Time to find a new party


Platinum Member
Dec 21, 2019
GOP simply doesn't care about Fiscal or Constitutional Conservatism any longer. There's not enough F/C conservatives left in DC to shake a stick at. 90% of the GOP are Trump sucking RINO's who simply don't care about spending reductions (not real ones). They don't care about unconstitutional legislation & amendments. They're so far left of center, they can't even see center.

And for the democrats. The moderates have had to take a back seat to the radical progressives in the last decade or so. Shoving their trans, lgbt-abcdefg, woke, pro-Hamas, DEI, hate white people crap in our faces.

The two major parties have ran completely off the rails.

So what's left? 3rd party's? That's a waste of time. I'm a firm believer that the R's and D's have infiltrated the LP and the green party(what ever the green party stands for). So there is no options, really. Because there's still too many "lesser of two evils" voters, who are scared to death that the sky is going to fall if their party isn't in the majority.

Used to be, one only had to overlook a couple of issues that their party stood for, to continue supporting them. And they were usually minor issues. But now days, there's so much wrong with the R & D's, to support either one, you not only have to hold your nose, but you gotta wear a blindfold.

The 2020's is a real political circus.
GOP simply doesn't care about Fiscal or Constitutional Conservatism any longer. There's not enough F/C conservatives left in DC to shake a stick at. 90% of the GOP are Trump sucking RINO's who simply don't care about spending reductions (not real ones). They don't care about unconstitutional legislation & amendments. They're so far left of center, they can't even see center.

And for the democrats. The moderates have had to take a back seat to the radical progressives in the last decade or so. Shoving their trans, lgbt-abcdefg, woke, pro-Hamas, DEI, hate white people crap in our faces.

The two major parties have ran completely off the rails.

So what's left? 3rd party's? That's a waste of time. I'm a firm believer that the R's and D's have infiltrated the LP and the green party(what ever the green party stands for). So there is no options, really. Because there's still too many "lesser of two evils" voters, who are scared to death that the sky is going to fall if their party isn't in the majority.

Used to be, one only had to overlook a couple of issues that their party stood for, to continue supporting them. And they were usually minor issues. But now days, there's so much wrong with the R & D's, to support either one, you not only have to hold your nose, but you gotta wear a blindfold.

The 2020's is a real political circus.
Yang has been working on the Forward party

GOP simply doesn't care about Fiscal or Constitutional Conservatism any longer. There's not enough F/C conservatives left in DC to shake a stick at. 90% of the GOP are Trump sucking RINO's who simply don't care about spending reductions (not real ones). They don't care about unconstitutional legislation & amendments. They're so far left of center, they can't even see center.

And for the democrats. The moderates have had to take a back seat to the radical progressives in the last decade or so. Shoving their trans, lgbt-abcdefg, woke, pro-Hamas, DEI, hate white people crap in our faces.

The two major parties have ran completely off the rails.

So what's left? 3rd party's? That's a waste of time. I'm a firm believer that the R's and D's have infiltrated the LP and the green party(what ever the green party stands for). So there is no options, really. Because there's still too many "lesser of two evils" voters, who are scared to death that the sky is going to fall if their party isn't in the majority.

Used to be, one only had to overlook a couple of issues that their party stood for, to continue supporting them. And they were usually minor issues. But now days, there's so much wrong with the R & D's, to support either one, you not only have to hold your nose, but you gotta wear a blindfold.

The 2020's is a real political circus.
Sure, but let me guess - come November, you will "hold your nose" and still vote for Trump, amIright?

Yeah, same old sob story. Whine the whole year long but then keep voting for the orange douchebag. And you guys wonder why the once proud GOP is a shit-house.
GOP simply doesn't care about Fiscal or Constitutional Conservatism any longer. There's not enough F/C conservatives left in DC to shake a stick at. 90% of the GOP are Trump sucking RINO's who simply don't care about spending reductions (not real ones). They don't care about unconstitutional legislation & amendments. They're so far left of center, they can't even see center.

And for the democrats. The moderates have had to take a back seat to the radical progressives in the last decade or so. Shoving their trans, lgbt-abcdefg, woke, pro-Hamas, DEI, hate white people crap in our faces.

The two major parties have ran completely off the rails.

So what's left? 3rd party's? That's a waste of time. I'm a firm believer that the R's and D's have infiltrated the LP and the green party(what ever the green party stands for). So there is no options, really. Because there's still too many "lesser of two evils" voters, who are scared to death that the sky is going to fall if their party isn't in the majority.

