Time to put pressure on the GOP. . .

Which statement re the President is most accurate for you at this time?

  • I hate President Trump and won't support anything he supports.

  • I strongly dislike the President and will oppose his re-election.

  • I don't hate the President but I oppose most or all of his agenda.

  • I like the President but I oppose most or all of his agenda.

  • I find the President unlikable at times but I support most or all of his agenda.

  • I appreciate the President and I support most or all of his agenda.

  • Other that I have explained in my post.

Results are only viewable after voting.
He has torn the country apart, and has left it open to it's enemies, and namely one of it's greatest enemies.

Him being there can only lead to disaster.


The LEFT have torn the country wide apart in their hate, in boycotting Trump's inauguration, before the guy had even done one thing you were already polarizing the country. And when Trump tried to put just a TEMPORARY freeze on people coming in from terrorist countries, YOU TRIED TO STOP HIM, when he tried to secure the southern border, YOU TRIED TO STOP HIM, leaving us wide open to our enemies.

If we have any problem, it is the New Left. The best for us right now is to take all Radical Leftists and round them up into concentration camps like we did with the Japanese until we can sort out who is dangerous and who is merely an idiot.

80% of this nation's problems would immediately resolve.


Trump is the one who is tearing this country apart. He is only worried about being President to the people who support him. That is what getting rid of state and local tax deductions was all about. Screwing his political opponents. You are the ones who hate. Who have attacked synagogues and mosques. Who target people for their religion then claim victimhood for Christians.

The fact is that white supremacists, neo-nazis and other far right wing people need to be put into concentration camps. They have attacked mosques, synagogues, sent bombs through the mail, and stockpiled weapons while plotting to kill their political opponents,.

Prime example of TDS.


I knew President Trump was telling the truth from the get go. I didn't need a $35,000,000 Mueller investigation to know a successful businessman tells you the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.
One hopes that the anti-Trumpers within the GOP get axed in the next primary. Some have retired and some ought to be replaced if they aren't willing to put the best interests of their country ahead of their own personal goals. And the same goes for the Dems, enough of the BS Green New Deal. Get real or get out, one wonders how much longer the Dems can continue down this non-sensical path.

What if the "anti-Trumpers" believe that what they do is in the best interests of the country? You seem to be saying that only agreeing with Trump could be in the best interests of the country. :dunno:

If a member of Congress is opposing this or that Trump policy cuz he or she believes the policy is wrong or not in the best interests of the country or because he or she believes his or her constituents want him or her to oppose it, then fine. But these days I am not sure how many in either party support or oppose any policy or position based on those reasons, or is it something else? Like how does this affect my chances for re-election? Or, how much money am I going to get or lose for my campaign fund? Or worse, how much will I or a family member or friend/supporter gain or lose?

When I see pols who were for something and now they are against it, it's kinda hard to convince me that they are doing what is best for the country. And both sides are guilty of this I think. Sides and positions are switched depending in part on who's in the majority and who's in the WH. I may be wrong, but I do believe that most polls these days indicate that most Americans do not trust their gov't and do not believe they are working in our best interests instead of theirs.

What you are describing is a permanent political class that are in it for their own personal benefit and not for those who put them there.

Why I think they hate President Trump so much apart from the fact that he beat their nominee who was supposed to be a shoo in?

1. President Trump is not a politician.

2. President Trump is non partisan.

3. President Trump is not an ideologue.

4. President Trump thumbs his nose at political correctness.

5. President Trump gives no respect to a status quo that has not been producing the results it is supposed to.

6. President Trump sets his objective and goal and then goes from Plan A to B or C or however many different plans it takes to achieve the desired outcome. He doesn't easily take no for an answer, he isn't afraid to try no matter how many say it can't be done, and he isn't afraid to fail along the way until the right solution or fix is found, and if it is important to him, he doesn't quit. (He will sometimes withdraw, regroup, and recalculate before trying again.)

7. President Trump is determined to do the job he set out to do and whether he does it out of ego or an honest desire to help America and Americans, it doesn't matter. He intends to get it done and he has kept campaign promises more faithfully and in actuality than ANY President in my now very long lifetime.

If he is sometimes petulant, petty, cringeworthy, unlikable at times, well that's a small price to pay to get somebody who actually wants to do the job. So I want to keep him.

He is the exact opposite of the professional political class and is a danger to their existance. And that is why they and their supporters in both parties hate him.

1. At this point Trump certainly is a politician. Before being elected, he acted a lot like politicians do; the bad qualities, at least. :p

2. I honestly don't know where you get this idea that Trump is so non-partisan. He's made comment after comment about how bad Democrats and 'the left' are, hasn't he?

3. Trump doesn't seem to be an ideologue, unless you were to describe promoting the Trump brand as his ideology. :lol:

4. True, but thumbing one's nose at political correctness doesn't have to mean being crass and rude. :dunno:

5. Has the status quo really changed all that much?

6. Unfortunately, at least based on the things he says, Trump seems like the type who not only won't admit to ever failing, but who would keep promoting a failing policy in order to avoid such an admission. He also comes across as a person who would only go from Plan A to B or C if they were his plans, or he could take credit for them. That's just an impression, though.

7. How do you know what Trump, or any president, is determined to do? I have no idea how Trump compares to other presidents as far as keeping campaign promises. If he's kept more than other presidents, that's admirable.

I think most presidents want the job.

I don't think Trump is the opposite of the professional political class. I think he is more like a somewhat tarnished reflection of them. I think getting someone who is the opposite would be next to impossible because no one one would want to do the job is likely to try to get it. Worse, no one one would want to do the job is likely to get elected, even if they were to run. Presidential elections seem like more of a beauty contest than a political election to me. :(

Trump wasn't into politics all that much until he got fed up with the leftist bullshit. Then he ran and won and they can all fuck off like the unAmerican douchenozzles they are.

I hope he wins again to drive the point home that unAmerican is not the way to be in America. :dunno:

We need 12 years at least of real American presidents before this country can withstand another leftist president. Otherwise the whole grand experiment is over.
As for me, I just have the hope that future children could have a reasonable facsimile of the freedom I had growing up. If they riot to say they don't want that, who I am to stop them? I had mine, and I wish it for them, but if they wanna be stupid fucktards, that's on them. Be slaves, dumbasses.
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One hopes that the anti-Trumpers within the GOP get axed in the next primary. Some have retired and some ought to be replaced if they aren't willing to put the best interests of their country ahead of their own personal goals. And the same goes for the Dems, enough of the BS Green New Deal. Get real or get out, one wonders how much longer the Dems can continue down this non-sensical path.

What if the "anti-Trumpers" believe that what they do is in the best interests of the country? You seem to be saying that only agreeing with Trump could be in the best interests of the country. :dunno:

If a member of Congress is opposing this or that Trump policy cuz he or she believes the policy is wrong or not in the best interests of the country or because he or she believes his or her constituents want him or her to oppose it, then fine. But these days I am not sure how many in either party support or oppose any policy or position based on those reasons, or is it something else? Like how does this affect my chances for re-election? Or, how much money am I going to get or lose for my campaign fund? Or worse, how much will I or a family member or friend/supporter gain or lose?

