Time to Seal the Ports of Entry

The nation is under attack. THe rights of your fellow citizens to be secure trump your right to socialize with certain Mexicans.

The OP says we should stop every single crossing on the southern border.

When did you start suspending reason and critical thinking because you hate darkies so much?

Those lawns are not going to mow themselves.
You never heard of Mohindra? We no longer need the kind of labor the invaders think they will provide. We certainly don't need the thousands who are in this invasion caravan. An invasion caravan that followed an invasion caravan in June. If allowed to flood the country even this invasion caravan will be dwarfed by the next one.

When the invaders find there is nothing for them, the same old gangs they are used to will be happy to pay them for the crimes they will commit.
Where in the constitution does it say anyone is has free passage in and out the border anytime they like. The Federal government is well within their jurisdiction to place restrictions on the boarder under certain circumstances

Hey, retard. That's not the OP.

Do you even read?

I read enough to know your posts are fucking stupid.

Next question?
Aren't you still living in Canada? F off...

I live in America, and pay more taxes and support your SS more than you ever have.

I worked for 40 years paying into SS and Medicare. Maybe you want to rephrase that. Maybe not.

STFU scared old white person.

I'm paying your SS right now.

And I'm paying more than you ever did.

I paid it not you. Guess you think it's an entitlement when in reality and principle it is not.
You're a true ignorant duck and are ignored.
I read enough to know your posts are fucking stupid.

Next question?

Why do you hate America so much?

You appear to want to restrict the individual liberties of Americans.

But that doesn't bother you, because you are a bitter, old guy, so scared of the future that you want to wipe your ass with the Constitution.
I paid it not you. Guess you think it's an entitlement when in reality and principle it is not.
You're a true ignorant duck and are ignored.

Yeah, I paid it, too.

Look at you, defending your socialist entitlement.

Just admit it. You are a leftist statist who believes in restricting individual liberties and wealth transfer.
It has long been a tactic by the fascists who hate individual liberty to invoke "national security" to restrict the individual liberties and freedoms of Americans. Now they are doing it because they hate people who aren't white, i.e. immigration.

THe people in question, we wish to keep out, are not Americans.

Try to be less crazy.


The OP said we should restrict ALL border crossings on the Southern border.

Do you know how to read? Do you hate different people that much that you suspend all rational perspective?

The nation is under attack. THe rights of your fellow citizens to be secure trump your right to socialize with certain Mexicans.

Land mines and machine gun nests on the border. This is war!! Trump at war. Got a good sound to it. And if there are prisoners taken, then of course don't forget to separate the little beaners from their parents.
I read enough to know your posts are fucking stupid.

Next question?

Why do you hate America so much?

You appear to want to restrict the individual liberties of Americans.

But that doesn't bother you, because you are a bitter, old guy, so scared of the future that you want to wipe your ass with the Constitution.

Yeah no. You’re the one that doesn’t give two shits about the constitution. And what you mean by scared of the future? Oh you mean the future where illegals invade our boarders, use up our resources, kill and rape Americans, and make all kinds of crazy demands? Damn right I give a fuck about that
On the southern US border. In lieu of Mexico guaranteeing safe passage to this latest caravan, no one goes north and no one goes south, including trade.
It's a matter of national security.
Let the cards fall where they may.
Congress has had enough time to solve this dilemma and they wouldn't.
Time for the Executive branch to insure national security.
This is typical of most on the authoritarian right, who are for the most part reckless, irresponsible bigots clearly ignorant of the law.

Indeed, the threat to the Nation comes from the bane of conservativism, not immigrants – many of whom are legitimate refugees seeking asylum consistent with American immigration law.

The law should have been modified long ago with most Americans in agreement.
Congress continues to suffer from paralysis in this regard.
----------------------------------- congress is complicit and is working with the third worlders and their foreign governments.
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The nation is under attack. THe rights of your fellow citizens to be secure trump your right to socialize with certain Mexicans.

The OP says we should stop every single crossing on the southern border.

When did you start suspending reason and critical thinking because you hate darkies so much?
People like you are scum. Martial law, tribunals, try your sorry ass and hang you.
I read enough to know your posts are fucking stupid.

Next question?

Why do you hate America so much?

You appear to want to restrict the individual liberties of Americans.

But that doesn't bother you, because you are a bitter, old guy, so scared of the future that you want to wipe your ass with the Constitution.

