Time to declare War on Islam

Most blacks in the U.S. suffer from job discrimination, remain relegated to low income jobs and are ghettoized and suffer from higher rates of unemployment. Blacks in the U.S. do not behave like Muslims in France.
That's our biggest delusion, one of which Bush was under the influence, that we could peddle freedom and democracy to people who have never known it and don't want it. The reason oppression of every kind, including religious, remains intact for centuries at a time is because it's so POPULAR. People like to be free, but more like to be ruled over. Consider how this country gained its independence through a minority of people who supported the cause, most people siding with Britain.

We can't change that culture, we can only protect ourselves from that culture coming here and polluting Western society.

And that's the key point. Religions of all flavors go rogue and brutal when a tryrannical govt USES that religion, and codifies it into civil law. It's the CULTURE that determine the threat. Which is why the USA with it's fairly established Muslim fraction is NOT yet in turmoil..

Heard on CNN last night. 10% of France is Muslim. The BULK 1st or 2nd generation Mid-East Arab. Their JAILS are 70% Muslim inmates. Now THAT'S a badge of failure. If we can understand how that happened, the USA does NOT need a war to protect itself. Don't ACCOMMODATE that sick culture. And Islam will never be a threat here.
If there jails are truly 70% muslim...then I have to wonder if other factors are at play (similar to incarceration rates for blacks here) - racial and ethnic bits and income inequalities. In France, there is a significant ghettoization of Muslims and far less upward mobility.

OR -- it could simply be failure to adapt to Western law and justice. It's a damning statistic. SOMETHING is very very wrong. I'm a fan of looking at the desparate effects of contact with the justice for the poor. There are issues there. But THIS --- is simply failure to adjust.
How do you know it is simply a failure to adjust rather than any other aspects? Are you simply assuming that is the case because they are Muslim? Many may have been there for generations.

What IS different in France is that many Muslims suffer from job discrimmination, remain relegated to low income jobs, are often ghettoized (both by choice and by French society) suffer higher rates of unemployment. Crime is more often driven by economic circumstances then by racial ones...all assuming the rate is indeed that high (it seems awfully high).
Amazing how you people NEVER factor in personal responsibility. No wonder the laziest character deficient people vote Democrat.
You mean like the people who blame it on religion?
Oh it's the religion alright. Our job is simple....protect America, protect American citizens. To do that, we will deny freedom to cross our borders. when Muslims quit killing innocents and when they declare they value American society, perhaps we'll give them the green light to globetrot in and out of our country. Maybe.

Islam can be practiced perfectly peacefully by "western leaning" tolerant cultures. It's the importation of the culture that is the problem. So you can bluster about what you're gonna FORCE to happen. But the fact is -- Islam IS ALREADY westernized in America. We do not need a general religious war -- and then I AGREE -- further large immigration from these psycho countries needs to be brought to a slow trickle.

And who the fuck you gonna deny permission to cross the border? Our biz partners in that part of the world? Family? Hell no -- there is no sense to that. EVERY visa from those diseased zones should be scrutinized. But CLOSING the border to all Muslims or Arabs would be counter-productive.
Most blacks in the U.S. suffer from job discrimination, remain relegated to low income jobs and are ghettoized and suffer from higher rates of unemployment. Blacks in the U.S. do not behave like Muslims in France.
Blacks have to take responsibility for their own success just as any other race. Many blacks are successful even without the resources from the family. We all need to finish school and stop looking for excuses but how to solve their perceived problems. This applies to all millenials as well.
And that's the key point. Religions of all flavors go rogue and brutal when a tryrannical govt USES that religion, and codifies it into civil law. It's the CULTURE that determine the threat. Which is why the USA with it's fairly established Muslim fraction is NOT yet in turmoil..

Heard on CNN last night. 10% of France is Muslim. The BULK 1st or 2nd generation Mid-East Arab. Their JAILS are 70% Muslim inmates. Now THAT'S a badge of failure. If we can understand how that happened, the USA does NOT need a war to protect itself. Don't ACCOMMODATE that sick culture. And Islam will never be a threat here.
If there jails are truly 70% muslim...then I have to wonder if other factors are at play (similar to incarceration rates for blacks here) - racial and ethnic bits and income inequalities. In France, there is a significant ghettoization of Muslims and far less upward mobility.

