Time To Make Your List Of,"Things Obama Will Not Bring Up In The State Of The Union".

increased taxes
gas is down to punish the USSR and will be back up when they leave the ukraine
his wife a total ****
he's gay
he won't say islamic terrorist

he won't wright the speech, so it's not his fault b/c he can't know what his people are doing, ever
Fun drinking game is to take a shot every time he says "Let me be clear'

So original! I've never heard that one before.

I'm going to guess that he won't say it even one time. In fact..I doubt that you can find a transcript of a speech of his where he says that phrase more than once. Maybe a stump speech during a campaign. But..not a major address.
Have any of our resident nutters been able to put two and two together regarding the very sound reasoning behind the decision to avoid anti Islamic rhetoric? Sure hope so. It isn't all that complicated.
b/c leftist hate being honest
increased taxes
gas is down to punish the USSR and will be back up when they leave the ukraine
his wife a total ****
he's gay
he won't say islamic terrorist

he won't wright the speech, so it's not his fault b/c he can't know what his people are doing, ever

Wright. You can't make this shit up.
Fun drinking game is to take a shot every time he says "Let me be clear'

So original! I've never heard that one before.

I'm going to guess that he won't say it even one time. In fact..I doubt that you can find a transcript of a speech of his where he says that phrase more than once. Maybe a stump speech during a campaign. But..not a major address.
The One Phrase Obama Can't Do Without:
I stopped watching that man lie to me six years ago. He'll act like the last two elections never happened , we are all saved and safe thanks to him, Jon Kerry and James Taylor.

I'd suggest you are one of the willfully ignorant, but ... well everyone knows.
Fun drinking game is to take a shot every time he says "Let me be clear'

So original! I've never heard that one before.

I'm going to guess that he won't say it even one time. In fact..I doubt that you can find a transcript of a speech of his where he says that phrase more than once. Maybe a stump speech during a campaign. But..not a major address.
The One Phrase Obama Can't Do Without:

Yes...I know he uses the phrase. But I'm telling you that he doesn't use it over and over in a single address. Thus....the "more than once" point. Saying that you could have a drinking game based on the phrase is stupid. Unless you are a fucking lightweight.

Try harder.
Saying that you could have a drinking game based on the phrase is stupid. Unless you are a fucking lightweight.

I can hear them now. " He said it again? I just can't drink that second shot. It's to much for me. OMG what will I do IF he says it a THIRD time?"

ODS strikes again.
I'm expecting the guy to finally something that he should have started doing a couple of years ago. I think he'll do some bragging. I think he's going to talk up his administration's record. It's about time.
:afro: With 2014 being the most disastrous year for a sitting(more like "Golfing") President since Jimmy Carter in 1979. You have to wonder what issues and successes he will speak of come Tuesday night. Is this the 7th one so far? Then it will be the seventh one in a row when Obama will not bring up the debt, high unemployment, Stagnant or worse GDP. And he has never brought up the over 90 Million People who Can't Find A Job! Do you think he will apologize for the embarrassing stunt John Kerry pulled a few days ago? Will he ever bring up any of the scandals and apologize? And what about the success of Obama-Care where we are all saving $2500.00 a year and loving the very affordable trips to the doctors who charge many of us just to sit in the waiting room. Go ahead and make your list. Let's have some fun.:mm::banana:
Anyone wanna predict who falls asleep/snores first? Biden or Boehner?
I like this idea. You think many would miss not seeing him speak for what seems like the millionth time?


Cancel the State of the Union
Steve Chapman|Jan 18, 2015

Mid-January is the time to ask the annual question: Are we ready for a big, noisy, overhyped prime-time production that has outgrown its simple origins and usually leaves us feeling both gorged and disappointed? If not, you may want to skip the State of the Union address and prepare for something humbler, like the Super Bowl.

President Barack Obama has been doing his best to make a low-news event a no-news event, by traveling the country unveiling the sort of programs presidents normally use the speech to unveil: free community college, paid job leaves, universal broadband access and more. By the time he actually ascends the House dais on Tuesday evening, we will already know pretty much everything he's going to say.

Too bad he isn't canceling the whole exercise. It would not be unprecedented. Richard Nixon decided to stay home in 1973, and that decision was not listed in the articles of impeachment. Dwight Eisenhower, recovering from a heart attack, elected not to appear in 1956, and both he and the country survived.

Not showing up on Capitol Hill used to be the norm. The Constitution says the president "shall from time to time give to the Congress information of the state of the union," but it doesn't specify the means of communication.

all of it here:
Cancel the State of the Union - Steve Chapman - Page 1=
I wonder if Bama will take candid questions from congress right after the speech?
I wish he'd mention my vase...
and who should we nominate to scream "You Lie", 62 seconds into the speech.
Jack Nicholson....
and who wouldnt pay to be at the SOTU if we could have Jack Nicholson, Ricky Ricardo and Chris Christie in the front row, about 30 feet from Obama.
I am sure they would volunteer, just for the exposure....
I don't know how Boeher is going to keep a straight face listening to Obama claim that all nationally/internationally is do SO WELL!!!

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