Time to declare War on Islam

We definitely will be soon coming to a time where any association with Sharia is going to get you charged with a felony..........it will be demanded by the people. It will be the most prolific no-brainer law ever written by Congress!!:coffee: Gingrich was talking about it the other day......the effect will be these fuckers will move the fuck back to whatever shithole they came from!!

And the law will save lives s0ns.........a lot of them because without it, the big boys realize that the nation will be seeing a ton of vigilantism and civil unrest like never seen...........and they wont be letting that happen.:2up::biggrin::biggrin:
Islam can be practiced perfectly peacefully by "western leaning" tolerant cultures.

I'm glad you use the term "perfectly peacefully" in lieu of current events. It shows how deluded you and your ilk are.

We've had large Muslim communities for a hundred years. And those older generation American Muslims are a LOWER threat to you than your politicians. The INTOLERANCE and violence is incalcated in the psyches of people coming from current Arab cultures. They EXPECT not to be offended. TO be able to experience the justice system of a hell-hole like Sudan or Somalia. Because they were raised to believe that EVERYTHING western is evil. That's NOT solely an Islamic teaching. That's CULTURE. You practice Islam in a tolerant western society -- no problem.

You know what. If the Muslims of the 40's, 50's tried this sh**. It would've been over. It wouldn't of took. So, there's culpability of our society's "tolerance" that you embrace. And being offended is absolutely no excuse for violence. ABSOLUTELY NO EXCUSE. And you're admitting their hatred that they bring; so, do the math.

There is a massive culture shock. It's a serious issue. And maybe we need the Miley Cyrus test to see who are likely to adapt. When you have a large EXISTING Muslim community -- it's pretty much up to THEM to help with the assimilation. But in Europe --- the rates were just WAY to high for ANY organization to help with the adjustments. You ever been to Jordan or Egypt? They are relatively TAME compared where a lot of these refugees are coming from -- but even THERE -- you'd get an IMMEDIATE feeling for how alien the culture is.
Responsibility for assimilation is with both the host country and the immigrant, both need to facilitate it and that is the difference between countries where it's successful and countries where it isn't. Also, the thing with guest workers, there is no incentive, they are there just to work, are mostly men, live in crowded dorm type conditions and are distinctly second class. No incentive, no investment.
Christianity is not native either...it's an invasive species.

Sounds like some good ole fashion bigotry. :thup:
Which...calling Islam non native or calling Christianity non native?

Of course you don't. To you, Islam is a religion of peace.
Mmhh no....it's just a religion. It's you all that keep bringing up the religion of peace. There is NO religion of peace...unless it's the Ba'hai or Jains maybe.
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We definitely will be soon coming to a time where any association with Sharia is going to get you charged with a felony..........it will be demanded by the people. It will be the most prolific no-brainer law ever written by Congress!!:coffee: Gingrich was talking about it the other day......the effect will be these fuckers will move the fuck back to whatever shithole they came from!!

And the law will save lives s0ns.........a lot of them because without it, the big boys realize that the nation will be seeing a ton of vigilantism and civil unrest like never seen...........and they wont be letting that happen.:2up::biggrin::biggrin:
As long as Christer Sharia is treated the same way.
Incorrect. The 1st Amendment was passed under the general understanding that all religions possess good will. They did not have direct dealings with a malevolent religion like Islam that is utterly intolerant of all others. It's not difficult to establish a criteria consistent with the sentiments of the ratifiers, that the only good religion is that which accepts your right not to be in it.

The safety of the people of this nation should have priority over a religion not native to this country, and in direct conflict with our major religion, which is Christianity. Time to start working smart and not make the mistakes Europe made.

Christianity is not native either...it's an invasive species.

If christianity is that bad, and such an invasive and unwelcome species, why don't you go to a country where you'll be around people you really like. Maybe Iran, Pakistan, or one of the other Muslim nations?
You are claiming Islam is not native...well neither is Christianity. I have no problem with either in the US, do you?

