Time to declare War on Islam

Nope. No agreement there.

And yet you were quick to jump on the fact that they weren't American.

So? One person?

One person who was a member of the "religion of peace"... Do they mean "peace" or "piece" as in a bomb just went off?

You're trying to make some sort of nebulous connection between African-Americans, violence in major cities and Islam in order to boost the impression that significant numbers of American Muslims are committing ideological violence in the streets. That connection ain't working.

I think it will given time and a more accurate survey of how many of them are converting to Islam.

As far as sources go, Pew has a reputable (and non-partisan) reputation. If you can find a reputable source that proves otherwise then provide it.

Reputable by who's standards?... People who hand out Nobel Peace Prizes and Global Warming Experts?

The only reason the numbers are that high is that most of them are due to a single terrorist attack - 9/11 - committed by foreigners.

Then there's no reason to import said foreigners.

As of 2015 - the number of Americans killed due to extremist jihadi attacks in the US in the last decade: 71. There are approximately 3.3 million Muslims in the US.

Then calling for a ban on firearms is just as pointless since substantially more people are killed by knives.

You're talking about a miniscule minority of 3.3 million people, to justify banning a religion and removing fundamental rights from 3.3 million people.

Singling out minorities, and even minorities who hold a majority, has happened in the United States prior to this.

So a minority of the minority might deserve a reprieve... What's that add up to one or two people?

I'm not Christian and my name isn't Abraham so why should I care?



After all, they committed the first tens of thousands of attacks...
Not all Islamic believers are nuts.
Just like not all Christians are nuts.
Then all the 'sane' followers of Islam have to do is point out who among them are "nuts" right?
We exterminate the degenerates and the 'peaceful' muslims will never commit mass murder against 'westerners' again right?
After all we are constantly told there are 'billions of 'peaceful' muslims around the world right?
They shouldn't have any problem getting rid of the sub-human degenerate vermin terrorists who they KNOW live among them right?
Not that easy. They kill each other too.
If they (the killers) did a better job killing each other, we would be better off, including the non-violent religious folk.
what would a 'war on islam' entail?

Banning the practice of Islam on free soil, banning sharia and bulldozing every Islamic military post/aka mosque, into the earth. Won't happen because we don't have the backbone to protect our citizens. What a shame.
and you're okay with abandoning the constitution?
The Constitution can be amended without being abandoned.
Good luck with that....it's only been amended 27 times over the past 230+ years...and the first 10 were done all at once.
Somehow I think people being gunned down in the streets nonstop will elevate people's thinking on the subject, especially with 24 hour cable news and social media streaming live jihadi video.
Isn't it you people who claim the 2nd Amendment never envisioned repeating rifles with high capacity magazines?

No right is unlimited. That includes the right to bear arms, free speech and religion. No religion has the right to forceably convert, conduct human sacrifice, etc.

It is the central tenant of Islam based on the fact that THEY HAVE BEEN DOING IT FOR THE LAST 1300 YEARS! Pretending a crocodile is a kitten and letting it play with your toddler is the very essence of Leftist insanity. Banning Islam by Constitutional amendment is a return to sane thinking.

Well no, it really isn't, and if it were for the last 1300 years there certainly wouldn't have been long periods of stability and co-existence with other religions in that 1300 years. What a pity people can't be bothered to learn history anymore.

Banning ANY religion is the first step towards fascism and if you are a person of faith you ought to be scared shitless at the idea.
I'm scared shitless of Americans being slaughtered by the dozens in our streets. These things don't happen in China or Japan where Islam is regulated. The difference between life and death makes all your silly philosophical arguments irrelevant. As it was once famously said, "The Constitution is not a suicide pact."
glad to see that you aren't afraid to show your contempt for the constitution
You're an idiot. An amended constitution will still be the constitution.
if you can amend the constitution to take away freedoms and oppress people is it really the constitution anymore?
I don't know. If we ever discuss an amendment that does all that, you should bring that question up.
Isn't it you people who claim the 2nd Amendment never envisioned repeating rifles with high capacity magazines?

No right is unlimited. That includes the right to bear arms, free speech and religion. No religion has the right to forceably convert, conduct human sacrifice, etc.

