Time to declare War on Islam

Isn't it you people who claim the 2nd Amendment never envisioned repeating rifles with high capacity magazines?

No right is unlimited. That includes the right to bear arms, free speech and religion. No religion has the right to forceably convert, conduct human sacrifice, etc.

It is the central tenant of Islam based on the fact that THEY HAVE BEEN DOING IT FOR THE LAST 1300 YEARS! Pretending a crocodile is a kitten and letting it play with your toddler is the very essence of Leftist insanity. Banning Islam by Constitutional amendment is a return to sane thinking.

Well no, it really isn't, and if it were for the last 1300 years there certainly wouldn't have been long periods of stability and co-existence with other religions in that 1300 years. What a pity people can't be bothered to learn history anymore.

Banning ANY religion is the first step towards fascism and if you are a person of faith you ought to be scared shitless at the idea.
I'm scared shitless of Americans being slaughtered by the dozens in our streets. These things don't happen in China or Japan where Islam is regulated. The difference between life and death makes all your silly philosophical arguments irrelevant. As it was once famously said, "The Constitution is not a suicide pact."

Actually, it's not regulated in Japan. That's one of those things that get repeated so often people assume it's true and don't bother to look any further.

Muslims in Japan
Becoming legally Japanese: Can Muslims acquire Japanese citizenship/nationality or permanent residency?

Yawn...arguing points never made. Japan does forbid muslims to enter their country. But they don't invite them in...and it's a crime to engage in the muslim form of evangelism.
The Land without Muslims
She's stuck on stupid, won't even listen to Japanese Muslims themselves who verify these restrictions.

I think the "stupid" part is coming from the one who is ignoring the Japanese constitution and law.

Show me where religion identified on residency paperwork in Japan.
How about the laws or parts of the Japanese Constitution that place limits on Muslims?
No right is unlimited. That includes the right to bear arms, free speech and religion. No religion has the right to forceably convert, conduct human sacrifice, etc.

Well no, it really isn't, and if it were for the last 1300 years there certainly wouldn't have been long periods of stability and co-existence with other religions in that 1300 years. What a pity people can't be bothered to learn history anymore.

Banning ANY religion is the first step towards fascism and if you are a person of faith you ought to be scared shitless at the idea.
I'm scared shitless of Americans being slaughtered by the dozens in our streets. These things don't happen in China or Japan where Islam is regulated. The difference between life and death makes all your silly philosophical arguments irrelevant. As it was once famously said, "The Constitution is not a suicide pact."

Actually, it's not regulated in Japan. That's one of those things that get repeated so often people assume it's true and don't bother to look any further.

Muslims in Japan
Becoming legally Japanese: Can Muslims acquire Japanese citizenship/nationality or permanent residency?

Yawn...arguing points never made. Japan does forbid muslims to enter their country. But they don't invite them in...and it's a crime to engage in the muslim form of evangelism.
The Land without Muslims
She's stuck on stupid, won't even listen to Japanese Muslims themselves who verify these restrictions.
Oh I know but I still enjoy pointing out her idiocy.

No right is unlimited. That includes the right to bear arms, free speech and religion. No religion has the right to forceably convert, conduct human sacrifice, etc.

Well no, it really isn't, and if it were for the last 1300 years there certainly wouldn't have been long periods of stability and co-existence with other religions in that 1300 years. What a pity people can't be bothered to learn history anymore.

Banning ANY religion is the first step towards fascism and if you are a person of faith you ought to be scared shitless at the idea.
I'm scared shitless of Americans being slaughtered by the dozens in our streets. These things don't happen in China or Japan where Islam is regulated. The difference between life and death makes all your silly philosophical arguments irrelevant. As it was once famously said, "The Constitution is not a suicide pact."

Actually, it's not regulated in Japan. That's one of those things that get repeated so often people assume it's true and don't bother to look any further.

Muslims in Japan
Becoming legally Japanese: Can Muslims acquire Japanese citizenship/nationality or permanent residency?