When I see pols who were for something and now they are against it, it's kinda hard to convince me that they are doing what is best for the country. And both sides are guilty of this I think. Sides and positions are switched depending in part on who's in the majority and who's in the WH. I may be wrong, but I do believe that most polls these days indicate that most Americans do not trust their gov't and do not believe they are working in our best interests instead of theirs.

What you are describing is a permanent political class that are in it for their own personal benefit and not for those who put them there.

Why I think they hate President Trump so much apart from the fact that he beat their nominee who was supposed to be a shoo in?

1. President Trump is not a politician.

2. President Trump is non partisan.

3. President Trump is not an ideologue.

4. President Trump thumbs his nose at political correctness.

5. President Trump gives no respect to a status quo that has not been producing the results it is supposed to.

6. President Trump sets his objective and goal and then goes from Plan A to B or C or however many different plans it takes to achieve the desired outcome. He doesn't easily take no for an answer, he isn't afraid to try no matter how many say it can't be done, and he isn't afraid to fail along the way until the right solution or fix is found, and if it is important to him, he doesn't quit. (He will sometimes withdraw, regroup, and recalculate before trying again.)

7. President Trump is determined to do the job he set out to do and whether he does it out of ego or an honest desire to help America and Americans, it doesn't matter. He intends to get it done and he has kept campaign promises more faithfully and in actuality than ANY President in my now very long lifetime.

If he is sometimes petulant, petty, cringeworthy, unlikable at times, well that's a small price to pay to get somebody who actually wants to do the job. So I want to keep him.

He is the exact opposite of the professional political class and is a danger to their existance. And that is why they and their supporters in both parties hate him.

1. At this point Trump certainly is a politician. Before being elected, he acted a lot like politicians do; the bad qualities, at least. :p

2. I honestly don't know where you get this idea that Trump is so non-partisan. He's made comment after comment about how bad Democrats and 'the left' are, hasn't he?

3. Trump doesn't seem to be an ideologue, unless you were to describe promoting the Trump brand as his ideology. :lol:

4. True, but thumbing one's nose at political correctness doesn't have to mean being crass and rude. :dunno:

5. Has the status quo really changed all that much?

6. Unfortunately, at least based on the things he says, Trump seems like the type who not only won't admit to ever failing, but who would keep promoting a failing policy in order to avoid such an admission. He also comes across as a person who would only go from Plan A to B or C if they were his plans, or he could take credit for them. That's just an impression, though.

7. How do you know what Trump, or any president, is determined to do? I have no idea how Trump compares to other presidents as far as keeping campaign promises. If he's kept more than other presidents, that's admirable.

I think most presidents want the job.

I don't think Trump is the opposite of the professional political class. I think he is more like a somewhat tarnished reflection of them. I think getting someone who is the opposite would be next to impossible because no one one would want to do the job is likely to try to get it. Worse, no one one would want to do the job is likely to get elected, even if they were to run. Presidential elections seem like more of a beauty contest than a political election to me. :(

Trump wasn't into politics all that much until he got fed up with the leftist bullshit. Then he ran and won and they can all fuck off like the unAmerican douchenozzles they are.

I hope he wins again to drive the point home that unAmerican is not the way to be in America. :dunno:

We need 12 years at least of real American presidents before this country can withstand another leftist president. Otherwise the whole grand experiment is over.
As for me, I just have the hope that future children could have a reasonable facsimile of the freedom I had growing up. If they riot to say they don't want that, who I am to stop them? I had mine, and I wish it for them, but if they wanna be stupid fucktards, that's on them. Be slaves, dumbasses.

:) I am not quite yet to give up and hand our country over to a bunch of snowflakes, numbnuts, mean spirited fascist dictators, or the just plain uneducated, misguided, brainwashed. . .okay stupid. Especially just because it is what they think they want.

I agree we need a good long stretch of common sense to teach the children what they need to know about what liberty is, why it is important, why push back on socialist, would be fascist dictators is so critical to do, why all points of view should be allowed and taught in our schools, universities, and all levels of government. Why it is dangerous to try to silence those with whom we disagree. Why it is immoral and dangerous to punish those with whom we disagree.

The damage done by political correctness and a tyranny of a hateful, vindictive, would-be authoritarian minority has been devastating to our culture and our institutions as well as to our well being and security as a people. That damage cannot be undone overnight.

President Trump's administration is a very good start on it though.
The only concern I have is the continued rise in the country's debt. Neither party has shown an interest in that issue.
I would like to see more language regarding term limits on the Legislative Branch.
Otherwise Trump has my full support and will get my vote again.

The debt is worrying but the only President who ever balanced the America budget was Andrew Jackson back in the 1840's.

As long as we have a Congress that spends money like it grows on a tree no one will balance the budget.
Another good reason for those term limits.
Get the career elites out. All of them.

I can't really say that I can support term limits because so often we get rid of the devil we know and wind up with one far worse. I look at the amazing knowledge of people like Lindsay Graham, Jim Jordan, et al, how much their experience helps us in understanding what is going on, and how unwise it might be in putting inexperienced rookies in charge of issues most critical to the security and well being of the country. (And yes, I have had my issues with Lindsay in the past too, but I'll have to say he has been exemplary the last couple of years.)

I would far rather see us have a constitutional amendment that maybe allows more annual income for our elected representatives, but that would require them to pass no legislation of any kind that benefits any group or entity that does not benefit all, that would not allow them to dispense charity or grants of any kind. And all contracts would be put out for bids. Further they should pay into their own 401ks or IRAs and health plans--the same plans they force on the rest of us--and take those with them when they leave office with no government retirement after that.

Do that and it removes all incentive for dishonorable lobbying, or for anybody who is in office to benefit himself/herself to stay there or run for office at all. That would leave us with public servants who love America and work for the people again and I don't care how long they stick around.

Something has to be done. They voted themselves half the keys to the country during Carter..then they voted themselves the second half during Reagan's second Congress.

They've been living high on our money and making us poorer ever since.

Lobbying needs to be outlawed period. It is bribery.
What needs to be outlawed is politicians selling access....The lobbyists are only there buying because the politicians are selling.
The only concern I have is the continued rise in the country's debt. Neither party has shown an interest in that issue.
I would like to see more language regarding term limits on the Legislative Branch.
Otherwise Trump has my full support and will get my vote again.

The debt is worrying but the only President who ever balanced the America budget was Andrew Jackson back in the 1840's.

As long as we have a Congress that spends money like it grows on a tree no one will balance the budget.
Another good reason for those term limits.
Get the career elites out. All of them.

