Time To End The 'Trump Collusion' Waste Of Time / Witch Hunt

Please cite the law that says it's illegel to receive information from the Kremlin. We already know auto theft is against the law.

It's not that it came from the Kremlin, it's that it as stolen by the kremlin.

We know email theft is against the law.

First off, the Kremlin had nothing to do with getting John Podesta's emails.

Second, although it's illegal for someone to hack John Podesta's emails, once they are published, it's not illlegal for someone else to read them. In either case, no one in the Trump campaign was involved in the process at any point.

Your constant attempts to claim Trump committed some kind of crime because Podesta was such a dumbass who got hoodwinked by a phishing attacks proves that you're a dumbass and a dirtbag.

First of all - American intelligence called your assertion bullshit.

Second of all if Trump campaign reasonably knew emails were stolen (how could they not) and collaborated on timing of their release (within 24hrs of Pussy-Gate as it happens) then that makes them in on CONSPIRACY TO COMMIT WIRE FRAUD.

Wrong on all counts, moron. American intelligence has said no such thing. Everyone knows the emails are stolen. Is everyone who had read them guilty of a crime? "Stealing" an email is not the equivalent of stealing a car. At worst, publishing them would be a copyright violation, not a felony, but they aren't copyrighted. If it were a felony, then why hasn't Assange been charged with receiving stolen property? Even if Trump did collaborate with Assange on their release, it's still not a crime. It certainly isn't fraud. The emails are pure truth, so where is the fraud?

Your novel legal theories are entertaining, if not enlightening.

Idiot, are you so incapacitated that you can even do basic research before you mouth off???

On October 7, 2016, the ODNI and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) jointly stated that the U.S. Intelligence Community was confident that the Russian Government directed recent hacking of e-mails with the intention of interfering with the U.S. election process.[3] According to the ODNI′s January 6, 2017 report, the Russian military intelligence service (GRU) had hacked the servers of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and the personal Google email account of Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta and forwarded their contents to WikiLeaks.

You can have your opinions but you can’t have your own facts.
How would they determine that when they never examined the email servers of the DNC? They provide no factual basis for these claims. We are simply supposed to accept their authority on the matter. When you mention the ODNI, what you really mean is James Clapper, an Obama hack and an admitted liar.

Notice that you don't include a link to this statement. Why is that?
How would any information from the Kremlin be illegal? Wouldn't that make Hillary's "dossier" illegal?
Is your question really how would getting stolen information from the Kremlin be illegal?
How is it "my question?" It's your claim. Now support or admit you're just a lying dumbass.

It's my claim yes. Is that your question? How is trying to get stolen stuff illegal

Excuse me. I misunderstood your post. Yes, that is my question: How is receiving information from the Kremilin from the Kremlin illegal? Please cite the law that says so.

Are you finally conceding that that is what Trump did? If not then we can stop here. If so, then yes I'll tell you

"Receiving stolen information" is utterly nonsensical. How does one recieve information posted on the internet for anyone who wants to look at it, by viewing a website? The accusation doesn't even make sense.
Is your question really how would getting stolen information from the Kremlin be illegal?
How is it "my question?" It's your claim. Now support or admit you're just a lying dumbass.

It's my claim yes. Is that your question? How is trying to get stolen stuff illegal

Excuse me. I misunderstood your post. Yes, that is my question: How is receiving information from the Kremilin from the Kremlin illegal? Please cite the law that says so.

Are you finally conceding that that is what Trump did? If not then we can stop here. If so, then yes I'll tell you

"Receiving stolen information" is utterly nonsensical. How does one recieve information posted on the internet for anyone who wants to look at it, by viewing a website? The accusation doesn't even make sense.

Oh ok...Thats what I thought. So no one stole it and it was available everywhere....except you just had to ask the Russians for it. Is that it?
How is it "my question?" It's your claim. Now support or admit you're just a lying dumbass.

It's my claim yes. Is that your question? How is trying to get stolen stuff illegal

Excuse me. I misunderstood your post. Yes, that is my question: How is receiving information from the Kremilin from the Kremlin illegal? Please cite the law that says so.

Are you finally conceding that that is what Trump did? If not then we can stop here. If so, then yes I'll tell you

"Receiving stolen information" is utterly nonsensical. How does one recieve information posted on the internet for anyone who wants to look at it, by viewing a website? The accusation doesn't even make sense.

Oh ok...Thats what I thought. So no one stole it and it was available everywhere....except you just had to ask the Russians for it. Is that it?
No one asked the Russians for it, dumbass.

Let's clarify something for you right now: we're not pretending that your idiotic characterization of events is accurate. I only deal with what has actually been document, not your snowflake wet dreams.
Tuesday's results are due to Republicans paying too much attention to this witch hunt. They look weak, Trump came in strong. Go ahead and govern and let the media try to peddle the Russians story as they choose
It's my claim yes. Is that your question? How is trying to get stolen stuff illegal

Excuse me. I misunderstood your post. Yes, that is my question: How is receiving information from the Kremilin from the Kremlin illegal? Please cite the law that says so.