Used to be, one only had to overlook a couple of issues that their party stood for, to continue supporting them. And they were usually minor issues. But now days, there's so much wrong with the R & D's, to support either one, you not only have to hold your nose, but you gotta wear a blindfold.

The 2020's is a real political circus.
There was the Libertarian Party, until disaffected Bernouts and other assorted woketards infested it.....Thus far, there's no other party with the ballot access required to compete.

How about looking for the person in the GOP who will come after Trump, and seeing to it that individual is someone with the right principles?
GOP simply doesn't care about Fiscal or Constitutional Conservatism any longer. There's not enough F/C conservatives left in DC to shake a stick at. 90% of the GOP are Trump sucking RINO's who simply don't care about spending reductions (not real ones). They don't care about unconstitutional legislation & amendments. They're so far left of center, they can't even see center.

And for the democrats. The moderates have had to take a back seat to the radical progressives in the last decade or so. Shoving their trans, lgbt-abcdefg, woke, pro-Hamas, DEI, hate white people crap in our faces.

The two major parties have ran completely off the rails.

So what's left? 3rd party's? That's a waste of time. I'm a firm believer that the R's and D's have infiltrated the LP and the green party(what ever the green party stands for). So there is no options, really. Because there's still too many "lesser of two evils" voters, who are scared to death that the sky is going to fall if their party isn't in the majority.

Used to be, one only had to overlook a couple of issues that their party stood for, to continue supporting them. And they were usually minor issues. But now days, there's so much wrong with the R & D's, to support either one, you not only have to hold your nose, but you gotta wear a blindfold.

The 2020's is a real political circus.

Translation - "I'm not going to do anything; I'll just whine about it."
Voting and the Legal system ended in 2020. They permanently have enough States rigged now.

It no longer matters what you people are convinced you need or what you want lol! You will get what NWO decides. No corrupted Court will save you going forward.
You will probably get your wish that Trump will be the nominee.

I hope you will be satisfied with and accept the general election results.
Haven't been satisfied with election results since Reagan, and he was a massive disappointment.....That's why I dropped out after 2000.

But you can damn sure bet your ass I'm never ever going to fall for that "half a loaf" bait-and-switch, that drip losers like the Bushies have been blabbering for decades...That's what got us here, and doing more of it isn't going to change anything.
Haven't been satisfied with election results since Reagan, and he was a massive disappointment.....That's why I dropped out after 2000.

But you can damn sure bet your ass I'm never ever going to fall for that "half a loaf" bait-and-switch, that drip losers like the Bushies have been blabbering for decades...That's what got us here, and doing more of it isn't going to change anything.
That’s what got us where? Cheating to eachother on a messageboard with our iPhones or personal computers?

Please tell us how rough and bad things are. I want to send it out to my friends in Ukraine
Sure, but let me guess - come November, you will "hold your nose" and still vote for Trump, amIright?

Yeah, same old sob story. Whine the whole year long but then keep voting for the orange douchebag. And you guys wonder why the once proud GOP is a shit-house.

Are you retarded? Of course I'm not going to vote for Trump. I haven' voted for him yet. And I'm not going to start now. I can't stand the left or RINO's. For many of the same reasons.
Haven't been satisfied with election results since Reagan, and he was a massive disappointment.....That's why I dropped out after 2000.

But you can damn sure bet your ass I'm never ever going to fall for that "half a loaf" bait-and-switch, that drip losers like the Bushies have been blabbering for decades...That's what got us here, and doing more of it isn't going to change anything.
Conservatism is DEAD.
All cons want to do is cut taxes, spend more, and blab about being Pro-Life so they can lose elections they should have won.
That's the gutless sellout attitude that made trump look like a good deal.

Trump was good Great. But the trannys home Os and fruitcakes up in DC would not go along with what is good FOR America. So you get open borders, digital money, Police State etc. all with the likes of most posters up above in this thread to blame. They own it. They are stupid. Watching CNN to get “facts” and spreading the vile anti-American hogwash. Enjoy your entertainment you created. If you live long enough to see the ending. History shows…..these takeovers never end w/o collapse and even armed conflict. GaterMac talk a lot but they are top tier on the causation scale. Smart enough to know better but dumb enough to work to kill the host. Mostly for short term gains they won’t be able to hold onto up to the ending. Gater thinks he is going to get a SS check in Panama in 6 yrs out! Lol! He’ll be cleaning cartel houses.

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