Time to declare War on Islam

After all, they committed the first tens of thousands of attacks...
Not all Islamic believers are nuts.
Just like not all Christians are nuts.
Thanks for that utter load of (moral relativism) sh**.
You are welcome!
BTW, what's your problem with "moral" relativism? Are you egocentric as well as ethnocentric?
Anthropocentric too, i bet.
Ya need to get out into the world and smell the roses, not the shit in your "moral" hole.
So, you think a bunch of ad hom. attacks is gonna put Muslims on equal terms with others?
Islam is an embarrassment to humanity and reason, much worse than other religions.

The groups who practice conservative interpretations of the Quran & its Hadiths should be exterminated under codes of human rights & child abuse.
I feel very sorry for those innocent kids born into conservative Muslim families, more so than unfortunate kids in other religious families.
Christianity is not native either...it's an invasive species.

If christianity is that bad, and such an invasive and unwelcome species, why don't you go to a country where you'll be around people you really like. Maybe Iran, Pakistan, or one of the other Muslim nations?
You are claiming Islam is not native...well neither is Christianity. I have no problem with either in the US, do you?
Christianity has been on this continent for 500 years and is the first unified, organized religion ever. My family has French Catholic roots from 100 years before America, my tribe among the first to make contact with missionaries. Among my people there was never a systemized, universal religion until the Christians came.

Just what does it take for a religion to be "native" here?
That is a good question then isn't it?

Islam has been here probably as long though always a minority.
Yes they were. Muslims were the first to capitalize on the commercial value of African slaves an establish a thriving international trade run out of the Port of Gibraltar and continued that trade until the 19th century when America and Britain banned slavery. Thanks for reminding us of yet another "contribution" of Islam, though I don't quite see how that aids your argument that it's a great religion.

I think that is a very shallow attempt to duck responsibility. The Atlantic slave trade had sellers and buyers who resold and those who bought and abused. Slavery included evil at all ends - it also included those who BRED human beings and sold their children as slaves. Muslim Arabs were a part of that chain but you can't whitewash the contribution Christian Americans from it as much as you would like to. It was an evil industry.
The Constitution is on display in Washington DC. You can bring a portable shredder and a hammer to get through the glass case, and your dream can come true!

According to your idiotic reasoning, child abuse and murder is Constitutionally protected as long as their under the label of 'religion'.

Oh wait.... we already have that. It's called Islam.

Nice dodge or maybe it's a display of ignorance. No right is unlimited. You do realize that don't you?
So you are all for repealing the 1st Amendment?
Amending it. The reason there's an amendment process is to allow us to change it when needed. The 1st Amendment was designed for religions of good will, even atheists and agnostics, not religions that has as its central tenant the violent subjugation of all other religions. Islam can be banned in America and it can be completely constitutional.

That's not the central tenant of Islam, but keep trying chip away at religious freedom. Eventually, they may even come for yours.
Isn't it you people who claim the 2nd Amendment never envisioned repeating rifles with high capacity magazines?

No right is unlimited. That includes the right to bear arms, free speech and religion. No religion has the right to forceably convert, conduct human sacrifice, etc.

It is the central tenant of Islam based on the fact that THEY HAVE BEEN DOING IT FOR THE LAST 1300 YEARS! Pretending a crocodile is a kitten and letting it play with your toddler is the very essence of Leftist insanity. Banning Islam by Constitutional amendment is a return to sane thinking.

Well no, it really isn't, and if it were for the last 1300 years there certainly wouldn't have been long periods of stability and co-existence with other religions in that 1300 years. What a pity people can't be bothered to learn history anymore.

Banning ANY religion is the first step towards fascism and if you are a person of faith you ought to be scared shitless at the idea.
I'm scared shitless of Americans being slaughtered by the dozens in our streets. These things don't happen in China or Japan where Islam is regulated. The difference between life and death makes all your silly philosophical arguments irrelevant. As it was once famously said, "The Constitution is not a suicide pact."