I can't really say that I can support term limits because so often we get rid of the devil we know and wind up with one far worse. I look at the amazing knowledge of people like Lindsay Graham, Jim Jordan, et al, how much their experience helps us in understanding what is going on, and how unwise it might be in putting inexperienced rookies in charge of issues most critical to the security and well being of the country. (And yes, I have had my issues with Lindsay in the past too, but I'll have to say he has been exemplary the last couple of years.)

I would far rather see us have a constitutional amendment that maybe allows more annual income for our elected representatives, but that would require them to pass no legislation of any kind that benefits any group or entity that does not benefit all, that would not allow them to dispense charity or grants of any kind. And all contracts would be put out for bids. Further they should pay into their own 401ks or IRAs and health plans--the same plans they force on the rest of us--and take those with them when they leave office with no government retirement after that.

Do that and it removes all incentive for dishonorable lobbying, or for anybody who is in office to benefit himself/herself to stay there or run for office at all. That would leave us with public servants who love America and work for the people again and I don't care how long they stick around.

Something has to be done. They voted themselves half the keys to the country during Carter..then they voted themselves the second half during Reagan's second Congress.

They've been living high on our money and making us poorer ever since.

Lobbying needs to be outlawed period. It is bribery.

What needs to be outlawed is politicians selling access....The lobbyists are only there buying because the politicians are selling.

Not all, but in some cases you are right. The left and even some on the right seem to think corporate America is running the politicians and the government. I was one of them until I started really digging into it to see what was happening. For reasons unnecessary to go into here, I had some access to high level people in big business and what they tell me is interesting.

And then when Peter Schwiezer's book "Extortion" came out, some what seemed strange pieces started falling into place.

Yes Big Corp sometimes bribes politicians and/or bureaucrats to pass this or that rule or law or regulation. And since there is no reasonable way to stop that, the sensible thing would be to pass laws to make it unprofitable for them to do that. If they can't buy any government favors without buying those favors for everybody, including their competition, then there is no reason to buy the favors at all.

But as often as not, it is the other way around. The politicians sort of advise this or that CEO or bigwig that this or that piece of legislation or regulation is on the table but it could impact their business. The CEO or bigwig knows that a contribution to this or that campaign coffer or PAC or whatever will influence how that vote will go.
What if the "anti-Trumpers" believe that what they do is in the best interests of the country? You seem to be saying that only agreeing with Trump could be in the best interests of the country. :dunno:

If a member of Congress is opposing this or that Trump policy cuz he or she believes the policy is wrong or not in the best interests of the country or because he or she believes his or her constituents want him or her to oppose it, then fine. But these days I am not sure how many in either party support or oppose any policy or position based on those reasons, or is it something else? Like how does this affect my chances for re-election? Or, how much money am I going to get or lose for my campaign fund? Or worse, how much will I or a family member or friend/supporter gain or lose?

When I see pols who were for something and now they are against it, it's kinda hard to convince me that they are doing what is best for the country. And both sides are guilty of this I think. Sides and positions are switched depending in part on who's in the majority and who's in the WH. I may be wrong, but I do believe that most polls these days indicate that most Americans do not trust their gov't and do not believe they are working in our best interests instead of theirs.

What you are describing is a permanent political class that are in it for their own personal benefit and not for those who put them there.

Why I think they hate President Trump so much apart from the fact that he beat their nominee who was supposed to be a shoo in?

1. President Trump is not a politician.

2. President Trump is non partisan.

3. President Trump is not an ideologue.

4. President Trump thumbs his nose at political correctness.

5. President Trump gives no respect to a status quo that has not been producing the results it is supposed to.

6. President Trump sets his objective and goal and then goes from Plan A to B or C or however many different plans it takes to achieve the desired outcome. He doesn't easily take no for an answer, he isn't afraid to try no matter how many say it can't be done, and he isn't afraid to fail along the way until the right solution or fix is found, and if it is important to him, he doesn't quit. (He will sometimes withdraw, regroup, and recalculate before trying again.)

7. President Trump is determined to do the job he set out to do and whether he does it out of ego or an honest desire to help America and Americans, it doesn't matter. He intends to get it done and he has kept campaign promises more faithfully and in actuality than ANY President in my now very long lifetime.

If he is sometimes petulant, petty, cringeworthy, unlikable at times, well that's a small price to pay to get somebody who actually wants to do the job. So I want to keep him.

He is the exact opposite of the professional political class and is a danger to their existance. And that is why they and their supporters in both parties hate him.

1. At this point Trump certainly is a politician. Before being elected, he acted a lot like politicians do; the bad qualities, at least. :p

2. I honestly don't know where you get this idea that Trump is so non-partisan. He's made comment after comment about how bad Democrats and 'the left' are, hasn't he?

3. Trump doesn't seem to be an ideologue, unless you were to describe promoting the Trump brand as his ideology. :lol:

4. True, but thumbing one's nose at political correctness doesn't have to mean being crass and rude. :dunno:

5. Has the status quo really changed all that much?

6. Unfortunately, at least based on the things he says, Trump seems like the type who not only won't admit to ever failing, but who would keep promoting a failing policy in order to avoid such an admission. He also comes across as a person who would only go from Plan A to B or C if they were his plans, or he could take credit for them. That's just an impression, though.

7. How do you know what Trump, or any president, is determined to do? I have no idea how Trump compares to other presidents as far as keeping campaign promises. If he's kept more than other presidents, that's admirable.

I think most presidents want the job.

I don't think Trump is the opposite of the professional political class. I think he is more like a somewhat tarnished reflection of them. I think getting someone who is the opposite would be next to impossible because no one one would want to do the job is likely to try to get it. Worse, no one one would want to do the job is likely to get elected, even if they were to run. Presidential elections seem like more of a beauty contest than a political election to me. :(

Trump wasn't into politics all that much until he got fed up with the leftist bullshit. Then he ran and won and they can all fuck off like the unAmerican douchenozzles they are.

I hope he wins again to drive the point home that unAmerican is not the way to be in America. :dunno:

We need 12 years at least of real American presidents before this country can withstand another leftist president. Otherwise the whole grand experiment is over.
As for me, I just have the hope that future children could have a reasonable facsimile of the freedom I had growing up. If they riot to say they don't want that, who I am to stop them? I had mine, and I wish it for them, but if they wanna be stupid fucktards, that's on them. Be slaves, dumbasses.

:) I am not quite yet to give up and hand our country over to a bunch of snowflakes, numbnuts, mean spirited fascist dictators, or the just plain uneducated, misguided, brainwashed. . .okay stupid. Especially just because it is what they think they want.

I agree we need a good long stretch of common sense to teach the children what they need to know about what liberty is, why it is important, why push back on socialist, would be fascist dictators is so critical to do, why all points of view should be allowed and taught in our schools, universities, and all levels of government. Why it is dangerous to try to silence those with whom we disagree. Why it is immoral and dangerous to punish those with whom we disagree.

The damage done by political correctness and a tyranny of a hateful, vindictive, would-be authoritarian minority has been devastating to our culture and our institutions as well as to our well being and security as a people. That damage cannot be undone overnight.

