Time to declare War on Islam

First Amendment?

Then the terrorists win if you give up your freedom to fight them.

The terrorist win when they get to murder people. Their First Amendment rights do not trump the right for people to live. Not sure how "we" would be giving up any First Amendment rights by banning Islamic terrorist teachings and recruiting.

In Germany they banned anything to do with Nazis. You can't even wear or draw a swastika. It certainly is a restriction on free speech, but it works for them.

So, you think freedom of religion should just be banned, and is comparable to the Germans banning Nazis stuff? Er...

If you ban one religion, then you've opened the doors for people to be forced to be religious and all of that. I don't want to live like that. And the terrorists have won. They're not doing what they're doing just to kill, though some of those carrying out the actions might be, but then they can't really lose, can they, just go to the US, killing is cultural there.
Don't ban Islam.

Just prevent Muslims from crossing borders. That should take care of it.
That too. Unfortunately because of abortion, existing Muslims may simply outbreed us, not to mention their highly successful prison recruiting program. Yes, we need to stop the inflow, but we need to ban it too.

Or need to stop there being reasons for Muslims to be angry.

Muslims weren't angry and violent AT ALL before the United States came along.
The safety of the people of this nation should have priority over a religion not native to this country, and in direct conflict with our major religion, which is Christianity. Time to start working smart and not make the mistakes Europe made.

Christianity is not native either...it's an invasive species.

If christianity is that bad, and such an invasive and unwelcome species, why don't you go to a country where you'll be around people you really like. Maybe Iran, Pakistan, or one of the other Muslim nations?
You are claiming Islam is not native...well neither is Christianity. I have no problem with either in the US, do you?
Christianity has been on this continent for 500 years and is the first unified, organized religion ever. My family has French Catholic roots from 100 years before America, my tribe among the first to make contact with missionaries. Among my people there was never a systemized, universal religion until the Christians came.

Just what does it take for a religion to be "native" here?
That is a good question then isn't it?

Islam has been here probably as long though always a minority.
Yes they were. Muslims were the first to capitalize on the commercial value of African slaves an establish a thriving international trade run out of the Port of Gibraltar and continued that trade until the 19th century when America and Britain banned slavery. Thanks for reminding us of yet another "contribution" of Islam, though I don't quite see how that aids your argument that it's a great religion.
I may profile a Muslim and even be generally distrustful of them until I know the person, but a War on Islam? Nope
I wonder what the innocent Christmas party victims thought about the 'Muslim couple' they "got to know" and invited to the Christmas party thought as the 'peaceful muslim couple were murdering them?
I KNOW the muslim sub-human degenerates were laughing about what a bunch of LIB. suckers who welcomed them into their lives were.
LIB Christmas party> Oxymoron as long as 'The Baby Jesus' is never mentioned that's OK.
LIBs are the FIRST idiots the muslim jihadists will exterminate. Why? Because the fucking LIB pussy cowards are too shit scared to hold a fucking gun let alone defend themselves with one.
The terrorist win when they get to murder people. Their First Amendment rights do not trump the right for people to live. Not sure how "we" would be giving up any First Amendment rights by banning Islamic terrorist teachings and recruiting.

In Germany they banned anything to do with Nazis. You can't even wear or draw a swastika. It certainly is a restriction on free speech, but it works for them.

So, you think freedom of religion should just be banned, and is comparable to the Germans banning Nazis stuff? Er...

If you ban one religion, then you've opened the doors for people to be forced to be religious and all of that. I don't want to live like that. And the terrorists have won. They're not doing what they're doing just to kill, though some of those carrying out the actions might be, but then they can't really lose, can they, just go to the US, killing is cultural there.
Don't ban Islam.

Just prevent Muslims from crossing borders. That should take care of it.
That too. Unfortunately because of abortion, existing Muslims may simply outbreed us, not to mention their highly successful prison recruiting program. Yes, we need to stop the inflow, but we need to ban it too.

Or need to stop there being reasons for Muslims to be angry.

Muslims weren't angry and violent AT ALL before the United States came along.

Oh, and neither were Christians, and both continue to be the perfect neighbors, don't you think?
I may profile a Muslim and even be generally distrustful of them until I know the person, but a War on Islam? Nope
I wonder what the innocent Christmas party victims thought about the 'Muslim couple' they "got to know" and invited to the Christmas party thought as the 'peaceful muslim couple were murdering them?
I KNOW the muslim sub-human degenerates were laughing about what a bunch of LIB. suckers who welcomed them into their lives were.
LIB Christmas party> Oxymoron as long as 'The Baby Jesus' is never mentioned that's OK.
LIBs are the FIRST idiots the muslim jihadists will exterminate. Why? Because the fucking LIB pussy cowards are too shit scared to hold a fucking gun let alone defend themselves with one.

Even as someone who admittedly would like to deport all arab muslims out of the West, there ARE some good muslims and it is those people who I feel for. Even in Israel there have been many examples of arab muslims protecting Israeli jews from harm from other arab muslims, or sheltering/shielding them after they were injured. These people are on my mind and the situation becomes more complex because of it.

