't going to have any more effect on the People who elected him now, than it did before.

Deflection, my Ass. Post some grown up stuff, and you might get a mature discussion.

Lol you can't even explain with actual specific examples why you even like Trump.

I can.

Justice Gorsuch.
Trump is an enemy of bureaucracies.
Building a wall.
Tough on immigration.
Questioning US spending.
Tough on immigration- his bills have been a failure
Building a wall- where is it. It can never happen
Questioning US spending- His health care will add trillions to the debt
Gorsuch? Has anyone even heard his name mentioned in the last month.

Say what you want. You are only trying to make a case because nothing has been done immediately (which never happens in our government) but it will be done. The wall will begin this year, his new travel restriction will be implemented even if the activist judges try to interfere, he already lifted Obama's restriction on ICE and border patrol, and Gorsuch will be on the bench by May the latest.
2/3 of the land needed for the wall is privately owned. How long will it takes to buy or take over that land. Many years.
Whats an activist judge, Homer? Anyone who disagrees with your right wing agenda?
Trump has done nothing immediately because he has zero experience, and zero idea what to do. Why not read my post about the drug companies? All he does is lie to you
....balls and admit they were wrong about Trump all along?

Trump taking credit for the recent jobs report while claiming all the previous ones were fake is nothing short of hilarious. I have to know if republicans can admit how childish and blatantly transparent Trump is.

Trump: Past ‘phony’ jobs numbers now ‘very real’

We'll admit we are wrong when you leftists admit how wrong you were about DumBama. How's that for a deal???
Typical deflection.

A Deflection?????

You actually expect someone to address your post with anything more than contempt and ridicule?

Grow some balls and admit we made a mistake by voting for Trump.

Fuck You!

Now, that's not a Deflection is it?

Speaking of Balls, it looks like Trump is the only one with a pair in Washington D. C.

I'm pretty damn proud of him. You Bolshevik Pussies crying about him after the election, just like you did before the election, isn't going to have any more effect on the People who elected him now, than it did before.

Deflection, my Ass. Post some grown up stuff, and you might get a mature discussion.

Lol you can't even explain with actual specific examples why you even like Trump.
We'll admit we are wrong when you leftists admit how wrong you were about DumBama. How's that for a deal???
Typical deflection.

A Deflection?????

You actually expect someone to address your post with anything more than contempt and ridicule?

Grow some balls and admit we made a mistake by voting for Trump.

Fuck You!

Now, that's not a Deflection is it?

Speaking of Balls, it looks like Trump is the only one with a pair in Washington D. C.

I'm pretty damn proud of him. You Bolshevik Pussies crying about him after the election, just like you did before the election, isn't going to have any more effect on the People who elected him now, than it did before.

Deflection, my Ass. Post some grown up stuff, and you might get a mature discussion.

Lol you can't even explain with actual specific examples why you even like Trump.

I can.

Justice Gorsuch.
Trump is an enemy of bureaucracies.
Building a wall.
Tough on immigration.
Questioning US spending.

I agree, and he has put what looks like a great Cabinet in place, in spite of one great big Hissy Fit by every Bolshevik and Pravda outlet in the country.

But, my belief is that you can't keep responding to the Play Ground DEFLECTIONS these Liberal Pussies come up with. They actually think they are intellectually superior to us Heartland folks, but they are actually nothing more the half-wit children. That pretty much applies to every liberal on this board. Mental Pygmies.

Considering that just a few weeks ago you never heard of any of his cabinet members, I would guess that you dont know the difference between a great and a lousy cabinet
....balls and admit they were wrong about Trump all along?

Trump taking credit for the recent jobs report while claiming all the previous ones were fake is nothing short of hilarious. I have to know if republicans can admit how childish and blatantly transparent Trump is.

Trump: Past ‘phony’ jobs numbers now ‘very real’

We'll admit we are wrong when you leftists admit how wrong you were about DumBama. How's that for a deal???
Typical deflection.

A Deflection?????

You actually expect someone to address your post with anything more than contempt and ridicule?

Grow some balls and admit we made a mistake by voting for Trump.

Fuck You!

Now, that's not a Deflection is it?

Speaking of Balls, it looks like Trump is the only one with a pair in Washington D. C.

I'm pretty damn proud of him. You Bolshevik Pussies crying about him after the election, just like you did before the election, isn't going to have any more effect on the People who elected him now, than it did before.

Deflection, my Ass. Post some grown up stuff, and you might get a mature discussion.

Lol you can't even explain with actual specific examples why you even like Trump.

I can.

Justice Gorsuch.
Trump is an enemy of bureaucracies.
Building a wall.
Tough on immigration.
Questioning US spending.
Lol oh that's rich. His budget was rejected by republicans because it made no cuts to spending and would only drive up the deficit and you like him because he "questions US spending" lol
We'll admit we are wrong when you leftists admit how wrong you were about DumBama. How's that for a deal???
Typical deflection.

A Deflection?????

You actually expect someone to address your post with anything more than contempt and ridicule?

Grow some balls and admit we made a mistake by voting for Trump.

Fuck You!

Now, that's not a Deflection is it?

Speaking of Balls, it looks like Trump is the only one with a pair in Washington D. C.

I'm pretty damn proud of him. You Bolshevik Pussies crying about him after the election, just like you did before the election, isn't going to have any more effect on the People who elected him now, than it did before.

Deflection, my Ass. Post some grown up stuff, and you might get a mature discussion.

Lol you can't even explain with actual specific examples why you even like Trump.

I can.

Justice Gorsuch.
Trump is an enemy of bureaucracies.
Building a wall.
Tough on immigration.
Questioning US spending.
Lol oh that's rich. His budget was rejected by republicans because it made no cuts to spending and would only drive up the deficit and you like him because he "questions US spending" lol
3 million dollars a weekend to fly down to Florida.
180 million a year to guard Trump towers
How much more to protect his kids when they do Trumps business abroad
That is questioning US spending
Typical deflection.

A Deflection?????

You actually expect someone to address your post with anything more than contempt and ridicule?

Grow some balls and admit we made a mistake by voting for Trump.

Fuck You!

Now, that's not a Deflection is it?

Speaking of Balls, it looks like Trump is the only one with a pair in Washington D. C.

I'm pretty damn proud of him. You Bolshevik Pussies crying about him after the election, just like you did before the election, isn't going to have any more effect on the People who elected him now, than it did before.

Deflection, my Ass. Post some grown up stuff, and you might get a mature discussion.

Lol you can't even explain with actual specific examples why you even like Trump.

I can.

Justice Gorsuch.
Trump is an enemy of bureaucracies.
Building a wall.
Tough on immigration.
Questioning US spending.
Lol oh that's rich. His budget was rejected by republicans because it made no cuts to spending and would only drive up the deficit and you like him because he "questions US spending" lol
3 million dollars a weekend to fly down to Florida.
180 million a year to guard Trump towers
How much more to protect his kids when they do Trumps business abroad
That is questioning US spending
It really doesn't matter what Trump does at this point. Republicans will defend them because they are too much of pussies to admit they were wrong about him.
As bad as he may or may not end up as he is still better than the bitch.

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