Time to Put in a sunset to the Sequester on the "Table".

I find this interesting. The argument put forth by some is that re-electing the President was a confirmation of PPACA. Yet, the HOR remained in the hands of the GOP. The same congressional body that holds the purse strings. And before anyone uses the Gerrymander argument, I would state that coat tails have occurred in recent elections where one party was tossed completely and another brought in. The Senate picked up seats and the President won in a landslide. Why did the House not follow suit? Hmmmmm

Last election their were more aggregated votes for Democrats than Republicans..and Republicans still retained the house.

Yeah..it was Gerrymandering.

That's one explanation. Here's another, the majority of voters did not turn against the GOP in the congressional body that was closest to them. If PPACA was so popular and the GOP was a roadblock, no gerrymander would have stopped the voters from taking the party out of power. As u said, more votes for democrats than republicans.

I find this interesting. The argument put forth by some is that re-electing the President was a confirmation of PPACA. Yet, the HOR remained in the hands of the GOP. The same congressional body that holds the purse strings. And before anyone uses the Gerrymander argument, I would state that coat tails have occurred in recent elections where one party was tossed completely and another brought in. The Senate picked up seats and the President won in a landslide. Why did the House not follow suit? Hmmmmm

I guess the Dems ran out of buses to cart illegals to the polls.
See, that's the total bullshit in all of this. The GOP is (fake) whining about how the President won't compromise. The fucking sequester still in the CR is the goddamn compromise.

They totally gone George Orwell on this.

I was listening to one of the terrorist Republicans describe their ransom plan as "ObamaCare Relief".

That's to much..


"Terrorist" Republicans? :lmao:

What a drama queen!
See, that's the total bullshit in all of this. The GOP is (fake) whining about how the President won't compromise. The fucking sequester still in the CR is the goddamn compromise.

They totally gone George Orwell on this.

I was listening to one of the terrorist Republicans describe their ransom plan as "ObamaCare Relief".

That's to much..


"Terrorist" Republicans? :lmao:

What a drama queen!

Whenever such shock terms are used you know they are completely intellectually voided. They need to make good and start arresting these "terrorists, hostage takers, and arsonists".
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How about having an actual budget passed instead?

We haven't had one in FIVE YEARS.
The Republicans got all they wanted.

Now they are trying to undo a law.

It's very radical.

Only in your twisted mind.

The Repugs got nothing. They weren't even allowed to participate in the process. The damned thing was written in secret, negotiated in private, and the GOP totally shut out of the process. And now that everyone is beginning to read it we're finding out it's just a big get out the vote campaign using unions and ACORN members as navigators.
That's a load of crap.

The ACA is the Republican plan. And they got to add all sorts of amendments. The problem became, they wouldn't stop and wanted to delay the vote.

That's when it went "into the dark room".

Pathetic Spin.

The ACA is OBAMACARE, wholly owned by the Dems. It's their program, they wrote it and voted it in. And now it is being exposed in high relief for the ACORN Funding Obamanation that it is.
Only in your twisted mind.

The Repugs got nothing. They weren't even allowed to participate in the process. The damned thing was written in secret, negotiated in private, and the GOP totally shut out of the process. And now that everyone is beginning to read it we're finding out it's just a big get out the vote campaign using unions and ACORN members as navigators.
That's a load of crap.

The ACA is the Republican plan. And they got to add all sorts of amendments. The problem became, they wouldn't stop and wanted to delay the vote.

That's when it went "into the dark room".

Pathetic Spin.

The ACA is OBAMACARE, wholly owned by the Dems. It's their program, they wrote it and voted it in. And now it is being exposed in high relief for the ACORN Funding Obamanation that it is.


This is Ted Cruz explaining what's going on in Washington right now.
Time to Put in a sunset to the Sequester on the "Table".

Just eliminate the austerity and restrict deductions by the same amount.

I find this interesting. The argument put forth by some is that re-electing the President was a confirmation of PPACA. Yet, the HOR remained in the hands of the GOP. The same congressional body that holds the purse strings. And before anyone uses the Gerrymander argument, I would state that coat tails have occurred in recent elections where one party was tossed completely and another brought in. The Senate picked up seats and the President won in a landslide. Why did the House not follow suit? Hmmmmm

Last election their were more aggregated votes for Democrats than Republicans..and Republicans still retained the house.

Yeah..it was Gerrymandering.

That's one explanation. Here's another, the majority of voters did not turn against the GOP in the congressional body that was closest to them. If PPACA was so popular and the GOP was a roadblock, no gerrymander would have stopped the voters from taking the party out of power. As u said, more votes for democrats than republicans.


Wait, what?

2010 was an anomaly. The GOP was largely successfully for several reasons. They were able to mount a pretty good disinformation campaign about the ACA, midterms don't generally have large turnout, and we had the worst economic cataclysm since the great depression.

It also should be noted that the reason the ACA isn't all that popular is because a large number of people dissatisfied with it thought it should have been a different law as in Single Payer. Which means that unlike the GOP, which now wants no law, they wanted it expanded.

In one of the longest campaigns on record, the GOP spend billions of dollars to unseat the President (Indeed, McConnell said the top priority of the Senate was to make Obama a one term President), they challenged the law in court and voted on repeals multiple times.

They completely failed on all counts. 2012 they lost seats in the house, senate and the Presidency. That SHOULD have vindicated both the law and the President..but it did not.

Personally? I think the GOP is ramming it's agenda down the throats of the American public. We now are close to the Ryan budget in terms of spending and still the GOP wants more cuts, more tax cuts and to shutdown the ACA.

They've gotten nearly everything they wanted yet they are the minority party.

It is REALLY time to take the country back.
Only in your twisted mind.

The Repugs got nothing. They weren't even allowed to participate in the process. The damned thing was written in secret, negotiated in private, and the GOP totally shut out of the process. And now that everyone is beginning to read it we're finding out it's just a big get out the vote campaign using unions and ACORN members as navigators.
That's a load of crap.

The ACA is the Republican plan. And they got to add all sorts of amendments. The problem became, they wouldn't stop and wanted to delay the vote.

That's when it went "into the dark room".

Pathetic Spin.

The ACA is OBAMACARE, wholly owned by the Dems. It's their program, they wrote it and voted it in. And now it is being exposed in high relief for the ACORN Funding Obamanation that it is.

It's not spin in the slightest.

It's the REPUBLICAN plan.

It's nicely explained to be such in this post..


This is the plan introduced by Bob Dole as an alternative to HillaryCare and was adopted by Mitt Romney.

You folks are either ignorant of recent history or blatantly dishonest.
Republicans in the house continue to bray on about "compromise" when actually it's them who have been unyielding. The mapping of implementation of a law to the Continuing Resolution is unprecedented and radical in it's own right, but the idea that they have been 'fair' is absolutely absurd.

Putting a sunset to the sequester, which was radical to start with, might be a way to fight fire with fire.

I agree, and in it's place they need to pass a balanced budget amendment. That is the ultimate sequester.

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