Time To End The 'Trump Collusion' Waste Of Time / Witch Hunt


What's the new catch word to throw around creating a fear monger, Trump haters?

Funny, You remember

Soldiers died by Crooked H being reckless in Benghazi.. You snowflakes have no respect towards our military. Sad!

Niger 4 died and Trump didnt even know it. That's what loving the military looks like.
On the policy Obama who decided to have troops in Niger? Let's talk about that.
Flynn Worried About Son’s Legal Exposure
November 8, 2017 at 7:53 pm ESTBy Taegan Goddard20 Comments

Former White House national security adviser Michael Flynn has expressed concern about the potential legal exposure of his son, Michael Flynn Jr., who, like his father, is under scrutiny by special counsel Robert Mueller, multiple sources familiar with the matter tell CNN.

“Flynn’s concern could factor into decisions about how to respond to Mueller’s ongoing investigation. The special counsel is looking into Russian meddling in the 2016 campaign as well as the business dealings of key campaign advisers to President Trump.”

For members: Has Michael Flynn Already Flipped?
You're losing it with the fake news, sport.
That's why we are laughing and you are whining, snowflake

That's what victory smells like
I didn't say the airforce failure was a republican failure. I said why don't republicans take responsibility for their own actions.

Says the hypocrite...

The Democrats have been swearing up and down for months how they did not fund or pay for the fake Trump Dossier...until the evidence was revealed forcing to admit it.

Susan Rice swore up and down she had no part in illegal inmasking...until she finally admitted doing so.

'I did not have sex with that woman.' :p

And, again, the only reason this meeting took place was because Barry overrode his own Dept. Of Immigration's BAN on her entering the country, for ehich neither Barry or anyone in his administration has adequately explained yet.

As the good book says, check that board in your eye before you look for a speck in anyone else's.

What's the new catch word to throw around creating a fear monger, Trump haters?

Funny, You remember

Soldiers died by Crooked H being reckless in Benghazi.. You snowflakes have no respect towards our military. Sad!

Niger 4 died and Trump didnt even know it. That's what loving the military looks like.
On the policy Obama who decided to have troops in Niger? Let's talk about that.

And thats what made Trump not aware of it. It makes the troops feel good
Judd Legum @JuddLegum
Trump campaign had NO CONTACT with Russia. [No evidence against Flynn]

OK, Flynn had contact with Russia. [No evidence against Sessions]

Flynn and Sessions had contact with Russia. [No evidence against Manafort]

Flynn and Sessions. Also, Don Jr., Manafort and Kushner. [No evidence against Page]

OK: Flynn, Sessions, Don Jr., Manafort, Kushner, Page and Papadopoulos. But THAT'S IT!

8:12 PM - Nov 8, 2017

No evidence against Trump. Nice schpeal, though.

The denials go on and on and on .
Dateline January 2029

President Terry McCauliffe, having completed his very successful eight year term of office with a job approval of 62%, hands off the White House keys to incoming President Kamala Harris.

Conservatives & the entire GOP in total disarray, having lost control of both houses of Congress leading to the Impeachment and resignation of Donald Trump in early 2019 are still in constant internal bickering over who is a REAL conservative. The only thing they DO agree on is why isn't Hillary Clinton in prison.
Dateline January 2029

President Terry McCauliffe, having completed his very successful eight year term of office with a job approval of 62%, hands off the White House keys to incoming President Kamala Harris.

Conservatives & the entire GOP in total disarray, having lost control of both houses of Congress leading to the Impeachment and resignation of Donald Trump in early 2019 are still in constant internal bickering over who is a REAL conservative. The only thing they DO agree on is why isn't Hillary Clinton in prison.

President Terry McCauliffe, having completed his very successful eight year term of office

President of his cell block.....
Here we are everyone. Finally the Republicans have stopped saying there isn' any collusion and now going with the "what' wrong with that?" Line of questioning
Please read the posts again, as you are completely wrong.

The facts have been pointed out that:
1) Collusion is not a crime

2) President Trump never engaged in 'collusion', as Democrats have continuously falsely clamed.

3) President Trump never committed any crime involving the Russians, as Democrats continue to claim...Democrats did

I know...everyone gets indicted right? I Mena who hasnt tried to get illegal information from the Kremlin before? That' just normal stuff!

