Time to declare War on Islam

9/11 was not perpetrated by Americans. No Americans were among the hijackers.

I'm glad that we can agree that a ban on Muslim's coming into this country should be considered a priority.

Nope. No agreement there.

Major Nidel was one man.

And yet he was Muslim. Not good odds considering the supposed percentage of Muslims the government says we have.

So? One person?

Now...you are trying to claim blacks are really Islamist and that violence related to gangs, drugs, poverty, etc etc is really to be considered "Muslim" violence?

I'm asking how many of them claim to be Islamic... The rest is all you.

You're trying to make some sort of nebulous connection between African-Americans, violence in major cities and Islam in order to boost the impression that significant numbers of American Muslims are committing ideological violence in the streets. That connection ain't working.

According to Pew, the religious demographics of African-Americans indicate that only 1% are Muslim.

I doubt that... I believe the percentage is quite a bit higher.

As far as sources go, Pew has a reputable (and non-partisan) reputation. If you can find a reputable source that proves otherwise then provide it.

Repeated for clarity since your memes don't provide any sort of evidence: If you can provide evidence that a considerable majority of American muslims are committing ideological violence in our streets you might have a point.

My point is how many people have died in recent years on US soil due to Islamic ideology.

The percentage of people killed appears quite high in comparison to the supposed number of Muslims in this country.

The only reason the numbers are that high is that most of them are due to a single terrorist attack - 9/11 - committed by foreigners.

As of 2015 - the number of Americans killed due to extremist jihadi attacks in the US in the last decade: 71. There are approximately 3.3 million Muslims in the US.

Where is there even a considerable MINORITY committing ideological violence in our streets much less a majority justifying amending our constition to redefine religion in order to exclude one particular faith?

Considering that the Muslims in the US are a minority and that your minority within a minority are causing so much disturbance perhaps they start cooperating and turning the troublemakers in prior to their causing all eyes to look in their direction and the majority does make a Constitutional amendment that bans their faith from being practiced.

You're talking about a miniscule minority of 3.3 million people, to justify banning a religion and removing fundamental rights from 3.3 million people.

Your also assuming that the American Muslim community doesn't cooperate with law enforcement which is also not true.
9/11 was not perpetrated by Americans. No Americans were among the hijackers.

I'm glad that we can agree that a ban on Muslim's coming into this country should be considered a priority.

Major Nidel was one man.

And yet he was Muslim. Not good odds considering the supposed percentage of Muslims the government says we have.

Now...you are trying to claim blacks are really Islamist and that violence related to gangs, drugs, poverty, etc etc is really to be considered "Muslim" violence?

I'm asking how many of them claim to be Islamic... The rest is all you.

According to Pew, the religious demographics of African-Americans indicate that only 1% are Muslim.

I doubt that... I believe the percentage is quite a bit higher.

Repeated for clarity since your memes don't provide any sort of evidence: If you can provide evidence that a considerable majority of American muslims are committing ideological violence in our streets you might have a point.

My point is how many people have died in recent years on US soil due to Islamic ideology.

The percentage of people killed appears quite high in comparison to the supposed number of Muslims in this country.

Where is there even a considerable MINORITY committing ideological violence in our streets much less a majority justifying amending our constition to redefine religion in order to exclude one particular faith?

Considering that the Muslims in the US are a minority and that your minority within a minority are causing so much disturbance perhaps they start cooperating and turning the troublemakers in prior to their causing all eyes to look in their direction and the majority does make a Constitutional amendment that bans their faith from being practiced.

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This is where she will deflect. Watch for it..5...4...3..2...

I hope you weren't holding your breath.

I didn't have a chance to. You proved me right before I needed to draw another breath. A record that puts you up there with Bode for providing the evidence of the behavior in record time.

A legend in her own mind....:lol:

Responding to a post is now "deflection".
9/11 was not perpetrated by Americans. No Americans were among the hijackers.

I'm glad that we can agree that a ban on Muslim's coming into this country should be considered a priority.

Major Nidel was one man.

And yet he was Muslim. Not good odds considering the supposed percentage of Muslims the government says we have.

Now...you are trying to claim blacks are really Islamist and that violence related to gangs, drugs, poverty, etc etc is really to be considered "Muslim" violence?

I'm asking how many of them claim to be Islamic... The rest is all you.

According to Pew, the religious demographics of African-Americans indicate that only 1% are Muslim.

I doubt that... I believe the percentage is quite a bit higher.

Repeated for clarity since your memes don't provide any sort of evidence: If you can provide evidence that a considerable majority of American muslims are committing ideological violence in our streets you might have a point.

