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Time to Get Rid of Religion?

how do you figure religion controls them......how do arrive at the conclusion that they are weak and affraid.....

isn't religion just a set of beliefs that help guide onces choices in life.....

you know like societies secular laws that one must follow or go to jail.....talk about the weak and afraid.....

I was wondering the exact same thing. I am simply not always articulate when it comes to what I'm thinking.

What makes you think religion is controlling someone? Has it ever occurred to someone that a religious person simply has different experiences that provides reasons to believe what they believe?

That's what I've never understood. We are supposed to just bow down and accept these preachers of godlessness just because they say they are smart and intelligent and that we are crazy and weak. What kind of person would simply ignore his own experience knowledge to follow someone simply because they say you're stupid or crazy? I mean what do you expect? Do you think we are just going to be like "Oh, wow, so and so on an anonymous message board things I'm crazy and brainwashed because I beleive something different then him. I should just throw out everything I know and believe what he does because I want him to like me for the 3 seconds i might know him in my life."

And we are the crazy ones.
As highly developed life forms is it not time to rid ourselves of the mind control tricks and wizards that have peddled this religeous fantasy. That the control and manipulation to say nothing of the murder, torture, suffering and death of millions all in the name of complete and utter fairy tales.

What can anyone say in defense of such monstrous crimes against man. woman and child, the obstruction of knowledge, the insatiable greed for wealth, the perversion of justice and the untold suffering all in the name of manufactured stories.

Religion, that greatest crime starts at birth with the continuous brainwashing and ends at the grave. No other form of knowledge, law or any other subject is used to manipulate humans in such a way, total mind and thought control.

It is time to remove the chains of this nonsense and to remove those who ram it down our throats. For far to long man has allowed himself to be tricked by the devils who ply this odious trade.

Of course its time to allow the 2.37 percentile of the world's population to decide what is best for the other 96.43 percent of the world's population that believes in at least the possibility of Divine Authority. Spoken like a true SOCIAL COMMUNIST in the mold of human secularism that worships the human mind instead of the creator thereof. Most assuredly its time to illogically declare the product is greater than the whole it was subtracted from. Only between the pompous ears of the GREAT HUMAN MIND can such an ideology rest. Of course the human mind has proven to be infallible despite the fact that it is limited to what it can physically observe...but the IMAGINATION is a wonderful thing....NO? As it is the ideology of ATHEISM that declares that its ideology is OMNISCIENT....it must be...because they have access to all the knowledge in the known universe and can prove beyond doubt the NON EXISTENCE of the Spiritual Realm....just as they have proven how this physical state of reality known as the UNIVERSE came into existence. By the GUESS work and imagination of the HUMAN MIND.

Why not lay your speculative hypothesis out on the CHALK BOARD and allow the bean counters to come up with a PLAUSIBLE THEORY of PROBABILITY.....and sure enough there will be some gullible enough to accept your SPECULATION as empirical evidence of YOUR STATED THEORY....and if you tout it as TRUTH long enough.....it will become truth...no? Because TRUTH is RELATIVE to PERCEPTION and has nothing to do with PHYSICAL EMPIRICAL EVIDENCE.....but majority belief. Faith...personified. Tell us just ONE MORE TIME....how NATURE....created itself FROM NOTHING....before it existed. I just LOVE that FAIRY TALE.
Major religious groups - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Of course its time to allow the 2.37 percentile of the world's population to decide what is best for the other 96.43 percent of the world's population that believes in at least the possibility of Divine Authority.
As if that 96.43 % ever could agree on anything between themselves! :lol:
Spoken like a true SOCIAL COMMUNIST i


human secularism that worships the human mind
:eusa_eh: I've never seen anyone offer their children up as sacrificial; killings for the mind, nor any other 'worship' of the mind.
instead of the creator thereof.
No such creator has been demonstrated to exist

Most assuredly its time to illogically declare the product is greater than the whole it was subtracted from.