Actually, it's not regulated in Japan. That's one of those things that get repeated so often people assume it's true and don't bother to look any further.

Muslims in Japan
Becoming legally Japanese: Can Muslims acquire Japanese citizenship/nationality or permanent residency?
Gingrich ftmfw...:rock:...has really gotten this ball rolling on the idea of making it a felony if any cretin is found in support of Sharia.......even up here in liberal Massacheusetts people are talking about it, "go..........go............go". The majority always gravitates to common sense stuff when they realize progressive stuff is getting them boned in the pooper.
We get one or two more of these hits here, this "FUCK SHARIA!!" concept is going to take off like Pokemon on steroids.:deal: The peoples gonna demand this one s0ns!!!
You don't even know what Sharia is skooks....you going to make it a felony to eat halal then? How about praying 5 times a day or facing Mecca? How about not drinking alcohal or giving zakat (charity) to the poor?
I think that Newt should get himself reelected to congress (A miracle in itself!) and introduce a declaration of war on exactly who we should be at war with. It would have to be rather concise. I don't think that "all muslims" will fly. It might be tough saying "all muslims in Turkey", without offending Turkey, itself, which is our NATO ally. Maybe something like, "Somalia muslims" would work, but if we won, what the hell would we do with the place? Besides that, the place is so anarchistic that only killing them all would work. Perhaps it could read, "All radical muslims in countries that we are not on good terms with" would work. Again, we don't want to piss off Saudi Arabia. Maybe we could say, "all muslims who do not "like" us on Facebook". We could always go the baby Bush approach, and declare that everyone is either with us, or against us, and then force them to check off which answer applies. i know a lady who went to the emergency room in my town who refused to be treated by anyone wearing a turban. Maybe we should declare war on everyone who wears one, or owns a Koran, or a prayer rug...

These are sad times when we can not define just exactly who we want to kill.
If christianity is that bad, and such an invasive and unwelcome species, why don't you go to a country where you'll be around people you really like. Maybe Iran, Pakistan, or one of the other Muslim nations?
You are claiming Islam is not native...well neither is Christianity. I have no problem with either in the US, do you?
Christianity has been on this continent for 500 years and is the first unified, organized religion ever. My family has French Catholic roots from 100 years before America, my tribe among the first to make contact with missionaries. Among my people there was never a systemized, universal religion until the Christians came.

Just what does it take for a religion to be "native" here?
That is a good question then isn't it?

Islam has been here probably as long though always a minority.
Yes they were. Muslims were the first to capitalize on the commercial value of African slaves an establish a thriving international trade run out of the Port of Gibraltar and continued that trade until the 19th century when America and Britain banned slavery. Thanks for reminding us of yet another "contribution" of Islam, though I don't quite see how that aids your argument that it's a great religion.

I think that is a very shallow attempt to duck responsibility. The Atlantic slave trade had sellers and buyers who resold and those who bought and abused. Slavery included evil at all ends - it also included those who BRED human beings and sold their children as slaves. Muslim Arabs were a part of that chain but you can't whitewash the contribution Christian Americans from it as much as you would like to. It was an evil industry.
There was no attempt to. You just read that into my post. But while America is blamed over and over for slavery by the Left, Muslims get a pass. In fact you don't hold them accountable for anything. That's called the Soft Bigotry Of Low Expectations.
Amending it. The reason there's an amendment process is to allow us to change it when needed. The 1st Amendment was designed for religions of good will, even atheists and agnostics, not religions that has as its central tenant the violent subjugation of all other religions. Islam can be banned in America and it can be completely constitutional.

That's not the central tenant of Islam, but keep trying chip away at religious freedom. Eventually, they may even come for yours.
Isn't it you people who claim the 2nd Amendment never envisioned repeating rifles with high capacity magazines?

No right is unlimited. That includes the right to bear arms, free speech and religion. No religion has the right to forceably convert, conduct human sacrifice, etc.