It is the central tenant of Islam based on the fact that THEY HAVE BEEN DOING IT FOR THE LAST 1300 YEARS! Pretending a crocodile is a kitten and letting it play with your toddler is the very essence of Leftist insanity. Banning Islam by Constitutional amendment is a return to sane thinking.

Well no, it really isn't, and if it were for the last 1300 years there certainly wouldn't have been long periods of stability and co-existence with other religions in that 1300 years. What a pity people can't be bothered to learn history anymore.

Banning ANY religion is the first step towards fascism and if you are a person of faith you ought to be scared shitless at the idea.
I'm scared shitless of Americans being slaughtered by the dozens in our streets. These things don't happen in China or Japan where Islam is regulated. The difference between life and death makes all your silly philosophical arguments irrelevant. As it was once famously said, "The Constitution is not a suicide pact."
glad to see that you aren't afraid to show your contempt for the constitution
You're an idiot. An amended constitution will still be the constitution.
Well...get on it then. Hint: whining on a message board won't get the job done.
But 2/3 of both houses and two thirds of state legislatures will. It's an attainable goal.
No right is unlimited. That includes the right to bear arms, free speech and religion. No religion has the right to forceably convert, conduct human sacrifice, etc.

Well no, it really isn't, and if it were for the last 1300 years there certainly wouldn't have been long periods of stability and co-existence with other religions in that 1300 years. What a pity people can't be bothered to learn history anymore.

Banning ANY religion is the first step towards fascism and if you are a person of faith you ought to be scared shitless at the idea.
I'm scared shitless of Americans being slaughtered by the dozens in our streets. These things don't happen in China or Japan where Islam is regulated. The difference between life and death makes all your silly philosophical arguments irrelevant. As it was once famously said, "The Constitution is not a suicide pact."
glad to see that you aren't afraid to show your contempt for the constitution
You're an idiot. An amended constitution will still be the constitution.
Well...get on it then. Hint: whining on a message board won't get the job done.
But 2/3 of both houses and two thirds of state legislatures will. It's an attainable goal.
So...what have you done to put that into motion....so far?
I'm scared shitless of Americans being slaughtered by the dozens in our streets. These things don't happen in China or Japan where Islam is regulated. The difference between life and death makes all your silly philosophical arguments irrelevant. As it was once famously said, "The Constitution is not a suicide pact."
glad to see that you aren't afraid to show your contempt for the constitution
You're an idiot. An amended constitution will still be the constitution.
Well...get on it then. Hint: whining on a message board won't get the job done.
But 2/3 of both houses and two thirds of state legislatures will. It's an attainable goal.
So...what have you done to put that into motion....so far?
Wrote my congressman.
Declaring "war on Islam" is crazy. We declared war on Arab culture in the MId-East when we decided to act Imperially and take down the dick-taters that made the Mid East habitable. Left GAPING VOIDS of power where they could kill EACH OTHER. Totally SNAFU.. BOTH parties bought into this. Hillary Clinton was a General in the war on Arab culture. And NOW -- she wants to "rescue" the refugees from that policy. Created the problem, ignored the fallout and now wants America to become a host for a warped, psychotic culture.

It's not the RELIGION -- it's the culture of suppression, violence, and nepotism that these folks live under. But it is not OUR JOB to fix that. We broke it worse than it was. Yemen, Somalia, Libya, Iraq, Afghan, Syria --- all destabilized.

The Euros have a diff problem. Considered Arabs to be their "Mexicans" for decades. And then ACCOMMODATED them to continue to their "old country" ways. Encouraged ghettoization of immigrants from those zones.

We just need to not make the SAME mistakes. Create safe zones OVER THERE. Allow the dictators to resume their control.. When there is a semblance of order -- THEN rescue the ones unwilling to live under that crap..
No right is unlimited. That includes the right to bear arms, free speech and religion. No religion has the right to forceably convert, conduct human sacrifice, etc.

Well no, it really isn't, and if it were for the last 1300 years there certainly wouldn't have been long periods of stability and co-existence with other religions in that 1300 years. What a pity people can't be bothered to learn history anymore.