My hope is that someone from a muslim country comes along and is able to lead a revolution/reformation of islam, forcing it to change/improve/modernize into something resembling a religion, and not the death cult/horror show that it is now. As it stands, islam is a cancer and to save the world - it MUST be reformed.
I may profile a Muslim and even be generally distrustful of them until I know the person, but a War on Islam? Nope
I wonder what the innocent Christmas party victims thought about the 'Muslim couple' they "got to know" and invited to the Christmas party thought as the 'peaceful muslim couple were murdering them?
I KNOW the muslim sub-human degenerates were laughing about what a bunch of LIB. suckers who welcomed them into their lives were.
LIB Christmas party> Oxymoron as long as 'The Baby Jesus' is never mentioned that's OK.
LIBs are the FIRST idiots the muslim jihadists will exterminate. Why? Because the fucking LIB pussy cowards are too shit scared to hold a fucking gun let alone defend themselves with one.

Even as someone who admittedly would like to deport all arab muslims out of the West, there ARE some good muslims and it is those people who I feel for. Even in Israel there have been many examples of arab muslims protecting Israeli jews from harm from other arab muslims, or sheltering/shielding them after they were injured. These people are on my mind and the situation becomes more complex because of it.

My hope is that someone from a muslim country comes along and is able to lead a revolution/reformation of islam, forcing it to change/improve/modernize into something resembling a religion, and not the death cult/horror show that it is now. As it stands, islam is a cancer and to save the world - it MUST be reformed.
No one is EVER going to "reform" radical Islamofascists. EVER!
These sub-humans 'live to die'.
It's like having a billion Charlie Manson clones around the world and trying to guess if any of them aren't going to cut your fucking head off the first chance they get.
The 'Christmas Party LIBS' found out the hard way.
Bet their remaining family members won't be inviting anymore "We got to know them and they are really good folk" muslims to anymore Christmas parties.
After all, they committed the first tens of thousands of attacks...
Not all Islamic believers are nuts.
Just like not all Christians are nuts.
Thanks for that utter load of (moral relativism) sh**.
You are welcome!
BTW, what's your problem with "moral" relativism? Are you egocentric as well as ethnocentric?
Anthropocentric too, i bet.
Ya need to get out into the world and smell the roses, not the shit in your "moral" hole.

So, you think a bunch of ad hom. attacks is gonna put Muslims on equal terms with others?
Anyone who supports stripping away rights and freedoms from innocent American citizens isn't part of the problem, it IS the problem.

Straw man. They aren't innocent.
you know what... fuck you you fucking nazi.

you clearly despise the united states and would clearly prefer to live under a totalitarian government. go find one.
Christianity is not native either...it's an invasive species.

If christianity is that bad, and such an invasive and unwelcome species, why don't you go to a country where you'll be around people you really like. Maybe Iran, Pakistan, or one of the other Muslim nations?
You are claiming Islam is not native...well neither is Christianity. I have no problem with either in the US, do you?
Christianity has been on this continent for 500 years and is the first unified, organized religion ever. My family has French Catholic roots from 100 years before America, my tribe among the first to make contact with missionaries. Among my people there was never a systemized, universal religion until the Christians came.

Just what does it take for a religion to be "native" here?
That is a good question then isn't it?

Islam has been here probably as long though always a minority.
Yes they were. Muslims were the first to capitalize on the commercial value of African slaves an establish a thriving international trade run out of the Port of Gibraltar and continued that trade until the 19th century when America and Britain banned slavery. Thanks for reminding us of yet another "contribution" of Islam, though I don't quite see how that aids your argument that it's a great religion.
let me get this straight... you seem to hold only muslims responsible for american slavery... is that right?
Well, there are over 2 billion Muslims in the world. Which ones are we at war with? Should we just kill them all, or should we spare the women and children? I suspect that boys under 13 can be spared, too. If we go to war on Muslims, Saudi Arabia will be upset with us, so we would have to kill them, too, since they have the petroleum. I'm a little confused as to how we will know for sure which are muslims, and which are not. I don't think they have membership cards in their wallets. What about non-practicing Muslims?
Well, there are over 2 billion Muslims in the world. Which ones are we at war with?

Reclassify Islam as a seditious cult and ban it's practice on American soil. They'll leave all by their onsies.

The Constitution is on display in Washington DC. You can bring a portable shredder and a hammer to get through the glass case, and your dream can come true!
Well, there are over 2 billion Muslims in the world. Which ones are we at war with?

Reclassify Islam as a seditious cult and ban it's practice on American soil. They'll leave all by their onsies.

The Constitution is on display in Washington DC. You can bring a portable shredder and a hammer to get through the glass case, and your dream can come true!

Sedition isn't a protected activity.
The Constitution is on display in Washington DC. You can bring a portable shredder and a hammer to get through the glass case, and your dream can come true!

According to your idiotic reasoning, child abuse and murder is Constitutionally protected as long as their under the label of 'religion'.

Oh wait.... we already have that. It's called Islam.
The Constitution is on display in Washington DC. You can bring a portable shredder and a hammer to get through the glass case, and your dream can come true!

According to your idiotic reasoning, child abuse and murder is Constitutionally protected as long as their under the label of 'religion'.

Oh wait.... we already have that. It's called Islam.

Don't give up your day job to practice law. Bry. But there is a place for you on the Trump bandwagon!

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