Demonstrate that humanity was subtracted from anything
Only between the pompous ears of the GREAT HUMAN MIND can such an ideology rest.
Only between the ignorant ears of the incompetent human mind has religion ever been known to rest. What's your point?
Of course the human mind has proven to be infallible despite the fact that it is limited to what it can physically observe
You have no imagination and o dreams? No wonder you're so confused, if you can't imagine or comprehend anything not in front of your face.

...but the IMAGINATION is a wonderful thing....NO?
I thought you said you could only fathom which could be directly observed? Now, one sentence later, you contradict yourself

As it is the ideology of ATHEISM that declares that its ideology is OMNISCIENT....
Wow... you are totally ignorant of what ';atheism' means. Atheism is not even an ideology, you twit.

it must be...because they have access to all the knowledge in the known universe and can prove beyond doubt the NON EXISTENCE of the Spiritual Realm....
You don't know what the fuck you're talking about. Learn to read and learn the fundamentals of the matter at hand before you decide to chime i with the same ignorance , arrogance, and stupidity that led you to theism in the first place.

Why not lay your speculative hypothesis out on the CHALK BOARD and allow the bean counters to come up with a PLAUSIBLE THEORY of PROBABILITY.....
Just because you throw words around that you don't understand doesn't mean you're smart; in fact, it highlights your total ignorance of the subject matter

and sure enough there will be some gullible enough to accept your SPECULATION as empirical evidence of YOUR STATED THEORY....and if you tout it as TRUTH long enough.....it will become truth...no?
You're describing theism to a T
L EVIDENCE.....but majority belief. Faith...personified. Tell us just ONE MORE TIME....how NATURE....created itself FROM NOTHING....before it existed.
Noone ever said such a thing, you twit. Again, you really shouldn't try to chime in on matters you know nothing about.
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Its obvious here that some people cannot understand the difference of being controlled and mental ilness. and to those who use profanity to push their arguments yes you truly are weak and lack the skills to converse with human beings.

Religion is not a choice, we are not asked if we want it or what religion we would like to follow. it is only later in life that we can make the chice if we wish to continue to follow it or not. But that begs the question why does not religion start at adulthood when people can make sound choices on what they want to believe in or not.

Well its simple there is no choice a child is born into an respective religion and then indoctrinated into it through all the years of education. thus the mind is already filled with hate and ignorance, lies and deciet. There is no choice one must conform or be an outcast and these beliefs that are brainwashed into us impact on our daily lives and actions and for what purpose, as stated before for control and manipulation of the masses, for wealth and for power.

The mere fact that there are those here who have responded just as I expected them to is an iidication of just how effective the brainwashing is. Rather than stop, think and question those beliefs like automatons the diatribe flows forth a pre recorded mesage in the brain that spews forth in indignant outrage at something that they don't even understand or have proofs to back up the nonsense they have been taught.

How many have died for these so called beliefs how many have been slaughtered, tortured, men women and children and it still goes on even now as I type it continues, people killing and murdering believeing their god is better than some one elses. Millions starving while religion hoards great wealth and continues to spread the lies and the hate.
As highly developed life forms is it not time to rid ourselves of the mind control tricks and wizards that have peddled this religeous fantasy. That the control and manipulation to say nothing of the murder, torture, suffering and death of millions all in the name of complete and utter fairy tales.

What can anyone say in defense of such monstrous crimes against man. woman and child, the obstruction of knowledge, the insatiable greed for wealth, the perversion of justice and the untold suffering all in the name of manufactured stories.

Religion, that greatest crime starts at birth with the continuous brainwashing and ends at the grave. No other form of knowledge, law or any other subject is used to manipulate humans in such a way, total mind and thought control.

It is time to remove the chains of this nonsense and to remove those who ram it down our throats. For far to long man has allowed himself to be tricked by the devils who ply this odious trade.

