Time To End The 'Trump Collusion' Waste Of Time / Witch Hunt

Oh ok...Thats what I thought. So no one stole it and it was available everywhere....except you just had to ask the Russians for it. Is that it?
No one asked the Russians for it, dumbass.

Let's clarify something for you right now: we're not pretending that your idiotic characterization of events is accurate. I only deal with what has actually been document, not your snowflake wet dreams.

Donald Trump Jr says they were looking for it. Is Donald Trump's email lying?
Trump Jr's email has nothing to do with the Podesta emails posted on Wikileaks.

Next idiocy.

But they do have to do with his email and getting information on Hillary or was the email lying?
His email has to do with his email? No duh!?

Yeah, we know he was interested on information about Hillary. So what? You're comparing things that aren't comparable.

Interested in information on Hillary from Russia. Right?
This investigation needs to run at least through the 2018 election

These things take time
Obviously, not everything Trump is trying to do is bad for our Country. In fact, many things might be great, but, because the political machine is more worried about the "status quo" than us or our Country, we continue to pay the price for a corrupt Government.

Now, what can WE do about it?
Complain on a message board
....But the facts

1. American intelligence finds Russians hacked our political organizations = ...no crimes?

2. one guilty plea and two indictments with more on the way = ...no crimes?
1. No connection to Trump - No Evidence Against Trump.

2. 2 Tax Evasion -related charges dating back to 2009.
- No connection to Trump - No Evidence Against Trump.

1 Charge of LYING to the FBI. D-Feinstein, Munchin, Pelosi, Waters, Schumer - ALL have stated there is no connection to / no evidence against Trump.

Instead of screaming at the sky in depression and posting un-substantiated butt-hurt accusations perhaps you should take you anti-depression meds, drop the partisanship, and try to look at reality objectively.

There are laws covering treason, and they need enforced at present.
I agree whole-heartedly.

While there is no evidence of Treason against Trump, evidence has been presented Democrats have perpetrated Treason:

- Acting Secretary Clinton, s a member of the Committee responsible for approving or denying the sale of Uranium One to the Russians, accepted over $100 Million from the Russian lead of a team whose job it was to purchase Uranium One. The money used for the donations came from the KGB Bank, the leading financier of the Russian effort to buy Uranium One. Hillary did not disclose this. It was discovered later.

- Ex-President Bill Clinton accepted huge sums of money from the KGB Bank for speeches ($500,000 per speech). Bill also made attempts to meet with Russian Nuclear officials. When he was not granted that access he met directly with Vladimir Putin.

- Hillary's campaign manager at the time, John Podesta, was receiving thousands of un-reported Russian stocks, and 1/3rd of his company's Board of Directors were comprised of prominent Russian businessmen who had DIRECT LINKS TO THE KREMLIN AND PUTIN HIMSELF.

- Fat Tony Podesta, brother of John Podesta and CEO of the Podesta Group - the Lobbying Co John helped found - a company that had several accounts working for the Russians, WAS WORKING AS AN UNREGISTERED FOREIGN AGENT FOR THE KGB BANK - again, the chief financier behind the Russian effort to buy Uranium One, AND HE WAS WORKING FOR THE RUSSIAN SPY AGENCY - THE SAME SPY AGENCY THAT SUPPOSEDLY HACKED THE DNC (...AND HE IS NOT BEHIND BARS YET).
- Amazingly, while repeatedly calling for Trump's Impeachment based on ZERO evidence, Liberals, Democrats, their surrogate propaganda-pushing media, and snowflakes don't bat an eyelash over this undeniable case of trerason.

- Robert Mueller, as FBI Director in 2009 - as exposed by evidence released last week, hid evidence of Russian bribery, extortion, intimidation, and buying off politicians and officials in an attempt to corner the US uranium market / purchase Uranium One...until AFTER the sale had gone through. He kept this information from the Committee. He did not, however, keep it from his boss, US AG Eric holder.

- US AG Eric Holder was over Mueller and was also a member of the Committee responsible for approving or denying the sale of Uranium One. Despite knowing about Russian intentions and their criminal activity Holder withheld this information from the Committee. and did not do anything about the Russian crimes until AFTER the sale had gone through.

- Barak Obama also knew about the Russians' intent and crimes...yet he, too, did nothing to prevent the sale from going though. Once it did, he signed off on it.

Join, coordinated, collaborated, collusion (not a crime unless), cover-up, and treason! Every single one of them is guilty. The ACTUAL evidence proves it.
The true test of a 'real' crime regarding Democrats is not if they admit or acknowledge it. It is asking the question, 'If it were not Democrats involved, if it were instead Republicans...or Donald Trump specifically, would they be indicted, charge, and convicted?'

IF Donald Trump would had been the one who accepted $100+ million from Russians while sitting on the Committee that was responsible for approving or denying the sale of Uranium One to the Russians HE WOULD HAVE BEEN INDICTED AND WOULD BE IN JAIL RIGHT NOW.