OR -- it could simply be failure to adapt to Western law and justice. It's a damning statistic. SOMETHING is very very wrong. I'm a fan of looking at the desparate effects of contact with the justice for the poor. There are issues there. But THIS --- is simply failure to adjust.
How do you know it is simply a failure to adjust rather than any other aspects? Are you simply assuming that is the case because they are Muslim? Many may have been there for generations.

What IS different in France is that many Muslims suffer from job discrimmination, remain relegated to low income jobs, are often ghettoized (both by choice and by French society) suffer higher rates of unemployment. Crime is more often driven by economic circumstances then by racial ones...all assuming the rate is indeed that high (it seems awfully high).
Amazing how you people NEVER factor in personal responsibility. No wonder the laziest character deficient people vote Democrat.
You mean like the people who blame it on religion?
I blame people who use their religious identity as an excuse not to assimilate into Western culture, which is perfectly consistent with what I said.
Declaring "war on Islam" is crazy. We declared war on Arab culture in the MId-East when we decided to act Imperially and take down the dick-taters that made the Mid East habitable. Left GAPING VOIDS of power where they could kill EACH OTHER. Totally SNAFU.. BOTH parties bought into this. Hillary Clinton was a General in the war on Arab culture. And NOW -- she wants to "rescue" the refugees from that policy. Created the problem, ignored the fallout and now wants America to become a host for a warped, psychotic culture.

It's not the RELIGION -- it's the culture of suppression, violence, and nepotism that these folks live under. But it is not OUR JOB to fix that. We broke it worse than it was. Yemen, Somalia, Libya, Iraq, Afghan, Syria --- all destabilized.

The Euros have a diff problem. Considered Arabs to be their "Mexicans" for decades. And then ACCOMMODATED them to continue to their "old country" ways. Encouraged ghettoization of immigrants from those zones.

We just need to not make the SAME mistakes. Create safe zones OVER THERE. Allow the dictators to resume their control.. When there is a semblance of order -- THEN rescue the ones unwilling to live under that crap..
That's our biggest delusion, one of which Bush was under the influence, that we could peddle freedom and democracy to people who have never known it and don't want it. The reason oppression of every kind, including religious, remains intact for centuries at a time is because it's so POPULAR. People like to be free, but more like to be ruled over. Consider how this country gained its independence through a minority of people who supported the cause, most people siding with Britain.

We can't change that culture, we can only protect ourselves from that culture coming here and polluting Western society.

And that's the key point. Religions of all flavors go rogue and brutal when a tryrannical govt USES that religion, and codifies it into civil law. It's the CULTURE that determine the threat. Which is why the USA with it's fairly established Muslim fraction is NOT yet in turmoil..

Heard on CNN last night. 10% of France is Muslim. The BULK 1st or 2nd generation Mid-East Arab. Their JAILS are 70% Muslim inmates. Now THAT'S a badge of failure. If we can understand how that happened, the USA does NOT need a war to protect itself. Don't ACCOMMODATE that sick culture. And Islam will never be a threat here.
If there jails are truly 70% muslim...then I have to wonder if other factors are at play (similar to incarceration rates for blacks here) - racial and ethnic bits and income inequalities. In France, there is a significant ghettoization of Muslims and far less upward mobility.

OR -- it could simply be failure to adapt to Western law and justice. It's a damning statistic. SOMETHING is very very wrong. I'm a fan of looking at the desparate effects of contact with the justice for the poor. There are issues there. But THIS --- is simply failure to adjust.
How do you know it is simply a failure to adjust rather than any other aspects? Are you simply assuming that is the case because they are Muslim? Many may have been there for generations.

What IS different in France is that many Muslims suffer from job discrimmination, remain relegated to low income jobs, are often ghettoized (both by choice and by French society) suffer higher rates of unemployment. Crime is more often driven by economic circumstances then by racial ones.

Those stats are 1st and 2nd generation immigrants. That's why. 2nd gen goes back to what? the 80s? or 70s?
They were BROUGHT IN for labor. Now given the socialist stupidity of the French were nobody really works a real 40 hour job and if they do, it's mostly at the employee's pace -- then it's STILL a monumental miscalc of how many foreign workers that France could absorb. --- IF it's economic.

Don't know -- but I intend to find out. Because HOWEVER that number came about -- the USA should NEVER make the mistakes leading up to that.
Oh it's the religion alright. Our job is simple....protect America, protect American citizens. To do that, we will deny freedom to cross our borders. when Muslims quit killing innocents and when they declare they value American society, perhaps we'll give them the green light to globetrot in and out of our country. Maybe.

