Time To End The 'Trump Collusion' Waste Of Time / Witch Hunt

This is part of the losses yesterday. Playing along with a witch hunt is weak, denounce and ignore it and govern
There are no Russians, there never were


Donald Trump Jr We asked: Did you have any meetings with Russians?

You answered: No but your emails show that is a lie.
Fox News host wrong that no law forbids Russia-Trump collusion

Our ruling

Jarrett said that "you can collude all you want with a foreign government in an election," because there’s no law that says collusion is a crime.

Three prominent election law scholars said there are at least four laws that would prohibit the sort of activities under investigation, whether those laws mention collusion or not. Jarrett’s focus on a single word fails to reflect the reach of the criminal code.

We rate this claim False.

Fox News host wrong that no law bans Russia-Trump collusion
So you are fine with treason? No surprise there. We already kinda thought so.

I never said I did not disapprove of 'treason'. 'Treason' is a crime. Of course I am against 'Treason.'

You are partisanly attempting to imply, however, that President Trump committed Treason. That is not the case. You have no evidence to back such an accusation because there is none.

Instead you have to engage in these immature games, attempting to spin others' words, and being 'false', actions that are extremely transparent.
It's been a waste of time and tax payer money going on almost two years. But yet the fake news agents keep trying to indict Manafort and his taxes. Which isn't the case. DNC is sure proving Trump's point by this.
Seems to be working.....we had indictments last week
Flynn is next

What did Papadapoulus tell?

This is getting interesting
Fox News host wrong that no law forbids Russia-Trump collusion

Our ruling

Jarrett said that "you can collude all you want with a foreign government in an election," because there’s no law that says collusion is a crime.

Three prominent election law scholars said there are at least four laws that would prohibit the sort of activities under investigation, whether those laws mention collusion or not. Jarrett’s focus on a single word fails to reflect the reach of the criminal code.

We rate this claim False.

Fox News host wrong that no law bans Russia-Trump collusion
Please clearly cite the law or statute that covers the criminal act of 'collusion'.
It's been a waste of time and tax payer money going on almost two years. But yet the fake news agents keep trying to indict Manafort and his taxes. Which isn't the case. DNC is sure proving Trump's point by this.
Seems to be working.....we had indictments last week
Flynn is next

What did Papadapoulus tell?

This is getting interesting
Flynn has a lot of dirt on the demos that is for sure. So this is what obstruction of the country looks like?
Fox News host wrong that no law forbids Russia-Trump collusion

Our ruling

Jarrett said that "you can collude all you want with a foreign government in an election," because there’s no law that says collusion is a crime.

Three prominent election law scholars said there are at least four laws that would prohibit the sort of activities under investigation, whether those laws mention collusion or not. Jarrett’s focus on a single word fails to reflect the reach of the criminal code.

We rate this claim False.

Fox News host wrong that no law bans Russia-Trump collusion
Please clearly cite the law or statute that covers the criminal act of 'collusion'.
I think the unhinged demos are getting desperate enough to make the word "collusion" bad. It's called the over use in catch words. The snowflakes think were stupid as they keep saying "collusion" like it's illegal or something. Since the DNC clearly colludes with the media. Where's the complaining in that?
1. 'Collusion' is not a crime. It is a creation by the Trump-hating liberal media.

2. President Trump nor anyone he is associated engaged in 'collusion', criminally collaborating with Russians.

You just defined collusion as criminally collaborating with russians

Then you claim it's not a crime.

What's the new catch word to throw around creating a fear monger, Trump haters?
What IS a crime is PURCHASING a false document containing Russian-generated propaganda from a foreign agent through a company who has a history of working with / for the Russians ... AND ... using that report against a candidate in a US election.

Money (MILLIONS) changed hands - Hillary Clinton, James Comey, Barak Obama, and the DNC funded the creation of the Russian / foreign agend-generated report and purchased the final product.

They then used this report illegally, against election / campaign law, in a US election.

Can you quote Hillary ever telling people to look at the dossier?
You said she used it in the campaign, but can't show her using it in the campaign.
Fox News host wrong that no law forbids Russia-Trump collusion

Our ruling

Jarrett said that "you can collude all you want with a foreign government in an election," because there’s no law that says collusion is a crime.

Three prominent election law scholars said there are at least four laws that would prohibit the sort of activities under investigation, whether those laws mention collusion or not. Jarrett’s focus on a single word fails to reflect the reach of the criminal code.

We rate this claim False.

Fox News host wrong that no law bans Russia-Trump collusion
Please clearly cite the law or statute that covers the criminal act of 'collusion'.
You could always read the link, deplorable

"A foreign national spending money to influence a federal election can be a crime," Persily said. "And if a U.S. citizen coordinates, conspires or assists in that spending, then it could be a crime."

Persily pointed to a 2011 U.S. District Court ruling based on the 2002 law. The judges said that the law bans foreign nationals "from making expenditures to expressly advocate the election or defeat of a political candidate."

Another election law specialist, John Coates at Harvard University Law School, said if Russians aimed to shape the outcome of the presidential election, that would meet the definition of an expenditure.

"The related funds could also be viewed as an illegal contribution to any candidate who coordinates (colludes) with the foreign speaker," Coates said.

"Under that statute, it is a federal crime to conspire with anyone, including a foreign government, to ‘deprive another of the intangible right of honest services,’ " Coates said. "That would include fixing a fraudulent election, in my view, within the plain meaning of the statute."

"Collusion in a federal election with a foreign entity could potentially fall under other crimes, such as against public corruption," Douglas said. "There's also a general anti-coercion federal election law."

Coates said discussions between a campaign and a foreigner could violate the law against fraud.

I have my own list also

Among the crimes are bribery, subornation of perjury, criminal obstruction of justice, money laundering, tax evasion, witness tampering, violations of election laws including campaign finance laws, Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, wire fraud. Other crimes that occurred in the Russia affair are violations of the foreign agent registration laws and the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, perjury itself (including lying to federal investigators), plus espionage and even treason. Also emoluments violations.

Assisting or participating in a felony is a crime
Speaking of the meeting with the Russian lawyer...

The only reason any such meeting was made possible was because President Obama personally acted on her behalf to allow her to enter the country.

Barak Obama's own Department of Immigration had BANNED her from entering the US. In what was called a breech of standard procedures, Obaama overrode his Department of Immigration's ban of the lawyer by giving her a special visa called a 'parole visa', one that she illegally overstayed.

The whole thing stinks of potential 'set-up'.
- Obama bypasses the ban to get her into the US
- His DOJ knew well enough in advance of the meeting, location, and time that they had it wire-tapped in advance.
- Obama's iwn personal ex-FBI interpreter was in the meeting

To top it all off, just recently released evidence showed the Russian lawyer met with GPS Fusion, the Russia-connected firm Hillary/Comey/Obama/the DNC were paying for the false dossier from the foreign agent, before AND AFTER her 30-minute meeting with Trump Jr.
collusion is shorthand for many laws as I have posted

The deplorables are desperate to change the subject from trump criminals being dirty as hell, traitors and Putin's bitches
The only reason any such meeting was made possible was because President Obama personally acted on her behalf to allow her to enter the country.

Barak Obama's own Department of Immigration had BANNED her from entering the US. In what was called a breech of standard procedures, Obaama overrode his Department of Immigration's ban of the lawyer by giving her a special visa called a 'parole visa', one that she illegally overstayed..

WOW. And the only reason the Texas shooter was able to buy an assault rifle was because the US Airforce failed to report his court martial to the NCIS.

Don't republicans take responsibility for their own actions?

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