Time To End The 'Trump Collusion' Waste Of Time / Witch Hunt

Call your republican representative and tell them to speak up...time for Mueller to fold up his tent and take his circus out of town...then he can pay back the money we paid him to find zip zero nada!!!!
I don't think Crooked Donnie will go to prison

Probably some type of house arrest
Call your republican representative and tell them to speak up...time for Mueller to fold up his tent and take his circus out of town...then he can pay back the money we paid him to find zip zero nada!!!!

Do we get to keep the $20 million they're going to confiscate from Manafort?
I don't care what you do with Manafort or his money...has nothing to do with The president or the last election.....
I heard a rumor that Manafort used to have something to do with the Trump campaign. Maybe i'm wrong, and he was just a low level volunteer. ;)
I heard a rumor that Manafort used to have something to do with the Trump campaign. Maybe i'm wrong, and he was just a low level volunteer
He ran the campaign for less than 6 months...I don't think his money issues have anything to do with Trump...If you want, you can call Diane Feinstien's office and they will tell you that the senator has not found any collusion between Trump and Russia involving the election. Not my words, her words and she is in the investigating senate committee. So can you see how ridiculous you sound bringing up poor tax evading Manafort. Don't you see how silly you look by even hanging onto the whole damn thing? You have become a birther type and you can't see it.
I heard a rumor that Manafort used to have something to do with the Trump campaign.
He ran the campaign for less than 6 months..
Republican Party presidential primaries, 2016 - Wikipedia

The 2016 Republican Party presidential primaries and caucuses were a series of electoral contests taking place within all 50 U.S. states, theDistrict of Columbia, and fiveU.S. territories, occurring between February 1 and June 7.

A timeline of Paul Manafort's role in the Trump campaign

Timeline of Paul Manafort's role in the Trump campaign
Manafort, 68, joined the Trump campaign on March 29, 2016,
Manafort was promoted to campaign chairman and chief strategist on May 19, effectively taking full command at that point.
Manafort's departure from the campaign came the next day. On Aug. 19, Trump released a statement confirming Manafort's exit and praising his work on the campaign.

If you want, you can call Diane Feinstien's office and they will tell you that the senator has not found any collusion between Trump and Russia involving the election. Not my words, her words and she is in the investigating senate committee. .

Vladimir Putin said the same thing. Not my words, his words, and he's the one colluding with Trump.
Time To End The 'Trump Collusion' Waste Of Time / Witch Hunt


so STFU, wipe that retard drool and watch what investigation into REAL scandals look like.


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I heard a rumor that Manafort used to have something to do with the Trump campaign.
He ran the campaign for less than 6 months..
Republican Party presidential primaries, 2016 - Wikipedia

The 2016 Republican Party presidential primaries and caucuses were a series of electoral contests taking place within all 50 U.S. states, theDistrict of Columbia, and fiveU.S. territories, occurring between February 1 and June 7.

A timeline of Paul Manafort's role in the Trump campaign

Timeline of Paul Manafort's role in the Trump campaign
Manafort, 68, joined the Trump campaign on March 29, 2016,
Manafort was promoted to campaign chairman and chief strategist on May 19, effectively taking full command at that point.
Manafort's departure from the campaign came the next day. On Aug. 19, Trump released a statement confirming Manafort's exit and praising his work on the campaign.

Yes that's what I said dummy, less than 6 months...hey why aren't you concerned about your party? You should be pissed!!!! The dirty Clinton's wiped out the one guy that maybe had a shot at being competitive with Trump. His rallies were big like Trumps and you are still worried about Russian collusion and some wet dream that Trump will be removed from office.
NOT GONNA HAPPIN you need to look inside your own party of choice snowflake not at Trump, he is and will be president for the next 3 years and most likely another 4. It's the economy stupid!
Please cite the law that says it's illegel to receive information from the Kremlin. We already know auto theft is against the law.

It's not that it came from the Kremlin, it's that it as stolen by the kremlin.

We know email theft is against the law.

First off, the Kremlin had nothing to do with getting John Podesta's emails.

Second, although it's illegal for someone to hack John Podesta's emails, once they are published, it's not illegal for anyone else to read them. In either case, no one in the Trump campaign was involved in the process at any point.

Your constant attempts to claim Trump committed some kind of crime because Podesta was such a dumbass who got hoodwinked by phishing attacks proves that you're a dumbass and a dirtbag.
Please read the posts again, as you are completely wrong.

The facts have been pointed out that:
1) Collusion is not a crime

2) President Trump never engaged in 'collusion', as Democrats have continuously falsely clamed.

3) President Trump never committed any crime involving the Russians, as Democrats continue to claim...Democrats did

I know...everyone gets indicted right? I Mena who hasnt tried to get illegal information from the Kremlin before? That' just normal stuff!

How would any information from the Kremlin be illegal? Wouldn't that make Hillary's "dossier" illegal?
Is your question really how would getting stolen information from the Kremlin be illegal?
How is it "my question?" It's your claim. Now support or admit you're just a lying dumbass.

