Time To End The 'Trump Collusion' Waste Of Time / Witch Hunt

I know...everyone gets indicted right? I Mena who hasnt tried to get illegal information from the Kremlin before? That' just normal stuff!

How would any information from the Kremlin be illegal? Wouldn't that make Hillary's "dossier" illegal?

If you buy a car from a ford dealer, it's legal. You buy a car from a a chop shop with no VIN number, it's not.

Please cite the law that says it's illegel to receive information from the Kremlin. We already know auto theft is against the law.

The Act and Commission regulations include a broad prohibition on foreign national activity in connection with elections in the United States. 52 U.S.C. § 30121 and generally, 11 CFR 110.20. In general, foreign nationals are prohibited from the following activities:

  • Making any contribution or donation of money or other thing of value, or making any expenditure, independent expenditure, or disbursement in connection with any federal, state or local election in the United States;
  • Making any contribution or donation to any committee or organization of any national, state, district, or local political party (including donations to a party nonfederal account or office building account);
  • Making any disbursement for an electioneering communication;
  • Making any donation to a presidential inaugural committee.
Persons who knowingly and willfully engage in these activities may be subject to an FEC enforcement action, criminal prosecution, or both.

Foreign nationals - FEC.gov

getting info from a foreign state ( such as hacked emails ) that could be used against the opponent is a bozo
no no.

Wrong, moron. The courts have ruled consistently that information does not count as a thing of value. It has to be something tangible.

As I see it, any and all investigations and research into Trumps activities, is time and money well spent. The same applies to Hillary too.

A year later, investigations of Trump of a non-existing crime has generated no evidence while already revealed evidence of real crimes committed by Hillary have generated no serious investigation.

The former needs to end. The latter needs to happen.

lol! the amount of leaks coming from mueller's investigation is zero. that does not equate to 'no evidence'. they are still gathering info, still conducting interviews, & when all is said & done & he thinks there is enough sufficient intel gathered.... will turn it into evidence & go forward with charges.

watergate took 2 years. we aren't even a year into the clusterfuck aka trump's installation into the whitehouse..
I know...everyone gets indicted right? I Mena who hasnt tried to get illegal information from the Kremlin before? That' just normal stuff!

How would any information from the Kremlin be illegal? Wouldn't that make Hillary's "dossier" illegal?

If you buy a car from a ford dealer, it's legal. You buy a car from a a chop shop with no VIN number, it's not.

Please cite the law that says it's illegel to receive information from the Kremlin. We already know auto theft is against the law.

The Act and Commission regulations include a broad prohibition on foreign national activity in connection with elections in the United States. 52 U.S.C. § 30121 and generally, 11 CFR 110.20. In general, foreign nationals are prohibited from the following activities:

  • Making any contribution or donation of money or other thing of value, or making any expenditure, independent expenditure, or disbursement in connection with any federal, state or local election in the United States;
  • Making any contribution or donation to any committee or organization of any national, state, district, or local political party (including donations to a party nonfederal account or office building account);
  • Making any disbursement for an electioneering communication;
  • Making any donation to a presidential inaugural committee.
Persons who knowingly and willfully engage in these activities may be subject to an FEC enforcement action, criminal prosecution, or both.

Foreign nationals - FEC.gov

getting info from a foreign state ( such as hacked emails ) that could be used against the opponent is a bozo
no no.

Wrong, moron. The courts have ruled consistently that information does not count as a thing of value. It has to be something tangible.

uh-huh. please cite any precedent that states that. oh ya........... extortion is illegal & one can be blackmailed with mere 'info'. which means that is tangible. inside trading is illegal based on 'info' which is quite tangible.

now you are just grasping, but it's real fun to watch you flail. .
President has the POWER to fire FBI director, but he DOES NOT have the power to OBSTRUCT JUSTICE.
Absolutely right...but there is no ACTUAL evidence that he Obstructed Justice (like Comey and Lynch did), otherwise you snowflakes would have had the President Impeached and indicted by now.

Instead, a mountain of REAL evidence has been exposed against the Democrats...thanks to the Democrats and their witch hunt. :p

you have no clue what evidence has been gathered regarding trump et al.

President has the POWER to fire FBI director, but he DOES NOT have the power to OBSTRUCT JUSTICE.
Absolutely right...but there is no ACTUAL evidence that he Obstructed Justice (like Comey and Lynch did), otherwise you snowflakes would have had the President Impeached and indicted by now.

Instead, a mountain of REAL evidence has been exposed against the Democrats...thanks to the Democrats and their witch hunt. :p
approx six months ago, a former watergate prosecutor said theres enough evidence of trump's obstruction. And just now, the Flynn indictment could reaffirm that.
And Papadopoulos represented Trump.
How would any information from the Kremlin be illegal? Wouldn't that make Hillary's "dossier" illegal?