It is the central tenant of Islam based on the fact that THEY HAVE BEEN DOING IT FOR THE LAST 1300 YEARS! Pretending a crocodile is a kitten and letting it play with your toddler is the very essence of Leftist insanity. Banning Islam by Constitutional amendment is a return to sane thinking.

Well no, it really isn't, and if it were for the last 1300 years there certainly wouldn't have been long periods of stability and co-existence with other religions in that 1300 years. What a pity people can't be bothered to learn history anymore.

Banning ANY religion is the first step towards fascism and if you are a person of faith you ought to be scared shitless at the idea.
I'm scared shitless of Americans being slaughtered by the dozens in our streets. These things don't happen in China or Japan where Islam is regulated. The difference between life and death makes all your silly philosophical arguments irrelevant. As it was once famously said, "The Constitution is not a suicide pact."

Actually, it's not regulated in Japan. That's one of those things that get repeated so often people assume it's true and don't bother to look any further.

Muslims in Japan
Becoming legally Japanese: Can Muslims acquire Japanese citizenship/nationality or permanent residency?
I didn't say it was prohibited, I said it was regulated. And the complaints on these regulations come from Muslims themselves.

Japan: The Land Without Muslims
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You are claiming Islam is not native...well neither is Christianity. I have no problem with either in the US, do you?
Christianity has been on this continent for 500 years and is the first unified, organized religion ever. My family has French Catholic roots from 100 years before America, my tribe among the first to make contact with missionaries. Among my people there was never a systemized, universal religion until the Christians came.

Just what does it take for a religion to be "native" here?
That is a good question then isn't it?

Islam has been here probably as long though always a minority.
Yes they were. Muslims were the first to capitalize on the commercial value of African slaves an establish a thriving international trade run out of the Port of Gibraltar and continued that trade until the 19th century when America and Britain banned slavery. Thanks for reminding us of yet another "contribution" of Islam, though I don't quite see how that aids your argument that it's a great religion.

I think that is a very shallow attempt to duck responsibility. The Atlantic slave trade had sellers and buyers who resold and those who bought and abused. Slavery included evil at all ends - it also included those who BRED human beings and sold their children as slaves. Muslim Arabs were a part of that chain but you can't whitewash the contribution Christian Americans from it as much as you would like to. It was an evil industry.
There was no attempt to. You just read that into my post. But while America is blamed over and over for slavery by the Left, Muslims get a pass. In fact you don't hold them accountable for anything. That's called the Soft Bigotry Of Low Expectations.

Just a query but why would we in the US hold them accountable for slavery in the US - it was our politics, our culture and our economy that kept slavery going far beyond when it was ended in other civilized countries. I don't hold them equally accountable - nor do I hold the African's who rounded up and sold captives - because they aren't Americans - they did not perpetuate it in America, and even after the trans-Atlantic slave trade ended - Americans were still breeding and using slaves. So should they be held accountable? Yes, in the sense that every piece of the chain is - but when it comes to slavery in America - it's US who are accountable and trying to spread it out is avoiding that reality. And there is no "religion" bashing in that either because Christians were also in the forefront of abolition, for religious reasons.
Christianity has been on this continent for 500 years and is the first unified, organized religion ever. My family has French Catholic roots from 100 years before America, my tribe among the first to make contact with missionaries. Among my people there was never a systemized, universal religion until the Christians came.

Just what does it take for a religion to be "native" here?
That is a good question then isn't it?

Islam has been here probably as long though always a minority.
Yes they were. Muslims were the first to capitalize on the commercial value of African slaves an establish a thriving international trade run out of the Port of Gibraltar and continued that trade until the 19th century when America and Britain banned slavery. Thanks for reminding us of yet another "contribution" of Islam, though I don't quite see how that aids your argument that it's a great religion.

