Alabama Just Told the Supreme Court to Pound Sand

The moron knuckledragger who started this thread sounds overjoyed that Alabama told the Supremes to "Pound sand". He sounds like he wants SCOTUS to be marginalized and ignored. What happens when Connecticut and Massachusetts bans guns?
Sucks to live there, and not have the Balls to "Say No!"

“Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice Brett Kavanaugh aligned with the court’s liberals in affirming a lower-court ruling that found a likely violation of the Voting Rights Act in an Alabama congressional map with one majority Black seat out of seven districts in a state where more than one in four residents is Black,” reported the Associated Press in June. “The state now will have to draw a new map for next year’s election.”

The new map must have two majority black districts, the edict handed down by the nation’s highest court. A special session of the state legislature was gaveled in the Heart of Dixie, but the new map didn’t have a second majority-black district. A move that many view as flipping off the Supreme Court.

Libs are pissed.

“Alabama Republicans are intentionally drawing political retention maps at the expense of Black Alabamians — in defiance of the Supreme Court and the Alabama district court. It is a continuation of the state’s long, sordid history of disenfranchising Black voters,” she said, promising to challenge the maps in court.

The court left wiggle room in the decision. Of course the losing party is going to exploit it. You just have to make a minor change and let it work back through the courts.

LOL....The inefficiency of the process is half of the game. ;)

That said it sounds like some sort of ethnic preference to require something be made up of a majority of a single ethnicity.

Take CT for example, there are about 35% of CT voters there who are white Republicans, but there are no Republican representatives in congress from CT so should SCOTUS rule that 1/3 of the congressional districts in CT be majority white Republican?

Southern conservatives pure hatred of black people is nothing new
Did you enter a full reterd contest?

The moron knuckledragger who started this thread sounds overjoyed that Alabama told the Supremes to "Pound sand". He sounds like he wants SCOTUS to be marginalized and ignored. What happens when Connecticut and Massachusetts bans guns?

they twisted the system to get the supreme court they wanted and are still not satisfied. can't please them.
I think a computer-generated map could work if it began at a mutually agreed upon starting point (e.g., geographical center of a state).
The geographic based House of Representatives should be replaced by one based on economic sector.
We are at a point there blue states already ignore red laws they don't like, like immigartion laws

Now all that is left is for red states to ignore blue laws they don't like, and the divorce can be complete and not a shot fired.

It really needs to be done. We can not maintain a nation that millions of bed wetting democrook parasites openly hate. We can not survive bing politically bound to vermin that freely express a desire to exterminate human beings because of the climate hoax. We can not wait for that filth to acquire totalitarian power and establish "camps" like all the other leftist regimes have done to exterminate dissenters.
I think a computer-generated map could work if it began at a mutually agreed upon starting point (e.g., geographical center of a state).
Yes but that would solve the problem in an efficient and equitable manner. The whole point of gerrymandering is to do the opposite.

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