Yawn...arguing points never made. Japan does forbid muslims to enter their country. But they don't invite them in...and it's a crime to engage in the muslim form of evangelism.
The Land without Muslims
She's stuck on stupid, won't even listen to Japanese Muslims themselves who verify these restrictions.
Oh I know but I still enjoy pointing out her idiocy.

So far the only idiot here, where it comes to Japan...is...you.

But feel free to provide examples of the laws restricting Islam in Japan.....
Isn't it you people who claim the 2nd Amendment never envisioned repeating rifles with high capacity magazines?

No right is unlimited. That includes the right to bear arms, free speech and religion. No religion has the right to forceably convert, conduct human sacrifice, etc.

It is the central tenant of Islam based on the fact that THEY HAVE BEEN DOING IT FOR THE LAST 1300 YEARS! Pretending a crocodile is a kitten and letting it play with your toddler is the very essence of Leftist insanity. Banning Islam by Constitutional amendment is a return to sane thinking.

Well no, it really isn't, and if it were for the last 1300 years there certainly wouldn't have been long periods of stability and co-existence with other religions in that 1300 years. What a pity people can't be bothered to learn history anymore.

Banning ANY religion is the first step towards fascism and if you are a person of faith you ought to be scared shitless at the idea.
I'm scared shitless of Americans being slaughtered by the dozens in our streets. These things don't happen in China or Japan where Islam is regulated. The difference between life and death makes all your silly philosophical arguments irrelevant. As it was once famously said, "The Constitution is not a suicide pact."

Actually, it's not regulated in Japan. That's one of those things that get repeated so often people assume it's true and don't bother to look any further.

Muslims in Japan
Becoming legally Japanese: Can Muslims acquire Japanese citizenship/nationality or permanent residency?

Yawn...arguing points never made. Japan does forbid muslims to enter their country. But they don't invite them in...and it's a crime to engage in the muslim form of evangelism.
The Land without Muslims
She's stuck on stupid, won't even listen to Japanese Muslims themselves who verify these restrictions.

Your article contains no quotes or words from Japanese Muslims and nothing "verifying" those restrictions. Did you post the wrong article or does it not exist?
I'm scared shitless of Americans being slaughtered by the dozens in our streets. These things don't happen in China or Japan where Islam is regulated. The difference between life and death makes all your silly philosophical arguments irrelevant. As it was once famously said, "The Constitution is not a suicide pact."

Actually, it's not regulated in Japan. That's one of those things that get repeated so often people assume it's true and don't bother to look any further.

Muslims in Japan
Becoming legally Japanese: Can Muslims acquire Japanese citizenship/nationality or permanent residency?

Yawn...arguing points never made. Japan does forbid muslims to enter their country. But they don't invite them in...and it's a crime to engage in the muslim form of evangelism.
The Land without Muslims
She's stuck on stupid, won't even listen to Japanese Muslims themselves who verify these restrictions.
Oh I know but I still enjoy pointing out her idiocy.

I'm scared shitless of Americans being slaughtered by the dozens in our streets. These things don't happen in China or Japan where Islam is regulated. The difference between life and death makes all your silly philosophical arguments irrelevant. As it was once famously said, "The Constitution is not a suicide pact."

Actually, it's not regulated in Japan. That's one of those things that get repeated so often people assume it's true and don't bother to look any further.

Muslims in Japan
Becoming legally Japanese: Can Muslims acquire Japanese citizenship/nationality or permanent residency?

Yawn...arguing points never made. Japan does forbid muslims to enter their country. But they don't invite them in...and it's a crime to engage in the muslim form of evangelism.
The Land without Muslims
She's stuck on stupid, won't even listen to Japanese Muslims themselves who verify these restrictions.
Oh I know but I still enjoy pointing out her idiocy.

So far the only idiot here, where it comes to Japan...is...you.