Banning ANY religion is the first step towards fascism and if you are a person of faith you ought to be scared shitless at the idea.
I'm scared shitless of Americans being slaughtered by the dozens in our streets. These things don't happen in China or Japan where Islam is regulated. The difference between life and death makes all your silly philosophical arguments irrelevant. As it was once famously said, "The Constitution is not a suicide pact."
glad to see that you aren't afraid to show your contempt for the constitution
You're an idiot. An amended constitution will still be the constitution.
Well...get on it then. Hint: whining on a message board won't get the job done.
But 2/3 of both houses and two thirds of state legislatures will. It's an attainable goal.
keep dreaming
And with Arab factions effectively killing each -- we should AVOID taking sides in those conflicts. Kiss Assad's ass -- put him back in charge and let HIM kick the 43 warring factions the funk out.
glad to see that you aren't afraid to show your contempt for the constitution
You're an idiot. An amended constitution will still be the constitution.
Well...get on it then. Hint: whining on a message board won't get the job done.
But 2/3 of both houses and two thirds of state legislatures will. It's an attainable goal.
So...what have you done to put that into motion....so far?
Wrote my congressman.
He's laughing at you
No right is unlimited. That includes the right to bear arms, free speech and religion. No religion has the right to forceably convert, conduct human sacrifice, etc.

Well no, it really isn't, and if it were for the last 1300 years there certainly wouldn't have been long periods of stability and co-existence with other religions in that 1300 years. What a pity people can't be bothered to learn history anymore.

Banning ANY religion is the first step towards fascism and if you are a person of faith you ought to be scared shitless at the idea.
I'm scared shitless of Americans being slaughtered by the dozens in our streets. These things don't happen in China or Japan where Islam is regulated. The difference between life and death makes all your silly philosophical arguments irrelevant. As it was once famously said, "The Constitution is not a suicide pact."
glad to see that you aren't afraid to show your contempt for the constitution
You're an idiot. An amended constitution will still be the constitution.
if you can amend the constitution to take away freedoms and oppress people is it really the constitution anymore?
I don't know. If we ever discuss an amendment that does all that, you should bring that question up.
you very much are trying for such an amendment.

not a strong thinker, are you?
Declaring "war on Islam" is crazy. We declared war on Arab culture in the MId-East when we decided to act Imperially and take down the dick-taters that made the Mid East habitable. Left GAPING VOIDS of power where they could kill EACH OTHER. Totally SNAFU.. BOTH parties bought into this. Hillary Clinton was a General in the war on Arab culture. And NOW -- she wants to "rescue" the refugees from that policy. Created the problem, ignored the fallout and now wants America to become a host for a warped, psychotic culture.

It's not the RELIGION -- it's the culture of suppression, violence, and nepotism that these folks live under. But it is not OUR JOB to fix that. We broke it worse than it was. Yemen, Somalia, Libya, Iraq, Afghan, Syria --- all destabilized.

The Euros have a diff problem. Considered Arabs to be their "Mexicans" for decades. And then ACCOMMODATED them to continue to their "old country" ways. Encouraged ghettoization of immigrants from those zones.

We just need to not make the SAME mistakes. Create safe zones OVER THERE. Allow the dictators to resume their control.. When there is a semblance of order -- THEN rescue the ones unwilling to live under that crap..
That's our biggest delusion, one of which Bush was under the influence, that we could peddle freedom and democracy to people who have never known it and don't want it. The reason oppression of every kind, including religious, remains intact for centuries at a time is because it's so POPULAR. People like to be free, but more like to be ruled over. Consider how this country gained its independence through a minority of people who supported the cause, most people siding with Britain.

We can't change that culture, we can only protect ourselves from that culture coming here and polluting Western society.
Declaring "war on Islam" is crazy. We declared war on Arab culture in the MId-East when we decided to act Imperially and take down the dick-taters that made the Mid East habitable. Left GAPING VOIDS of power where they could kill EACH OTHER. Totally SNAFU.. BOTH parties bought into this. Hillary Clinton was a General in the war on Arab culture. And NOW -- she wants to "rescue" the refugees from that policy. Created the problem, ignored the fallout and now wants America to become a host for a warped, psychotic culture.

It's not the RELIGION -- it's the culture of suppression, violence, and nepotism that these folks live under. But it is not OUR JOB to fix that. We broke it worse than it was. Yemen, Somalia, Libya, Iraq, Afghan, Syria --- all destabilized.

The Euros have a diff problem. Considered Arabs to be their "Mexicans" for decades. And then ACCOMMODATED them to continue to their "old country" ways. Encouraged ghettoization of immigrants from those zones.