Are you finally conceding that that is what Trump did? If not then we can stop here. If so, then yes I'll tell you

"Receiving stolen information" is utterly nonsensical. How does one recieve information posted on the internet for anyone who wants to look at it, by viewing a website? The accusation doesn't even make sense.

Oh ok...Thats what I thought. So no one stole it and it was available everywhere....except you just had to ask the Russians for it. Is that it?
No one asked the Russians for it, dumbass.

Let's clarify something for you right now: we're not pretending that your idiotic characterization of events is accurate. I only deal with what has actually been document, not your snowflake wet dreams.

Donald Trump Jr says they were looking for it. Is Donald Trump's email lying?
Excuse me. I misunderstood your post. Yes, that is my question: How is receiving information from the Kremilin from the Kremlin illegal? Please cite the law that says so.

Are you finally conceding that that is what Trump did? If not then we can stop here. If so, then yes I'll tell you

"Receiving stolen information" is utterly nonsensical. How does one recieve information posted on the internet for anyone who wants to look at it, by viewing a website? The accusation doesn't even make sense.

Oh ok...Thats what I thought. So no one stole it and it was available everywhere....except you just had to ask the Russians for it. Is that it?
No one asked the Russians for it, dumbass.

Let's clarify something for you right now: we're not pretending that your idiotic characterization of events is accurate. I only deal with what has actually been document, not your snowflake wet dreams.

Donald Trump Jr says they were looking for it. Is Donald Trump's email lying?
Trump Jr's email has nothing to do with the Podesta emails posted on Wikileaks.

Next idiocy.
Are you finally conceding that that is what Trump did? If not then we can stop here. If so, then yes I'll tell you

"Receiving stolen information" is utterly nonsensical. How does one recieve information posted on the internet for anyone who wants to look at it, by viewing a website? The accusation doesn't even make sense.

Oh ok...Thats what I thought. So no one stole it and it was available everywhere....except you just had to ask the Russians for it. Is that it?
No one asked the Russians for it, dumbass.

Let's clarify something for you right now: we're not pretending that your idiotic characterization of events is accurate. I only deal with what has actually been document, not your snowflake wet dreams.

Donald Trump Jr says they were looking for it. Is Donald Trump's email lying?
Trump Jr's email has nothing to do with the Podesta emails posted on Wikileaks.

Next idiocy.

But they do have to do with his email and getting information on Hillary or was the email lying?
"Receiving stolen information" is utterly nonsensical. How does one recieve information posted on the internet for anyone who wants to look at it, by viewing a website? The accusation doesn't even make sense.

Oh ok...Thats what I thought. So no one stole it and it was available everywhere....except you just had to ask the Russians for it. Is that it?
No one asked the Russians for it, dumbass.

Let's clarify something for you right now: we're not pretending that your idiotic characterization of events is accurate. I only deal with what has actually been document, not your snowflake wet dreams.

Donald Trump Jr says they were looking for it. Is Donald Trump's email lying?
Trump Jr's email has nothing to do with the Podesta emails posted on Wikileaks.

Next idiocy.

But they do have to do with his email and getting information on Hillary or was the email lying?
Opposition research.
"Receiving stolen information" is utterly nonsensical. How does one recieve information posted on the internet for anyone who wants to look at it, by viewing a website? The accusation doesn't even make sense.

Oh ok...Thats what I thought. So no one stole it and it was available everywhere....except you just had to ask the Russians for it. Is that it?
No one asked the Russians for it, dumbass.

Let's clarify something for you right now: we're not pretending that your idiotic characterization of events is accurate. I only deal with what has actually been document, not your snowflake wet dreams.

Donald Trump Jr says they were looking for it. Is Donald Trump's email lying?
Trump Jr's email has nothing to do with the Podesta emails posted on Wikileaks.

Next idiocy.

But they do have to do with his email and getting information on Hillary or was the email lying?
His email has to do with his email? No duh!?

Yeah, we know he was interested on information about Hillary. So what? You're comparing things that aren't comparable.
Dateline January 2029

President Terry McCauliffe, having completed his very successful eight year term of office with a job approval of 62%, hands off the White House keys to incoming President Kamala Harris.

Conservatives & the entire GOP in total disarray, having lost control of both houses of Congress leading to the Impeachment and resignation of Donald Trump in early 2019 are still in constant internal bickering over who is a REAL conservative. The only thing they DO agree on is why isn't Hillary Clinton in prison.
Wow, snowflakes went full delusion....unable to have a serious discussion based on reality.