My point is how many people have died in recent years on US soil due to Islamic ideology.

The percentage of people killed appears quite high in comparison to the supposed number of Muslims in this country.

Where is there even a considerable MINORITY committing ideological violence in our streets much less a majority justifying amending our constition to redefine religion in order to exclude one particular faith?

Considering that the Muslims in the US are a minority and that your minority within a minority are causing so much disturbance perhaps they start cooperating and turning the troublemakers in prior to their causing all eyes to look in their direction and the majority does make a Constitutional amendment that bans their faith from being practiced.

View attachment 81649



This is where she will deflect. Watch for it..5...4...3..2...

I hope you weren't holding your breath.

I didn't have a chance to. You proved me right before I needed to draw another breath. A record that puts you up there with Bode for providing the evidence of the behavior in record time.

A legend in her own mind....:lol:

Responding to a post is now "deflection".

Yes, when you're just trolling to draw attention from your abysmal failure at intelligent discussion.
I'm glad that we can agree that a ban on Muslim's coming into this country should be considered a priority.

And yet he was Muslim. Not good odds considering the supposed percentage of Muslims the government says we have.

I'm asking how many of them claim to be Islamic... The rest is all you.

I doubt that... I believe the percentage is quite a bit higher.

My point is how many people have died in recent years on US soil due to Islamic ideology.

The percentage of people killed appears quite high in comparison to the supposed number of Muslims in this country.

Considering that the Muslims in the US are a minority and that your minority within a minority are causing so much disturbance perhaps they start cooperating and turning the troublemakers in prior to their causing all eyes to look in their direction and the majority does make a Constitutional amendment that bans their faith from being practiced.

View attachment 81649



This is where she will deflect. Watch for it..5...4...3..2...

I hope you weren't holding your breath.

I didn't have a chance to. You proved me right before I needed to draw another breath. A record that puts you up there with Bode for providing the evidence of the behavior in record time.

A legend in her own mind....:lol:

Responding to a post is now "deflection".

Yes, when you're just trolling to draw attention from your abysmal failure at intelligent discussion.

Not declaration of war, but prohibition of Islam in western countries!
All mosques shall be closed, all Muslims shall became a choice:

Conversation to Christianity or Ticket to the country of origin.

So you are all for repealing the 1st Amendment?
Amending it. The reason there's an amendment process is to allow us to change it when needed. The 1st Amendment was designed for religions of good will, even atheists and agnostics, not religions that has as its central tenant the violent subjugation of all other religions. Islam can be banned in America and it can be completely constitutional.

That's not the central tenant of Islam, but keep trying chip away at religious freedom. Eventually, they may even come for yours.
Isn't it you people who claim the 2nd Amendment never envisioned repeating rifles with high capacity magazines?

No right is unlimited. That includes the right to bear arms, free speech and religion. No religion has the right to forceably convert, conduct human sacrifice, etc.

It is the central tenant of Islam based on the fact that THEY HAVE BEEN DOING IT FOR THE LAST 1300 YEARS! Pretending a crocodile is a kitten and letting it play with your toddler is the very essence of Leftist insanity. Banning Islam by Constitutional amendment is a return to sane thinking.

Well no, it really isn't, and if it were for the last 1300 years there certainly wouldn't have been long periods of stability and co-existence with other religions in that 1300 years. What a pity people can't be bothered to learn history anymore.

Banning ANY religion is the first step towards fascism and if you are a person of faith you ought to be scared shitless at the idea.
I'm scared shitless of Americans being slaughtered by the dozens in our streets. These things don't happen in China or Japan where Islam is regulated. The difference between life and death makes all your silly philosophical arguments irrelevant. As it was once famously said, "The Constitution is not a suicide pact."
So you are all for repealing the 1st Amendment?
Amending it. The reason there's an amendment process is to allow us to change it when needed. The 1st Amendment was designed for religions of good will, even atheists and agnostics, not religions that has as its central tenant the violent subjugation of all other religions. Islam can be banned in America and it can be completely constitutional.

That's not the central tenant of Islam, but keep trying chip away at religious freedom. Eventually, they may even come for yours.
Isn't it you people who claim the 2nd Amendment never envisioned repeating rifles with high capacity magazines?

No right is unlimited. That includes the right to bear arms, free speech and religion. No religion has the right to forceably convert, conduct human sacrifice, etc.

It is the central tenant of Islam based on the fact that THEY HAVE BEEN DOING IT FOR THE LAST 1300 YEARS! Pretending a crocodile is a kitten and letting it play with your toddler is the very essence of Leftist insanity. Banning Islam by Constitutional amendment is a return to sane thinking.