We just need to not make the SAME mistakes. Create safe zones OVER THERE. Allow the dictators to resume their control.. When there is a semblance of order -- THEN rescue the ones unwilling to live under that crap..
That's our biggest delusion, one of which Bush was under the influence, that we could peddle freedom and democracy to people who have never known it and don't want it. The reason oppression of every kind, including religious, remains intact for centuries at a time is because it's so POPULAR. People like to be free, but more like to be ruled over. Consider how this country gained its independence through a minority of people who supported the cause, most people siding with Britain.

We can't change that culture, we can only protect ourselves from that culture coming here and polluting Western society.

And that's the key point. Religions of all flavors go rogue and brutal when a tryrannical govt USES that religion, and codifies it into civil law. It's the CULTURE that determine the threat. Which is why the USA with it's fairly established Muslim fraction is NOT yet in turmoil..

Heard on CNN last night. 10% of France is Muslim. The BULK 1st or 2nd generation Mid-East Arab. Their JAILS are 70% Muslim inmates. Now THAT'S a badge of failure. If we can understand how that happened, the USA does NOT need a war to protect itself. Don't ACCOMMODATE that sick culture. And Islam will never be a threat here.
You're an idiot. An amended constitution will still be the constitution.
Well...get on it then. Hint: whining on a message board won't get the job done.
But 2/3 of both houses and two thirds of state legislatures will. It's an attainable goal.
So...what have you done to put that into motion....so far?
Wrote my congressman.
He's laughing at you
Most likely....at least a snicker.
They need to be removed from western countries. We are not compatable. Will never happen but that would do it. Until then innocents will continue to die because of political correctness. Europe has done this to themselves and we are trying so hard to catch up.....liberals are doing their best.

How do you propose to do that?

Great question. Wish I knew. It would take a civil war in Europe to make it happen I suppose.
They need to be removed from western countries. We are not compatable. Will never happen but that would do it. Until then innocents will continue to die because of political correctness. Europe has done this to themselves and we are trying so hard to catch up.....liberals are doing their

How do you propose to do that?

Great question. Wish I knew. It would take a civil war in Europe to make it happen I suppose.

I think it would take something along the lines of another Hitler...
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No right is unlimited. That includes the right to bear arms, free speech and religion. No religion has the right to forceably convert, conduct human sacrifice, etc.

Well no, it really isn't, and if it were for the last 1300 years there certainly wouldn't have been long periods of stability and co-existence with other religions in that 1300 years. What a pity people can't be bothered to learn history anymore.

Banning ANY religion is the first step towards fascism and if you are a person of faith you ought to be scared shitless at the idea.
I'm scared shitless of Americans being slaughtered by the dozens in our streets. These things don't happen in China or Japan where Islam is regulated. The difference between life and death makes all your silly philosophical arguments irrelevant. As it was once famously said, "The Constitution is not a suicide pact."
glad to see that you aren't afraid to show your contempt for the constitution
You're an idiot. An amended constitution will still be the constitution.
Well...get on it then. Hint: whining on a message board won't get the job done.
But 2/3 of both houses and two thirds of state legislatures will. It's an attainable goal.
I think you overestimate it...anyone with a reasonably rational mind knows that restricting religious freedom for some could lead to restricting it for others...like you.
I'm scared shitless of Americans being slaughtered by the dozens in our streets. These things don't happen in China or Japan where Islam is regulated. The difference between life and death makes all your silly philosophical arguments irrelevant. As it was once famously said, "The Constitution is not a suicide pact."
glad to see that you aren't afraid to show your contempt for the constitution
You're an idiot. An amended constitution will still be the constitution.
Well...get on it then. Hint: whining on a message board won't get the job done.
But 2/3 of both houses and two thirds of state legislatures will. It's an attainable goal.
I think you overestimate it...anyone with a reasonably rational mind knows that restricting religious freedom for some could lead to restricting it for others...like you.
Incorrect. The 1st Amendment was passed under the general understanding that all religions possess good will. They did not have direct dealings with a malevolent religion like Islam that is utterly intolerant of all others. It's not difficult to establish a criteria consistent with the sentiments of the ratifiers, that the only good religion is that which accepts your right not to be in it.

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