I'm claiming that christianity is native to the USA, which was formed back in the 18th century. Of course I know that there weren't christians here since the beginning of time. Why do you continue defending a religion which stirs up hate, discontent, and violence in every country it's people immigrate to?
It's an invader that forceably converted the indiginous people whose own beliefs were quite different. It was brought in from Europe.
Go back and read prior posts, I was talking about American Muslims because we are talking about stripping fundamental American rights from them.

Yet now you wish to point out that foreign Muslims cause the 9/11 tragedy and that we shouldn't put a moratorium on allowing them to come here.

Sorry but if the foreign ones are that way I see no reason to allow them to come here.

Just questioning which type of word they mean... It may add clarification on what Muslims are talking about.

I think it's better we stick with facts then conspiracy theory....

Facts are that most of the terrorist attacks around the world are perpetrated by Muslims... Even the recent Dallas police shootings of the BLM movement were perpetrated by a Muslim.

Neither of which have anything to do with Pew...deflection much? If you have evidence supporting your claim please feel free to present it.

Show me your evidence as to why I should have any reason to trust them and their results.

Nice deflection...again. In case you forgot, we are talking about American citizens and stripping away their rights because of their religion.

Thank you... And any time you mention that the 9/11 tragedy was perpetrated by Muslim foreigners I will make a point that we don't need to import them.

Again, we are talking about human beings, American citizens, not tools, stop trying to deflect.

No... Are they family to me in some immediate way? I think not.

Yes...like slavery once happened...I'm trying to figure out why you think that because it once happened it's "excusable" to do it again.

So did the Japanese interment and German-American suppression in more recent history. See any statues to the German-American soldier who filled uniforms for the United States in those two World Wars? Oh wait! You don't want to hear about that... Why should I care if the government does it once again to some other cultural group? They can learn to assimilate like all us other white folk since technically most of them are white anyway.

What evidence do you have that it's a minority of a minority? Or..is it just your opinion?

You're the one saying that radical Muslims compose a small segment of the Muslim population. So they must be a minority of the minority.....Unless you've changed your mind of course and are now saying that all Muslims are radicals.


If that's the case then screw them all and let God sort it out later.

And what does that have to do with anything?

Obviously you don't know the story of Abraham.

You should care because you are an American.

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You say that last part like it means something altruistic. I've done my time for king and country and don't see any reason to be any more altruistic than the government has treated my family in the past... The Muslims in this country can assimilate or be treated as any other cultural group that refuses to assimilate has been in the past.



We are and were talking about American Muslims and people who are trying to strip them of there rights by banning their religion.
That is what all of my comments are related to. You seem to be constantly trying to change the topic to worldwide terrorism.

Do you think the internment of Japanese Americans was a good thing? They were spat upon, lost jobs, property, dignity and were forced to live in horrible conditions. They had done nothing to warrant it. We finally apologized and made restitution, but that is nothing compared to lives destroyed.

You should care if it is being done to American citizens, it could be done to you.
Incorrect. The 1st Amendment was passed under the general understanding that all religions possess good will. They did not have direct dealings with a malevolent religion like Islam that is utterly intolerant of all others. It's not difficult to establish a criteria consistent with the sentiments of the ratifiers, that the only good religion is that which accepts your right not to be in it.

The safety of the people of this nation should have priority over a religion not native to this country, and in direct conflict with our major religion, which is Christianity. Time to start working smart and not make the mistakes Europe made.

Christianity is not native either...it's an invasive species.

If christianity is that bad, and such an invasive and unwelcome species, why don't you go to a country where you'll be around people you really like. Maybe Iran, Pakistan, or one of the other Muslim nations?
You are claiming Islam is not native...well neither is Christianity. I have no problem with either in the US, do you?
Christianity has been on this continent for 500 years and is the first unified, organized religion ever. My family has French Catholic roots from 100 years before America, my tribe among the first to make contact with missionaries. Among my people there was never a systemized, universal religion until the Christians came.

Just what does it take for a religion to be "native" here?
That is a good question then isn't it?

Islam has been here probably as long though always a minority.
If there jails are truly 70% muslim...then I have to wonder if other factors are at play (similar to incarceration rates for blacks here) - racial and ethnic bits and income inequalities. In France, there is a significant ghettoization of Muslims and far less upward mobility.