I think that is a very shallow attempt to duck responsibility. The Atlantic slave trade had sellers and buyers who resold and those who bought and abused. Slavery included evil at all ends - it also included those who BRED human beings and sold their children as slaves. Muslim Arabs were a part of that chain but you can't whitewash the contribution Christian Americans from it as much as you would like to. It was an evil industry.
There was no attempt to. You just read that into my post. But while America is blamed over and over for slavery by the Left, Muslims get a pass. In fact you don't hold them accountable for anything. That's called the Soft Bigotry Of Low Expectations.

Just a query but why would we in the US hold them accountable for slavery in the US - it was our politics, our culture and our economy that kept slavery going far beyond when it was ended in other civilized countries. I don't hold them equally accountable - nor do I hold the African's who rounded up and sold captives - because they aren't Americans - they did not perpetuate it in America, and even after the trans-Atlantic slave trade ended - Americans were still breeding and using slaves. So should they be held accountable? Yes, in the sense that every piece of the chain is - but when it comes to slavery in America - it's US who are accountable and trying to spread it out is avoiding that reality. And there is no "religion" bashing in that either because Christians were also in the forefront of abolition, for religious reasons.
You people keep lecturing everyone on slavery as if there are still holdouts saying it was ok. There isn't. You do this to keep black people, lo these 150 years later, as permanent victims of historic injustice. Yet somehow this doesn't appy to Muslims who oppress women, kill gays, persecute religious minorities TODAY. And yes, this discussion is not confined to just America because as the song famously touts, "We Are The World."
Amending it. The reason there's an amendment process is to allow us to change it when needed. The 1st Amendment was designed for religions of good will, even atheists and agnostics, not religions that has as its central tenant the violent subjugation of all other religions. Islam can be banned in America and it can be completely constitutional.

That's not the central tenant of Islam, but keep trying chip away at religious freedom. Eventually, they may even come for yours.
Isn't it you people who claim the 2nd Amendment never envisioned repeating rifles with high capacity magazines?

No right is unlimited. That includes the right to bear arms, free speech and religion. No religion has the right to forceably convert, conduct human sacrifice, etc.

It is the central tenant of Islam based on the fact that THEY HAVE BEEN DOING IT FOR THE LAST 1300 YEARS! Pretending a crocodile is a kitten and letting it play with your toddler is the very essence of Leftist insanity. Banning Islam by Constitutional amendment is a return to sane thinking.

Well no, it really isn't, and if it were for the last 1300 years there certainly wouldn't have been long periods of stability and co-existence with other religions in that 1300 years. What a pity people can't be bothered to learn history anymore.

Banning ANY religion is the first step towards fascism and if you are a person of faith you ought to be scared shitless at the idea.
I'm scared shitless of Americans being slaughtered by the dozens in our streets. These things don't happen in China or Japan where Islam is regulated. The difference between life and death makes all your silly philosophical arguments irrelevant. As it was once famously said, "The Constitution is not a suicide pact."

Actually, it's not regulated in Japan. That's one of those things that get repeated so often people assume it's true and don't bother to look any further.

Muslims in Japan
Becoming legally Japanese: Can Muslims acquire Japanese citizenship/nationality or permanent residency?

Yawn...arguing points never made. Japan does forbid muslims to enter their country. But they don't invite them in...and it's a crime to engage in the muslim form of evangelism.
The Land without Muslims
That's not the central tenant of Islam, but keep trying chip away at religious freedom. Eventually, they may even come for yours.
Isn't it you people who claim the 2nd Amendment never envisioned repeating rifles with high capacity magazines?

No right is unlimited. That includes the right to bear arms, free speech and religion. No religion has the right to forceably convert, conduct human sacrifice, etc.

It is the central tenant of Islam based on the fact that THEY HAVE BEEN DOING IT FOR THE LAST 1300 YEARS! Pretending a crocodile is a kitten and letting it play with your toddler is the very essence of Leftist insanity. Banning Islam by Constitutional amendment is a return to sane thinking.

Well no, it really isn't, and if it were for the last 1300 years there certainly wouldn't have been long periods of stability and co-existence with other religions in that 1300 years. What a pity people can't be bothered to learn history anymore.

