Time to play the game! Left winger or right?

I point out when both sides do it.

And I have never bought in to the idea that you beat the enemy by becoming them. Seems like that is a loss to me.
Yeah you're right.....the way to defeat guns is to use swords......it's been tried....doesnt work.......Republicans have tried being nice......as John Dalton would say, now is the time not to be nice
Sorry after all the banning of conservatives from social media and colleges (under the guise of security), harassing people at dinner, purging people from the govt and vax mandates, and riots destroying cities....that doesnt include fake dossiers, spying on campaigns, lying constaly by the media calling anyone who they don't like a white supremacist.....sorry the cooler heads are not turning the other cheeck much longer.
Yeah you're right.....the way to defeat guns is to use swords......it's been tried....doesnt work.......Republicans have tried being nice......as John Dalton would say, now is the time not to be nice
Sorry after all the banning of conservatives from social media and colleges (under the guise of security), harassing people at dinner, purging people from the govt and vax mandates, and riots destroying cities....that doesnt include fake dossiers, spying on campaigns, lying constaly by the media calling anyone who they don't like a white supremacist.....sorry the cooler heads are not turning the other cheeck much longer.

That is a lot of words to admitting you have become just like that which you fight against.
May as well have been you. You supported them and cheered it on.

Can you find a single post on here of me doing either?

I bet you that you cannot.

How about this, if you do I will leave the forum for good, if you cannot then you leave the forum for good.


So there’s our news story. We all know the media will fuck it up. But place your bets.

I’m going with left winger upset over the Rittenhouse verdict and due to all the lies he got from the media decided to mow down some white kids for social justice. 50/50 this will be a white nutter or a black one. Either way both will be hyped up on some serious racism crack.
Too many time people have jumped to conclusions that support their political agenda in an attempt to set the mood for discussion and create a fairy tail but false image in the minds of the public.
It is becoming evident as real facts emerge, that politics wasn't his motive. He was just another criminal trying to run from the scene of his crime.
Can you find a single post on here of me doing either?

I bet you that you cannot.

How about this, if you do I will leave the forum for good, if you cannot then you leave the forum for good.

I don’t do thread searches reading through all your horse shit. We all know where you stand as it’s plainly obvious in your posts. I’m pretty sure a quick drive by your house would result in a BLM and rainbow sticker clad Prius.
Correct they do. And so do you all on the right. and then you whine about it when they do it.

You wingers are all the same, you do the same things, you use the same tactics...and then you hate each other for the things that each of you do. Total insanity

Amazing take, and innocent until proven guilty, I agree.

And yet, Kyle kills 2 felons while being attacked. This person kills grandmas and kids.

Outrage by the Left? Not so much, in fact in a few threads, I see them putting up "self Defense" trying to be funny.

Sad, very, very, sad. I no longer have confidence in our society, and I refuse to use the blame game here. If this is how we are going to roll, then everyone should buy a fire arm, and if for some reason you are forced to use it, let the justice system decide if you were justified!
I don’t do thread searches reading through all your horse shit. We all know where you stand as it’s plainly obvious in your posts. I’m pretty sure a quick drive by your house would result in a BLM and rainbow sticker clad Prius.

I accept your surrender.
And yet, Kyle kills 2 felons while being attacked. This person kills grandmas and kids.

Kyle did not kill them because they were felons, that was a total accident.

Had this person ran over felons instead of person kills grandmas and kids would that have some how made his actions better?

I say no, but I bet a lot disagree with me.
Kyle did not kill them because they were felons, that was a total accident.

Had this person ran over felons instead of person kills grandmas and kids would that have some how made his actions better?

I say no, but I bet a lot disagree with me.

You are correct Gator, score one for you! And yet, Rittenhouse was attacked, and who would do something like that? Why felons, crooks, etc, of course.

On the other hand, did grandma or kids attack the SUV? Not likely. But who/whom was driving the SUV? A felon, crook, drug dealer no doubt.

What does that tell us?

It tells us the people who follow the rules are under attack from people who do not; no matter their political affiliation, and in fact, have little to do with it. It is law abiding, against non law abiding; and the law abiding in many instances, get no protection from the government they fund; and that is by design.

So when anyone suggests to me that rioters and looters should not be shot by the populace, then may I suggest that the government put police and national guard in there to take the choice out of the populaces hands.

Grandma, grandpa, child, or grandchild can run to an officer and ask for protection. But when officers are NOT there, then parents and grandparents, along with young adults have to do what they have to do!

Hey Golfing, if they are coming through your neighborhood looting and pillaging, and your local politicians tell the cops to stand back, what are YOU going to do when they get to your house? Your business? Your wife? Your children? Your grandchildren? You going to stand their and say, go ahead?

Think about that! It can happen now anywhere, especially if you live in a Democratic enclave. If the police can NOT fend for us, then who will? ANSWER: If the police can't, then WE WILL, and let the justice department sort it out later. While I would NEVER want to spend the rest of my life in jail, I would rather that, then let my wife, children, or grandchildren be maimed or die before my eyes!

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