Time to play the game! Left winger or right?

So there’s our news story. We all know the media will fuck it up. But place your bets.

I’m going with left winger upset over the Rittenhouse verdict and due to all the lies he got from the media decided to mow down some white kids for social justice. 50/50 this will be a white nutter or a black one. Either way both will be hyped up on some serious racism crack.
It was a white supremacist looking to kill blacks.
It was an African American guy named Brooks I believe.

Good to see you're taking time out to minimize it though.
Oh so now it's minimizing it.....don't worry though, there is still time for him to be a white supremacist......as we know any black person who votes for a republican is not black and is a white supremacist....your sides description, not mine.
Well that makes it so much better....you could not wait for the blood to dry to make a troll post

you party masters must be so very proud of you.
Yeah if only the left didnt rush to call every shooter a MAGA wearing Trump supporter...oh wait......they do....even the media......you know the guys who have an actual responsibility to the truth and can actually gin up hatred and anger from large amounts of people.......enough to cause rioting and looting...........
Oh so now it's minimizing it.....don't worry though, there is still time for him to be a white supremacist......as we know any black person who votes for a republican is not black and is a white supremacist....your sides description, not mine.
The OP.... People still dying and he wants to make political hay out of it. some "christian"
I looked it up. He's not registered to vote.

He's a felon on probation and therefore prohibited from voting.
That's true, but we all know how the left acts: He's only a felon, because he was railroaded by the white suprmacist justice system....In fact he didn't do this, it was really a klansman who blamed it on this guy.......fucking racism!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The OP.... People still dying and he wants to make political hay out of it. some "christian"
That has nothing to do with being a christain....you can't guilt us like a jewish mother.....sorry....it doesnt work that way......Some atheist you are! And when the left stops making hay seconds after a shooting, maybe I'll actually care.
Yeah if only the left didnt rush to call every shooter a MAGA wearing Trump supporter...oh wait......they do....even the media......you know the guys who have an actual responsibility to the truth and can actually gin up hatred and anger from large amounts of people.......enough to cause rioting and looting...........

Correct they do. And so do you all on the right. and then you whine about it when they do it.

You wingers are all the same, you do the same things, you use the same tactics...and then you hate each other for the things that each of you do. Total insanity
Correct they do. And so do you all on the right. and then you whine about it when they do it.

You wingers are all the same, you do the same things, you use the same tactics...and then you hate each other for the things that each of you do. Total insanity
WEll bro, we were passive and let them do this shit, but it's out of hand.......no longer.......fight fire with fire......but I never hear you whine about this when they do it.
Correct they do. And so do you all on the right. and then you whine about it when they do it.

You wingers are all the same, you do the same things, you use the same tactics...and then you hate each other for the things that each of you do. Total insanity
Something needs to be done to stop these lefty white supremacists from doing these crimes
Not what they are reporting. They are saying they have a black male in custody and it is believed the three in the car were fleeing the scene of a crime and panicked. I wouldn't be surprised if they were on drugs or their crime was related to drugs, but truthfully do not know. 20 struck with fatalities not related at this time to Rittenhouse or terrorist, just thugs. Sounds like another Wisconsin murder trial, but the victims were innocents not ex-cons and thugs.
So is that left, right or down the middle looking for reality.
somehow the demofks will say the band and crowd interfered with the right of the three in the car to use the street.
Negro with extensive BLM/Black Nationalism ties. Druggie and sex offender with criminal background.

You know, the kind of Negro street thug that the stupid Libtards get all bent out of shape when the police shoot him for resisting arrest.
WEll bro, we were passive and let them do this shit, but it's out of hand.......no longer.......fight fire with fire......but I never hear you whine about this when they do it.

I point out when both sides do it.

And I have never bought in to the idea that you beat the enemy by becoming them. Seems like that is a loss to me.
Something needs to be done to stop these lefty white supremacists from doing these crimes

and talking about it on an internet forum to win stupid arguments is a sure what to stop it from happening :laughing0301:
It was an African American guy named Brooks I believe.

Good to see you're taking time out to minimize it though.
He is black? Eww, that doesnt bode well for you in this game. Looks like yet another left wing nut causing violence and murder.

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