Banning ANY religion is the first step towards fascism and if you are a person of faith you ought to be scared shitless at the idea.
I'm scared shitless of Americans being slaughtered by the dozens in our streets. These things don't happen in China or Japan where Islam is regulated. The difference between life and death makes all your silly philosophical arguments irrelevant. As it was once famously said, "The Constitution is not a suicide pact."

Actually, it's not regulated in Japan. That's one of those things that get repeated so often people assume it's true and don't bother to look any further.

Muslims in Japan
Becoming legally Japanese: Can Muslims acquire Japanese citizenship/nationality or permanent residency?
I didn't say it was prohibited, I said it was regulated. And the complaints on these regulations come from Muslims themselves.

Japan: The Land Without Muslims

I think many of the claims in that article are false - debunked by the sources I posted.

For example, from your link:
It is interesting to know that there is a country in the world whose official and public approach to the Muslim matter is totally different. This country is Japan. This country keeps a very low profile on all levels regarding the Muslim matter: On the diplomatic level, senior political figures from Islamic countries almost never visit Japan, and Japanese leaders rarely visit Muslim countries. The relations with Muslim countries are based on concerns such as oil and gas, which Japan imports from some Muslim countries. The official policy of Japan is not to give citizenship to Muslims who come to Japan, and even permits for permanent residency are given sparingly to Muslims.

From the Snopes link I posted:

For instance, the claim that Japan is the only nation that does not give citizenship to Muslims is false. According to Becoming Legally Japanese, a web site dedicated to immigration issues in Japan, the application form for Japanese citizenship does not require applicants to identify their religion:

There is no place anywhere on the written application where one specifies their religion or creed. Nor have I read anywhere about anyone being asked about their religious beliefs in the verbal interviews.

Because there is no place on the written online application for one's religion, the Ministry of Justice can't publish statistics showing the religions (or races) of naturalization candidates; they can only publish sex and former nationality statistics.​

The same is true of your source's claim that Japan does not give citizenship to Muslims - there is NO place for religion on any of the paperwork, and Muslims are naturalized the same as any other group.

Your article is full of these kind of claims and doesn't provide a single source to back up it's claims.
After all, they committed the first tens of thousands of attacks...

Radical Islamic Terrorists have declared war on us already. As they drastically increase their horrific terrorist attacks around the world, Lame Duck President Barack Hussein Obama is trying to pretend ISIS does not exist. He is desperately trying to run out the clock so he can hand off the nightmare he has created to anyone else. He doesn't have clue.
That's not the central tenant of Islam, but keep trying chip away at religious freedom. Eventually, they may even come for yours.
Isn't it you people who claim the 2nd Amendment never envisioned repeating rifles with high capacity magazines?

No right is unlimited. That includes the right to bear arms, free speech and religion. No religion has the right to forceably convert, conduct human sacrifice, etc.

It is the central tenant of Islam based on the fact that THEY HAVE BEEN DOING IT FOR THE LAST 1300 YEARS! Pretending a crocodile is a kitten and letting it play with your toddler is the very essence of Leftist insanity. Banning Islam by Constitutional amendment is a return to sane thinking.

Well no, it really isn't, and if it were for the last 1300 years there certainly wouldn't have been long periods of stability and co-existence with other religions in that 1300 years. What a pity people can't be bothered to learn history anymore.

Banning ANY religion is the first step towards fascism and if you are a person of faith you ought to be scared shitless at the idea.
I'm scared shitless of Americans being slaughtered by the dozens in our streets. These things don't happen in China or Japan where Islam is regulated. The difference between life and death makes all your silly philosophical arguments irrelevant. As it was once famously said, "The Constitution is not a suicide pact."

Actually, it's not regulated in Japan. That's one of those things that get repeated so often people assume it's true and don't bother to look any further.

Muslims in Japan
Becoming legally Japanese: Can Muslims acquire Japanese citizenship/nationality or permanent residency?