"The best thing is to let Christianity die a natural death.... When understanding of the universe has become widespread... Christian doctrine will be convicted of absurdity....
"Christianity has reached the peak of absurdity.... And that's why someday its structure will collapse.... " Adolf Hitler

you two have a lot in common
Of course its time to allow the 2.37 percentile of the world's population to decide what is best for the other 96.43 percent of the world's population that believes in at least the possibility of Divine Authority.
As if that 96.43 % ever could agree on anything between themselves! :lol:

How true....its obvious, its the 96% that are at fault in their ideology, the 2.37% are the ONLY SMART people on earth, the only NORMAL PEOPLE, the only intelligent people......the rest are the CRAZYs. That's because the atheists are OMNISCIENT...no? Strange...but I thought there was NO GOD....oh..my bad! I totally forgot about SELF. :lol:
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Its obvious here that some people cannot understand the difference of being controlled and mental ilness. and to those who use profanity to push their arguments yes you truly are weak and lack the skills to converse with human beings.

Religion is not a choice, we are not asked if we want it or what religion we would like to follow. it is only later in life that we can make the chice if we wish to continue to follow it or not. But that begs the question why does not religion start at adulthood when people can make sound choices on what they want to believe in or not.

Well its simple there is no choice a child is born into an respective religion and then indoctrinated into it through all the years of education. thus the mind is already filled with hate and ignorance, lies and deciet. There is no choice one must conform or be an outcast and these beliefs that are brainwashed into us impact on our daily lives and actions and for what purpose, as stated before for control and manipulation of the masses, for wealth and for power.

The mere fact that there are those here who have responded just as I expected them to is an iidication of just how effective the brainwashing is. Rather than stop, think and question those beliefs like automatons the diatribe flows forth a pre recorded mesage in the brain that spews forth in indignant outrage at something that they don't even understand or have proofs to back up the nonsense they have been taught.

How many have died for these so called beliefs how many have been slaughtered, tortured, men women and children and it still goes on even now as I type it continues, people killing and murdering believeing their god is better than some one elses. Millions starving while religion hoards great wealth and continues to spread the lies and the hate.

How true....I call those gullible people....MARXISTS....that have convinced themselves that mankind is an island....infallible and totally self sufficient...needing no divine guidance. History proves the great success of all the PURE SOCIAL HUMAN SECULAR governments around the world. Just look at the USSR...oops...well, CUBA...oops....will FRANCE...oh, that's right they just recently decided to go CONSERVATIVE. Well, we will always have the GREAT MING empire/DYNASTY of CHINA as an example of HUMANITARIAN RIGHTS....and NON-POLLUTERS....and totally non-capitalistic in nature.....WELL, I'LL be damned, IT APPEARS THEY HAVE 'PARROTED" EVERYTHING THEY CAN FROM CAPITALISM..."in order to succeed".....CAN YOU HISTORICALLY point out one successful MARXIST regime ever having existed on earth, that did not IMPLODE because of its hateful and bigoted mannerisms of allowing the MOBS to RULE...then of course, ONE simple honest man comes to the rescue....A DICTATOR. Oops...getting to close to home now....NO?
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I love Ralph's strawmen and red herrings

He seems to feel a need to demonstrate how dishonest he is all the time

Hmmmm. Okay who are you and what have you done with JB? This dialog is entirely too suspect for such a confirmed atheist, me thinks.


Anne Marie
I love Ralph's strawmen and red herrings

He seems to feel a need to demonstrate how dishonest he is all the time

You can call HISTORICAL documentation STRAW...if you wish, I call it an opinion based upon history actual. And especially like the way...this straw argument is so easily DEBUNKED with all the empirical facts that are flying by me.....its hard to concentrate, as I make this stuff up...void of any rational argument or history. Was it YOU that was attempting to explain AD HOMINEM argumentation to ME? Well, there you go.....simply look at all the facts YOU provided to back up YOUR OPINION. I'll bet that you are of the liberal persuasion....that accepts everyone, regardless of race, religion, or gender....AS LONG AS TOTALLY AGREE WITH EVERYTHING THAT YOU "opine"....NO? If, on the other hand, you believe yourself to be conservative of libertarian....you better take another look in the mirror and attempt to rationalize some of the rhetoric you have been espousing....feminine liberalism "personified". :lol:
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Its obvious here that some people cannot understand the difference of being controlled and mental ilness. and to those who use profanity to push their arguments yes you truly are weak and lack the skills to converse with human beings..