Islam can be practiced perfectly peacefully by "western leaning" tolerant cultures. It's the importation of the culture that is the problem. So you can bluster about what you're gonna FORCE to happen. But the fact is -- Islam IS ALREADY westernized in America. We do not need a general religious war -- and then I AGREE -- further large immigration from these psycho countries needs to be brought to a slow trickle.

And who the fuck you gonna deny permission to cross the border? Our biz partners in that part of the world? Family? Hell no -- there is no sense to that. EVERY visa from those diseased zones should be scrutinized. But CLOSING the border to all Muslims or Arabs would be counter-productive.
The permanent closing to all immigrants are not what we are talking about. All immigrants must be vetted. We welcome any immigrant who intends to assimilate into our culture. It would not be prohibitive to demand that every immigrant has a job before coming to the US or the resources to be a productive member of our society.

We need to take a look at the demands that Mexico uses before allowing new immigrants to their country. We can do the same.
The permanent closing to all immigrants are not what we are talking about. All immigrants must be vetted. We welcome any immigrant who intends to assimilate into our culture. It would not be prohibitive to demand that every immigrant has a job before coming to the US or the resources to be a productive member of our society.

We need to take a look at the demands that Mexico uses before allowing new immigrants to their country. We can do the same.

Taking on responsible people is not in Democrats' interests.
That's our biggest delusion, one of which Bush was under the influence, that we could peddle freedom and democracy to people who have never known it and don't want it. The reason oppression of every kind, including religious, remains intact for centuries at a time is because it's so POPULAR. People like to be free, but more like to be ruled over. Consider how this country gained its independence through a minority of people who supported the cause, most people siding with Britain.

We can't change that culture, we can only protect ourselves from that culture coming here and polluting Western society.

And that's the key point. Religions of all flavors go rogue and brutal when a tryrannical govt USES that religion, and codifies it into civil law. It's the CULTURE that determine the threat. Which is why the USA with it's fairly established Muslim fraction is NOT yet in turmoil..

Heard on CNN last night. 10% of France is Muslim. The BULK 1st or 2nd generation Mid-East Arab. Their JAILS are 70% Muslim inmates. Now THAT'S a badge of failure. If we can understand how that happened, the USA does NOT need a war to protect itself. Don't ACCOMMODATE that sick culture. And Islam will never be a threat here.
If there jails are truly 70% muslim...then I have to wonder if other factors are at play (similar to incarceration rates for blacks here) - racial and ethnic bits and income inequalities. In France, there is a significant ghettoization of Muslims and far less upward mobility.

OR -- it could simply be failure to adapt to Western law and justice. It's a damning statistic. SOMETHING is very very wrong. I'm a fan of looking at the desparate effects of contact with the justice for the poor. There are issues there. But THIS --- is simply failure to adjust.
How do you know it is simply a failure to adjust rather than any other aspects? Are you simply assuming that is the case because they are Muslim? Many may have been there for generations.

What IS different in France is that many Muslims suffer from job discrimmination, remain relegated to low income jobs, are often ghettoized (both by choice and by French society) suffer higher rates of unemployment. Crime is more often driven by economic circumstances then by racial ones.

Those stats are 1st and 2nd generation immigrants. That's why. 2nd gen goes back to what? the 80s? or 70s?
They were BROUGHT IN for labor. Now given the socialist stupidity of the French were nobody really works a real 40 hour job and if they do, it's mostly at the employee's pace -- then it's STILL a monumental miscalc of how many foreign workers that France could absorb. --- IF it's economic.

Don't know -- but I intend to find out. Because HOWEVER that number came about -- the USA should NEVER make the mistakes leading up to that.
The US is completely different. The problem with bringing in guest workers is there is no prospect of citizenship, and a separation.
glad to see that you aren't afraid to show your contempt for the constitution
You're an idiot. An amended constitution will still be the constitution.
Well...get on it then. Hint: whining on a message board won't get the job done.
But 2/3 of both houses and two thirds of state legislatures will. It's an attainable goal.
I think you overestimate it...anyone with a reasonably rational mind knows that restricting religious freedom for some could lead to restricting it for others...like you.
Incorrect. The 1st Amendment was passed under the general understanding that all religions possess good will. They did not have direct dealings with a malevolent religion like Islam that is utterly intolerant of all others. It's not difficult to establish a criteria consistent with the sentiments of the ratifiers, that the only good religion is that which accepts your right not to be in it.