How would any information from the Kremlin be illegal? Wouldn't that make Hillary's "dossier" illegal?
I know...everyone gets indicted right? I Mena who hasnt tried to get illegal information from the Kremlin before? That' just normal stuff!

How would any information from the Kremlin be illegal? Wouldn't that make Hillary's "dossier" illegal?

If you buy a car from a ford dealer, it's legal. You buy a car from a a chop shop with no VIN number, it's not.
Here we are everyone. Finally the Republicans have stopped saying there isn' any collusion and now going with the "what' wrong with that?" Line of questioning
Please read the posts again, as you are completely wrong.

The facts have been pointed out that:
1) Collusion is not a crime

2) President Trump never engaged in 'collusion', as Democrats have continuously falsely clamed.

3) President Trump never committed any crime involving the Russians, as Democrats continue to claim...Democrats did

I know...everyone gets indicted right? I Mena who hasnt tried to get illegal information from the Kremlin before? That' just normal stuff!

How would any information from the Kremlin be illegal? Wouldn't that make Hillary's "dossier" illegal?
Is your question really how would getting stolen information from the Kremlin be illegal?
I know...everyone gets indicted right? I Mena who hasnt tried to get illegal information from the Kremlin before? That' just normal stuff!

How would any information from the Kremlin be illegal? Wouldn't that make Hillary's "dossier" illegal?

If you buy a car from a ford dealer, it's legal. You buy a car from a a chop shop with no VIN number, it's not.

Please cite the law that says it's illegel to receive information from the Kremlin. We already know auto theft is against the law.
Here we are everyone. Finally the Republicans have stopped saying there isn' any collusion and now going with the "what' wrong with that?" Line of questioning
Please read the posts again, as you are completely wrong.

The facts have been pointed out that:
1) Collusion is not a crime

2) President Trump never engaged in 'collusion', as Democrats have continuously falsely clamed.

3) President Trump never committed any crime involving the Russians, as Democrats continue to claim...Democrats did

I know...everyone gets indicted right? I Mena who hasnt tried to get illegal information from the Kremlin before? That' just normal stuff!

How would any information from the Kremlin be illegal? Wouldn't that make Hillary's "dossier" illegal?
Is your question really how would getting stolen information from the Kremlin be illegal?
How is it "my question?" It's your claim. Now support or admit you're just a lying dumbass.
Please cite the law that says it's illegel to receive information from the Kremlin. We already know auto theft is against the law.

It's not that it came from the Kremlin, it's that it as stolen by the kremlin.

We know email theft is against the law.
Here we are everyone. Finally the Republicans have stopped saying there isn' any collusion and now going with the "what' wrong with that?" Line of questioning
Please read the posts again, as you are completely wrong.

The facts have been pointed out that:
1) Collusion is not a crime

2) President Trump never engaged in 'collusion', as Democrats have continuously falsely clamed.

3) President Trump never committed any crime involving the Russians, as Democrats continue to claim...Democrats did

I know...everyone gets indicted right? I Mena who hasnt tried to get illegal information from the Kremlin before? That' just normal stuff!

How would any information from the Kremlin be illegal? Wouldn't that make Hillary's "dossier" illegal?
Is your question really how would getting stolen information from the Kremlin be illegal?
How is it "my question?" It's your claim. Now support or admit you're just a lying dumbass.

It's my claim yes. Is that your question? How is trying to get stolen stuff illegal
Whether or not the fake dossier and thus illegally inspired investigation should be halted is tough question. If they do it might mean no further investigation into how Crooked Hillary conspired with Russia with the Uranium One deal among a number of other illegal deals using the US government to line the pockets of Crooked Hillary and Slick Willie!

Don't stop until you LOCK HER UP!
Whether or not the fake dossier and thus illegally inspired investigation should be halted is tough question. If they do it might mean no further investigation into how Crooked Hillary conspired with Russia with the Uranium One deal among a number of other illegal deals using the US government to line the pockets of Crooked Hillary and Slick Willie!

Don't stop until you LOCK HER UP!

Don't forget how Hillary got 6 other federal agencies, and three foreign governments to go along with the deal.

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