The only logical conclusion is that you are insulting yourself here. Which makes little sense to me. You have called people brainwashed and mentally ill for following religion. Now you say there are people who dont understand the difference between the brainwashed and mentally ill. Make up your mind. If you dont think they are one and the same as a description of people who exercise faith in God, then stop equating them.

Also, Saying "You're argument is weak" is not a valid response to substantive points. In fact, it's a rather large cop out.

Religion is not a choice, we are not asked if we want it or what religion we would like to follow. it is only later in life that we can make the chice if we wish to continue to follow it or not. But that begs the question why does not religion start at adulthood when people can make sound choices on what they want to believe in or not.

Uh, yeah it is. I chose to believe my religion after I studied it and determined it to be correct. I spent time as a missionary inviting them to study and learn and inviting them to be baptized. They weren't born into faith. They were given the choice. Many chose faith. Others did not.

You also obviously dont understand children if you think they have no choice whether to believe or not. How exactly does anyone have a choice if its never taught?

Well its simple there is no choice a child is born into an respective religion and then indoctrinated into it through all the years of education. thus the mind is already filled with hate and ignorance, lies and deciet. There is no choice one must conform or be an outcast and these beliefs that are brainwashed into us impact on our daily lives and actions and for what purpose, as stated before for control and manipulation of the masses, for wealth and for power.

Again, to pretend as though people have no choice what religion they are following is naive and/or completely deceptive. People chose to believe and disbelieve all the time. Are you honestly going to tell me you havent had a choice at whether you believed or not? If you believed that you wouldnt be trying so hard to persuade people that your point of view is correct. There would be no point if they dont have a choice.

Im willing to bet everyone here has made a conscious choice which religion to follow or choose not to believe. Ill even make a poll on it.

The mere fact that there are those here who have responded just as I expected them to is an iidication of just how effective the brainwashing is. Rather than stop, think and question those beliefs like automatons the diatribe flows forth a pre recorded mesage in the brain that spews forth in indignant outrage at something that they don't even understand or have proofs to back up the nonsense they have been taught.

I have plenty of reasons to belief what I believe. Most relevent being Ive actually lived what I believe and Ive seen the benefit of it. Ive seen what happens when people dont.

The problem you have is you conclude that no one has ever thought about their beliefs and asked why they believe what they do. And not to be mean, but that's seriously one of the dumbest arguments I've ever heard. And I've been on this board for a while. There are countless books of people asking questions, analyzing, and explaining what they believe and you think no ones thought or questioned it? Go to a bookstore. Heck, go to the library if you can't afford it.

How many have died for these so called beliefs how many have been slaughtered, tortured, men women and children and it still goes on even now as I type it continues, people killing and murdering believeing their god is better than some one elses. Millions starving while religion hoards great wealth and continues to spread the lies and the hate

Many people have died for their beliefs. And they've been slaughtered, tortured, etc for them. Specifically because people like you exist and encourage that type of action towards people by deciding that all such people should be eliminated.

Billions eat today because of the charity of religious people. How many people have you fed out of charity? My guess is none because you mock the principle. How much money have donated to feed people? Worry about yourself and those you can help and no about what others are doing. Its not any religions fault for your lack of compassion.
As highly developed life forms is it not time to rid ourselves of the mind control tricks and wizards that have peddled this religeous fantasy. That the control and manipulation to say nothing of the murder, torture, suffering and death of millions all in the name of complete and utter fairy tales.

What can anyone say in defense of such monstrous crimes against man. woman and child, the obstruction of knowledge, the insatiable greed for wealth, the perversion of justice and the untold suffering all in the name of manufactured stories.

Religion, that greatest crime starts at birth with the continuous brainwashing and ends at the grave. No other form of knowledge, law or any other subject is used to manipulate humans in such a way, total mind and thought control.

It is time to remove the chains of this nonsense and to remove those who ram it down our throats. For far to long man has allowed himself to be tricked by the devils who ply this odious trade.