As I see it, any and all investigations and research into Trumps activities, is time and money well spent. The same applies to Hillary too.

Whether or not the fake dossier and thus illegally inspired investigation should be halted is tough question. If they do it might mean no further investigation into how Crooked Hillary conspired with Russia with the Uranium One deal among a number of other illegal deals using the US government to line the pockets of Crooked Hillary and Slick Willie!

Don't stop until you LOCK HER UP!
The witch hunt against Trump based on no evidence and the investigation of Hillary based on existing evidence already presented / revealed are two seperate issues.

As I see it, any and all investigations and research into Trumps activities, is time and money well spent. The same applies to Hillary too.

A year later, investigations of Trump of a non-existing crime has generated no evidence while already revealed evidence of real crimes committed by Hillary have generated no serious investigation.

The former needs to end. The latter needs to happen.

As I see it, any and all investigations and research into Trumps activities, is time and money well spent. The same applies to Hillary too.

A year later, investigations of Trump of a non-existing crime has generated no evidence while already revealed evidence of real crimes committed by Hillary have generated no serious investigation.

The former needs to end. The latter needs to happen.

....But the facts

American intelligence finds Russians hacked our political organizations = ...no crimes?

one guilty plea and two indictments with more on the way = ...no crimes?

That is some crack whore meth you are doing.

'Collusion' is not a crime. It does not exist as a criminal offense. It is a made-up accusation created by the media with which to demonize / attack President Trump.

Donald Trump calling for the Russians to hack Hillary's server and reveal what was in her criminal server is NOT a crime.

Also, seeking out 'dirt' on a political opponent, even from a foreign agent / country, is NOT illegal. There is, of course, no evidence to support any claim the President Trump did so.

Some associated with his campaign seem to have dought out 'dirt' on Hillary; however, as D-Diane Feinstein admitted during an interview this week, there is no evidence to support the claim that these people coordinated with or have given Trump 'dirt' on Hillary.

Feinstein, Schumer, Watters, Pelosi, and other Democrats have teluctantly admitted this ... after a year of multiple investigations and a 'stacked' investigatin council plagued by conflicts of interests and members who already should have recused themselves from the investigation.


1. 'Collusion' is not a crime. It is a creation by the Trump-hating liberal media.

2. President Trump nor anyone he is associated engaged in 'collusion', criminally collaborating with Russians.
There are laws covering treason, and they need enforced at present.
It's not that it came from the Kremlin, it's that it as stolen by the kremlin.

We know email theft is against the law.

First off, the Kremlin had nothing to do with getting John Podesta's emails.

Second, although it's illegal for someone to hack John Podesta's emails, once they are published, it's not illlegal for someone else to read them. In either case, no one in the Trump campaign was involved in the process at any point.

Your constant attempts to claim Trump committed some kind of crime because Podesta was such a dumbass who got hoodwinked by a phishing attacks proves that you're a dumbass and a dirtbag.

First of all - American intelligence called your assertion bullshit.

Second of all if Trump campaign reasonably knew emails were stolen (how could they not) and collaborated on timing of their release (within 24hrs of Pussy-Gate as it happens) then that makes them in on CONSPIRACY TO COMMIT WIRE FRAUD.

Wrong on all counts, moron. American intelligence has said no such thing. Everyone knows the emails are stolen. Is everyone who had read them guilty of a crime? "Stealing" an email is not the equivalent of stealing a car. At worst, publishing them would be a copyright violation, not a felony, but they aren't copyrighted. If it were a felony, then why hasn't Assange been charged with receiving stolen property? Even if Trump did collaborate with Assange on their release, it's still not a crime. It certainly isn't fraud. The emails are pure truth, so where is the fraud?

Your novel legal theories are entertaining, if not enlightening.

Idiot, are you so incapacitated that you can even do basic research before you mouth off???

On October 7, 2016, the ODNI and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) jointly stated that the U.S. Intelligence Community was confident that the Russian Government directed recent hacking of e-mails with the intention of interfering with the U.S. election process.[3] According to the ODNI′s January 6, 2017 report, the Russian military intelligence service (GRU) had hacked the servers of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and the personal Google email account of Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta and forwarded their contents to WikiLeaks.

You can have your opinions but you can’t have your own facts.
How would they determine


I'm just giving you the facts you have to come to grips with - these are the findings of our American Intelligence while what you are left with are baseless assertions and conspiracy theories.
....But the facts American intelligence finds Russians hacked our political organizations = ...no crimes? one guilty plea and two indictments with more on the way = ...no crimes? That is some crack whore meth you are doing.

I'll wait until ALL the facts are known. Money well spent.
Obviously, not everything Trump is trying to do is bad for our Country. In fact, many things might be great, but, because the political machine is more worried about the "status quo" than us or our Country, we continue to pay the price for a corrupt Government.

Now, what can WE do about it?

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