Time To Question Your Worldview


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. I really mean 'way past time.'
We warned you back before you elected Hussein Obama, and you didn't listen....so Americans had to suffer the worst husband of the economy in nigh on a century.

Even worse was his foreign policy, which earned his the disrespect of nearly every world leader.

2. Today, events in Iran highlight the veracity of what we on the right have been telling you about his inclinations.
There was always this question about Hussein....Shiite or Sunni.
The Iran Deal answered that one.

3. There has never been a cogent answer to this question:
What benefit did America, or the world, accrue by awarding nuclear weapons to the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism?

4. Obama, the war criminal, the man who would reverse decades of non-nuclear proliferation attempts in the civilized world hired Ben Rhodes, a failed novelist, to conjure up stories that the media would portray as facts....
[BTW....today we learned that the anti-Trump FBI got the press to write stories that supported their fake charges....but that's another story....]

"Rhodes’s innovative campaign to sell the Iran deal is likely to be a model for how future administrations explain foreign policy to Congress and the public. The way in which most Americans have heard the story of the Iran deal presented — that the Obama administration began seriously engaging with Iranian officials in 2013 in order to take advantage of a new political reality in Iran, which came about because of elections that brought moderates to power in that country — was largely manufactured for the purpose for selling the deal.

Even where the particulars of that story are true, the implications that readers and viewers are encouraged to take away from those particulars are often misleading or false. " The Aspiring Novelist Who Became Obama’s Foreign-Policy Guru

5. Next.....even after years of swearing never to allow Iran to get nuclear weapons.....suddenly the story was "Well....they're gonna get 'em anyway, so let's just put it off a few years."
Another lie from the 'Lie of the Year' man.

They could be stopped.....using the same methods Ronald Reagan used to bring down a much more powerful enemy...the USSR.

6. Sanctions.
They were destroying Iran.

Instead of sanctions....Obama sent pallets of unmarked bills....and allowed Iran's proxie, Hezbollah to bring $ billion a year of drugs into the country.

7. In 2009 Hussein refused support to Iran protesters....that one was basically in one city, and the stolen election.
Now....with Trump at the helm, we see what could have been done:


These are facts......and so is this: Hussein Obama was a lying crypto-Islamist who did no good for America or for the world.
You bought the Brooklyn Bridge.

Time for your Democrats to throw off the yoke.
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Remember when the Liberal house-organ whined that bad ol' Donald Trump was being mean to Iran....and the inadvertent result was that the people of Iran were responding by backing the 7th century savages who run the place????

Remember that set of lies????

Now look:


A slap in the kisser to Hussein Obama, and to you Democrat voters.

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