President Trump's administration is a very good start on it though.
I share some of your optimism that it can turn around, but I also share Marion's view that it all could go to crap. Too many shills and socks pushing the narrative, trying to paint opposing views as hate, broadbrushing half the country. How do you reason with people who want to see the President and our country fail, just out of pure spite and hatred?
If a member of Congress is opposing this or that Trump policy cuz he or she believes the policy is wrong or not in the best interests of the country or because he or she believes his or her constituents want him or her to oppose it, then fine. But these days I am not sure how many in either party support or oppose any policy or position based on those reasons, or is it something else? Like how does this affect my chances for re-election? Or, how much money am I going to get or lose for my campaign fund? Or worse, how much will I or a family member or friend/supporter gain or lose?

When I see pols who were for something and now they are against it, it's kinda hard to convince me that they are doing what is best for the country. And both sides are guilty of this I think. Sides and positions are switched depending in part on who's in the majority and who's in the WH. I may be wrong, but I do believe that most polls these days indicate that most Americans do not trust their gov't and do not believe they are working in our best interests instead of theirs.

What you are describing is a permanent political class that are in it for their own personal benefit and not for those who put them there.

Why I think they hate President Trump so much apart from the fact that he beat their nominee who was supposed to be a shoo in?

1. President Trump is not a politician.

2. President Trump is non partisan.

3. President Trump is not an ideologue.

4. President Trump thumbs his nose at political correctness.

5. President Trump gives no respect to a status quo that has not been producing the results it is supposed to.

6. President Trump sets his objective and goal and then goes from Plan A to B or C or however many different plans it takes to achieve the desired outcome. He doesn't easily take no for an answer, he isn't afraid to try no matter how many say it can't be done, and he isn't afraid to fail along the way until the right solution or fix is found, and if it is important to him, he doesn't quit. (He will sometimes withdraw, regroup, and recalculate before trying again.)

7. President Trump is determined to do the job he set out to do and whether he does it out of ego or an honest desire to help America and Americans, it doesn't matter. He intends to get it done and he has kept campaign promises more faithfully and in actuality than ANY President in my now very long lifetime.

If he is sometimes petulant, petty, cringeworthy, unlikable at times, well that's a small price to pay to get somebody who actually wants to do the job. So I want to keep him.

He is the exact opposite of the professional political class and is a danger to their existance. And that is why they and their supporters in both parties hate him.

1. At this point Trump certainly is a politician. Before being elected, he acted a lot like politicians do; the bad qualities, at least. :p

2. I honestly don't know where you get this idea that Trump is so non-partisan. He's made comment after comment about how bad Democrats and 'the left' are, hasn't he?

3. Trump doesn't seem to be an ideologue, unless you were to describe promoting the Trump brand as his ideology. :lol:

4. True, but thumbing one's nose at political correctness doesn't have to mean being crass and rude. :dunno:

5. Has the status quo really changed all that much?

6. Unfortunately, at least based on the things he says, Trump seems like the type who not only won't admit to ever failing, but who would keep promoting a failing policy in order to avoid such an admission. He also comes across as a person who would only go from Plan A to B or C if they were his plans, or he could take credit for them. That's just an impression, though.

7. How do you know what Trump, or any president, is determined to do? I have no idea how Trump compares to other presidents as far as keeping campaign promises. If he's kept more than other presidents, that's admirable.

I think most presidents want the job.

I don't think Trump is the opposite of the professional political class. I think he is more like a somewhat tarnished reflection of them. I think getting someone who is the opposite would be next to impossible because no one one would want to do the job is likely to try to get it. Worse, no one one would want to do the job is likely to get elected, even if they were to run. Presidential elections seem like more of a beauty contest than a political election to me. :(

Trump wasn't into politics all that much until he got fed up with the leftist bullshit. Then he ran and won and they can all fuck off like the unAmerican douchenozzles they are.

I hope he wins again to drive the point home that unAmerican is not the way to be in America. :dunno:

We need 12 years at least of real American presidents before this country can withstand another leftist president. Otherwise the whole grand experiment is over.
As for me, I just have the hope that future children could have a reasonable facsimile of the freedom I had growing up. If they riot to say they don't want that, who I am to stop them? I had mine, and I wish it for them, but if they wanna be stupid fucktards, that's on them. Be slaves, dumbasses.

:) I am not quite yet to give up and hand our country over to a bunch of snowflakes, numbnuts, mean spirited fascist dictators, or the just plain uneducated, misguided, brainwashed. . .okay stupid. Especially just because it is what they think they want.

I agree we need a good long stretch of common sense to teach the children what they need to know about what liberty is, why it is important, why push back on socialist, would be fascist dictators is so critical to do, why all points of view should be allowed and taught in our schools, universities, and all levels of government. Why it is dangerous to try to silence those with whom we disagree. Why it is immoral and dangerous to punish those with whom we disagree.

The damage done by political correctness and a tyranny of a hateful, vindictive, would-be authoritarian minority has been devastating to our culture and our institutions as well as to our well being and security as a people. That damage cannot be undone overnight.

President Trump's administration is a very good start on it though.
I share some of your optimism that it can turn around, but I also share Marion's view that it all could go to crap. Too many shills and socks pushing the narrative, trying to paint opposing views as hate, broadbrushing half the country. How do you reason with people who want to see the President and our country fail, just out of pure spite and hatred?

I don't want to be an extremist, and hope for the best, but high-velocity copper-jacketed lead works.
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One hopes that the anti-Trumpers within the GOP get axed in the next primary. Some have retired and some ought to be replaced if they aren't willing to put the best interests of their country ahead of their own personal goals. And the same goes for the Dems, enough of the BS Green New Deal. Get real or get out, one wonders how much longer the Dems can continue down this non-sensical path.

What if the "anti-Trumpers" believe that what they do is in the best interests of the country? You seem to be saying that only agreeing with Trump could be in the best interests of the country. :dunno:

If a member of Congress is opposing this or that Trump policy cuz he or she believes the policy is wrong or not in the best interests of the country or because he or she believes his or her constituents want him or her to oppose it, then fine. But these days I am not sure how many in either party support or oppose any policy or position based on those reasons, or is it something else? Like how does this affect my chances for re-election? Or, how much money am I going to get or lose for my campaign fund? Or worse, how much will I or a family member or friend/supporter gain or lose?

When I see pols who were for something and now they are against it, it's kinda hard to convince me that they are doing what is best for the country. And both sides are guilty of this I think. Sides and positions are switched depending in part on who's in the majority and who's in the WH. I may be wrong, but I do believe that most polls these days indicate that most Americans do not trust their gov't and do not believe they are working in our best interests instead of theirs.

What you are describing is a permanent political class that are in it for their own personal benefit and not for those who put them there.

Why I think they hate President Trump so much apart from the fact that he beat their nominee who was supposed to be a shoo in?

