Time to declare War on Islam

Banning the practice of Islam on free soil, banning sharia and bulldozing every Islamic military post/aka mosque, into the earth. Won't happen because we don't have the backbone to protect our citizens. What a shame.
and you're okay with abandoning the constitution?
The Constitution can be amended without being abandoned.

Not when you are talking about fundamental rights.
"Fundamental rights" comprise the entire Bill of Rights. When we consider the right to live without violence in our streets is also a "fundamental right" we will weigh that against the "fundamental rights" of murderous ideologies.

If you can provide evidence that a considerable majority of American muslims are committing ideological violence in our streets you might have a point. But you don't.

How about instead we look at how many people have died in recent years due to radical Islamic ideology...

...While we're at it how many blacks in our population claim to follow Islam and are killing each other, and police officers, in places like Chicago, New York City, Baltimore, Los Angeles, etc,... every week-end?


and you're okay with abandoning the constitution?
The Constitution can be amended without being abandoned.

Not when you are talking about fundamental rights.
"Fundamental rights" comprise the entire Bill of Rights. When we consider the right to live without violence in our streets is also a "fundamental right" we will weigh that against the "fundamental rights" of murderous ideologies.

If you can provide evidence that a considerable majority of American muslims are committing ideological violence in our streets you might have a point. But you don't.

How about instead we look at how many people have died in recent years due to radical Islamic ideology...

...While we're at it how many blacks in our population claim to follow Islam and are killing each other in places like Chicago, New York City, Baltimore, Los Angeles, etc,... every week-end?



9/11 was not perpetrated by Americans. No Americans were among the hijackers.

Major Nidel was one man.

Now...you are trying to claim blacks are really Islamist and that violence related to gangs, drugs, poverty, etc etc is really to be considered "Muslim" violence?

According to Pew, the religious demographics of African-Americans indicate that only 1% are Muslim.

Repeated for clarity since your memes don't provide any sort of evidence: If you can provide evidence that a considerable majority of American muslims are committing ideological violence in our streets you might have a point.

Where is there even a considerable MINORITY committing ideological violence in our streets much less a majority justifying amending our constition to redefine religion in order to exclude one particular faith?
The Constitution can be amended without being abandoned.

Not when you are talking about fundamental rights.
"Fundamental rights" comprise the entire Bill of Rights. When we consider the right to live without violence in our streets is also a "fundamental right" we will weigh that against the "fundamental rights" of murderous ideologies.

If you can provide evidence that a considerable majority of American muslims are committing ideological violence in our streets you might have a point. But you don't.

How about instead we look at how many people have died in recent years due to radical Islamic ideology...

...While we're at it how many blacks in our population claim to follow Islam and are killing each other in places like Chicago, New York City, Baltimore, Los Angeles, etc,... every week-end?



9/11 was not perpetrated by Americans. No Americans were among the hijackers.

Major Nidel was one man.

Now...you are trying to claim blacks are really Islamist and that violence related to gangs, drugs, poverty, etc etc is really to be considered "Muslim" violence?

According to Pew, the religious demographics of African-Americans indicate that only 1% are Muslim.

Repeated for clarity since your memes don't provide any sort of evidence: If you can provide evidence that a considerable majority of American muslims are committing ideological violence in our streets you might have a point.

Where is there even a considerable MINORITY committing ideological violence in our streets much less a majority justifying amending our constition to redefine religion in order to exclude one particular faith?

I think you have time to make yourself a cup of tea whilst he considers that.
what would a 'war on islam' entail?

Banning the practice of Islam on free soil, banning sharia and bulldozing every Islamic military post/aka mosque, into the earth. Won't happen because we don't have the backbone to protect our citizens. What a shame.

Won't happen because we're a nation built on a foundation of rights, freedoms, and laws.

So pedophiles should have the right to molest children according to your reasoning. I think not.
Precisely. Everybody should be able to do whatever they like, to whomever comes under their control for whatever reason.
and you're okay with abandoning the constitution?
The Constitution can be amended without being abandoned.
think about all the freedoms that this 'war' would take.

that's abandonment.

There's a reason the amendment process is so hard, so that it requires a great deal of consensus to achieve it. People can unify to rid society of a murderous ideology, but few other things can marshall such broad approval.

I seriously doubt that will marshall broad approval and I strongly suspect you will find people of faith united across the country in opposition.
Death, violence, and bloodshed in our streets will marshall broad approval to ban Islam.

That I promise you.
It's already here. She approves.

Boston Marathon bombing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
2016 Orlando nightclub shooting - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
9/11 was not perpetrated by Americans. No Americans were among the hijackers.

I'm glad that we can agree that a ban on Muslim's coming into this country should be considered a priority.

Major Nidel was one man.

And yet he was Muslim. Not good odds considering the supposed percentage of Muslims the government says we have.

Now...you are trying to claim blacks are really Islamist and that violence related to gangs, drugs, poverty, etc etc is really to be considered "Muslim" violence?

I'm asking how many of them claim to be Islamic... The rest is all you.