The safety of the people of this nation should have priority over a religion not native to this country, and in direct conflict with our major religion, which is Christianity. Time to start working smart and not make the mistakes Europe made.
The permanent closing to all immigrants are not what we are talking about. All immigrants must be vetted. We welcome any immigrant who intends to assimilate into our culture. It would not be prohibitive to demand that every immigrant has a job before coming to the US or the resources to be a productive member of our society.

We need to take a look at the demands that Mexico uses before allowing new immigrants to their country. We can do the same.

Taking on responsible people is not in Democrats' interests.
That's true. Responsible citizens are generally conservatives.
And that's the key point. Religions of all flavors go rogue and brutal when a tryrannical govt USES that religion, and codifies it into civil law. It's the CULTURE that determine the threat. Which is why the USA with it's fairly established Muslim fraction is NOT yet in turmoil..

Heard on CNN last night. 10% of France is Muslim. The BULK 1st or 2nd generation Mid-East Arab. Their JAILS are 70% Muslim inmates. Now THAT'S a badge of failure. If we can understand how that happened, the USA does NOT need a war to protect itself. Don't ACCOMMODATE that sick culture. And Islam will never be a threat here.
If there jails are truly 70% muslim...then I have to wonder if other factors are at play (similar to incarceration rates for blacks here) - racial and ethnic bits and income inequalities. In France, there is a significant ghettoization of Muslims and far less upward mobility.

OR -- it could simply be failure to adapt to Western law and justice. It's a damning statistic. SOMETHING is very very wrong. I'm a fan of looking at the desparate effects of contact with the justice for the poor. There are issues there. But THIS --- is simply failure to adjust.
How do you know it is simply a failure to adjust rather than any other aspects? Are you simply assuming that is the case because they are Muslim? Many may have been there for generations.

What IS different in France is that many Muslims suffer from job discrimmination, remain relegated to low income jobs, are often ghettoized (both by choice and by French society) suffer higher rates of unemployment. Crime is more often driven by economic circumstances then by racial ones.

Those stats are 1st and 2nd generation immigrants. That's why. 2nd gen goes back to what? the 80s? or 70s?
They were BROUGHT IN for labor. Now given the socialist stupidity of the French were nobody really works a real 40 hour job and if they do, it's mostly at the employee's pace -- then it's STILL a monumental miscalc of how many foreign workers that France could absorb. --- IF it's economic.

Don't know -- but I intend to find out. Because HOWEVER that number came about -- the USA should NEVER make the mistakes leading up to that.
The US is completely different. The problem with bringing in guest workers is there is no prospect of citizenship, and a separation.
Oh yes and our guest workers don't have as a tenant of their religion that all the world must submit to Catholicism or die.
The safety of the people of this nation should have priority over a religion not native to this country, and in direct conflict with our major religion, which is Christianity. Time to start working smart and not make the mistakes Europe made.
Islam can be practiced perfectly peacefully by "western leaning" tolerant cultures.

I'm glad you use the term "perfectly peacefully" in lieu of current events. It shows how deluded you and your ilk are.

We've had large Muslim communities for a hundred years. And those older generation American Muslims are a LOWER threat to you than your politicians. The INTOLERANCE and violence is incalcated in the psyches of people coming from current Arab cultures. They EXPECT not to be offended. TO be able to experience the justice system of a hell-hole like Sudan or Somalia. Because they were raised to believe that EVERYTHING western is evil. That's NOT solely an Islamic teaching. That's CULTURE. You practice Islam in a tolerant western society -- no problem.
You're an idiot. An amended constitution will still be the constitution.
Well...get on it then. Hint: whining on a message board won't get the job done.
But 2/3 of both houses and two thirds of state legislatures will. It's an attainable goal.
I think you overestimate it...anyone with a reasonably rational mind knows that restricting religious freedom for some could lead to restricting it for others...like you.
Incorrect. The 1st Amendment was passed under the general understanding that all religions possess good will. They did not have direct dealings with a malevolent religion like Islam that is utterly intolerant of all others. It's not difficult to establish a criteria consistent with the sentiments of the ratifiers, that the only good religion is that which accepts your right not to be in it.

The safety of the people of this nation should have priority over a religion not native to this country, and in direct conflict with our major religion, which is Christianity. Time to start working smart and not make the mistakes Europe made.

Christianity is not native either...it's an invasive species.
If there jails are truly 70% muslim...then I have to wonder if other factors are at play (similar to incarceration rates for blacks here) - racial and ethnic bits and income inequalities. In France, there is a significant ghettoization of Muslims and far less upward mobility.