Yeah no. You’re the one that doesn’t give two shits about the constitution. And what you mean by scared of the future? Oh you mean the future where illegals invade our boarders, use up our resources, kill and rape Americans, and make all kinds of crazy demands? Damn right I give a fuck about that

No. You think that Americans shouldn’t be allowed to transact as they see fit.

That makes you an anti-American. Or a retard.

Take your pick, extremist.
The nation is under attack. THe rights of your fellow citizens to be secure trump your right to socialize with certain Mexicans.

The OP says we should stop every single crossing on the southern border.

When did you start suspending reason and critical thinking because you hate darkies so much?
People like you are scum. Martial law, tribunals, try your sorry ass and hang you.

STFU you uneducated fascist anti-American rube.

The OP thinks your wife shouldn’t be able to see her family.

Do you understand that? Or have you always been an idiot?
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The nation is under attack. THe rights of your fellow citizens to be secure trump your right to socialize with certain Mexicans.

The OP says we should stop every single crossing on the southern border.

When did you start suspending reason and critical thinking because you hate darkies so much?
People like you are scum. Martial law, tribunals, try your sorry ass and hang you.

STFU you uneducated anti-American rube.

The OP thinks your wife shouldn’t be able to see her family.

Do you understand that? Or have you always been an idiot?
My wife has no family in Mexico you treasonous liar. She is what normal people call an American, and what some other people call a Marine.
I read enough to know your posts are fucking stupid.

Next question?

Why do you hate America so much?

You appear to want to restrict the individual liberties of Americans.

But that doesn't bother you, because you are a bitter, old guy, so scared of the future that you want to wipe your ass with the Constitution.

Yeah no. You’re the one that doesn’t give two shits about the constitution. And what you mean by scared of the future? Oh you mean the future where illegals invade our boarders, use up our resources, kill and rape Americans, and make all kinds of crazy demands? Damn right I give a fuck about that

No. You think that Americans shouldn’t be allowed to transact as they see fit.

That makes you an anti-American. Or a retard.

Take your pick, extremist.

Straw man. The government has the ability to place restrictions on all broader crossings, under particular circumstances. You’re a lib masquerading as a conservative, pretending that there is no boarder crisis.
I read enough to know your posts are fucking stupid.

Next question?

Why do you hate America so much?

You appear to want to restrict the individual liberties of Americans.

But that doesn't bother you, because you are a bitter, old guy, so scared of the future that you want to wipe your ass with the Constitution.

Yeah no. You’re the one that doesn’t give two shits about the constitution. And what you mean by scared of the future? Oh you mean the future where illegals invade our boarders, use up our resources, kill and rape Americans, and make all kinds of crazy demands? Damn right I give a fuck about that

No. You think that Americans shouldn’t be allowed to transact as they see fit.

That makes you an anti-American. Or a retard.

Take your pick, extremist.

Straw man. The government has the ability to place restrictions on all broader crossings, under particular circumstances. You’re a lib masquerading as a conservative, pretending that there is no boarder crisis.

Yes. You support government power to restrict the individual liberties of Americans.

That makes you a lib masquerading as a conservative.

Real conservatives support individual liberty. They don’t advocate leftist government statist power to restrict individual freedom.

Are you going to be voting Democrat, freedom-hating statist?
The nation is under attack. THe rights of your fellow citizens to be secure trump your right to socialize with certain Mexicans.

The OP says we should stop every single crossing on the southern border.

When did you start suspending reason and critical thinking because you hate darkies so much?
People like you are scum. Martial law, tribunals, try your sorry ass and hang you.

STFU you uneducated anti-American rube.

The OP thinks your wife shouldn’t be able to see her family.

Do you understand that? Or have you always been an idiot?
My wife has no family in Mexico you treasonous liar. She is what normal people call an American, and what some other people call a Marine.

You said she was a Latino. She has no family south of the border?

Are you an anti-American fascist AND a liar?
The nation is under attack. THe rights of your fellow citizens to be secure trump your right to socialize with certain Mexicans.

The OP says we should stop every single crossing on the southern border.

When did you start suspending reason and critical thinking because you hate darkies so much?
People like you are scum. Martial law, tribunals, try your sorry ass and hang you.

STFU you uneducated anti-American rube.

The OP thinks your wife shouldn’t be able to see her family.

Do you understand that? Or have you always been an idiot?
My wife has no family in Mexico you treasonous liar. She is what normal people call an American, and what some other people call a Marine.

You said she was a Latino. She has no family south of the border?

Are you an anti-American fascist AND a liar?
That right traitor she and her family are all Americans.
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