IF his wife had been given half a million in speaking fees per speech by the KGB BANK, TRUMP WOULD HAVE BEEN IMPEACHED BY NOW.

IF Trump or his campaign manager had taken thousands of shares of un-reported Russian stocks while 1/3rd of his company's Board Members were prominent Russian businessmen who had connections directly to the Kremlin and Putin himself, TRUMP WOULD BE IMPEACHED BY NOW AND / OR THEY WOULD HAVE BEEN INDICTED BY NOW.


IF Trump had been under multiple FBI Investigations for crimes he DID do, like was the case with Hillary, HE WOULD HAVE BEEN FORCED OUT OF THE RACE.

...turn it around, though....the fact that in each and every one of these the evidence shows it was a DEMOCRAT perpetrating the crimes and treason, and all the snowflakes can do is lie, deny, protect, defend, spin, deflect, and be complete hypocrites....

....while still not producing any evidence to support their false accusations against Trump.
....But the facts

1. American intelligence finds Russians hacked our political organizations = ...no crimes?

2. one guilty plea and two indictments with more on the way = ...no crimes?
No connection to Trump


There is also a connection to Trump in the way he has fired FBI director "with Russia thing on my mind" and has been lying publicly about his son's meeting with the Russians (aka COVERUP and OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE).

You keep pleading nothing burgers, but there keeps being more and more burned meat smell here.

Your lunatic demands that investigation be halted in the middle of two indictments is straight HILARIOUS.
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There is also a connection to Trump in the way he has fired FBI director ... You keep pleading nothing burgers, but there keeps being more and more burned meat smell here.
Ummm, ant....the President fired an FBI director:
- Admitted he leaked confidential information to the press / his friend in an attempt to get a Special Council appointed because he did not have the balls to do his job on his own

- Hid his belief that US AG Lynch Obstructed Justice in the Hillary Investigation...

- Admitted Hillary broke laws then refused to indict her, citing non-existent piss-poor excuses / lies for not doing so ('she did not know what she was doing' - NOT a legal defense for breaking laws)

- Was found to have written Hillary's exoneration prior to interviewing people / completing the investigation

- The President can fire 'anyone' he wants, and as the evidence shows he had more than enough evidence / reason to fire Comey.

Comey should be glad HE hasn't been indicted.

Again, ZERO EVIDENCE. Just more butt-hurt from the Left.

'Collusion' is not a crime. It does not exist as a criminal offense. It is a made-up accusation created by the media with which to demonize / attack President Trump.

Donald Trump calling for the Russians to hack Hillary's server and reveal what was in her criminal server is NOT a crime.

Also, seeking out 'dirt' on a political opponent, even from a foreign agent / country, is NOT illegal. There is, of course, no evidence to support any claim the President Trump did so.

Some associated with his campaign seem to have dought out 'dirt' on Hillary; however, as D-Diane Feinstein admitted during an interview this week, there is no evidence to support the claim that these people coordinated with or have given Trump 'dirt' on Hillary.

Feinstein, Schumer, Watters, Pelosi, and other Democrats have teluctantly admitted this ... after a year of multiple investigations and a 'stacked' investigatin council plagued by conflicts of interests and members who already should have recused themselves from the investigation.


1. 'Collusion' is not a crime. It is a creation by the Trump-hating liberal media.

2. President Trump nor anyone he is associated engaged in 'collusion', criminally collaborating with Russians.
But then, that will mean that everybody will have to focus on Hillary's emails. We better find something else to turn everybody away from those emails. I don't see nor hear anybody focusing on locking Hillary up..

Who Really Cares About Hillary's Email? | HuffPost

There is also a connection to Trump in the way he has fired FBI director ... You keep pleading nothing burgers, but there keeps being more and more burned meat smell here.
Ummm, ant....the President fired an FBI director:
- Admitted he leaked confidential information to the press / his friend in an attempt to get a Special Council appointed because he did not have the balls to do his job on his own

- Hid his belief that US AG Lynch Obstructed Justice in the Hillary Investigation...

- Admitted Hillary broke laws then refused to indict her, citing non-existent piss-poor excuses / lies for not doing so ('she did not know what she was doing' - NOT a legal defense for breaking laws)

- Was found to have written Hillary's exoneration prior to interviewing people / completing the investigation

- The President can fire 'anyone' he wants, and as the evidence shows he had more than enough evidence / reason to fire Comey.

Comey should be glad HE hasn't been indicted.

Again, ZERO EVIDENCE. Just more butt-hurt from the Left.

...except TRUMP HIMSELF admitted that the firing had NOTHING to do with Hillary, admited that he asked Comey to drop case against Flynn, admitted that Russia investigation was on his mind when he fired Comey.

President has the POWER to fire FBI director, but he DOES NOT have the power to OBSTRUCT JUSTICE.
President has the POWER to fire FBI director, but he DOES NOT have the power to OBSTRUCT JUSTICE.
Absolutely right...but there is no ACTUAL evidence that he Obstructed Justice (like Comey and Lynch did), otherwise you snowflakes would have had the President Impeached and indicted by now.