OR -- it could simply be failure to adapt to Western law and justice. It's a damning statistic. SOMETHING is very very wrong. I'm a fan of looking at the desparate effects of contact with the justice for the poor. There are issues there. But THIS --- is simply failure to adjust.
How do you know it is simply a failure to adjust rather than any other aspects? Are you simply assuming that is the case because they are Muslim? Many may have been there for generations.

What IS different in France is that many Muslims suffer from job discrimmination, remain relegated to low income jobs, are often ghettoized (both by choice and by French society) suffer higher rates of unemployment. Crime is more often driven by economic circumstances then by racial ones.

Those stats are 1st and 2nd generation immigrants. That's why. 2nd gen goes back to what? the 80s? or 70s?
They were BROUGHT IN for labor. Now given the socialist stupidity of the French were nobody really works a real 40 hour job and if they do, it's mostly at the employee's pace -- then it's STILL a monumental miscalc of how many foreign workers that France could absorb. --- IF it's economic.

Don't know -- but I intend to find out. Because HOWEVER that number came about -- the USA should NEVER make the mistakes leading up to that.
The US is completely different. The problem with bringing in guest workers is there is no prospect of citizenship, and a separation.
Oh yes and our guest workers don't have as a tenant of their religion that all the world must submit to Catholicism or die.

Once upon a time...
And that's the key point. Religions of all flavors go rogue and brutal when a tryrannical govt USES that religion, and codifies it into civil law. It's the CULTURE that determine the threat. Which is why the USA with it's fairly established Muslim fraction is NOT yet in turmoil..

Heard on CNN last night. 10% of France is Muslim. The BULK 1st or 2nd generation Mid-East Arab. Their JAILS are 70% Muslim inmates. Now THAT'S a badge of failure. If we can understand how that happened, the USA does NOT need a war to protect itself. Don't ACCOMMODATE that sick culture. And Islam will never be a threat here.
If there jails are truly 70% muslim...then I have to wonder if other factors are at play (similar to incarceration rates for blacks here) - racial and ethnic bits and income inequalities. In France, there is a significant ghettoization of Muslims and far less upward mobility.

OR -- it could simply be failure to adapt to Western law and justice. It's a damning statistic. SOMETHING is very very wrong. I'm a fan of looking at the desparate effects of contact with the justice for the poor. There are issues there. But THIS --- is simply failure to adjust.
How do you know it is simply a failure to adjust rather than any other aspects? Are you simply assuming that is the case because they are Muslim? Many may have been there for generations.

What IS different in France is that many Muslims suffer from job discrimmination, remain relegated to low income jobs, are often ghettoized (both by choice and by French society) suffer higher rates of unemployment. Crime is more often driven by economic circumstances then by racial ones.

Those stats are 1st and 2nd generation immigrants. That's why. 2nd gen goes back to what? the 80s? or 70s?
They were BROUGHT IN for labor. Now given the socialist stupidity of the French were nobody really works a real 40 hour job and if they do, it's mostly at the employee's pace -- then it's STILL a monumental miscalc of how many foreign workers that France could absorb. --- IF it's economic.

Don't know -- but I intend to find out. Because HOWEVER that number came about -- the USA should NEVER make the mistakes leading up to that.
The US is completely different. The problem with bringing in guest workers is there is no prospect of citizenship, and a separation.

If we actually need workers brought into this country, which I doubt considering how many Americans are looking for work, why not bring in people with similar backgrounds and values? Immigration should be about what's good for America, not what's good for third worlders with nothing to offer but their many needs.
Well...get on it then. Hint: whining on a message board won't get the job done.
But 2/3 of both houses and two thirds of state legislatures will. It's an attainable goal.
I think you overestimate it...anyone with a reasonably rational mind knows that restricting religious freedom for some could lead to restricting it for others...like you.
Incorrect. The 1st Amendment was passed under the general understanding that all religions possess good will. They did not have direct dealings with a malevolent religion like Islam that is utterly intolerant of all others. It's not difficult to establish a criteria consistent with the sentiments of the ratifiers, that the only good religion is that which accepts your right not to be in it.

The safety of the people of this nation should have priority over a religion not native to this country, and in direct conflict with our major religion, which is Christianity. Time to start working smart and not make the mistakes Europe made.

Christianity is not native either...it's an invasive species.

If christianity is that bad, and such an invasive and unwelcome species, why don't you go to a country where you'll be around people you really like. Maybe Iran, Pakistan, or one of the other Muslim nations?

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