1. President Trump is not a politician.

2. President Trump is non partisan.

3. President Trump is not an ideologue.

4. President Trump thumbs his nose at political correctness.

5. President Trump gives no respect to a status quo that has not been producing the results it is supposed to.

6. President Trump sets his objective and goal and then goes from Plan A to B or C or however many different plans it takes to achieve the desired outcome. He doesn't easily take no for an answer, he isn't afraid to try no matter how many say it can't be done, and he isn't afraid to fail along the way until the right solution or fix is found, and if it is important to him, he doesn't quit. (He will sometimes withdraw, regroup, and recalculate before trying again.)

7. President Trump is determined to do the job he set out to do and whether he does it out of ego or an honest desire to help America and Americans, it doesn't matter. He intends to get it done and he has kept campaign promises more faithfully and in actuality than ANY President in my now very long lifetime.

If he is sometimes petulant, petty, cringeworthy, unlikable at times, well that's a small price to pay to get somebody who actually wants to do the job. So I want to keep him.

He is the exact opposite of the professional political class and is a danger to their existance. And that is why they and their supporters in both parties hate him.

1. At this point Trump certainly is a politician. Before being elected, he acted a lot like politicians do; the bad qualities, at least. :p

2. I honestly don't know where you get this idea that Trump is so non-partisan. He's made comment after comment about how bad Democrats and 'the left' are, hasn't he?

3. Trump doesn't seem to be an ideologue, unless you were to describe promoting the Trump brand as his ideology. :lol:

4. True, but thumbing one's nose at political correctness doesn't have to mean being crass and rude. :dunno:

5. Has the status quo really changed all that much?

6. Unfortunately, at least based on the things he says, Trump seems like the type who not only won't admit to ever failing, but who would keep promoting a failing policy in order to avoid such an admission. He also comes across as a person who would only go from Plan A to B or C if they were his plans, or he could take credit for them. That's just an impression, though.

7. How do you know what Trump, or any president, is determined to do? I have no idea how Trump compares to other presidents as far as keeping campaign promises. If he's kept more than other presidents, that's admirable.

I think most presidents want the job.

I don't think Trump is the opposite of the professional political class. I think he is more like a somewhat tarnished reflection of them. I think getting someone who is the opposite would be next to impossible because no one one would want to do the job is likely to try to get it. Worse, no one one would want to do the job is likely to get elected, even if they were to run. Presidential elections seem like more of a beauty contest than a political election to me. :(

You can't find any trait or action of President Trump that would make him part of the permanent political class.

Trump praises and compliments and thanks ANY Democrat who isn't trying to destroy him and his agenda. There are precious few of them, and he well understands that the Republican Party holds the only hope he has for getting legislation done that will help America, however tepid that hope is with status quo Republicans heading the party. So far all the Democrats are offering are short term benefits that cannot be sustained and socialist/even fascist initiatives that will hurt us some in the short term and pretty much all in the long term.

What they are offering could damage America to the point it would resemble Venezuela, not that long ago one of the top economies in the world but due to socialist/fascist policies now reduced to a warring, miserable, dangerous place with poverty, even starvation, too much the norm.

And that list of Trump era accomplishments up there. It ALL is much more than the status quo was. And every President has to live with his own administration's record. The Trump Administration is putting out a very VERY commendable record.

How does anybody justify taking the risk to reverse that just because they hate the President?

Not being part of the permanent political class isn't the same as being the opposite. ;)

Democrat and Republican politicians all spend a large amount of time claiming the other 'side' is going to destroy the country, or is in the process of destroying the country. You yourself seem to have just said that Democrats are only doing things which will hurt the country. I find that idea funny, in a sad sort of way. Democrats and Republicans can and do both have ideas that would work for the country, just as both parties come up with ideas that would not. With a Republican controlled Congress and Presidency, the country has one of the highest deficits in history. With a Democrat controlled Congress and Presidency under Obama, the country had the highest deficit in history. Regardless of the party in power we've had wars and conflicts in various countries around the world. Regardless of the party in power we've had decades of the failed war on drugs. We've had the creation, continuation, and even expansion of the intrusive Patriot Act. Both parties seem to have some of the same bad ideas about how to run the government.

Venezuela was a top economy because of their massive oil reserves, I believe. I don't know if they ever had the sort of economy the US does. :dunno:

Not everyone agrees with your assessment of the state of the country or of the reasons for why things are the way they are. So not everyone will see it as a risk to reverse some of the things that have occurred during the Trump administration.

I'm curious about which Democrats Trump has praised and complimented. :p
I mainly support the president in his involuntary policy of NOT being Hillary Clinton.

We dodged a huge bullet. All else is gravy.

To impeach him for allegedly obstructing an investigation into something that is not a crime seems a bit coup-ish.


You can't find something in his agenda or accomplishments to date to appreciate, get behind, support?

I cant as of this point. Every time he seens as if he will offer something I could support (which is rare) he reverses or lies. Most of his agenda is too far to the right and my feelings on the Reoubs and Trump pretty much ech yours on the Dems. Most of the presidents positions are the antithesis of mine and destroying our country.

You oppose more money in the pockets of working Americans?

You oppose efforts to stop the crisis on the border?

You oppose great numbers in increases in construction and manufacturing jobs that are the backbone of a healthy and lasting good economy?

You oppose millions of people having good paying full time jobs with benefits again instead of making do on fewer hours than they need or working multiple part time jobs?

You oppose trade deals that give American a fair deal?

You oppose record or near record unemployment numbers in virtually EVERY category, men, women, minorities, high school grads, high school drop outs that anybody in the world would envy and that are pulling people out of poverty, off food stamps, increasing individual and family income and wealth with lower income people seeing the greatest advances?

You oppose strengthening our military which is the world's best chance for lasting peace?

I'm sorry but the only ones I see as intent on destroying the country are those who would do away with all that out of their hatred for President Trump.

Great Strawman from a Trump Sycophant. So disliking Trump's policies is all about hating Trump? I wonder if you would apply that to Obama? Likely not.

Do you support record low levels of support and respect for America nationwide?

Do you support a near total and thoughtless dismantling of environmental protections (for the sole reason that they are Obama's) regardless of impact?

Do you support decreasing safety regulations in the fossil fuel industry despite the fact it is a very dangerous occupation and disasters have far ranging economic and environmental impacts?

Do you support tearing children away from migrant families and sending the parent back without their children - NOT because they are being trafficked but to send a message?

Do you support ignoring and downplaying the effect of foreign influences in our election?

Do you support a president who name calls foreign leaders and political rivals like a Jr Highschool adolescent, and then demands they respect him?

Do you like being the laughing stock of the world as China forges ahead with it's economic global policies and South China Sea installations?

How's the NK "deal" going?

Where is the new Health Insurance deal we are supposed to have while you have been systematically dismantling healthcare?

Where is the new deal with Iran since we pulled out of a negotiated deal?

What's the plan for the effects of global warming given that it's happening and the skeptics are an ever diminishing circle jerk of flat earthers? More coal?