Instead, a mountain of REAL evidence has been exposed against the Democrats...thanks to the Democrats and their witch hunt. :p
Obviously, not everything Trump is trying to do is bad for our Country. In fact, many things might be great, but, because the political machine is more worried about the "status quo" than us or our Country, we continue to pay the price for a corrupt Government.

Now, what can WE do about it?

We elected an outsider president that was HUGE and it pissed off the corrupt establishment in DC to no end. What we can do now is support and side with the president. Look those corrupt bastards in DC don't fear Trump. They DO fear the American people, we have the power to fire them and send them packing. Over the last 20 years the only time I have seen those bastards fold and cower in fear is when the American people got pissed off and they all feared for their cushy government jobs and dirty money.
Looks like someone is still living in the past. But yeah, Trump is doing great in his Asia trip.

If by "great" you mean "going 3 days without horribly embarassing himself and this country", sure.

But give him time.

For the last 3 days, Trump has been droning written speeches that don't sound anything like Trump. He sounds like a kid forced to read an apology.

he's sounds freakin' medicated.

Generalizing is fun huh snowflake!

lol... like calling me a snowflake?

practice what you preach, dude.
Nothing to Hillary's emails
Five years of investigation showed that

Time to stop trying to deflect the investigation of Crooked Donnie
President has the POWER to fire FBI director, but he DOES NOT have the power to OBSTRUCT JUSTICE.
Absolutely right...but there is no ACTUAL evidence that he Obstructed Justice (like Comey and Lynch did), otherwise you snowflakes would have had the President Impeached and indicted by now.

Instead, a mountain of REAL evidence has been exposed against the Democrats...thanks to the Democrats and their witch hunt. :p

the investigations aren't over yet.

nice try though.
I know...everyone gets indicted right? I Mena who hasnt tried to get illegal information from the Kremlin before? That' just normal stuff!

How would any information from the Kremlin be illegal? Wouldn't that make Hillary's "dossier" illegal?

If you buy a car from a ford dealer, it's legal. You buy a car from a a chop shop with no VIN number, it's not.

Please cite the law that says it's illegel to receive information from the Kremlin. We already know auto theft is against the law.

The Act and Commission regulations include a broad prohibition on foreign national activity in connection with elections in the United States. 52 U.S.C. § 30121 and generally, 11 CFR 110.20. In general, foreign nationals are prohibited from the following activities:

  • Making any contribution or donation of money or other thing of value, or making any expenditure, independent expenditure, or disbursement in connection with any federal, state or local election in the United States;
  • Making any contribution or donation to any committee or organization of any national, state, district, or local political party (including donations to a party nonfederal account or office building account);
  • Making any disbursement for an electioneering communication;
  • Making any donation to a presidential inaugural committee.
Persons who knowingly and willfully engage in these activities may be subject to an FEC enforcement action, criminal prosecution, or both.

Foreign nationals - FEC.gov

getting info from a foreign state ( such as hacked emails ) that could be used against the opponent is a bozo
no no.


'Collusion' is not a crime. It does not exist as a criminal offense. It is a made-up accusation created by the media with which to demonize / attack President Trump.

Donald Trump calling for the Russians to hack Hillary's server and reveal what was in her criminal server is NOT a crime.

Also, seeking out 'dirt' on a political opponent, even from a foreign agent / country, is NOT illegal. There is, of course, no evidence to support any claim the President Trump did so.

Some associated with his campaign seem to have dought out 'dirt' on Hillary; however, as D-Diane Feinstein admitted during an interview this week, there is no evidence to support the claim that these people coordinated with or have given Trump 'dirt' on Hillary.

Feinstein, Schumer, Watters, Pelosi, and other Democrats have teluctantly admitted this ... after a year of multiple investigations and a 'stacked' investigatin council plagued by conflicts of interests and members who already should have recused themselves from the investigation.


1. 'Collusion' is not a crime. It is a creation by the Trump-hating liberal media.

2. President Trump nor anyone he is associated engaged in 'collusion', criminally collaborating with Russians.
Bob Mueller will decide which crimes to charge our treasonous president with. Not you.
If Hillary had the exact same allegations and was being investigated by Mueller, your dumbass would create 5 threads a day about it.

More false accusations without evidence by liberals, motivated by emotion and partisanship.

Facts are not based on what party wields them. The fact that 'collusion' is not a crime does not depend on partisanship.

It is based on the fact that there is no law or statute that defines or makes 'collusion' a crime.

Hillary did not commit the crime of 'collusion' because 'collusion' is not a crime. It does not exist.

Please try to remove your emotion and partisanship from the discussion, and see the facts for what they are.
9 members of Trump's campaign met with Russians and then lied about it. Why did they meet with them?
Why did they lie about it?
And are you that naive to think Trump didn't send them or know about it?
Now run away like you always do with inconvenient questions.

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