According to Pew, the religious demographics of African-Americans indicate that only 1% are Muslim.

I doubt that... I believe the percentage is quite a bit higher.

Repeated for clarity since your memes don't provide any sort of evidence: If you can provide evidence that a considerable majority of American muslims are committing ideological violence in our streets you might have a point.

My point is how many people have died in recent years on US soil due to Islamic ideology.

The percentage of people killed appears quite high in comparison to the supposed number of Muslims in this country.

Where is there even a considerable MINORITY committing ideological violence in our streets much less a majority justifying amending our constition to redefine religion in order to exclude one particular faith?

Considering that the Muslims in the US are a minority and that your minority within a minority are causing so much disturbance perhaps they start cooperating and turning the troublemakers in prior to their causing all eyes to look in their direction and the majority does make a Constitutional amendment that bans their faith from being practiced.



After all, they committed the first tens of thousands of attacks...

Not declaration of war, but prohibition of Islam in western countries!
All mosques shall be closed, all Muslims shall became a choice:

Conversation to Christianity or Ticket to the country of origin.

First Amendment?

Then the terrorists win if you give up your freedom to fight them.

The Freedom to live free from Muslim Terror is the Most Important Freedom.
Where is that in the Bill of Rights?
9/11 was not perpetrated by Americans. No Americans were among the hijackers.

I'm glad that we can agree that a ban on Muslim's coming into this country should be considered a priority.

Major Nidel was one man.

And yet he was Muslim. Not good odds considering the supposed percentage of Muslims the government says we have.

Now...you are trying to claim blacks are really Islamist and that violence related to gangs, drugs, poverty, etc etc is really to be considered "Muslim" violence?

I'm asking how many of them claim to be Islamic... The rest is all you.

According to Pew, the religious demographics of African-Americans indicate that only 1% are Muslim.

I doubt that... I believe the percentage is quite a bit higher.

Repeated for clarity since your memes don't provide any sort of evidence: If you can provide evidence that a considerable majority of American muslims are committing ideological violence in our streets you might have a point.

My point is how many people have died in recent years on US soil due to Islamic ideology.

The percentage of people killed appears quite high in comparison to the supposed number of Muslims in this country.

Where is there even a considerable MINORITY committing ideological violence in our streets much less a majority justifying amending our constition to redefine religion in order to exclude one particular faith?

Considering that the Muslims in the US are a minority and that your minority within a minority are causing so much disturbance perhaps they start cooperating and turning the troublemakers in prior to their causing all eyes to look in their direction and the majority does make a Constitutional amendment that bans their faith from being practiced.

View attachment 81649



This is where she will deflect. Watch for it..5...4...3..2...
9/11 was not perpetrated by Americans. No Americans were among the hijackers.

I'm glad that we can agree that a ban on Muslim's coming into this country should be considered a priority.

Major Nidel was one man.

And yet he was Muslim. Not good odds considering the supposed percentage of Muslims the government says we have.

Now...you are trying to claim blacks are really Islamist and that violence related to gangs, drugs, poverty, etc etc is really to be considered "Muslim" violence?

I'm asking how many of them claim to be Islamic... The rest is all you.

According to Pew, the religious demographics of African-Americans indicate that only 1% are Muslim.

I doubt that... I believe the percentage is quite a bit higher.

Repeated for clarity since your memes don't provide any sort of evidence: If you can provide evidence that a considerable majority of American muslims are committing ideological violence in our streets you might have a point.

My point is how many people have died in recent years on US soil due to Islamic ideology.

The percentage of people killed appears quite high in comparison to the supposed number of Muslims in this country.

Where is there even a considerable MINORITY committing ideological violence in our streets much less a majority justifying amending our constition to redefine religion in order to exclude one particular faith?

Considering that the Muslims in the US are a minority and that your minority within a minority are causing so much disturbance perhaps they start cooperating and turning the troublemakers in prior to their causing all eyes to look in their direction and the majority does make a Constitutional amendment that bans their faith from being practiced.

View attachment 81649



Nice song....about vigilantism.
After all, they committed the first tens of thousands of attacks...

Not declaration of war, but prohibition of Islam in western countries!
All mosques shall be closed, all Muslims shall became a choice:

Conversation to Christianity or Ticket to the country of origin.

First Amendment?

Then the terrorists win if you give up your freedom to fight them.

The terrorist win when they get to murder people. Their First Amendment rights do not trump the right for people to live. Not sure how "we" would be giving up any First Amendment rights by banning Islamic terrorist teachings and recruiting.

In Germany they banned anything to do with Nazis. You can't even wear or draw a swastika. It certainly is a restriction on free speech, but it works for them.
Germany doesn't have our Constitution and our Bill of Rights. Glad to have pointed that out for you.
Islam vs BLM pay-per-view fight to extinction.
The hilarious thing is if the Islamofascists ever took over America the FIRST people they would exterminate are negroes who aren't already muslims.
Next all gays of course. (Most 'young muslim young men' have been buggered by their muslim elders since they were five BTW). Then anyone teaching ANYTHING in LIB colleges and universities. Then all 'Western women'. Then.............well you get the point.
You had a gleam in your eye while typing that, didn't you?
9/11 was not perpetrated by Americans. No Americans were among the hijackers.