Oh, and let's save the best for the last. Trump conflates religious liberty with freedom to be a bigot. Freedom to discriminate. These means in small rural towns where services are far more restricted, gays, lesbians, transexuals and women will have far fewer options for health care. Hell, a gay man can be denied a life saving pharmacy prescription because of his a pharmacist's so called religious feelings (needless to say - those feelings done't seem to involve OTHER religious abominations). Thank you Trump for codifying the right to bigotry and discrimination in a way that I seriously doubt Jesus ever intended.

Looking at it from a purely objective standpoint, awhile back I came to the conclusion that Trump's biggest obstacle is not the Democrats.

In my opinion, I have come to expect the Democrats to be angry, vindictive, irresponsible, hypocritical, intellectually dishonest, malicious, hateful, obstructive no matter who they hurt or how bad for the country because frankly that's pretty much all they have offered lately. They certainly don't offer any kind of agenda that won't make things far worse for most Americans and hurt the country much more than it offers any kind of defensible positive solutions.

But it is timid, feckless, and mostly self-serving members of the permanent political class in the Republican Party that are most dangerous to making America great again. The Paul Ryans, the Mitch McConnells, the Mitt Romneys, and their ilk added to a few pure RINOs and an RNC that too often insults our intelligence instead of getting behind the President and helping him accomplish his agenda that are the President's worst hindrance. The status quo has enriched and empowered them greatly, and they seem determined not to upset it. And it is necessary to upset it in order to accomplish the President's agenda.

Those of us who really embrace the concept of MAGA, don't really care that the President is occasionally petulant, sometimes tweets a positively cringeworthy comment, and sometimes has an unlikable side. Or we do care but it isn't a deal breaker for us. We understand and believe in his vision and agenda and appreciate the bulldog terrier in him and his willingness to put up with unprecedented hateful and dishonest opposition as he looks for ways to get it done.

And it occurred to me that those of us who support that vision and agenda may have to start really putting the pressure on McConnell, et al, to get behind it.

When I ran across this essay today, it really spoke to how I have been thinking and feeling:

Richard Viguerie and Craig Shirley: Trump’s next battle: McConnell and the GOP Swamp

With the Mueller report in his rearview mirror . . .

Trump can now turn his full attention to his policy agenda and the 2020 elections. His most consequential hindrance in Washington in this regard won’t be Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, nor Democrat House committee chairs Adam Schiff, D-Calif., and Jerrold Nadler, D-N.Y. Compared to the sophisticated Deep State attempt to take down the Trump presidency, Democrats in Congress will appear to Trump and his revved-up supporters as little more than a clown car show.

The next serious challenge Trump faces will be Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and the GOP swamp that he leads . . .​

Unless those of us who want lasting peace, prosperity, law and order, individual liberty and incentive etc. have the back of the President and those who share his vision, I genuinely fear for the future of our country.

I only hope there are enough of us to re-elect President Trump by a landslide in 2020.

Do you agree that if we want the President to succeed we have to have his back? The back of those who support him and/or his agenda? Do you agree that we need to push all Republicans and what honorable Democrats remain to get behind that agenda? And we should work to elect those who do even if it means replacing Republicans who are more hindrance than help to the President's agenda?

The poll is public and multiple choice and allows for changes in choices checked.

Donald Trump is not a conservative while Ronald Reagan was. The fact is that Trump's support lies in right wing hate groups, white supremacists and neo-nazis. The rest go along because power is more important to them than principle.

The fact is that intelligent people do not support Trump. You people are the morons. The fact is that Trump has shattered the Reagan coalition. Reagan won among men and women. Among rural voters and suburban voters. Among people with high school educations and 4 year degrees. He also won among young voters. Trump has lost suburban voters, women, educated people and young voters. In 2018, Republicans lost Blacks, Hispanics and Asians.

Ronald Reagan stood for mainstream conservatism and he was a canny judge of character even when he ignored it. Ronald Reagan's first instinct was Jack Kemp or Paul Laxalt for VP. He had no respect for Bush's political skills and ultimately was proven right in Bush's lousy campaign in 1992. Trump's political instincts show how clueless and stupid he is. Ronald Reagan did not disparage people from the White House because he had too much respect for it.

Ronald Reagan got things done and he didn't need to use reconciliation to ram things through. He did not use policy for political retaliation against states that did not support him. He navigated moderate Republicans to pass his initial tax cuts and later worked with Democrats to get tax reform passed. He got rid of tax loopholes for the rich unlike the tax reform Republicans passed.

Having the back of Donald Trump means supporting far right wing animals. It means putting up with bigoted rhetoric towards Muslims, Hispanics and women. That is a bridge too far. Trump has likely lost Michigan and Pennsylvania which means they have to thread a needle. A poll in Arizona shows Biden with a 5 point lead which suggests Arizona likely will be very close. Texas polls have suggested a race between Trump and Biden would be similar to the O'Rourke-Cruz race.

Wow that's the biggest load of horse shit I've read in quite some time.

Reagan got things done just like Trump does. Both were members of the GOP.

Neither were politicians which is why they were and are so successful.

You really need to polish your I hate Trump badge and wear it. You sure are a whiny little shit.

Trump supporters are the whiny pieces of horseshit. You people are the horseshit alt-right that needs to be eradicated.

Ronald Reagan had no use for white supremacists or neo-nazis and gave them no aid or comfort. Ronald Reagan did not attack people personally nor did he whine about how mean people are to him. He was much smarter than Trump and could sell his own programs. He did not lie and he was honest. Ron\ald Reagan had high personal approval rating. He was not afraid to attend the White House Correspondent's Dinner and often made jokes about himself.

Ronald Reagan got things done but he did not abuse his authority. He didn't have to use gimmicks like reconciliation to get things passed. His tax reform was passed in a Democrat House. Ronald Reagan did not use his policies to punish his political enemies as Republicans did in their version of tax reform. Ronald Reagan did not launch politically motivated investigations.

Ronald Reagan was a great man. Trump is a pimple on Ronald Reagan's face by comparison.
Looking at it from a purely objective standpoint, awhile back I came to the conclusion that Trump's biggest obstacle is not the Democrats.

In my opinion, I have come to expect the Democrats to be angry, vindictive, irresponsible, hypocritical, intellectually dishonest, malicious, hateful, obstructive no matter who they hurt or how bad for the country because frankly that's pretty much all they have offered lately. They certainly don't offer any kind of agenda that won't make things far worse for most Americans and hurt the country much more than it offers any kind of defensible positive solutions.

But it is timid, feckless, and mostly self-serving members of the permanent political class in the Republican Party that are most dangerous to making America great again. The Paul Ryans, the Mitch McConnells, the Mitt Romneys, and their ilk added to a few pure RINOs and an RNC that too often insults our intelligence instead of getting behind the President and helping him accomplish his agenda that are the President's worst hindrance. The status quo has enriched and empowered them greatly, and they seem determined not to upset it. And it is necessary to upset it in order to accomplish the President's agenda.