Some people like religion and take comfort in it. Although I really have a strong distaste for organized religions I dont think its necessary to be afraid of them and want them to go away.
Its obvious here that some people cannot understand the difference of being controlled and mental ilness. and to those who use profanity to push their arguments yes you truly are weak and lack the skills to converse with human beings..

The only logical conclusion is that you are insulting yourself here. Which makes little sense to me. You have called people brainwashed and mentally ill for following religion. Now you say there are people who dont understand the difference between the brainwashed and mentally ill. Make up your mind. If you dont think they are one and the same as a description of people who exercise faith in God, then stop equating them.

Also, Saying "You're argument is weak" is not a valid response to substantive points. In fact, it's a rather large cop out.

Religion is not a choice, we are not asked if we want it or what religion we would like to follow. it is only later in life that we can make the chice if we wish to continue to follow it or not. But that begs the question why does not religion start at adulthood when people can make sound choices on what they want to believe in or not.

Uh, yeah it is. I chose to believe my religion after I studied it and determined it to be correct. I spent time as a missionary inviting them to study and learn and inviting them to be baptized. They weren't born into faith. They were given the choice. Many chose faith. Others did not.

You also obviously dont understand children if you think they have no choice whether to believe or not. How exactly does anyone have a choice if its never taught?

Again, to pretend as though people have no choice what religion they are following is naive and/or completely deceptive. People chose to believe and disbelieve all the time. Are you honestly going to tell me you havent had a choice at whether you believed or not? If you believed that you wouldnt be trying so hard to persuade people that your point of view is correct. There would be no point if they dont have a choice.

Im willing to bet everyone here has made a conscious choice which religion to follow or choose not to believe. Ill even make a poll on it.

The mere fact that there are those here who have responded just as I expected them to is an iidication of just how effective the brainwashing is. Rather than stop, think and question those beliefs like automatons the diatribe flows forth a pre recorded mesage in the brain that spews forth in indignant outrage at something that they don't even understand or have proofs to back up the nonsense they have been taught.

I have plenty of reasons to belief what I believe. Most relevent being Ive actually lived what I believe and Ive seen the benefit of it. Ive seen what happens when people dont.

The problem you have is you conclude that no one has ever thought about their beliefs and asked why they believe what they do. And not to be mean, but that's seriously one of the dumbest arguments I've ever heard. And I've been on this board for a while. There are countless books of people asking questions, analyzing, and explaining what they believe and you think no ones thought or questioned it? Go to a bookstore. Heck, go to the library if you can't afford it.

How many have died for these so called beliefs how many have been slaughtered, tortured, men women and children and it still goes on even now as I type it continues, people killing and murdering believeing their god is better than some one elses. Millions starving while religion hoards great wealth and continues to spread the lies and the hate

Many people have died for their beliefs. And they've been slaughtered, tortured, etc for them. Specifically because people like you exist and encourage that type of action towards people by deciding that all such people should be eliminated.

Billions eat today because of the charity of religious people. How many people have you fed out of charity? My guess is none because you mock the principle. How much money have donated to feed people? Worry about yourself and those you can help and no about what others are doing. Its not any religions fault for your lack of compassion.


This is an exceptional post. :thup:

Anne Marie
As highly developed life forms is it not time to rid ourselves of the mind control tricks and wizards that have peddled this religeous fantasy. That the control and manipulation to say nothing of the murder, torture, suffering and death of millions all in the name of complete and utter fairy tales.

What can anyone say in defense of such monstrous crimes against man. woman and child, the obstruction of knowledge, the insatiable greed for wealth, the perversion of justice and the untold suffering all in the name of manufactured stories.

Religion, that greatest crime starts at birth with the continuous brainwashing and ends at the grave. No other form of knowledge, law or any other subject is used to manipulate humans in such a way, total mind and thought control.

It is time to remove the chains of this nonsense and to remove those who ram it down our throats. For far to long man has allowed himself to be tricked by the devils who ply this odious trade.

We need people with different perspective---and to be honest, religion does a fantastic job of keeping the Human collective mind Schizophrenic as possible!!

So I say no, we need to keep the madness. It makes us---mentally stronger!!:lol:

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