But feel free to provide examples of the laws restricting Islam in Japan.....
One imam in all of tokyo. It is.illegal to.proselytyze islam. Companies won't hire muslims, and muslims are actively discouraged from seeking citizenship. AND Japan doesn't apologize to them for it. They think they're animals, that their culture sucks dick, and they reject them wholeheartedly and unapologetically.
Actually, it's not regulated in Japan. That's one of those things that get repeated so often people assume it's true and don't bother to look any further.

Muslims in Japan
Becoming legally Japanese: Can Muslims acquire Japanese citizenship/nationality or permanent residency?

Yawn...arguing points never made. Japan does forbid muslims to enter their country. But they don't invite them in...and it's a crime to engage in the muslim form of evangelism.
The Land without Muslims
She's stuck on stupid, won't even listen to Japanese Muslims themselves who verify these restrictions.
Oh I know but I still enjoy pointing out her idiocy.

Actually, it's not regulated in Japan. That's one of those things that get repeated so often people assume it's true and don't bother to look any further.

Muslims in Japan
Becoming legally Japanese: Can Muslims acquire Japanese citizenship/nationality or permanent residency?

Yawn...arguing points never made. Japan does forbid muslims to enter their country. But they don't invite them in...and it's a crime to engage in the muslim form of evangelism.
The Land without Muslims
She's stuck on stupid, won't even listen to Japanese Muslims themselves who verify these restrictions.
Oh I know but I still enjoy pointing out her idiocy.

So far the only idiot here, where it comes to Japan...is...you.

But feel free to provide examples of the laws restricting Islam in Japan.....
One imam in all of tokyo. It is.illegal to.proselytyze islam. Companies won't hire muslims, and muslims are actively discouraged from seeking citizenship. AND Japan doesn't apologize to them for it. They think they're animals, that their culture sucks dick, and they reject them wholeheartedly and unapologetically.

Please, provide a source - a reputable source, not something associated with Pam Gellar that supports those claims.

It's simple really - show me the law that makes it illegal to proselytize Islam. Show me the policies that actively discourage Muslims from seeking citizenship - especially since there is no place on the paperwork for religious affiliation.

The source you cited, is the same as was used for a graphic that was widely circulated, making the same claims. Here, from Japanese themselves...

We heard back from three experts who have experience with the intersection of Japan and Islam, and all three said the graphic is blatantly incorrect.

"The chain email is nothing but malicious falsehood," said Kumiko Yagi, a professor at the Tokyo University of Foreign Studies Graduate School who has written extensively about Islam and other religions.

Kamada Shigeru, a professor of Islamic studies at the University of Tokyo, agreed, saying that all four of the claims we spotlighted are wrong.

He said Japan doesn’t discriminate in permanent residency on the basis of religion and that "propagation" of Islam is not banned. He added that the Koran or other religious books in Arabic can be imported.

As for renting a residence, he said there may be some reluctance among residents of Japan to rent apartments to foreigners as a general rule, but he said there’s no specific animus toward Muslims.

These four claims "are totally unfounded," said Glenda S. Roberts, a professor of cultural anthropology and Japanese studies at the graduate school of Asia-Pacific Studies at Waseda University in Tokyo. "It is disturbing that such an email is circulating," she added. "These claims are simply ridiculous."

Other claims in the graphic are easily debunked.

For instance, the graphic claims that "Japan is the only country in the world with a negligible number of embassies in Islamic countries." Yet a quick visit to the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ website shows that Japan has embassies in such countries as Afghanistan, Bahrain, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Turkey, the United Arab Emirates and Yemen, plus a permanent representative to the Palestinian Authority.

Meanwhile, there is nothing in Japanese nationality law that prevents Muslims from becoming naturalized citizens. The requirements concern length of residency, age, a history of "upright conduct," the ability to support oneself and a willingness to give up other nationalities. There is no mention of religion.

As for universities not teaching Arabic, we found that the Tokyo University of Foreign Studies does. Classes in Arabic are also taught at the Arabic Islamic Institute in Tokyo.

Last year, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe made clear Japan’s respect for people of the Islamic faith during an event with the Islamic diplomatic corps.