Well no, it really isn't, and if it were for the last 1300 years there certainly wouldn't have been long periods of stability and co-existence with other religions in that 1300 years. What a pity people can't be bothered to learn history anymore.

Banning ANY religion is the first step towards fascism and if you are a person of faith you ought to be scared shitless at the idea.
I'm scared shitless of Americans being slaughtered by the dozens in our streets. These things don't happen in China or Japan where Islam is regulated. The difference between life and death makes all your silly philosophical arguments irrelevant. As it was once famously said, "The Constitution is not a suicide pact."
glad to see that you aren't afraid to show your contempt for the constitution
Amending it. The reason there's an amendment process is to allow us to change it when needed. The 1st Amendment was designed for religions of good will, even atheists and agnostics, not religions that has as its central tenant the violent subjugation of all other religions. Islam can be banned in America and it can be completely constitutional.

That's not the central tenant of Islam, but keep trying chip away at religious freedom. Eventually, they may even come for yours.
Isn't it you people who claim the 2nd Amendment never envisioned repeating rifles with high capacity magazines?

No right is unlimited. That includes the right to bear arms, free speech and religion. No religion has the right to forceably convert, conduct human sacrifice, etc.

It is the central tenant of Islam based on the fact that THEY HAVE BEEN DOING IT FOR THE LAST 1300 YEARS! Pretending a crocodile is a kitten and letting it play with your toddler is the very essence of Leftist insanity. Banning Islam by Constitutional amendment is a return to sane thinking.

Well no, it really isn't, and if it were for the last 1300 years there certainly wouldn't have been long periods of stability and co-existence with other religions in that 1300 years. What a pity people can't be bothered to learn history anymore.

Banning ANY religion is the first step towards fascism and if you are a person of faith you ought to be scared shitless at the idea.
I'm scared shitless of Americans being slaughtered by the dozens in our streets. These things don't happen in China or Japan where Islam is regulated. The difference between life and death makes all your silly philosophical arguments irrelevant. As it was once famously said, "The Constitution is not a suicide pact."
glad to see that you aren't afraid to show your contempt for the constitution
You're an idiot. An amended constitution will still be the constitution.
what would a 'war on islam' entail?

Banning the practice of Islam on free soil, banning sharia and bulldozing every Islamic military post/aka mosque, into the earth. Won't happen because we don't have the backbone to protect our citizens. What a shame.
and you're okay with abandoning the constitution?

I'm ok with defining Islam as a seditious ideology.
so yes, you are okay with abandoning the constitution.

wow. doesn't take much for some people to give up
We need to make sure we don't get trampled as they rush to give up their liberties for a false sense of safety.
what would a 'war on islam' entail?

Banning the practice of Islam on free soil, banning sharia and bulldozing every Islamic military post/aka mosque, into the earth. Won't happen because we don't have the backbone to protect our citizens. What a shame.
and you're okay with abandoning the constitution?
The Constitution can be amended without being abandoned.
Good luck with that....it's only been amended 27 times over the past 230+ years...and the first 10 were done all at once.
After all, they committed the first tens of thousands of attacks...

What did our wars in Iraq get us? About 4 trillion dollars deeper in debt with an even bigger mess to show for it. Even then, the U.S. would probably help the Syrian rebels. When it is the more secular Assad regime that we should be supporting.
A good case can be made for removing Islam's religious status/definition. I suggest we look into doing just that.
Islam is NOT a religion by any definition.
It's no different than Bob Jones's insanity or Charles Manson or David Corish.
ALL based on a cult figure who demands their followers to commit the most sick insane acts in 'his name'.
Time soon to scrub the earth of these vermin forever.
The joyous thing is that day will happen in my lifetime........and I've GOT CABLE to watch it!

Islam is a religion, has been a world religion for over a thousand years. It's not going to suddenly become a non-religion because a bunch of jumped-up johnny-come-latelies decide thatit's not because they they hate Muslims.

We're not concerned about the "religious" aspect of Islam. No one cares about their false god made up by a pedophile prophet. It's a cult that blends religion with politics. They want to overthrow all governments to install Sharia Law. Any ideology that openly wishes to overthrow the government by violence can be labeled a terror group.

Who's "we"?

I don't see any Muslims here trying to overthrow our government. Have you spoken to any American Muslims?