Those of us who really embrace the concept of MAGA, don't really care that the President is occasionally petulant, sometimes tweets a positively cringeworthy comment, and sometimes has an unlikable side. Or we do care but it isn't a deal breaker for us. We understand and believe in his vision and agenda and appreciate the bulldog terrier in him and his willingness to put up with unprecedented hateful and dishonest opposition as he looks for ways to get it done.

And it occurred to me that those of us who support that vision and agenda may have to start really putting the pressure on McConnell, et al, to get behind it.

When I ran across this essay today, it really spoke to how I have been thinking and feeling:

Richard Viguerie and Craig Shirley: Trump’s next battle: McConnell and the GOP Swamp

With the Mueller report in his rearview mirror . . .

Trump can now turn his full attention to his policy agenda and the 2020 elections. His most consequential hindrance in Washington in this regard won’t be Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, nor Democrat House committee chairs Adam Schiff, D-Calif., and Jerrold Nadler, D-N.Y. Compared to the sophisticated Deep State attempt to take down the Trump presidency, Democrats in Congress will appear to Trump and his revved-up supporters as little more than a clown car show.

The next serious challenge Trump faces will be Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and the GOP swamp that he leads . . .​

Unless those of us who want lasting peace, prosperity, law and order, individual liberty and incentive etc. have the back of the President and those who share his vision, I genuinely fear for the future of our country.

I only hope there are enough of us to re-elect President Trump by a landslide in 2020.

Do you agree that if we want the President to succeed we have to have his back? The back of those who support him and/or his agenda? Do you agree that we need to push all Republicans and what honorable Democrats remain to get behind that agenda? And we should work to elect those who do even if it means replacing Republicans who are more hindrance than help to the President's agenda?

The poll is public and multiple choice and allows for changes in choices checked.

Donald Trump is not a conservative while Ronald Reagan was. The fact is that Trump's support lies in right wing hate groups, white supremacists and neo-nazis. The rest go along because power is more important to them than principle.

The fact is that intelligent people do not support Trump. You people are the morons. The fact is that Trump has shattered the Reagan coalition. Reagan won among men and women. Among rural voters and suburban voters. Among people with high school educations and 4 year degrees. He also won among young voters. Trump has lost suburban voters, women, educated people and young voters. In 2018, Republicans lost Blacks, Hispanics and Asians.

Ronald Reagan stood for mainstream conservatism and he was a canny judge of character even when he ignored it. Ronald Reagan's first instinct was Jack Kemp or Paul Laxalt for VP. He had no respect for Bush's political skills and ultimately was proven right in Bush's lousy campaign in 1992. Trump's political instincts show how clueless and stupid he is. Ronald Reagan did not disparage people from the White House because he had too much respect for it.

Ronald Reagan got things done and he didn't need to use reconciliation to ram things through. He did not use policy for political retaliation against states that did not support him. He navigated moderate Republicans to pass his initial tax cuts and later worked with Democrats to get tax reform passed. He got rid of tax loopholes for the rich unlike the tax reform Republicans passed.

Having the back of Donald Trump means supporting far right wing animals. It means putting up with bigoted rhetoric towards Muslims, Hispanics and women. That is a bridge too far. Trump has likely lost Michigan and Pennsylvania which means they have to thread a needle. A poll in Arizona shows Biden with a 5 point lead which suggests Arizona likely will be very close. Texas polls have suggested a race between Trump and Biden would be similar to the O'Rourke-Cruz race.

Ronald Reagan was more hated by the radical left than Nixon ever was. And they worked almost as hard to destroy him as they are working to destroy President Trump. The only difference is that there were still enough honorable Democrats unwilling to participate in malicious hypocrisy to buffer that a bit, and most of the media was still doing respectable journalism.

As far as your other comments, I'll just add those to the roster of the group afflicted with DTS and unable to think for themselves beyond parroting the assigned talking points.

And let me save you some time. The DTS crowd pretty much describes all Trump or Trump agenda supporters as:

White Supremacist
Fear brown people
Christian sharia
Basement dwellers
Hate the poor
Want to keep the poor in poverty
Violate every person's bedroom and every woman's womb
Smelly Walmart people
Low information
Environmentally irresponsible
Clinging to their guns and religion
and white women vote according to how their husbands, bosses, sons tell them to vote.

Let me know if I left anything out. I give credit for creativity because there seems to be precious little of it.

I agree with most of those descriptions. I do believe that Ronald Reagan would have supported Dreamers. He would have helped people in mortal fear of their lives. Ronald Reagan talked about people from various countries being able to come to the US, work and go back home.
Looking at it from a purely objective standpoint, awhile back I came to the conclusion that Trump's biggest obstacle is not the Democrats.

In my opinion, I have come to expect the Democrats to be angry, vindictive, irresponsible, hypocritical, intellectually dishonest, malicious, hateful, obstructive no matter who they hurt or how bad for the country because frankly that's pretty much all they have offered lately. They certainly don't offer any kind of agenda that won't make things far worse for most Americans and hurt the country much more than it offers any kind of defensible positive solutions.

But it is timid, feckless, and mostly self-serving members of the permanent political class in the Republican Party that are most dangerous to making America great again. The Paul Ryans, the Mitch McConnells, the Mitt Romneys, and their ilk added to a few pure RINOs and an RNC that too often insults our intelligence instead of getting behind the President and helping him accomplish his agenda that are the President's worst hindrance. The status quo has enriched and empowered them greatly, and they seem determined not to upset it. And it is necessary to upset it in order to accomplish the President's agenda.

Those of us who really embrace the concept of MAGA, don't really care that the President is occasionally petulant, sometimes tweets a positively cringeworthy comment, and sometimes has an unlikable side. Or we do care but it isn't a deal breaker for us. We understand and believe in his vision and agenda and appreciate the bulldog terrier in him and his willingness to put up with unprecedented hateful and dishonest opposition as he looks for ways to get it done.

And it occurred to me that those of us who support that vision and agenda may have to start really putting the pressure on McConnell, et al, to get behind it.

When I ran across this essay today, it really spoke to how I have been thinking and feeling:

Richard Viguerie and Craig Shirley: Trump’s next battle: McConnell and the GOP Swamp

With the Mueller report in his rearview mirror . . .

Trump can now turn his full attention to his policy agenda and the 2020 elections. His most consequential hindrance in Washington in this regard won’t be Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, nor Democrat House committee chairs Adam Schiff, D-Calif., and Jerrold Nadler, D-N.Y. Compared to the sophisticated Deep State attempt to take down the Trump presidency, Democrats in Congress will appear to Trump and his revved-up supporters as little more than a clown car show.

The next serious challenge Trump faces will be Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and the GOP swamp that he leads . . .​

Unless those of us who want lasting peace, prosperity, law and order, individual liberty and incentive etc. have the back of the President and those who share his vision, I genuinely fear for the future of our country.

I only hope there are enough of us to re-elect President Trump by a landslide in 2020.