"I have found that a fundamental aspect of the spirit of Islam is harmony with and love for others," Abe said. "I believe therein lie points of commonality with the Japanese spirit, which is founded on co-existence."
Actually, it's not regulated in Japan. That's one of those things that get repeated so often people assume it's true and don't bother to look any further.

Muslims in Japan
Becoming legally Japanese: Can Muslims acquire Japanese citizenship/nationality or permanent residency?

Yawn...arguing points never made. Japan does forbid muslims to enter their country. But they don't invite them in...and it's a crime to engage in the muslim form of evangelism.
The Land without Muslims
She's stuck on stupid, won't even listen to Japanese Muslims themselves who verify these restrictions.
Oh I know but I still enjoy pointing out her idiocy.

Actually, it's not regulated in Japan. That's one of those things that get repeated so often people assume it's true and don't bother to look any further.

Muslims in Japan
Becoming legally Japanese: Can Muslims acquire Japanese citizenship/nationality or permanent residency?

Yawn...arguing points never made. Japan does forbid muslims to enter their country. But they don't invite them in...and it's a crime to engage in the muslim form of evangelism.
The Land without Muslims
She's stuck on stupid, won't even listen to Japanese Muslims themselves who verify these restrictions.
Oh I know but I still enjoy pointing out her idiocy.

So far the only idiot here, where it comes to Japan...is...you.

But feel free to provide examples of the laws restricting Islam in Japan.....
One imam in all of tokyo. It is.illegal to.proselytyze islam. Companies won't hire muslims, and muslims are actively discouraged from seeking citizenship. AND Japan doesn't apologize to them for it. They think they're animals, that their culture sucks dick, and they reject them wholeheartedly and unapologetically.

Oh...and Tokyo has FOUR mosques....List of mosques in Japan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Presumably, an imam in each.
After all, they committed the first tens of thousands of attacks...

We are not at ‘war’ with Islam – the notion is ignorant, bigoted stupidity.
Individuals commit acts of terror, not religions.

And this sort of ignorance, hate, bigotry, and stupidity plays right into the hands of terrorists.

PLEASE tell the families of these victims, with the prima cord exploding around their necks that it was an "INDIVIDUAL" who caused their death and NOT a religious belief. Explain it too to the victims families in Paris, Orlando, San Bernardino, Nice, Boston, Brussels, and all the other attacks that it was an individual, you know like a liquor store robbery and NOT a religion that caused the deaths of their loved ones.

By golly, if killing Muslims was good enough for Pope Urban II in 1099, killing muslims should be good enough for us in 2016! In another thousand years or so, maybe somebody will have won!
Isn't it you people who claim the 2nd Amendment never envisioned repeating rifles with high capacity magazines?

No right is unlimited. That includes the right to bear arms, free speech and religion. No religion has the right to forceably convert, conduct human sacrifice, etc.

It is the central tenant of Islam based on the fact that THEY HAVE BEEN DOING IT FOR THE LAST 1300 YEARS! Pretending a crocodile is a kitten and letting it play with your toddler is the very essence of Leftist insanity. Banning Islam by Constitutional amendment is a return to sane thinking.

Well no, it really isn't, and if it were for the last 1300 years there certainly wouldn't have been long periods of stability and co-existence with other religions in that 1300 years. What a pity people can't be bothered to learn history anymore.

Banning ANY religion is the first step towards fascism and if you are a person of faith you ought to be scared shitless at the idea.
I'm scared shitless of Americans being slaughtered by the dozens in our streets. These things don't happen in China or Japan where Islam is regulated. The difference between life and death makes all your silly philosophical arguments irrelevant. As it was once famously said, "The Constitution is not a suicide pact."

Actually, it's not regulated in Japan. That's one of those things that get repeated so often people assume it's true and don't bother to look any further.

Muslims in Japan
Becoming legally Japanese: Can Muslims acquire Japanese citizenship/nationality or permanent residency?
I didn't say it was prohibited, I said it was regulated. And the complaints on these regulations come from Muslims themselves.