"We" that are willing to do something about Islamist terrorists, unlike you.
Oh. Tell us what you have done.
That's not the central tenant of Islam, but keep trying chip away at religious freedom. Eventually, they may even come for yours.
Isn't it you people who claim the 2nd Amendment never envisioned repeating rifles with high capacity magazines?

No right is unlimited. That includes the right to bear arms, free speech and religion. No religion has the right to forceably convert, conduct human sacrifice, etc.

It is the central tenant of Islam based on the fact that THEY HAVE BEEN DOING IT FOR THE LAST 1300 YEARS! Pretending a crocodile is a kitten and letting it play with your toddler is the very essence of Leftist insanity. Banning Islam by Constitutional amendment is a return to sane thinking.

Well no, it really isn't, and if it were for the last 1300 years there certainly wouldn't have been long periods of stability and co-existence with other religions in that 1300 years. What a pity people can't be bothered to learn history anymore.

Banning ANY religion is the first step towards fascism and if you are a person of faith you ought to be scared shitless at the idea.
I'm scared shitless of Americans being slaughtered by the dozens in our streets. These things don't happen in China or Japan where Islam is regulated. The difference between life and death makes all your silly philosophical arguments irrelevant. As it was once famously said, "The Constitution is not a suicide pact."
glad to see that you aren't afraid to show your contempt for the constitution
You're an idiot. An amended constitution will still be the constitution.
if you can amend the constitution to take away freedoms and oppress people is it really the constitution anymore?
and you're okay with abandoning the constitution?
The Constitution can be amended without being abandoned.
think about all the freedoms that this 'war' would take.

that's abandonment.

There's a reason the amendment process is so hard, so that it requires a great deal of consensus to achieve it. People can unify to rid society of a murderous ideology, but few other things can marshall such broad approval.

I seriously doubt that will marshall broad approval and I strongly suspect you will find people of faith united across the country in opposition.
Death, violence, and bloodshed in our streets will marshall broad approval to ban Islam.

That I promise you.
Your fear is not a reason to give up on our Constitutional Rights.
The Constitution can be amended without being abandoned.
think about all the freedoms that this 'war' would take.

that's abandonment.

There's a reason the amendment process is so hard, so that it requires a great deal of consensus to achieve it. People can unify to rid society of a murderous ideology, but few other things can marshall such broad approval.

I seriously doubt that will marshall broad approval and I strongly suspect you will find people of faith united across the country in opposition.
Death, violence, and bloodshed in our streets will marshall broad approval to ban Islam.

That I promise you.

Usher in fascism.
We have at least one poster here, Vigilante, who supports Drumpf becoming a king or dictator.
As always the Left defends terrorists and those who support them, while the Right tries to figure out how to best protect the citizens of the United States. It doesn't get any more disgusting and contemptible than that.
Again, defending our Constitution and the 1st Amendment is not defending terrorists....just like defending the 2nd Amendment is not defending mass shooters.

You certainly are demonstrating how disgusting and contemptible you can get.
As always the Left defends terrorists and those who support them, while the Right tries to figure out how to best protect the citizens of the United States. It doesn't get any more disgusting and contemptible than that.

Who defended terrorists?

The Liberals
No we do not. We defend the Constitution and the 1st Amendment. We are not pissing our pants in fear....trying to hand over their Constitutional Rights as fast as they can for some false sense of safety.
That's not the central tenant of Islam, but keep trying chip away at religious freedom. Eventually, they may even come for yours.
Isn't it you people who claim the 2nd Amendment never envisioned repeating rifles with high capacity magazines?

No right is unlimited. That includes the right to bear arms, free speech and religion. No religion has the right to forceably convert, conduct human sacrifice, etc.

It is the central tenant of Islam based on the fact that THEY HAVE BEEN DOING IT FOR THE LAST 1300 YEARS! Pretending a crocodile is a kitten and letting it play with your toddler is the very essence of Leftist insanity. Banning Islam by Constitutional amendment is a return to sane thinking.

Well no, it really isn't, and if it were for the last 1300 years there certainly wouldn't have been long periods of stability and co-existence with other religions in that 1300 years. What a pity people can't be bothered to learn history anymore.

Banning ANY religion is the first step towards fascism and if you are a person of faith you ought to be scared shitless at the idea.
I'm scared shitless of Americans being slaughtered by the dozens in our streets. These things don't happen in China or Japan where Islam is regulated. The difference between life and death makes all your silly philosophical arguments irrelevant. As it was once famously said, "The Constitution is not a suicide pact."
glad to see that you aren't afraid to show your contempt for the constitution
You're an idiot. An amended constitution will still be the constitution.
Well...get on it then. Hint: whining on a message board won't get the job done.

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