If you buy a car from a ford dealer, it's legal. You buy a car from a a chop shop with no VIN number, it's not.

Please cite the law that says it's illegel to receive information from the Kremlin. We already know auto theft is against the law.

The Act and Commission regulations include a broad prohibition on foreign national activity in connection with elections in the United States. 52 U.S.C. § 30121 and generally, 11 CFR 110.20. In general, foreign nationals are prohibited from the following activities:

  • Making any contribution or donation of money or other thing of value, or making any expenditure, independent expenditure, or disbursement in connection with any federal, state or local election in the United States;
  • Making any contribution or donation to any committee or organization of any national, state, district, or local political party (including donations to a party nonfederal account or office building account);
  • Making any disbursement for an electioneering communication;
  • Making any donation to a presidential inaugural committee.
Persons who knowingly and willfully engage in these activities may be subject to an FEC enforcement action, criminal prosecution, or both.

Foreign nationals - FEC.gov

getting info from a foreign state ( such as hacked emails ) that could be used against the opponent is a bozo
no no.

Wrong, moron. The courts have ruled consistently that information does not count as a thing of value. It has to be something tangible.

uh-huh. please cite any precedent that states that. oh ya........... extortion is illegal & one can be blackmailed with mere 'info'. which means that is tangible. inside trading is illegal based on 'info' which is quite tangible.

now you are just grasping, but it's real fun to watch you flail. .
All Bripat knows how to do is flail.
He actually said fact check sites are fake news.
No really.
There is also a connection to Trump in the way he has fired FBI director ... You keep pleading nothing burgers, but there keeps being more and more burned meat smell here.
Ummm, ant....the President fired an FBI director:
- Admitted he leaked confidential information to the press / his friend in an attempt to get a Special Council appointed because he did not have the balls to do his job on his own

- Hid his belief that US AG Lynch Obstructed Justice in the Hillary Investigation...

- Admitted Hillary broke laws then refused to indict her, citing non-existent piss-poor excuses / lies for not doing so ('she did not know what she was doing' - NOT a legal defense for breaking laws)

- Was found to have written Hillary's exoneration prior to interviewing people / completing the investigation

- The President can fire 'anyone' he wants, and as the evidence shows he had more than enough evidence / reason to fire Comey.

Comey should be glad HE hasn't been indicted.

Again, ZERO EVIDENCE. Just more butt-hurt from the Left.
I'd love to be a fly on the wall to watch your reaction when Mueller hands trump an indictment for obstruction of justice and crimes related to money laundering via Russia.
You know he probably has the fraud's tax returns don't you.
President has the POWER to fire FBI director, but he DOES NOT have the power to OBSTRUCT JUSTICE.
Absolutely right...but there is no ACTUAL evidence that he Obstructed Justice (like Comey and Lynch did), otherwise you snowflakes would have had the President Impeached and indicted by now.

Instead, a mountain of REAL evidence has been exposed against the Democrats...thanks to the Democrats and their witch hunt. :p
approx six months ago, a former watergate prosecutor said theres enough evidence of trump's obstruction. And just now, the Flynn indictment could reaffirm that.
And Papadopoulos represented Trump.

That's a bus...
We get it.

Admitting Trump is a crook and a vile snake would be admitting that all the Dems and anti-Trumps calling you idiots before the election… were right.
Everyday there is news on the Russian investigation. Everyday Faux News avoids talking about it. Thus everyday the Trump whores come running here saying nothing is happening in the investigation.

No wonder Faux employees got together to bitch loudly over their station’s fraudulent noncoverage of the investigation.
We get it.

Admitting Trump is a crook and a vile snake would be admitting that all the Dems and anti-Trumps calling you idiots before the election… were right.
Oh we’re right. 9 members of Trump’s campaign staff including the little racist garden gnome, Jeff Sessions had direct contact with Russia and then lied about it when they got caught.
Suspicious, you betcha..
Deplorables, can’t think of any reason why that happened.
I for one enjoy watch you stupid motherfucking rwnj’s squirm around. You guys are a bunch of fucking knuckle dragging pieces of shit that will be remembered in history as a stain on this country, please never and I mean NEVER let anyone tell you otherwise. Mueller has the goods and it’s just a matter of time before the shit hits the fans for Bonespurs. Now squirm you fucks
The time to end a witch hunt is when you stop finding witches. We're not there yet.
Everyday there is news on the Russian investigation. Everyday Faux News avoids talking about it. Thus everyday the Trump whores come running here saying nothing is happening in the investigation.

No wonder Faux employees got together to bitch loudly over their station’s fraudulent noncoverage of the investigation.
There's a big nothing burger every day.

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