Japan: The Land Without Muslims

I think many of the claims in that article are false - debunked by the sources I posted.

For example, from your link:
It is interesting to know that there is a country in the world whose official and public approach to the Muslim matter is totally different. This country is Japan. This country keeps a very low profile on all levels regarding the Muslim matter: On the diplomatic level, senior political figures from Islamic countries almost never visit Japan, and Japanese leaders rarely visit Muslim countries. The relations with Muslim countries are based on concerns such as oil and gas, which Japan imports from some Muslim countries. The official policy of Japan is not to give citizenship to Muslims who come to Japan, and even permits for permanent residency are given sparingly to Muslims.

From the Snopes link I posted:

For instance, the claim that Japan is the only nation that does not give citizenship to Muslims is false. According to Becoming Legally Japanese, a web site dedicated to immigration issues in Japan, the application form for Japanese citizenship does not require applicants to identify their religion:

There is no place anywhere on the written application where one specifies their religion or creed. Nor have I read anywhere about anyone being asked about their religious beliefs in the verbal interviews.

Because there is no place on the written online application for one's religion, the Ministry of Justice can't publish statistics showing the religions (or races) of naturalization candidates; they can only publish sex and former nationality statistics.​

The same is true of your source's claim that Japan does not give citizenship to Muslims - there is NO place for religion on any of the paperwork, and Muslims are naturalized the same as any other group.

Your article is full of these kind of claims and doesn't provide a single source to back up it's claims.
Snopes is a joke. As you are. Your patent inability to learn is wel documented...as are Japan's policies which discourage muslim immigration and make it illegal for them to seek converts. That, combined with the japanese refusal to hire hajibs over their own citizens, and the citizens' belief that muslims are primitive, stupid, violent, backward and uncivilized is the reason raghead scum aren't killing ppl in droves there.
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I may profile a Muslim and even be generally distrustful of them until I know the person, but a War on Islam? Nope

It is not a war on Islam, the Radical Islamic Terrorists are at war with us. One problem is that, Lame Duck President Barack Hussein Obama believes they will desist their attacks with him as President and if he extends love and affection to them.
No right is unlimited. That includes the right to bear arms, free speech and religion. No religion has the right to forceably convert, conduct human sacrifice, etc.

Well no, it really isn't, and if it were for the last 1300 years there certainly wouldn't have been long periods of stability and co-existence with other religions in that 1300 years. What a pity people can't be bothered to learn history anymore.

Banning ANY religion is the first step towards fascism and if you are a person of faith you ought to be scared shitless at the idea.
I'm scared shitless of Americans being slaughtered by the dozens in our streets. These things don't happen in China or Japan where Islam is regulated. The difference between life and death makes all your silly philosophical arguments irrelevant. As it was once famously said, "The Constitution is not a suicide pact."

Actually, it's not regulated in Japan. That's one of those things that get repeated so often people assume it's true and don't bother to look any further.

Muslims in Japan
Becoming legally Japanese: Can Muslims acquire Japanese citizenship/nationality or permanent residency?
I didn't say it was prohibited, I said it was regulated. And the complaints on these regulations come from Muslims themselves.

Japan: The Land Without Muslims

I think many of the claims in that article are false - debunked by the sources I posted.

For example, from your link:
It is interesting to know that there is a country in the world whose official and public approach to the Muslim matter is totally different. This country is Japan. This country keeps a very low profile on all levels regarding the Muslim matter: On the diplomatic level, senior political figures from Islamic countries almost never visit Japan, and Japanese leaders rarely visit Muslim countries. The relations with Muslim countries are based on concerns such as oil and gas, which Japan imports from some Muslim countries. The official policy of Japan is not to give citizenship to Muslims who come to Japan, and even permits for permanent residency are given sparingly to Muslims.

From the Snopes link I posted:

For instance, the claim that Japan is the only nation that does not give citizenship to Muslims is false. According to Becoming Legally Japanese, a web site dedicated to immigration issues in Japan, the application form for Japanese citizenship does not require applicants to identify their religion:

There is no place anywhere on the written application where one specifies their religion or creed. Nor have I read anywhere about anyone being asked about their religious beliefs in the verbal interviews.