Do you agree that if we want the President to succeed we have to have his back? The back of those who support him and/or his agenda? Do you agree that we need to push all Republicans and what honorable Democrats remain to get behind that agenda? And we should work to elect those who do even if it means replacing Republicans who are more hindrance than help to the President's agenda?

The poll is public and multiple choice and allows for changes in choices checked.

Donald Trump is not a conservative while Ronald Reagan was. The fact is that Trump's support lies in right wing hate groups, white supremacists and neo-nazis. The rest go along because power is more important to them than principle.

The fact is that intelligent people do not support Trump. You people are the morons. The fact is that Trump has shattered the Reagan coalition. Reagan won among men and women. Among rural voters and suburban voters. Among people with high school educations and 4 year degrees. He also won among young voters. Trump has lost suburban voters, women, educated people and young voters. In 2018, Republicans lost Blacks, Hispanics and Asians.

Ronald Reagan stood for mainstream conservatism and he was a canny judge of character even when he ignored it. Ronald Reagan's first instinct was Jack Kemp or Paul Laxalt for VP. He had no respect for Bush's political skills and ultimately was proven right in Bush's lousy campaign in 1992. Trump's political instincts show how clueless and stupid he is. Ronald Reagan did not disparage people from the White House because he had too much respect for it.

Ronald Reagan got things done and he didn't need to use reconciliation to ram things through. He did not use policy for political retaliation against states that did not support him. He navigated moderate Republicans to pass his initial tax cuts and later worked with Democrats to get tax reform passed. He got rid of tax loopholes for the rich unlike the tax reform Republicans passed.

Having the back of Donald Trump means supporting far right wing animals. It means putting up with bigoted rhetoric towards Muslims, Hispanics and women. That is a bridge too far. Trump has likely lost Michigan and Pennsylvania which means they have to thread a needle. A poll in Arizona shows Biden with a 5 point lead which suggests Arizona likely will be very close. Texas polls have suggested a race between Trump and Biden would be similar to the O'Rourke-Cruz race.

In b4 baby Trump in your head stabs your brain with fork 3x, making you say "ouch". Are we going to have to open up TDS hospitals? wtf?

Who's the president of the United States, moron?

View attachment 259831

You are the one who has TDS. Your stupidity shows that.

The national nightmare will be over in 19 months.

I hope it doesn't go that way. Then what?


Then maybe the Republican Party will get rid of the alt-right and return to the principles Ronald Reagan espoused.:1peleas:
He has torn the country apart, and has left it open to it's enemies, and namely one of it's greatest enemies.

Him being there can only lead to disaster.


The LEFT have torn the country wide apart in their hate, in boycotting Trump's inauguration, before the guy had even done one thing you were already polarizing the country. And when Trump tried to put just a TEMPORARY freeze on people coming in from terrorist countries, YOU TRIED TO STOP HIM, when he tried to secure the southern border, YOU TRIED TO STOP HIM, leaving us wide open to our enemies.

If we have any problem, it is the New Left. The best for us right now is to take all Radical Leftists and round them up into concentration camps like we did with the Japanese until we can sort out who is dangerous and who is merely an idiot.

80% of this nation's problems would immediately resolve.


Trump is the one who is tearing this country apart. He is only worried about being President to the people who support him. That is what getting rid of state and local tax deductions was all about. Screwing his political opponents. You are the ones who hate. Who have attacked synagogues and mosques. Who target people for their religion then claim victimhood for Christians.

The fact is that white supremacists, neo-nazis and other far right wing people need to be put into concentration camps. They have attacked mosques, synagogues, sent bombs through the mail, and stockpiled weapons while plotting to kill their political opponents,.

Prime example of TDS.



That definitely describes your brain. You are the one who has TDS and it causes you to say stupid things.
I knew President Trump was telling the truth from the get go. I didn't need a $35,000,000 Mueller investigation to know a successful businessman tells you the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.

Trump did not and is still not telling the truth. That is why a large majority of voters see Trump as dishonest. Trump attempted to obstruct justice and helped the Russians help him.
At times I find Trump at bit different but then I remember he isn't a politician and never has been and never will be. He will never act like your typical politician and thank God for that.

He's a successful businessman. Is he perfect?? No but then no one is.

I really like what he's done for the country so far. And I'm sure in his next four years he will accomplish more.

As for the Reps. McConnell and the other Reps should get behind the man. He's on a path for great prosperity for this country and I'm sure being the politicians they are they want in on what he will accomplish.

He is not a successful businessman. And you will learn the hard way that he has failed this country.
He's a successful businessman. Is he perfect?? No but then no one is.
He is not a successful businessman. And you will learn the hard way that he has failed this country.

Ah, the poor minions, still arguing that a man who has made billions of dollars in the real estate, entertainment and other industries isn't "successful," meantime flashback to reality and the poll in this thread, could this be a blueprint for things to come? The OP suggests that the GOP should chuck DJT, meantime------ reality:

Screen Shot 2019-05-07 at 11.24.16 PM.png

Trump wins again with an 80% overall popularity rating of either liking the president or at least supporting what he brings to the table vs. 20% who don't.

And THAT is NOT looking good for the Democrats.
He's a successful businessman. Is he perfect?? No but then no one is.
He is not a successful businessman. And you will learn the hard way that he has failed this country.

Ah, the poor minions, still arguing that a man who has made billions of dollars in the real estate, entertainment and other industries isn't "successful," meantime flashback to reality and the poll in this thread, could this be a blueprint for things to come? The OP suggests that the GOP should chuck DJT, meantime------ reality:

View attachment 259903

Trump wins again with an 80% overall popularity rating of either liking the president or at least supporting what he brings to the table vs. 20% who don't.

And THAT is NOT looking good for the Democrats.

In the world outside of USMB, Trump trails all the top democrats in the polls. There is no Hillary Clinton this time and Trump has a record that is not good. I know your brainwashed trumpettes are going to repeat the accomplishments Trump tells you, but his "reality" has been proven untrue over 10,000 times. He's going to get exposed in the debates. Unless he decides he won't do any.
He's a successful businessman. Is he perfect?? No but then no one is.
He is not a successful businessman. And you will learn the hard way that he has failed this country.

Ah, the poor minions, still arguing that a man who has made billions of dollars in the real estate, entertainment and other industries isn't "successful," meantime flashback to reality and the poll in this thread, could this be a blueprint for things to come? The OP suggests that the GOP should chuck DJT, meantime------ reality:

View attachment 259903

Trump wins again with an 80% overall popularity rating of either liking the president or at least supporting what he brings to the table vs. 20% who don't.

And THAT is NOT looking good for the Democrats.

In the world outside of USMB, Trump trails all the top democrats in the polls. There is no Hillary Clinton this time and Trump has a record that is not good.

Your polls are all a lie again, Trump's record is great and you don't have anyone even as good as Hillary. At least she was a slick savvy politician when she wasn't coughing, choking and could stand, walk and talk.

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