I'm glad that we can agree that a ban on Muslim's coming into this country should be considered a priority.

Major Nidel was one man.

And yet he was Muslim. Not good odds considering the supposed percentage of Muslims the government says we have.

Now...you are trying to claim blacks are really Islamist and that violence related to gangs, drugs, poverty, etc etc is really to be considered "Muslim" violence?

I'm asking how many of them claim to be Islamic... The rest is all you.

According to Pew, the religious demographics of African-Americans indicate that only 1% are Muslim.

I doubt that... I believe the percentage is quite a bit higher.

Repeated for clarity since your memes don't provide any sort of evidence: If you can provide evidence that a considerable majority of American muslims are committing ideological violence in our streets you might have a point.

My point is how many people have died in recent years on US soil due to Islamic ideology.

The percentage of people killed appears quite high in comparison to the supposed number of Muslims in this country.

Where is there even a considerable MINORITY committing ideological violence in our streets much less a majority justifying amending our constition to redefine religion in order to exclude one particular faith?

Considering that the Muslims in the US are a minority and that your minority within a minority are causing so much disturbance perhaps they start cooperating and turning the troublemakers in prior to their causing all eyes to look in their direction and the majority does make a Constitutional amendment that bans their faith from being practiced.

View attachment 81649



This is where she will deflect. Watch for it..5...4...3..2...

I hope you weren't holding your breath.
what would a 'war on islam' entail?

Banning the practice of Islam on free soil, banning sharia and bulldozing every Islamic military post/aka mosque, into the earth. Won't happen because we don't have the backbone to protect our citizens. What a shame.
and you're okay with abandoning the constitution?
I would expect they never supported the Constitution in the first place.
After all, they committed the first tens of thousands of attacks...

Not declaration of war, but prohibition of Islam in western countries!
All mosques shall be closed, all Muslims shall became a choice:

Conversation to Christianity or Ticket to the country of origin.

So you are all for repealing the 1st Amendment?
Amending it. The reason there's an amendment process is to allow us to change it when needed. The 1st Amendment was designed for religions of good will, even atheists and agnostics, not religions that has as its central tenant the violent subjugation of all other religions. Islam can be banned in America and it can be completely constitutional.

Bad idea. Amend the definition of Islam.

You want the state to amend the definitions of religions? Are you nuts?
Can you imagine the Fun that can be had if we allow the State to define what is a religion and better yet, what is an allowable religion?
After all, they committed the first tens of thousands of attacks...

Not declaration of war, but prohibition of Islam in western countries!
All mosques shall be closed, all Muslims shall became a choice:

Conversation to Christianity or Ticket to the country of origin.

First Amendment?

Then the terrorists win if you give up your freedom to fight them.

The terrorist win when they get to murder people. Their First Amendment rights do not trump the right for people to live. Not sure how "we" would be giving up any First Amendment rights by banning Islamic terrorist teachings and recruiting.

In Germany they banned anything to do with Nazis. You can't even wear or draw a swastika. It certainly is a restriction on free speech, but it works for them.

Where is freedom of speech in the German version of our Constitution?

There's a German version of the US constitution?

You got my point! Bravo!
9/11 was not perpetrated by Americans. No Americans were among the hijackers.

I'm glad that we can agree that a ban on Muslim's coming into this country should be considered a priority.

Major Nidel was one man.

And yet he was Muslim. Not good odds considering the supposed percentage of Muslims the government says we have.

Now...you are trying to claim blacks are really Islamist and that violence related to gangs, drugs, poverty, etc etc is really to be considered "Muslim" violence?

I'm asking how many of them claim to be Islamic... The rest is all you.

According to Pew, the religious demographics of African-Americans indicate that only 1% are Muslim.

I doubt that... I believe the percentage is quite a bit higher.

Repeated for clarity since your memes don't provide any sort of evidence: If you can provide evidence that a considerable majority of American muslims are committing ideological violence in our streets you might have a point.

My point is how many people have died in recent years on US soil due to Islamic ideology.

The percentage of people killed appears quite high in comparison to the supposed number of Muslims in this country.

Where is there even a considerable MINORITY committing ideological violence in our streets much less a majority justifying amending our constition to redefine religion in order to exclude one particular faith?

Considering that the Muslims in the US are a minority and that your minority within a minority are causing so much disturbance perhaps they start cooperating and turning the troublemakers in prior to their causing all eyes to look in their direction and the majority does make a Constitutional amendment that bans their faith from being practiced.

View attachment 81649



This is where she will deflect. Watch for it..5...4...3..2...

I hope you weren't holding your breath.

I didn't have a chance to. You proved me right before I needed to draw another breath. A record that puts you up there with Bode for providing the evidence of the behavior in record time.

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