It's my claim yes. Is that your question? How is trying to get stolen stuff illegal

Excuse me. I misunderstood your post. Yes, that is my question: How is receiving information from the Kremilin from the Kremlin illegal? Please cite the law that says so.
Please cite the law that says it's illegel to receive information from the Kremlin. We already know auto theft is against the law.

It's not that it came from the Kremlin, it's that it as stolen by the kremlin.

We know email theft is against the law.

First off, the Kremlin had nothing to do with getting John Podesta's emails.

Second, although it's illegal for someone to hack John Podesta's emails, once they are published, it's not illlegal for someone else to read them. In either case, no one in the Trump campaign was involved in the process at any point.

Your constant attempts to claim Trump committed some kind of crime because Podesta was such a dumbass who got hoodwinked by a phishing attacks proves that you're a dumbass and a dirtbag.

First of all - American intelligence called your assertion bullshit.

Second of all if Trump campaign reasonably knew emails were stolen (how could they not) and collaborated on timing of their release (within 24hrs of Pussy-Gate as it happens) then that makes them in on CONSPIRACY TO COMMIT WIRE FRAUD.
Please cite the law that says it's illegel to receive information from the Kremlin. We already know auto theft is against the law.

It's not that it came from the Kremlin, it's that it as stolen by the kremlin.

We know email theft is against the law.

First off, the Kremlin had nothing to do with getting John Podesta's emails.

Second, although it's illegal for someone to hack John Podesta's emails, once they are published, it's not illlegal for someone else to read them. In either case, no one in the Trump campaign was involved in the process at any point.

Your constant attempts to claim Trump committed some kind of crime because Podesta was such a dumbass who got hoodwinked by a phishing attacks proves that you're a dumbass and a dirtbag.

First of all - American intelligence called your assertion bullshit.

Second of all if Trump campaign reasonably knew emails were stolen (how could they not) and collaborated on timing of their release (within 24hrs of Pussy-Gate as it happens) then that makes them in on CONSPIRACY TO COMMIT WIRE FRAUD.

Wrong on all counts, moron. American intelligence has said no such thing. Everyone knows the emails are stolen. Is everyone who had read them guilty of a crime? "Stealing" an email is not the equivalent of stealing a car. At worst, publishing them would be a copyright violation, not a felony, but they aren't copyrighted. If it were a felony, then why hasn't Assange been charged with receiving stolen property? Even if Trump did collaborate with Assange on their release, it's still not a crime. It certainly isn't fraud. The emails are pure truth, so where is the fraud?

Your novel legal theories are entertaining, if not enlightening.
Please cite the law that says it's illegel to receive information from the Kremlin. We already know auto theft is against the law.

It's not that it came from the Kremlin, it's that it as stolen by the kremlin.

We know email theft is against the law.

First off, the Kremlin had nothing to do with getting John Podesta's emails.

Second, although it's illegal for someone to hack John Podesta's emails, once they are published, it's not illlegal for someone else to read them. In either case, no one in the Trump campaign was involved in the process at any point.

Your constant attempts to claim Trump committed some kind of crime because Podesta was such a dumbass who got hoodwinked by a phishing attacks proves that you're a dumbass and a dirtbag.

First of all - American intelligence called your assertion bullshit.

Second of all if Trump campaign reasonably knew emails were stolen (how could they not) and collaborated on timing of their release (within 24hrs of Pussy-Gate as it happens) then that makes them in on CONSPIRACY TO COMMIT WIRE FRAUD.

Wrong on all counts, moron. American intelligence has said no such thing. Everyone knows the emails are stolen. Is everyone who had read them guilty of a crime? "Stealing" an email is not the equivalent of stealing a car. At worst, publishing them would be a copyright violation, not a felony, but they aren't copyrighted. If it were a felony, then why hasn't Assange been charged with receiving stolen property? Even if Trump did collaborate with Assange on their release, it's still not a crime. It certainly isn't fraud. The emails are pure truth, so where is the fraud?

Your novel legal theories are entertaining, if not enlightening.

Idiot, are you so incapacitated that you can even do basic research before you mouth off???

On October 7, 2016, the ODNI and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) jointly stated that the U.S. Intelligence Community was confident that the Russian Government directed recent hacking of e-mails with the intention of interfering with the U.S. election process.[3] According to the ODNI′s January 6, 2017 report, the Russian military intelligence service (GRU) had hacked the servers of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and the personal Google email account of Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta and forwarded their contents to WikiLeaks.

You can have your opinions but you can’t have your own facts.
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I know...everyone gets indicted right? I Mena who hasnt tried to get illegal information from the Kremlin before? That' just normal stuff!

How would any information from the Kremlin be illegal? Wouldn't that make Hillary's "dossier" illegal?
Is your question really how would getting stolen information from the Kremlin be illegal?
How is it "my question?" It's your claim. Now support or admit you're just a lying dumbass.

It's my claim yes. Is that your question? How is trying to get stolen stuff illegal

Excuse me. I misunderstood your post. Yes, that is my question: How is receiving information from the Kremilin from the Kremlin illegal? Please cite the law that says so.

Are you finally conceding that that is what Trump did? If not then we can stop here. If so, then yes I'll tell you

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