OR -- it could simply be failure to adapt to Western law and justice. It's a damning statistic. SOMETHING is very very wrong. I'm a fan of looking at the desparate effects of contact with the justice for the poor. There are issues there. But THIS --- is simply failure to adjust.
How do you know it is simply a failure to adjust rather than any other aspects? Are you simply assuming that is the case because they are Muslim? Many may have been there for generations.

What IS different in France is that many Muslims suffer from job discrimmination, remain relegated to low income jobs, are often ghettoized (both by choice and by French society) suffer higher rates of unemployment. Crime is more often driven by economic circumstances then by racial ones.

Those stats are 1st and 2nd generation immigrants. That's why. 2nd gen goes back to what? the 80s? or 70s?
They were BROUGHT IN for labor. Now given the socialist stupidity of the French were nobody really works a real 40 hour job and if they do, it's mostly at the employee's pace -- then it's STILL a monumental miscalc of how many foreign workers that France could absorb. --- IF it's economic.

Don't know -- but I intend to find out. Because HOWEVER that number came about -- the USA should NEVER make the mistakes leading up to that.
The US is completely different. The problem with bringing in guest workers is there is no prospect of citizenship, and a separation.

Why is that "a problem"? They are Guest workers. Not Americans to be. For the most part they send money HOME to their families. It's a deal THEY created and wanted.
I think the guest workers situation is different here then in europe.
Christianity is not native either...it's an invasive species.

Sounds like some good ole fashion bigotry. :thup:
Which...calling Islam non native or calling Christianity non native?

Of course you don't. To you, Islam is a religion of peace.
Mmhh no....it's just a religion. It's you all that keep bringing up the religion of peace. There is NO religion of peace...unless it's the Ba'hai or Jains maybe.

Doesn't matter. Your ignorance about Islam and your appeasement to it is a contributing factor in our inability to defeat our enemy. You're part of the problem.
Christianity is not native either...it's an invasive species.

Sounds like some good ole fashion bigotry. :thup:
Which...calling Islam non native or calling Christianity non native?

Of course you don't. To you, Islam is a religion of peace.
Mmhh no....it's just a religion. It's you all that keep bringing up the religion of peace. There is NO religion of peace...unless it's the Ba'hai or Jains maybe.

Doesn't matter. Your ignorance about Islam and your appeasement to it is a contributing factor in our inability to defeat our enemy. You're part of the problem.
Anyone who supports stripping away rights and freedoms from innocent American citizens isn't part of the problem, it IS the problem.
Islam is a religion. Period. It is people who are violent or peaceful.

Wrong. The source is the doctrine. It encourages, sanction and commands violence against the unbeliever. If your reason were true, we'd have Buddhists and Christians flying ariplanes into our skyscrapers. But we don't. You're ignorant on this topic.
I may profile a Muslim and even be generally distrustful of them until I know the person, but a War on Islam? Nope
We are and were talking about American Muslims and people who are trying to strip them of there rights by banning their religion.
That is what all of my comments are related to. You seem to be constantly trying to change the topic to worldwide terrorism.

Do you think the internment of Japanese Americans was a good thing? They were spat upon, lost jobs, property, dignity and were forced to live in horrible conditions. They had done nothing to warrant it. We finally apologized and made restitution, but that is nothing compared to lives destroyed.

You should care if it is being done to American citizens, it could be done to you.


Has any restitution, much less recognition, been given to the German-American people for what the United Stated government did to them during and after both those World Wars?

War Hysteria & the Persecution of German-Americans

I think not... and given your current response it never will happen. So if you don't like my attitude about handling the situation that really is to bad.

They're a just another group of frakking white people who need to assimilate or they can leave.


After all, they committed the first tens of thousands of attacks...
Not all Islamic believers are nuts.
Just like not all Christians are nuts.
Thanks for that utter load of (moral relativism) sh**.
You are welcome!
BTW, what's your problem with "moral" relativism? Are you egocentric as well as ethnocentric?
Anthropocentric too, i bet.
Ya need to get out into the world and smell the roses, not the shit in your "moral" hole.

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