Time To Make Your List Of,"Things Obama Will Not Bring Up In The State Of The Union".

Rexx Taylor

Platinum Member
Jan 6, 2015
:afro: With 2014 being the most disastrous year for a sitting(more like "Golfing") President since Jimmy Carter in 1979. You have to wonder what issues and successes he will speak of come Tuesday night. Is this the 7th one so far? Then it will be the seventh one in a row when Obama will not bring up the debt, high unemployment, Stagnant or worse GDP. And he has never brought up the over 90 Million People who Can't Find A Job! Do you think he will apologize for the embarrassing stunt John Kerry pulled a few days ago? Will he ever bring up any of the scandals and apologize? And what about the success of Obama-Care where we are all saving $2500.00 a year and loving the very affordable trips to the doctors who charge many of us just to sit in the waiting room. Go ahead and make your list. Let's have some fun.:mm::banana:
I stopped watching that man lie to me six years ago. He'll act like the last two elections never happened , we are all saved and safe thanks to him, Jon Kerry and James Taylor.
:afro: With 2014 being the most disastrous year for a sitting(more like "Golfing") President since Jimmy Carter in 1979. .

Jason Easley at Politicus.com out there spreading this good news:

According to the Gallup Daily Tracking poll, President Obama’s job approval rating is a net (+1) as 48% of Americans approve of the job that the president is doing while 47% disapprove. The most recent result is the first time since September 2013 that the president’s Gallup job approval rating has been higher than his disapproval rating. The president’s approval rating has been on a steady rise over the past month. It is clear that the perception of the president’s job performance is changing.

Republicans, who were hoping for Obama fatigue before the 2016 election are getting the exact opposite as the President has acted on his own to remind millions of people why they voted twice for him. Republicans may have taken the majority in Congress, but it is President Obama who is on the rise.
I bet Obama says....
OBL is still dead and GM is still alive....
I stopped watching that man lie to me six years ago. He'll act like the last two elections never happened , we are all saved and safe thanks to him, Jon Kerry and James Taylor.
and remember when he ended a speech with "America Is Back"? back to what? another Obama recession?
:afro: With 2014 being the most disastrous year for a sitting(more like "Golfing") President since Jimmy Carter in 1979. .

Jason Easley at Politicus.com out there spreading this good news:

According to the Gallup Daily Tracking poll, President Obama’s job approval rating is a net (+1) as 48% of Americans approve of the job that the president is doing while 47% disapprove. The most recent result is the first time since September 2013 that the president’s Gallup job approval rating has been higher than his disapproval rating. The president’s approval rating has been on a steady rise over the past month. It is clear that the perception of the president’s job performance is changing.

Republicans, who were hoping for Obama fatigue before the 2016 election are getting the exact opposite as the President has acted on his own to remind millions of people why they voted twice for him. Republicans may have taken the majority in Congress, but it is President Obama who is on the rise.

That will change when the mulatto messiah starts vetoing bills that the majority of Americans are for.
Does anyone think Bama will mention any of the failures/terrorist acts over in Middle East/Europe?
Butthurt nutters gearing up for their freak out. More fun than a man should be allowed to have.
At least 70 per-cent of the viewers are going to watch for the sole reason to see Obama try to explain away 2014. Too bad Ricky Ricardo couldn't be there to yell out his infamous catch phrase.
I stopped watching the State of the Union a long time ago yes even before Obama if anyone was wondering I do think it's a safe bet we won't hear the words radical Islam.
Have any of our resident nutters been able to put two and two together regarding the very sound reasoning behind the decision to avoid anti Islamic rhetoric? Sure hope so. It isn't all that complicated.
Fun drinking game is to take a shot every time he says "Let me be clear'

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