Because there is no place on the written online application for one's religion, the Ministry of Justice can't publish statistics showing the religions (or races) of naturalization candidates; they can only publish sex and former nationality statistics.​

The same is true of your source's claim that Japan does not give citizenship to Muslims - there is NO place for religion on any of the paperwork, and Muslims are naturalized the same as any other group.

Your article is full of these kind of claims and doesn't provide a single source to back up it's claims.
Snopes is a joke.
right, but your chain email/blog has all the facts.

can you show what snopes got wrong?
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You don't even know what Sharia is skooks....you going to make it a felony to eat halal then? How about praying 5 times a day or facing Mecca? How about not drinking alcohal or giving zakat (charity) to the poor?

Allowing Sharia Law in our judicial system is a total violation of our constitution.
Yawn...arguing points never made. Japan does forbid muslims to enter their country. But they don't invite them in...and it's a crime to engage in the muslim form of evangelism.
The Land without Muslims
She's stuck on stupid, won't even listen to Japanese Muslims themselves who verify these restrictions.
Oh I know but I still enjoy pointing out her idiocy.

Yawn...arguing points never made. Japan does forbid muslims to enter their country. But they don't invite them in...and it's a crime to engage in the muslim form of evangelism.
The Land without Muslims
She's stuck on stupid, won't even listen to Japanese Muslims themselves who verify these restrictions.
Oh I know but I still enjoy pointing out her idiocy.

So far the only idiot here, where it comes to Japan...is...you.

But feel free to provide examples of the laws restricting Islam in Japan.....
One imam in all of tokyo. It is.illegal to.proselytyze islam. Companies won't hire muslims, and muslims are actively discouraged from seeking citizenship. AND Japan doesn't apologize to them for it. They think they're animals, that their culture sucks dick, and they reject them wholeheartedly and unapologetically.

Oh...and Tokyo has FOUR mosques....List of mosques in Japan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Presumably, an imam in each.
No, you fucking tard. They do not have an imam in each. Cripes. The only way you could be this stupid is if you are diminished capacity.
After all, they committed the first tens of thousands of attacks...

Not declaration of war, but prohibition of Islam in western countries!
All mosques shall be closed, all Muslims shall became a choice:

Conversation to Christianity or Ticket to the country of origin.

so the constitution doesn't matter, eh?

you going to start another inquisition? miss the old christian religion?
Dr. Kedar who wrote that served for 25 years as military intelligence specializing in Arab political discourse, Arab mass media, Islamic groups, and Syrian domestic policy. He lectures in Arabic.
Let's try this again. Read for content.
The Land without Muslims

In this case, Snopes is 100% accurate.

Your own sources say as much although grudgingly.

"Japan manages to remain a country almost without a Muslim presence because Japan’s negative attitude toward Islam and Muslims pervades every level of the population, from the man in the street to organizations and companies to senior officialdom. In Japan, contrary to the situation in other countries, there are no “human rights” organizations to offer support to Muslims’ claims against the government’s position. In Japan no one illegally smuggles Muslims into the country to earn a few yen, and almost no one gives them the legal support they would need in order to get permits for temporary or permanent residency or citizenship."
Let's try this again. Read for content.
The Land without Muslims

In this case, Snopes is 100% accurate.

Your own sources say as much although grudgingly.

"Japan manages to remain a country almost without a Muslim presence because Japan’s negative attitude toward Islam and Muslims pervades every level of the population, from the man in the street to organizations and companies to senior officialdom. In Japan, contrary to the situation in other countries, there are no “human rights” organizations to offer support to Muslims’ claims against the government’s position. In Japan no one illegally smuggles Muslims into the country to earn a few yen, and almost no one gives them the legal support they would need in order to get permits for temporary or permanent residency or citizenship."
So snopes agrees with me and coyote, per usual, is lying.

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