Time To HAUL ASS Out Of South Korea

Tom Horn

Gold Member
Aug 31, 2015
What's stopping us from dropping a big firecracker on the fat little bastard in Pingpongyang? We've got 30K troops within the north's artillery range is what. They've been there since 1953 and we ain't getting a dime from the S.Korean government for their care and feeding. They'd be overrun if Kimchi attacked so they're sitting ducks regardless. But they'd get nuked for doing it and China won't allow it. So the stalemate goes on, the north develops a missile that will hit mainland USA, and China gets trade advantages out of keeping their little dog on a chain. That's been the game. :eusa_doh:

But now there's a different deck being dealt. S. Korea just REFUSED our ability to defend our troops by installing our THAAD missile defense. Yes, Trump asked them for a billion dollars for it....small change compared to what they're making exporting their shitty little cars duty-free into the US. How did this happen? China is terrified of that missile system and assured the south Koreans the north will never attack them. And the S. Koreans backed out of our agreement. Trump's charm-offensive with the Chinese leader didn't work...he tried but hardcore communists don't get charmed. So we have to face the reality that nothing is going to change there until we change it.

Pull our boys off the Korean peninsula ASAP. We redeploy them or bring them home out of harm's way. Now there is nothing keeping us from turning fat boy into a pile of charred pork if he ever tests another ICBM. Am I right? Oh yeah.
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What's stopping us from dropping a big firecracker on the fat little bastard in Pingpongyang? We've got 30K troops within the north's artillery range is what. They've been there since 1953 and we ain't getting a dime from the S.Korean government for their care and feeding. They'd be overrun if Kimchi attacked so they're sitting ducks regardless. But they'd get nuked for doing it and China won't allow it. So the stalemate goes on, the north develops a missile that will hit mainland USA, and China gets trade advantages out of keeping their little dog on a chain. That's been the game. :eusa_doh:

But now there's a different deck being dealt. S. Korea just REFUSED our ability to defend our troops by installing our THAAD missile defense. Yes, Trump asked them for a billion dollars for it....small change compared to what they're making exporting their shitty little cars duty-free into the US. How did this happen? China is terrified of that missile system and assured the south Koreans the north will never attack them. And the S. Koreans backed out of our agreement. Trump's charm-offensive with the Chinese leader didn't work...he tried but hardcore communists don't get charmed. So we have to face the reality that nothing is going to change there until we change it.

Pull our boys off the Korean peninsula ASAP. We redeploy them or bring them home out of harm's way. Now there is nothing keeping us from turning fat boy into a pile of charred pork if he ever tests another ICBM. Am I right? Oh yeah.

I was thinking the same thing the other day when the new Obama like idiot elected wanted to halt THAAD. Fuck em then, lets take our stuff and go home and leave them on their own

Don't kid yourselves . The Dmz would be a speed bump if NK wanted to invade . It's more symbolic/ political than anything .
What's stopping us from dropping a big firecracker on the fat little bastard in Pingpongyang? We've got 30K troops within the north's artillery range is what. They've been there since 1953 and we ain't getting a dime from the S.Korean government for their care and feeding. They'd be overrun if Kimchi attacked so they're sitting ducks regardless. But they'd get nuked for doing it and China won't allow it. So the stalemate goes on, the north develops a missile that will hit mainland USA, and China gets trade advantages out of keeping their little dog on a chain. That's been the game. :eusa_doh:

But now there's a different deck being dealt. S. Korea just REFUSED our ability to defend our troops by installing our THAAD missile defense. Yes, Trump asked them for a billion dollars for it....small change compared to what they're making exporting their shitty little cars duty-free into the US. How did this happen? China is terrified of that missile system and assured the south Koreans the north will never attack them. And the S. Koreans backed out of our agreement. Trump's charm-offensive with the Chinese leader didn't work...he tried but hardcore communists don't get charmed. So we have to face the reality that nothing is going to change there until we change it.

Pull our boys off the Korean peninsula ASAP. We redeploy them or bring them home out of harm's way. Now there is nothing keeping us from turning fat boy into a pile of charred pork if he ever tests another ICBM. Am I right? Oh yeah.

No worries, Trump is sending in the other clown.

Dennis Rodman back in Beijing ahead of rumored trip to North Korea - CNNPolitics.com
The reason U.S. (UN) Troops have been posted along the 38th parallel is because Harry Truman and his general Doug MacArthur managed to grasp defeat from the jaws of victory at the cost of about (the number fluctuates according to political agenda) anywhere from 36,000 to 50,000 American lives in three years.
The reason U.S. (UN) Troops have been posted along the 38th parallel is because Harry Truman and his general Doug MacArthur managed to grasp defeat from the jaws of victory at the cost of about (the number fluctuates according to political agenda) anywhere from 36,000 to 50,000 American lives in three years.
MacArthur got fired by Truman because he wanted to nuke North Korea.
Don't kid yourselves . The Dmz would be a speed bump if NK wanted to invade . It's more symbolic/ political than anything .

Now, let's talk about the number of North Korean troops that would automatically surrender and ask for political asylum in South Korea, because they are starving to death while serving in the military of an idiot who thinks he is a god. North Korea is using old ass military equipment while South Korea has some of the latest and greatest U.S. built stuff. One on one, South Korea would more than likely beat North Korea without the U.S.
Lying Donald said North Korea would be easy and fixed quickly, so quickly, but Kim Jong Fatboy has been firing missiles off every other day since drumpf took office. What happened? I mean did your balls drop off?

Leaving South Korea won't prevent North Korea from developing nukes capable of reaching the United States.
Lying Donald said North Korea would be easy and fixed quickly, so quickly, but Kim Jong Fatboy has been firing missiles off every other day since drumpf took office. What happened? I mean did your balls drop off?

No, he's just smarter than you are and listens to the experts.

N. Korea has artillery batteries pointed at Seoul that will destroy the city and kill a lot of people. Rushing into a war is stupid...even Trump can be taught that.
Lying Donald said North Korea would be easy and fixed quickly, so quickly, but Kim Jong Fatboy has been firing missiles off every other day since drumpf took office. What happened? I mean did your balls drop off?

No, he's just smarter than you are and listens to the experts.

N. Korea has artillery batteries pointed at Seoul that will destroy the city and kill a lot of people. Rushing into a war is stupid...even Trump can be taught that.

Seoul is S. Korea's problem....we've protected them for over 60 years FOR FREE and then they piss on our boots by siding with China?
I'm not as worried about Seoul as I am a nuke from N. Korea being launched at the US.
I'm not as worried about Seoul as I am a nuke from N. Korea being launched at the US.

Of course, which is why I'm advocating pulling US forces off the Korean Peninsula and then informing Kimchi that if he tests another ICBM we will flatten and irradiate everything in a 10 mile radius around him.

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