Yawn...arguing points never made. Japan does forbid muslims to enter their country. But they don't invite them in...and it's a crime to engage in the muslim form of evangelism.
The Land without Muslims
She's stuck on stupid, won't even listen to Japanese Muslims themselves who verify these restrictions.
Isn't it you people who claim the 2nd Amendment never envisioned repeating rifles with high capacity magazines?

No right is unlimited. That includes the right to bear arms, free speech and religion. No religion has the right to forceably convert, conduct human sacrifice, etc.

It is the central tenant of Islam based on the fact that THEY HAVE BEEN DOING IT FOR THE LAST 1300 YEARS! Pretending a crocodile is a kitten and letting it play with your toddler is the very essence of Leftist insanity. Banning Islam by Constitutional amendment is a return to sane thinking.

Well no, it really isn't, and if it were for the last 1300 years there certainly wouldn't have been long periods of stability and co-existence with other religions in that 1300 years. What a pity people can't be bothered to learn history anymore.

Banning ANY religion is the first step towards fascism and if you are a person of faith you ought to be scared shitless at the idea.
I'm scared shitless of Americans being slaughtered by the dozens in our streets. These things don't happen in China or Japan where Islam is regulated. The difference between life and death makes all your silly philosophical arguments irrelevant. As it was once famously said, "The Constitution is not a suicide pact."

Actually, it's not regulated in Japan. That's one of those things that get repeated so often people assume it's true and don't bother to look any further.

Muslims in Japan
Becoming legally Japanese: Can Muslims acquire Japanese citizenship/nationality or permanent residency?

Yawn...arguing points never made. Japan does forbid muslims to enter their country. But they don't invite them in...and it's a crime to engage in the muslim form of evangelism.
The Land without Muslims
She's stuck on stupid, won't even listen to Japanese Muslims themselves who verify these restrictions.
Oh I know but I still enjoy pointing out her idiocy.
That's not the central tenant of Islam, but keep trying chip away at religious freedom. Eventually, they may even come for yours.
Isn't it you people who claim the 2nd Amendment never envisioned repeating rifles with high capacity magazines?

No right is unlimited. That includes the right to bear arms, free speech and religion. No religion has the right to forceably convert, conduct human sacrifice, etc.

It is the central tenant of Islam based on the fact that THEY HAVE BEEN DOING IT FOR THE LAST 1300 YEARS! Pretending a crocodile is a kitten and letting it play with your toddler is the very essence of Leftist insanity. Banning Islam by Constitutional amendment is a return to sane thinking.

Well no, it really isn't, and if it were for the last 1300 years there certainly wouldn't have been long periods of stability and co-existence with other religions in that 1300 years. What a pity people can't be bothered to learn history anymore.

Banning ANY religion is the first step towards fascism and if you are a person of faith you ought to be scared shitless at the idea.
I'm scared shitless of Americans being slaughtered by the dozens in our streets. These things don't happen in China or Japan where Islam is regulated. The difference between life and death makes all your silly philosophical arguments irrelevant. As it was once famously said, "The Constitution is not a suicide pact."

Actually, it's not regulated in Japan. That's one of those things that get repeated so often people assume it's true and don't bother to look any further.

Muslims in Japan
Becoming legally Japanese: Can Muslims acquire Japanese citizenship/nationality or permanent residency?

Yawn...arguing points never made. Japan does forbid muslims to enter their country. But they don't invite them in...and it's a crime to engage in the muslim form of evangelism.
The Land without Muslims

Japan does not forbid Muslims. They are treated like any other foreigner in Japan.

Japan's constitution guarantees complete freedom of religion while forbidding religious involvement in politics. This applies to all religions.
No religious organization shall receive any privileges from the State, nor exercise any political authority. 2) No person shall be compelled to take part in any religious acts, celebration, rite or practice. 3) The State and its organs shall refrain from religious education or any other religious activity.

Proselytizing is not forbidden, and most Muslims proselytize in much the same way as most Christians. Neither face any restrictions.

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